(2012/06) Jun 2012

Hi jasmine, hopecg and squrrial12,
I also plan to deliver at mount A. Just to check hv u all do the booking of room? I just completed my detailed scanned on Last tues and baby weight only 270g at week 19 is a baby Boy too. I m week 20 now. Just to check the Dr. Koh is at which clinic mine at paragon. But, I hv yet to make any booking yet as I also not sure the right procedure.

Hi bubblyval,

My Gynae is Dr CH Koh at TPY. I went to Mt A maternity tour last week and asked abt this too. They don't really do accept any reservation as it's a hospital. But once we made up our mind on where tO go and which room to stay, filled it up in the admission form. On the day of delivery hb will do the admission n everything will be settle. In the event that single room is not available, double room will be converted to single bedded fOr us. This is what she say.
Hi jas, thanks for ur quick reply. U book the Mt A Maternity tour urself? Did u apply the ladies card? From what u mentioned sound like we have to do the booking ourselves instead of gynae clinic. My edd is around 23/6, but yet to visit the hospital tour. U call to do the booking or just walk in for the tour trip.

If I rmb correctly for my #1, delivery suite is Gynae booked one. For our rooms, hb will do the admission for us when we are there. If u are worried, u may check with your Gynae on their procedure. Bt according to the maternity tour, we can't reserve any room.

Yes, I'm applying for the ladies card. Maternity tour u have to book yourself, call them and say u wanna join will do
it's mon to thurs, 2:30pm if I rmb correctly. But do call in advance.
Nattan: pretty big when breastfeeding and pregnant in comparison. After that flattened.

My baby only 273g at 20 weeks. Gynae nevercsay anything though
must go for maternity tour to get the admission form? that time went once for #1, but nw can't rem alr.. just know i wana a one-bedded.. more rest lo.. had the ladies card as well, but got one yr expiry right? haha.. gotta reapply le

i used lansinoh previously.. i find it quite good, no leak for me.. recommended by colleagues.. which one u thinking of getting nw?
At 21 weeks my baby was 335g.. Gynae say normal.

Re boob size
Mine was originally 38B. Then now preg, 38/40C. I rem way b4 i was preg with #1, i was already 38C. Then after weaning, about 2mths ltr it became lopsided.. 1 side smaller than the other. Almost 1 cup size difference. Lol
Became 36/38B.

Re milkbag
My frens used blue egg milkbags bought online. Which brand is cheaper? I think milkbags r cheaper option compared to bottles right? I nvr store bm b4 age 1. So i have no idea which is a cheaper option. Any FTWM have experience?
I bought Pigeon BM bottle container, the wide neck one. It's very good as I can straight away put the bottle nipple on that too. I bought 8 of them (2 pack - 1 pack contains 4 bottle), since I'm fully pumping milk as my baby doesn't want to latch last time when she's 4 mths old as I go back to office already.

So everytime I pump I'll just put in them. Everyday bring 2 bottles to office. Each bottle can contain about 200 ml max (if really until full). Then you calculate how much your baby can drink in 1 day, if got excess (no more bottle or need to FREEZE as too much supply already - 6 bottles are totally full), then just put in the milk bag and put in Fridge. I'm using Pigeon brand milk bag too. So far no problem, as I'll thaw in my fridge the night before drinking (do not thaw immediately in the bottle warmer or put hot water immediately).

Just as my own guidelines, fresh EBM is to be consumed 2 days maximum after pumping. Other web might said otherwise but I put a limit myself to consume them usually in 2 days. Because I have tried if 3 days can taste different already.

Previously I also bought Avent container, the one with the blue cap. But then I read it can be re-sterilize only 5 times maximum.. Therefore, afterwards need to throw away or become your baby toys lor.. It is totally very difficult to keep labeling how many times it has been sterilized. Then sometimes after I sterilize I still keep it inside the sterilizer and didn't realize it, so I re-sterilize it together with my pump. huhu..

The material is totally much more thinner than the Pigeon BM bottle I bought. Of course the price is also different..

Btw, one bad thing from Pigeon BM bottle is sometimes it'll leak if you do not cap it properly. I also don't know but sometimes when I go back from office it'll leak, but sometimes it won't. Maybe the time it'll leak is when I put full capacity on the bottle..
Jasmine ~ thanks so much for your info. In this case, I will call up to check for the maternity tour.

Hopecg ~ I am also going to apply for the ladies card. They stated 2yrs not 1 yrs. And the applying fee is $68.
hopecg > last time i also use the same brand of milk bag. Bt dont knw y it leak leh. Stil dont knw wat to use. Saw bp sellin tis brand fr korea. Nt sure if gd.
Dear Mummies ~ just to remind that there is an Expo Baby fair on 17 - 19. 11am - 9pm (for the 1st two days) and 11am to 8pm (on the last day) at Hall 4A. Enjoy shopping....

I am going to racky pricing this weekend before I going for the fair next week...

Between, any recommendation for baby pram. (Combi, Capella, or Maclaren) There are different range as well for all these brand. Do need born really need a pram?
can update here about the maternity tour? haha.. even if it's 2 yrs, i think mine expired jus nice.. gotta reapply lo.. cos i got it for the pre-natal course.. so wun be in time for the delivery this yr.. the card has discount for delivery?

i think some prams merely has an additional insert for the newborn, then u can continue using the pram till toddler.. might want to consider those.. i din bring my boy out often till he was older abt 3 mths.. and he could fit in those toddler's pram nicely, with a head rest insert.. so wun be getting those newborn pram..

perhaps u want to try first lo.. take a look at the response from bp and see if there's any good testimonials =)
for new born i think it's good to have a pram.. last time we didn't use it often for #1 cuz maid is looking after him alone at home and we dare not to let maid bring him out.. now his social skill is really not good lor i feel..

so for #2 i sure wish to bring him out more often to see the surroundings lor.. and many mummies will use baby carrier i think but personally i feel that if carry too much, will form a bat habit and baby will always want to be carried which is not good, rather use a stroller to push baby around, go playground or shopping center or park lor..
Morning mummies...

this morning so irritated. Some guy sat on the reserved seat then pretended not to see me.. kept looking and fiddling with his hp. Another man next to him saw me, but he was reading papers so didn't want to get up for me.
He just sat there glancing at the man on the reserved seat. Next time, I think I don't give face liao. I will tell them to get off and let me have the reserved seat!

Bubblyval, newborns need a stroller if you don't want to keep carrying them, esp if they want to sleep when you're out. Better to lie them flat. So you need to look for a stroller than can fold down horizontally. I'm also looking at Combi, Capella and Graco mainly cos they have strollers that are about 5kg. Maclaren is ok, but I heard from a helpful shop assistant that they usually require you to buy their accessories like bumper cos they don't come with the stroller as extras.
groovy > huh u mean the avent cup cn only sterilise b few times arh? Til nw i m stil using as food container for #1 leh.
tink i better stop using or dont sterilise anymore.
Chris, yes! When I bought in the baby fair, the promoter tells that. If I read in the guides is even worse saying only 4 times sterilizing..

If u check the material is just similar to a microwavable food container leh.
nattan > if the journey is long n i m tired, i wil ask the person to giv up his seat. So far, ppl hv bn quite nice to me whn i tak bus. Except 1 incident whic i totally flare up while in the mrt station. My hubby n i brght #1 for b train ride. I was pushing the pram, hubby was carryin #1. So we wait at the lift. Thn more ppl start to crowd ard n these ppl were definitely able to use the escalator. Anyway whn the lift door open, everyone starts to dash in, sm even lift up their legs to avoid my pram wheel n we end up bein the last to gt in. Being angry thn i dont care, jus push my pram in although i knw the wheels wil definit run ovr sm feet. Thn those ppl giv me tat kind of face. Thn 1 guy spoke,"u shld fold up the pram so tat it wil nt hit ppl." nw tat really maks me boil. I sy,"i m preg so no strength to carry it if its folded. Tis lift is for the disabled, elderly n ppl lik me, do anyone else here belong to tis category?!" silence..
wah that's so bad sia.. this morning i also met a guy who sat on the reserved seat, then reserved the seat next to him with half of his body for his wife while waiting for her to get on the train..

me and my sis got on the train first so my sis sat on the 3rd seat and i wanted to sit on the 2nd one, so i said "excuse me" loudly and he then move back to the reserved seat and was still very unhappy about it, as if i've stolen his wife's seat.. i was like hello! can't you see the 2 preggy ladies with big tummy here?

talking about stroller, i am not sure why so many people like Capella, we got one as a gift from BIL and SIL.. wah it's simply terrible.. even the push chair at changi airport for kids is much easier to maneuver around.. we hate using it that's why my #1 seldom sit in stroller..

considering getting a new one for #2 but not decided yet.. looking at this now:
nattan, I always ask people to got off from reserved seat. Huehehe...

Chris, I'll do the same if I were you! Hate those elevator hogger! Everywhere even in the shopping mall also.
Chris, you're my heroine!! I wish I have the courage to speak up next time! Yes.. these pple are so inconsiderate lor, still dare to say things like that!!! I secretly wish next time their mothers, sisters, wives also kena then see if they feel heart pain!!!

Felicia, ya there are all these idiots around... my hubby just says "grace is for the undeserving".. haiz.. I told him, I'm not like Jesus yet.. I need to study the bible more... Hahaha..

Re your Capella stroller, maybe cos it's 2nd hand already so it's got some wear and tear? My boss still swears by her Capella stroller. But she warned me against getting a used one cos she says you dunno what parts have already worn out.. some things cannot stinge la..

The Mothercare strollers look nice.. was looking at them yesterday but so far no reviews, so hard to judge... Also they are quite costly. My budget for stroller is up to $400 only.. Looking forward to the baby fairs to shop for one.
Hopecg ~ Sorry...I have yet to go for the maternity tour but i plan to call for booking and go for it. I just fill up the form for the ladies card but yet to send out and also plan to attend the pre-natal course but yet to find out the date available. If I have any new information, I will keep you update.

Felicia ~ I agreed with what you said. If we carrying the baby too much, they will be used to it and form as a bad habit. So, I was also intend to get a stroller.

Nattan ~ poor thing...those guys are too inconsideration!!! Tell them off, my tummy vy painful i need the seat next time. Maclaren pricing also on higher side. I went to Kiddy palace the pricing range from $300 and above some even expensive like $600plus. My budget only 300plus...Combi having alot of different models. You have any idea in mind which to get?
sure.. lemme know how things go!.. prob also to check if we need to pre-book? the prenatal class can be quite hot.. u should book early.. i rem that time i kan cheong.. went for the march one, when i enquired in dec.. nw alr feb.. not sure if still got slots before we pop! haha!

which one you eyeing on KS? i'm looking at getting a bag and a wallet
Hopecg, I'm looking at the Flicker Stevie in black. Originally was eyeing the baby bags, but I think since hubby will be carrying most of the things in a knapsack, it's not necessary for me to have a baby bag. What is shipping like?

I feel very stress. I have a 5 years plus son and currently mum take care. But lately she seem to have menopause and very emotional and see few doctors. I intend to put my baby ger due in June 2012 under her care with a maid to help her. But looking at the situation, I doubt she can.

I felt heart pain to put with nanny or infant care. My colleagues ask me to put infant care but I am thinking. I stay around hougang with my mother in law but she did not mention she want to help. And my son going primary one next year.

What can i do?
Thanks Nattan for the website for strollers. Will look and consider before I get it from the fair..My budget also not more than $400. Still have to get the baby cot, bottle sterilise (AVENT) brand I saw at Metro was $135 before less 20%. Not sure whether is it good anot. My fd said dun waste money just get a few pot boil hot water with the bottles which is very traditional way of doing...everyone gives different idea..really cracking head....
<font color="aa00aa">Re: Booking of hospital room
There's no need to go for the maternity tour just to book the hospital. When it's nearer to your EDD, the clinic will ask you which hospital you're going to deliver and book for you.

Re: Priority seats
On average, I only get to sit on them only 2~3X per week. The MRT is so crowded that sometimes, I don't even get near the seats. I also feel giddy while standing and sometimes, have to alight somewhere, rest for a while, before continuing my journey.

Re: Breastmilk Storage Bags
My friends also mentioned that BLUE EGG is not bad. It's from Korea. Another brand to consider is NANNY.</font>
haha our stroller is a new gift from BIL and SIL, they got no kids, haha so it's brand new.. maybe it's the model they bought, just lousy.. very flimsy and even a small hump can't roll over must lift it up de.. maybe other models are nice that's why so many pple love their stroller..

Your son not attending school? Or at nursery? I put #1 at childcare so no need help from anyone.. but then when he is sick, that's a pain sia so having a maid is always the best option in my eyes..

i considered infant care also but called a few, all on waiting list.. and if baby fall sick, it's really going to be terrible.. it's definitely good for baby's own development but then, you got to be sure that 7am-7pm works fine for you and you can rush back to pick her up, and once fall sick either you or your hubby can take leave to look after her.. For me my career is having higher priority so a bit no choice, have to put at nanny for a few months and get a maid once we move to our new house..

Been very busy lately. Just happened to chance upon the topics. Wah a lot of issues being discussed hor?


Initially I used Playtex liners. But these are not emant for milk storage really, so I KS, put double bag &amp; used scotch tape to seal. Then I tried Boots &amp; Lansinoh. I liked Boots the best, because it's the thickest. Lansinoh runs a close second. Take note that you don't store the bags too full. When they're very bulging, &amp; if you knock them when frozen, they may crack &amp; when you thaw the milk, it'll leak. I norm store ard 200ml or 250ml max. Bottles are the cheapest &amp; most environmentally firendly version, but when you're freezing, you really can't afford the space to have so many bulky bottles in the freezer. Plus it's really expensive buying, say, 100 bottles.

I used Medela pumping bottles to pump, store &amp; then when I wanted to feed, I just attach teat. This if for those hat I don't freeze. I think I had 16 bottles in use at a time coz I pumped exclusively, then minus those dirty ones which aren't washed/sterilised yet, &amp; a couple in the fridge, really need that many haha
Booking Hosp Room

Just tell your gynae's nurse/recep how many bedder you wantabt 2 mths before EDD, &amp; they will do the booking with the hospital. No point booking early coz there's no such thing as reserving room. If u want 1-bedder for eg, but that day none avail, you just have to take whatever is available. The hosp can't predict also.


I used SIL's hand me down Combi initially. It was ok initially, but my son started outgorwing it. His head will be bent sideways coz the pram was too short &amp; his shoulders were cramped coz too narrow space haha. I bought a Peg Perego to accomodate his size. Take note that the light models tend to be low. Gives me a backache pushing them, &amp; bending over to pick up/set down my baby. And I'm not tall leh, only 1.62m.
flicker stevie considered medium sized, you should be looking at about ~$30 for vpost shipping.. within expectations?

perhaps you want to put your ger on waitlist for infant care first as back up plan.. just in case, your mum can't cope.. for me, i also plan to put mine at nearby infant care wait list first.. but i will only put him for next year.. this year, taking the 4 month maternity leave one shot, enough to cover till end year with leaves.. =) currently my mum is taking care of my #1 w a helper.. seems to be alright, but not sure when #2 comes along, they will be able to cope.. dun want to stress both of them too much
<font color="aa00aa">shiny_star,
I'm in a similar situation as you (#1 also attending P1 next year). I'm also taking 4 months maternity leave at one shot and intend to put him in Infant Care if my mum is unable to help me babysit baby. No point feeling heartpain as I feel it's not a bad alternative. Just need to be a bit hard-hearted in the beginning. As for #1, I'll put him in Before and After School Care Centre (BASC).</font>
stroller, last time I get 2nd hand lucky baby stroller. The model is totally similar to Capella but it's lower price I guess..

I found the wheel is very heavy, ya small bump (like between MRT platform) also can't roll over..

Then I bought Silver Cross Pop Sport from Mothercare when baby is 10 mths old. So far so good. The price is less than $200 some more (because that time got promotion). hehe..
The bad thing is I can't put any additional mattress/attach pillow inside the stroller. And I think it's not really suitable for newborn even though it said can be from newborn..

For me career also Impt cause money issue. Hubby start off his catering business half a yr back so financial a bit tight. I am an insurance agent so time is flexible but my income will be affected as well. So I thought of hiring maid for my mum so that I can at least not so worry but now she is sick.

Now my son is in K2 but it's a 3hours school so my mum will fetch him home but i got to fetch him to school. And school start at 12 and really time consuming. I also told my mum to help out by bringing him to school for few days a week. My new house is only ready in quarter 2015 so we are now staying wih in law.

Humm hubby say nanny better..

Yes I will be looking around. But meanwhile I talk to my mother again and discuss.
Joanne, if you can afford, get a helper, if not, best course of action in my opinion is infant/child care. You may want to discuss with your hubby and see if he can ask MIL to help you. If she doesn't want, then also bobian. Personally I don't like to ask relatives to help cos it's like an obligation and you end up feeling like you owe them a lot. I rather pay outsider to do the job so if it's not up to my standard, I can still complain. With relatives, it gets very sensitive if things don't turn out the way you want.

Felicia, ya maybe it's just the model ba.. Maybe you can sell your old stroller and get a better one? just tell BIL/SIL that baby cannot get used to this model :p

Moi, do you take iron tablets to help with your dizziness? Last time before pregnancy, I sometimes get so dizzy standing that I fainted on the train a few times. Now I'm ok. If the train is too crowded, try to wait for another one. Better don't squeeze in, in case pple knock into you.

Jul, thanks for the milkbag review! I'm also wondering which brand is good...

Anybody used this brand before? http://sacredtea.weebly.com/thermal-sensor-breastmilk-bag.html

Hopecg, ok for shipping... if we combine, do we get better shipping rates?

IMO it's worthwhile to get. Most people don't boil the water long enough. Acoording to the antenatal class, u gotta boil for 10min. Some bateria actually form a hard protective shell after 5min, then need the extra 5min to break down the shell &amp; kill the bacteria.

I just use steriliser lah. Easy, no need so much water. And auto-off. For water, I still gotta stand there &amp; watch it boil, put in the stuff, make sure they're submerged, then wait 10min, then off fire. A lot of work leh!

I recommend Pigeon rather than Avent. Avent is too small. Think the Pigeon can take 7 wide neck or 9 std neck bottles, if I rem correctly. Avent can take only a few, so it's a waste of time.
Moi, Joanne

Me also! ILs taking care of #1, but they say they can't cope with 2. Yet they dun want a maid. So I end up not working for 2 yrs. See how when #2 starts sch, maybe they'll change their mind. I dun wanna think so far also. Gives me headache only.
Hey Felicia! hubby and i are looking at this jogger too! coz he loves exercising, wanna bring baby to go jog next time. and i asked at mother care the other day, can fit the maxicosi carseat as well, just have to buy the adapter. and it's super easy to fold this stroller, just have to pull one handle and flip! it's folded!

anyway my hubby saw at amazon selling at US$199 only! even $180 also have.. haven't include shipping though. but sounds cheaper than mothercare....

Posted on Fri. Do you wanna wait a few days &amp; check again? Non-std packages usu take a few days more than std size letters. Look out for a package wrapped in thick white paper.
yup mothercare is never cheap lor.. the good thing about buying locally is at least we can see it and try it..

i noticed that my boy started falling sick after we stopped using sterilizer when he was one and half year old.. not sure is it because before that everything is too clean liao... LOL..

Jul is right lor boiling water is not as convenient as using sterilizer.. but like my niece hor last time my sis just boil water once a week, not daily so it's super easy job.. but then i guess most mummies can't accept the idea not to sterilize bottles ba, haha..
Jul &amp; Felicia ~ thanks for your advise and recommendation on Pigeon sterilizer. Will check the price different between Pigeon and Avent. Understand from my fds, if using Avent, you got to buy the whole range like Avent milk bottles cos the bottle head size is different from other brand. Also the Avent electric breast pump selling at $299 in Metro. If I am only plan to breast feed for the 1st 3 mths, it is worth to invest on this type of electric pump?
yup i bought the whole set from avent, everything.. haha but honestly don't like their bottles, got very serious leakage.. and we found a way online to fix that issue but on and off still leak lor..

the sterilizer is good, can put 6 bottles at one time but say you have 6 bottles only hor, you sure want to put them in together to sterilize, end up maybe when baby needs to drink milk, bottle is not ready, LOL.. we had a few such situations so end up have to either get more bottles or just put 2-4 in at one time..

i am not 100% sure if can use this sterilizer for other brands of milk bottle though.

i used the breast pump, hmm i don't think it's as powerful as medela brand. if you only plan to breast feed for 3 months, maybe can monitor your supply first then decide? even with pumping every 3 hourly i only get 20-40ml in total from both sides of the breasts... so consider pretty wasted to have an electric pump, it can be used as a manual pump and i tried that, it works too but of course more tiring.. so i am not sure if you rather invest on the manual one for around 80 bucks..

Yeah gotta use Avent teats etc for Avent bottles. That's how they make money haha. But not necessary to use Avent steriliser.

It depends on the individual. For me, I need the super power mother of all pumps, the Medela PISA. Not all Medela pumps is good hor. The Medela swing is useless, unless u intend to only pump maybe once a day, or just occasionally. If you intedn to BF for long, it works out cheaper to buy a good quality pump. I bought the Ameda Lactaline but it was useless also. And that worked well according to some people lor.

Since you don't intend to BF for long, then maybe it's not so worth it lah. For me, I intend to persist as much as possible. So the PISA is worthwhile for me - use for 2 kids. And first kid, use for 1 whole yr, exclusively pump.

<font color="aa00aa">bubblyval,
Not exactly true. Some other brands also carry wide-neck bottles which can fit. You can use other brands of teats too for AVENT bottle. Just need to choose those for wide neck bottles. You may want to buy only 1 or 2 to try out first as designs might've changed over the years.

For steriliser, any brands of bottle can be used as long as you can put them inside.

Actually, if you only intend to BF during your maternity leave, there's no need to buy a breast pump at all. Just latch baby directly. If you really need to express BM w/o need of breast pump, you can do it manually. Please google for "Marmet Technique" for more info.

The leakage problem from AVENT only occurs after they make them BPA-free. The older models were excellent and did not leak at all.

Not taking iron tablets exclusively but my Pre-natal vit contains 5mg of iron.</font>
