(2012/06) Jun 2012

Mine also.. still 16 mths old. But not that heavy, only 9 kg. During preggy time I think carrying is not much problem (unless if your backache is severe). As I bet my mom also does that since she never forbids me. LOL..

But I'm totally afraid during CONFINEMENT TIME!
Quite scary becoz afraid if body won't go back or will have serious bleeding problem..

felicia > oh ya tat reminds me tat i hv heard of the leak problem b4 too. Thn i wil skip avent. Cant imagin hv to waste ebm whn alrdy dont hv enough. Is the wide neck teats easy to suck on? It lk abit difficult to me. Anthr concern is whn sterilising, if use wide neck cn sterilise less bottles?
Felicia, does your gynae know how heavy your boy is?? Rather than carrying him, can you get him to use the stroller?

I'm also concerned that next time my #1 will be too sticky with me. My hubby had a dream and told me my #1 is super sticky!! :p
felicia > oh ya tat reminds me tat i hv heard of the leak problem b4 too. Thn i wil skip avent. Cant imagin hv to waste ebm whn alrdy dont hv enough. Is the wide neck teats easy to suck on? It lk abit difficult to me. Anthr concern is whn sterilising, if use wide neck cn sterilise less bottles?
yup agree with you, confinement time even more scary to me.. hopefully by then my #1 is almost 3 years old and will understand better...

my other mummy friends told me every baby is diff, so guess have to try out then we will know which bottle is better.. the NUK wide neck bottle looks about the same size as Avent bottles, so if i use the same avent sterilizer i think will be the same, 6 at one go.. but then this time round i am considering not to sterilize, since i switch to NUK bottles.. maybe i will just put into hot water and boil for 5 mins, faster that way i feel.. haha.. 2nd baby syndrome - LAZY and bo chap..

yup haha he's the first person my boy got to meet in this world and we still bring #1 along for my check up nowadays, so gynae knows.. but he said when god create human, it's all plan that we have to take care of our own kids and where got such thing that once have #2, can't take care of #1 at the same time.. unless got others to help, if no help, just have to settle on our own no matter how many kids we have..

he's very westernized type lor so to him, everything also can do de.. LOL..

and can't put #1 to stroller in the morning cuz we need to take bus to his school, hubby will carry him to bus stop with me, then we take bus for 5 stops while i carry him then continue carrying him to walk for like 5-8 mins to school lor.. sometimes weekend go out with stroller, he will still insist me to carry for a while de..
Hi Hopecg...haha,when I having my boy,I always wanted a girl n will name it Jerlyn
but now I know couple of friends by the name if Jerlyn n it's too common so I decided to drop this name..lol
Felicia, haha... yes you have to take care of #1 even with #2, but nobody say must carry leh... Anyway, just be careful if you still intend to carry #1. For me, priority will always go towards safety of the unborn baby.

Heard some sad news over the weekend. My cousin had a miscarriage.. dunno issit due to the antibiotics she took for her flu? But I believe the doc should have been aware of her pregnancy and prescribed the right medications for her
i didn't realised gotta use different bottles for #2.. i've been using pigeon ones and they worked fine.. thought of using the same brand for him.. do we also have to get new bottles to store our ebm? had medela then.. and kept it since nw no use, thought of re-using them for #2.. cannot huh?

thanks for the advice! i specifically asked the gynae abt foot reflex, but he gave the go-ahead.. that was in 1st tri.. so i went once since got his assurance, but never already.. better play safe lo..
i was into letter j for a while too.. hence, my first born is Joash.. i've thot of girls names starting with J at that time too.. (v excited abt choosing names then!)

some of those i thought of... Janessa, Jayla, Jeraldine

Thought of using these names again for #2.. but seems destined to have boys.. so no use for these names again!.. my personal fav.. Janessa!

hw many weeks was ur cousin into then? i have a colleague's wife who suffered m/c also last thurs.. spotting then m/c.. me and my other colleagues fretting over what tonics to buy for the wifey.. she was in her 9th wk then, apparently my colleague could make out the limbs.. jeez
hopecg, I've no idea how many weeks was my cousin pregnant.. regardless, it must be traumatic esp since this was her first. Many people believe that those who suffered miscarriage must strengthen their bodies through a mini confinement, so tonics will be similar to those who go through confinement, eg ginseng, dang gui, red dates etc...
yah. its also important to have post-natal massage done on woman who suffered from m/c. this helps to strength the womb and build up her overall well being for her next pregnancy. very sad to hear about such news... sigh...
I'm using Pigeon wide neck bottle.
I've tried Avent, really my baby cannot suck it at all!! It's very though to suck.

But maybe if I continue using Avent, my #1 will still want to breastfeed now.. Becoz Avent really anti-leaking.

Pigeon must choose size Y to be anti-leaking. I last time use size S, and very soon immediately use size M at around 3 mths old becoz my baby looks like very very slow drinking from size S teat. That's my mistake then she doesn't want to latch very soon when I go back to work as she used to size M already..

Some more I didn't manage the breast pumping effectively. If I'm not wrong, I often pump first before feeding her as my boobs feels very uncomfortable every time I go back from work and most of the time she has already drink or hasn't waken up when I reach home. Maybe very soon she realize why my milk is getting reduced and reduced and then totally refusing it..
Anybody read this news? http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC120206-0000026/Woman-wants-son-back

So scary...
But I don't understand how can the mum still place the son in JB when she knows her former ILs don't want her to see the son? Quite silly for her to put the son there when the ILs can easily take him away.

Anyway... another pcs of news to share on benefits of breastfeeding http://www.todayonline.com/World/EDC120206-0000094/Breastfed-babies-less-likely-to-develop-asthma--Reports

Did anybody also read the article in Sunday Life yesterday? Some mummies cannot breastfeed and shared why they had to use formula. I think people shouldn't condemn those who really cannot breastfeed la. My mum also managed to breastfeed me for 1 day only. Sometimes it's psychological, sometimes it's physiological.. nobody knows.
Hi ladies, too many posts to read in detail..

Very happy abt the 好 word.. Yeah, i m contradicting.. Love boys yet i wanna have a 好.

Anyway ever since the "guru" say i have boy ikinda brainwashed tat boys r good.. So maybe after confirming girl i was a little weirdly disappointed. But i m back to being happy le.

Told my parents, my dad was like, eh, girl. Boy also not bad right... Then my mil also say, girl.. Very mafun leh. Muz take extra care to clean.. Etc, then let slip tat ltr birdy ... Etc. Then my hb say girl where got birdy!
Haha, she so paiseh..

I still dare not go full pink as i wanted to be certain. In case of surprises. So i bought lots neutral rompers with nice wordings. BHG having mini sale.

We went to get chinese name for baby today. No dialect name. Just catholic name dialect surname n hanyupinyin name. So it fits 1 line.
Yup2 shouldn't condemn those who cannot breastfeed..
But just as a reminder, my colleague last time give birth C-sect. But she thought that her milk supply only comes in 2 weeks time or more as she asked doctor and doctor said that, so she didn't work hard for her supply. She thought milk supply will just come in even though she didn't direct latch or pump. THIS IS TOTALLY WRONG!
We need to really work hard for supply. Our supply won't just come from nowhere. It comes from stimulation. Don't give up latching. Also if cannot latch becoz of anything, must pump the milk out.

In the end when I visit her when her baby is 2 weeks, it's too late already. She doesn't have much supply anymore and her baby is on formula milk most of the time. Quite sad. If I knew like that I would have visit her in her 1st week to let her know must still work hard for supply :S. Even though she's actually quite plump, has big boobs which I think the baby shall have enough milk if she work hard.. Now I think she totally give up breastfeeding already (baby is 8 mths). Even though her baby can latch immediately after born, unlike my #1 who doesn't know how to latch until almost 1 week.
Very funny lor, I totally give up pumping milk in December. That time when my boobs totally no milk feels like sagging and empty.. Now has started to get harden again. But I never check got milk already or not hehehe..
But really hoping not to get bigger boobs than last time (80C).. Otherwise must buy new bra again. LOL..
Re 好 word

im expecting a girl now, #1 is a boy who is 4 this year. im happy about carrying a girl now as i too can finally indulge in girly frilly stuff. but, i can sense abit of disappointment from my husband. i really dont understand whats so bad about having a girl when you already had a boy?

nevertheless, i still do not deny that girl are more mafan to take care.. in terms of cleaning, when they are in their teens etc...

my hubby is still excited about the baby inside me and smile to himself whenever we went for checkup n see the baby. but sigh, i still cant help but felt something is amiss from him. how am i suppose to kick that traditional thinking off him man!!

I have for my #1.. Worth if u're staying in single room and signing up for prenatal class. Because can straight away discount more than the card price..

For me getting more worth it as my card expiry is 30 June :D. I can use for #2 as well. hehe..

Btw, u can get 10% discount if u buy items in their pharmacy (including fish oil which I bought)
10% discount on their 24 hour clinic.

Im getting single room but dont think will sign up for pre-natal class cos went before when i was expecting my #1 a few years ago.

so you gave birth in Mt Alvernia? How was the total experience, care to share? thanks!
Groovy, actually breast size has no correlation to milk production la.. I know some people with small breasts can actually produce more than those with big breasts. I didn't know that milk supply will stop after 2 weeks if baby doesn't latch. Maybe can still try to stimulate and take those herbal teas that help to increase milkflow?

Jasmine, maybe your hubby really likes boys. Nevertheless, don't worry la.. I'm sure when the baby is here, he will be just as excited. But you must remind him that girls will need the father's presence even more... I mentioned this to other mummies here before. A lot of cases where girls become rebellious or bad in the their teens is due to their fathers not being there for them. And yes, will need to be extra careful when cleaning cos girls get UTI more easily.
Nattan, milk supply will not stop after 2 weeks, BUT it is a bit too late to establish the milk supply again! Once it has decreased, it will be very difficult to increase again. Especially if your baby is getting used to bottle already and u're not diligent in pumping (not pumping every 2-3 hours). Therefore when I visit her it's too late already and she can't get to her goal to total breastfeed..

Yup2 I read everywhere breast size has no correlation lah. But I really believe bigger breast got bigger capacity to contain milk, so it won't leak if it's full. But dunno, I have no comparison.

I really like my stay in Mt A. All the nurses are kind (except 1 in 10 who shows black face). And the lactation consultant is good (when I come back after I'm discharged).
I ring the bell and they will come in less than 10 minutes usually. Can just call them to change baby diaper if your baby room in, or help u latch your baby.

i went for their maternity tour last week and they gave me this very cozy feeling. however, i find some of their rooms has this mouldy smell. you got yourself a single room too? theres a diff between single deluxe n single right?

the executive who show us around the tour also mentioned that they will push the baby to you within an hour of delivery for baby's first feed. i never bf my #1 but is keen to try for #2. hence abit stress about having adequate milk supply as the hospital no longer provides formula for newborns.

in any cases, do you still rmb what Mt Alvernia provides for mummies and newborn during our hospital stay? OMG, sorry for so many questions asked! hope it doesnt caused you any inconvenience.
hopecg > i tink nt necessary to gt diff milk bottles, bt its the teats tat has to diffe due to diff flow. If use both same brand n model, i scare may accidentally use the wrong teat size. Btw, even for bottles, we hv to change although physically it may lk ok. Recommended to change aftr 6 mths.
you are very lucky to have one boy and one girl lor.. think about those who only have girls, but they have a traditional family that want boy badly, more worse right?!

hospital not providing FM anymore? I've not heard about that but then how about those who do not opt for total breast feeding?

for my #1 i got a very sad experience with total breast feeding, and doc asked us to give FM during our first PD checkup cuz my son had very serious jaundice due to dehydration caused by my low milk supply.. almost went for change of blood for whole body.. it's like the blood test result for jaundice level was 19.9, anything =>20 must change blood de.. so scary...

and i felt so sorry to him cuz i insisted on total breastfeeding that time and the whole family advised me to give him FM or at least some water but i just insisted to let him latch on only..

so this time for #2, i am not particular about it already, rather let baby drink FM than nothing.. i know that's not the way though but i am open to the option of FM..

Yup, i counted my blessing that im having 1 girl and 1 boy. Just hope hubby can anticipate more hehe. Will probably closed 'factory' after this one.

Yeah, heard they no longer provides. Read it on some articles and news as well. There are some debates over this. Ended up, FM is available but charge. How much they charge i dont know.. im still thinking if unfortunately i dont have enough milk supply, can i just get hubby to standby a tin of FM when we pack our maternity bag. also very unsure, need more advice and info on this...
on a second thought, dont we need to bring breast pump if we are really like, 100% keen on BF?

BF seems to be so stressful....
I get a single deluxe in Our Lady's ward. It's really a very nice room like a hotel type..

They said will push the baby within an hour delivery for breastfeed, but in my case I feel it's longer than that, since the doctor need to clear my placenta, stitch my wound, then need the nurse to apply the maternity pad first before u can breastfeed. In my case, in the end my #1 asleep already by the time she's in my hand and cannot breastfeed her since she won't wake up!!!

I dunno if during stitching can breastfeed or not actually. Can any mummies highlight???
I really want my initial stage of breastfeeding in the delivery room leh!! Also wanted to really hold the baby
.. They only pass the baby to me for 5 seconds to hold after delivery, then straight away weigh the baby, and do other things. Then my gynea stitch me, and somehow during the stitching, applying pads, they never pass me my baby anymore to be hold. My baby is just being left there until she's sleeping by her own

I lose the initial stage of breastfeeding and in the end my baby really cannot latch at all during my whole hospital stay (3 days 2 night). I starve her by only pumping some colostrum to her mouth because I really doesn't want to give up to formula milk. But I come back the next day to see lactation consultant and able to breastfeed 1 breast there. But still has difficulties though until I come back again when she's almost 1 week old.

For mummies just standard before operation must change into gown, provided toiletries, Kotex maternity loop (not pad). I heard after I deliver that someone can ask for hairdryer too.

For babies they will lend you the clothes, blanket, provide diaper, bathtub. When u're discharged you can get their bathtub, and they will give you 1 diaper bag full of goodies such as 1 piece of T-shirt for baby (big size), and 1 blanket to wrap the baby. But remember those hasn't been washed yet so it's better if you bring 1 set for the baby to go home in it.
i see.. yup as long as still provide, chargeable is fine, LOL..

well i think you wont need the breast pump immediately, direct latch on is good enough for a start, then when supply comes, use pump to pump out if you have leftovers.. and last time i also pump at night to stimulate supply..

but this time round i already decided to mix, breastfeeding and FM at the same time.. last time hor my boy did not get to eat anything in hospital, then went home starved for another few days till we went back for PD checkup... he pooed only 1 in that few days.. and peed 2-3 times a day while actually they should wet 6-8 diapers at least a day.. so it's already a sign of dehydration and he even had a pinkish red stain on his diaper which later PD said that's a form of crystal being passed out from his body, an obvious sign of serious dehydration.. so i truly know how good is TBF and i also understand we need to have confidence and be persistent on it in order to be successful, but this time round i really don't want to experience the same thing again, i rather have FM standby in case really no milk supply again..

thanks for the info!


mix as in literally mix both into 1 bottle or like, morning/noon give BM...nightfeed give formula...?
haha nope Jasmine, cannot mix into one bottle.. mix means will need to latch on first, or pump out the breast milk first, feed baby, if not enough, then add formula..

or like you said if pump out only enough supply for a few feeds, just feed in the morning then night time use FM..
omg, im really a retard when came to breastfeeding. sometimes, i wonder whether can i perservere. i really doubt myself cos will have so much to deal with then...like work, #2...#1...and a total clueless BF thingy.. haha.
nah that's normal Jasmine.. even we are 2nd time parents, still a lot to learn, plus every baby is different, even with experience, we might not be able to handle easily this time round..

dun overstress yourself.. that's why i try to take it easy this time round also, maybe with less stress, better rest and better food, i can have more milk this time.. haha.. last confinement was a nightmare.. wake up 8-10 times every night, need to carry baby to sleep from 3am or 4am onwards.. and i only had soup for a few days then eat vege only all the way, no meat cuz mother dunno how to cook soup and meat.. too tired to eat actually so even if she's good at cooking i dun think i will eat much.. and most of my friends told me when i dun have enough rest, it will affect milk supply badly lor..
<font color="aa00aa">Yes, small boobs does not equal to less BM. However, big boobs can contain more BM, which means, small boobs need to express EBM more frequently than big boobs due to smaller storage space. But, big boobs also cannot afford to express less frequent as DEMAND = SUPPLY.</font>
Re Bfing
those who need advices or help after childbirth can call me. i'll be glad to help.
boob size do not equate to bm, we muz all be diligent in pumping n latching.

FM &amp; BM can't mix due to different temperature n different contents. will destroy BM functions.

Jasmine: we both have same gender kids of the same age.

I'm getting tommee tippee cause my fren who just delivered said it works for her gal. best substitute to nipples.
my #1 nvr took bottles. so i have a lot of brands hanging ard the house. will use those as storage bottles instead.
he graduated from nipples straight to sippy cup n straws.

Ladies - pls go NLB to collect ur free baby journal. comes with CD &amp; book to record pregnancy n stuffs.

Those on fb, i will upload photos i took from the motherhood magazine regarding 24-26 feb baby festival @ expo.
all events and booths r listed.
Jasmine, stress plays an important part in milk flow.. so you need to keep yourself in a relaxed mode when breastfeeding.

Felicia, the papers published a news about hospitals not providing free FM anymore cos they want to encourage more mums to breastfeed. You need to pay or bring your own if you want to use FM.

Groovy, Moi, ya.. haha.. big boobs just means bigger storage space... doesn't mean better production capacity
lol yes, lost all the 11.9kg i put on during pregnancy within that 1 month, and my mother was still very proud about it lor keep telling people it's because of her cooking i managed to get back to shape again.. faintz...

haha cool maybe will consult you about breastfeeding this time!

thanks for the info on the FM, guess i will just bring my own then, wahahaha..
Yup2 that's what I mean too.. Big boobs should have no problem in the capacity lor so it's a bit wasted why she didn't diligently pump/latch and give up to FM..

Starving baby for TBF! There is a limit for this which is 1 week! Usually you shall have supply after 1 week BUT still must really diligent in latching and try all the way including pumping your breast to baby's mouth if she can't latch.. Also please visit lactation consultant if has problem.. At least they can help u in 1 feed. hehe..
Milk bottles
Not intending to get any yet, preparing to do total latch on only and also i am quite lazy to pump in between. But tommee tippee is good as my youngest used that the moment i switch to fm when he was one, no rejection of bottle.

Talking about make me kinda of worried as i was struggling with latch-on with my youngest. Initially he was able to latch-on but after like a week, he suddenly like forgotten how to latch and he would cried each time as he couldnt suck.

The first few days i cried with him, dont know what to do so my cousin advised me to search the net and see how to latch properly (i was thinking maybe i latch the wrong way?). But later i got immune to his crying so is either he got to learn how to latch-on or no milk to drink.
Groovy, that time did your colleague consult a lactation consultant? Actually even after c-sec, can still breastfeed, just be careful not to let baby sit on the tummy. I think the lactation consultant will advise the best way to breastfeed.

Audrey, did you see a lactation consultant on the best way to latch the baby too?

Anyway re breastfeeding, I read that the baby should be latched on regularly and not when he is starting to cry. In other words, don't wait till he cries in hunger before feeding cos by then, he would get easily frustrated if he can't latch and start feeding. Anybody tried this?
Nattan, i didnt because i was alone at home, hubby at work and need someone to be home to wait for confinement tingkat. I think i did call them but was told appointment on the same day is not available and need to wait a few days. By then, i had already got used to his crying before being able to latch.

That theory dont work on us. He dont suck or open his eyes when he's asleep. When hes awake, hes crying for milk already.
Hi all,

wondering if anyone of you gonna BF after baby pops? hubby and i have been looking around at the pumps.. any recommendations??
my colleague used the medela twin pump one.. $700++!! too exp..

anyway can medela pumps fit other brands' bottles??
nattan, I recommend her but I don't think in the end she goes to any LC. Because her problem is she's not getting enough supply as she wanted. Her baby still can latch sometimes, but most times cannot becoz too used to bottle already. I recommend her to pump but I think she's not pumping every 3 hourly too..

Yeah if crying really won't want to latch usually! And cannot suck when sleeping! That's why the best time is when she pee/poo, then she'll be open eyes but not crying. I used all those opportunity last time instead of the 2-3 hourly as she won't wake up and will be mad/cry if we wake her up to latch.
Last time my maternity leave like no life. Only in the room with baby, just wait for her to wake up to pee/poo then latch, sometimes every hour, sometimes 2 hours. Becoz when she latch very soon she'll overslept and can't wake her anymore even though I've struck her cheek and sing for her while latching. sigh..

Can't imagine later with #1 around I won't be able to do that..
Cant give advise as i only have avent single pump and i only used less than 10 times during confinement. After that i didnt pump and let baby latch only.

Talking about poo, i never need to change pampers in between cause he always poo right after feed or during feed, is everytime! So the pamper is changed every 2 hourly or so, sigh.
Mummies..just back from detailed scan!Very happy,gynae said Bb is fine n everything is fine!Bb very active too n have long legs just like my hb!70%-80% is princess as the Bb shy keep covering her leg but till now cannot c the little thing that stick out so higher chance is a girl..even saw the Bb keep sticking her tongue out..gynae said she v tam jiak..keep looking for food..lol

Groovy, did your colleague try any herbal supplement or tea to increase the milk supply? I'm ordering the Sacred Tea cos recommended by my colleague who said it helped her with her supply. Another thing is to ensure enough water intake. Somehow breastfeeding dehydrates the mummy a lot.

Cindy, I'm not sure but I think the Medela Swing (single pump) is sufficient...

Jerlyn, congrats
Glad that baby is fine.
