(2012/06) Jun 2012

glass > u gettin a maid to tak care of ur 2 kids? R u a workin mum? U r comfortable to let maid handle two kids alone? Ya, nw maid gettin more ex. $1 a mth is really great expenses, bt if she is really helpful, thn wil b worth it.

Hi everyone

No mood to work today, but actually supposed to be very busy haha


I also had this feeling, but more of for my first trimester. Gynae mentioned that for me, my body was trying to cope with the increased blood, demands on the body etc. When I passed my frist tri, it went away.


Wahaha I drink a lot of tea, Milo, eat chocolate etc. Cannot resist, else also cannot function. Just that one cup is absolutely fine!
On leave today! Trying to spend some quality family time with husband & son...
Then evening is date night!

Happy Holidays to all! Enjoy your Christmas celebrations and party on!
jul: So i guess it's nothing serious, ya? Saw website saying it's b'cos the growing uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm or something like tat. It's so uncomfortable lor, heng i'm seeing my gynae tml liao.... will juz endure until tml.

Enjoy your family time


If it's the same thing as me, nothing serious lor. Just gotta wait for the body to 'adjust'. It'll get better. At least, it did for me. But my timing a bit weird one. Aws happen a bit earlier than others.

Tummy also expanded earlier, breathless, lower back ache, itching skin etc all earlier than schedule. I have a feeling this will be born earlier as well.


Congrats! Found a gd use for all those clothes u bought eh? haha

Me opposite from you. My boy outgrows his clothes really fast. He's now wearing 3-4 yr old clothes at 2.3 yrs. But boy's clothes really nothing much. So end up, I really 'save' money coz nothing much to buy anyway.
Retail Therapy

Just bought a new bag & 2 pairs of shoes. The new bag was at 30% off. And I needed new flat shoes. Not wasting $$ right? lol
Jul, i also bought a new pair of flats yesterday. Today bought 6 tops, according to my current size. Think later on tummy big, surely cannot wear, hehee

Wah! 6 tops? I stopped buying non-maternity stuff actually. Been buying only pregnancy-suitable stuff like flat shoes, maternity clothes, wireless bras etc haha

Oh I'm waiting for my Bravado bra to come in the post. Hope it fits & is comfy.
Chris: my in laws are still taking care of my son, but they won't be able to cope with a second one. Plus my husband and I keep quarreling about housework. I'm the type can go without mopping floor for months or longer, but he hates dirty floor and expects me to clean, so I think I need to solve this issue.
Maid will take care of infant, and my in laws can supervise. Hopefully she can bring my son to school too coz my fil thinks it is too troublesome to go far away instead of his choice nursery which may not be the best environment for my son.

Yup, I'm full time working mum, and is out for 12 hours a day, and currently my son mainly lives with my in laws. So I hope with a maid, he can be with us, and I can monitor his sleeping hours better. Currently it is very tough as my husband and I need to bring work home to do at night.

So if paying more can get a better maid and a peace of mind, then I guess I have to fork out that sum.
Groovy: congrats on having a girl. I'm really trying very hard not to have any preference right now until I confirm gender. Coz I see one friend, she tried very hard to go for a girl for her third child after two sons, in the end it is a boy again. Now she says the boy loves pink!

I'm also like you. I don't really care abt cleaning the floor, but Hubs loves the feel of a squeaky clean floor. The only diff is that he cleans it hismelf coz he agve up home of me doing it :p

My ILs also can't cope with a 2nd. So I'm staying home with the 2 of them till the younger one can go to pre-nursery. Hope I can keep my sanity. I can't really afford a maid on one income, but if really need be, I'll just get one to help out. Coz I really hate to cook & clean, & I've got eczema which makes it difficult for me to clean anything.

I bring my son home every night though, & it does make a difference in the relationship. If you can afford it, I think it's a gd idea that you hire a maid too. That'll free you of those pesky details like hsework, so you can focus more on your work plus your kids.
Good day mummies,

A good news to share which I have passed my quick test (tested on 3 chromosomes) for my CVS test done 2 days back. Now just gotta wait for my detail report in 2 wks time. Finally a relieve at the moment.

The best x'mas present for me. Merry X'mas in advance!! Cheers!!!
Anna, congrats on ur results!

Jul, i don't intend to buy maternity wear, will just buy clothes that are stretchable and larger in size when the need comes.
glass > so whn #2 arrive, u wil let brin #1 hm n IL wil sty in ur hm to lk aftr #1 n supervise maid in takin care of #2? Yes, i tink it wil b gd for u to hv a maid, at least it allows u hv more time w the little ones n also focus on wk. For me i stil dont knw hw i m gona arrange it. Currently although i m nt workin, at parents hlp to care for #1, bt i wil b w thm til lunch time n thn i wil go off to do my stuff. Thn wil pick #1 hm whn hubby returns fr wk. At 1st was tinkin nt to change #1 schedule whn #2 arrive, n i wil tak care of #2 on my own. Bt recently was tinkin the siblings wil hv minimum interactions cos if i tak care of #2, i wil wan him to slp early, lik latest by 9pm. Bt #1, wil only b hm aftr 9.30pm due to hubby workin schedule. So was tinkin if i shld tak care of both on my own. Bt i m worry abt losin my sanity. Haha. Also worry tat #1 will b too noisy at hm n disturb #2 nap. Haiz, confuse nw.
<font color="aa00aa">Had a big serving of 7-Up (or is it Sprite?) at Pizza Hut during lunch just now. It's been a long time since I consume cold fizzy drinks, let alone enjoying it. Aah!
Went shopping at John Little after that but could not find flats that fit me. Even size 35 is a bit loose. Crocs seem to be the best option for me but they don't match well with most outfits.

Hurray for the good news!</font>
Jul: i also have bad eczemza, but my hubby complains i'm always scratching and dropping dead skin. To tell the truth i'm just lazy to do housework. He will do the tasks eventually but i will hear lots of complaints.

I wish i could stay at home to look after second one, but right now i figure i would probably have half a year with #2 before i go back to work next year. If the maid is good enough, then i think i can go back, but the thought of pumping at work doesn't really appeal to me. We need dual income, and you are right that it would be hard to have a maid with just one income. If possible, i hope i can switch to part time for another half a year.

Regarding my son, yes, i really see the difference in the relationship when i can spend more time with him. Last time he can say i can go back, but my husband cannot go back because he prefers him to me. I was able to spend more time with him this month, and he is more open to me.

Chris, how old is your #1? Can he go to child care or some playgroup whike you are looking after #2? Having 2 at the same time can be quite daunting. I will go mad too if nobody helps me.

I think babies should be able to sleep through sound, so #1 would not really disturb him.
Had a really fun day today, BBQ and gift exchange... in the end came back at 6+pm and crashed for 3hrs before waking up to cook instant mee for dinner :p Now the whole office (at least all those present) knows that I'm pregnant liao

Congrats Anna on your results!

Jul/Fuyutsuki, where did you go for retail therapy? I think I would go for nursing tops that can double as maternity tops so that no need to buy so many.
Nattan, i go almost everywhere in SG for retail therapy, north, south, east, west I'll go, hehee. Yesterday went orchard, today went jurong point.
glass > #1 is 13mths nw. My parents doesnt mind helpin to tak care of #1 bt i jus hope to hv him at hm so tat he cn interact w #2 more. Bt i scare i wil go mad, lik u said. N i probably cant afford a maid w jus 1 income, nt mention i feel uncomfortable to hv a stranger in the house.
Chris, can consider #1 to be put into childcare.. But it's additional cost as well, quite difficult for just 1 income..
Hux I've just known the child care just below my block only open for admission on Nov 2011.. They don't take before that because only on November, after P1 students are out they will have vacancies.. I've calculated if I want to put #1 into childcare, the latest is in early September (calculated baby is born in 36 weeks + 16 weeks maternity leave)

Now in childcare hunting. Hopefully can get the good one. Childcare now also quite expensive. I think can easily spend $500 or more per month even with subsidy from gov already

If single income sure I can't afford.. Need to work. My hubby's income is quite small
. It just differs a bit than me.
We're still too young to be able to afford one of us not working. huhu.. I'm only 26, he's 28 now..
Hi ladies, pardon for the interruption, I am from the March 2012 mums group.

Just bought babycot recently from Baby Studio but would like to let go. Please message me f you are interested, thanks!
Chris, at first i also thought that i would feel uncomfortabke with a stranger in the house, but during my confinement period, i got used to the idea of having someone in the house. Just don't anyhow fart and burp lor. Hehe. Also had a maid for four days, i think if we try to have a cordial relationship, shoukdn't be a problem. I even had to share a room with them. Many maids that i had encountered seem to appear fine to me. So i am hoping for law of attraction to work, and i will get a good one.

Just today, the issue of getting a maid is even more pressing as my fil seems to have serious health issues.

Maybe in the beginning get your parents to come over to watch your son whike you take care of baby, so both can still interact, but i think a very young kid like yours may not be able to spend that much time with baby. Think he may get bored very quickly, and then demand your attention and not allow you to spend time with baby.

Moi, try fitflops. Flats, but slightly elevated, and got suction when floor is wet, so won't slip. They are like slippers.

Groovy : my first skool costs about $400 after subsidy or even less. Hope you can find a good chilcare centre soon, and put your girl on the waiting list. Wow, the two of you are so young!
Groovy: very young couple.. Already 2nd child.. Steady manz. At ur age i just gotten married... Hehe
Honestly, if u r just looking for a CC for nanny purpose, there r many quite cheap. But if u want CC to have good teachers, then it will definitely cost way more.
Merry Christmas all mummies!!

my office is practicing yearly shutdown to let us have a good break during holiday, so office is closed from 23rd, will go back to work on 3rd Jan only, shiok.. finally can send #1 to childcare and go back to Zzz the whole day, lol..

went for my scan today, strangely no scan photo so i am not sure how big is baby actually, but gynae said i am 17 weeks.. anyway detailed scan is scheduled on Jan 18, good thing is that's before CNY so at least during CNY visit, i can tell relatives about baby's gender for sure...

well as for baby's gender, still unconfirmed, LOL, gynae did a super brief scan with the old 2D machine and said, can't tell so most likely a girl, LOL..

anyway just have to patiently wait for another month..

been drinking a lot of cold soft drinks from 100 plus to lemon tea to orange juice etc, just no coke for now, feeling so bad about it but no way to control..

i bought 3 tops, normal wear, but one size bigger than my usual size, look so ugly i feel, although not maternity wear but look so plump lor because of the loose size.. should really stop spending.. i have 2 maternity top left from last pregnancy, so won't be buying any pregnancy wear, just stick to leggings + loose top..

As for CC, yes if those at HDB void deck, maybe about 100+ a month.. i chose the one at a community center, with aircon, and it's 560+ a month after subsidy, need to pay extra for Gym, speech &amp; drama class separately, but i rather pay more after viewing a few CCs.. i prefer with aircon because when weather is hot, i can see teachers temper also getting hot sia. LOL.. so rather go for one with aircon, at least i can see teachers there are mostly in good mood.. LOL..
Blessed Christmas to all mummies!

Went for my OSCAR scan today and saw that the baby is now about 7cm at 13 weeks. The radiographer said baby has a strong heartbeat
But cannot tell the gender. Anyway, will go back for results next Sat.

After that went shopping and bought 2 maxi dresses with empire waist so I can wear them during and after pregnancy.

Moi, you can buy Tracce and Fitflop shoes at most department stores like Takashimaya, Metro, etc. I bought mine at the Red Wing shoe shop in Suntec. It's really comfy, more comfy than my Birkenstocks.
Felicia: hope you can know the gender by next visit!

I tried pepsi today, but feel uncomfortable afterwards.

I find bigger sized clothing may not be totally suitable. Some of these clothes are quite loose on top too, and i end up zhao gng, must wear another singlet inside. Super hot.

Nattan, another shopper! Looks like you are very satisfied with your purchase. Good results :)
Felicia, really got childcare so cheap?? I think in my area it ranges from $650 to $1100. With govt subsidy will still be $300 to $750..

Fitflop is the best sandals so far for pregnant woman! Really recommends it if u have budget and like to walk.. Each pair cost $120, most expensive pair of sandals I ever bought!

Metro also carry fitflops..

My office also shut down and we are forced to take leave. Huhuhu.. Can't make a good use for it this year some more
yup, saw a lot like PCF ones, before subsidy ranging from 400+ to 600+, so after subsidy then 100+ can find also ba..

haha yup next visit will be detailed scan liao so for sure will know the gender liao ba i guess, haha.. been waiting for so long sia..
<font color="aa00aa">Thanks girls. I seldom venture to town but will try to check out the shoes soon as my current ones are wearing out.</font>
Hi mummies, just received my 1st ASOS order today!
Finally have pants that I can zip and button up. Looking forward to the next shipment...

BTW, today felt a little flutter in my tummy!
Nattan, I do have such feeling esp after meals, but I'm wondering is it too early for me to feel it now?

Btw mummies, is anyone taking Ironyl capsule? My gynae presribed it to me as multi-vit. I'm trying to find it in local pharmacies but to no avail. Can anyone tell me where to get them other than getting it from the gynae who will normally charge us higher than the rate out there. Many thanks!!
Hi Anna,

My gynae give me calcium and multi vit. Is included in the the package I signed up. So no point for me to sort outside, only fish oil, I will need to sort for my case.
As for the multi vit, my gynae give me new obimin , which can be found in any pharmacy.
I guess most multi vit contents shld be similar ba
Hi all

Had a gd xmas? Me had a really hectic one. Honestly after marriage, there're more obligations for festivals than being single n free lol. Even more after kids!

I think i've been really, really, really naughty. In addition to close to $500 on old navy, motherhood n asos, i also bought mothercare panties n wacoal wireless bras n a bravado bra totalling almost $200. Then i spent $300 on 3 tops n 4 pants/capris/shorts yest. Haven't counted the $150 for nursing wear last week. I shdn't count my 2 pairs of flats n bag right? Coz they're not 'maternity' mah. Die... I still need to buy another 3/4 more nursing bras. That'll cost me like $200? Ok that's it! Ok i allow another $150 for bras n that'll bring mymaternity spending to $1.5k. Hope hubs doesn't realise the extent of the damage

Bites fingernails...

I'm also very headache on how to care for 2. Hubs really wants me to stay home coz we can bring them up according to our ways n not depend on other people n see their face color. But $$ wise really v hard. N not to mention i fear i'll become like my neighbour. She stays home with her son who's now in pri 1. Everyday will hear her scream n shout at her son. Very scary to become like that.

I just tell myself we have enough savings to cope with staying home for 2.5 yrs. After that... I secretly hope PILs will take over since by then, no 2 will be in sch n no 1 will be full day sch some days. Shd be ok to cope right? Hiaz...


I can't not wear maternity wear. I can understand y u can. So petite! Me ah... Hips n butt can't fit n shoulders too broad. Die die must wear maternity. Plus i hiao lah. Wanna have 'shape' when preggie. Can't bear wearing all loose n shapeless n ilook like a tank. Think coz i'm not the slender type lah haha


I also thought i felt flutters n bubble bursts from last fri. On n off, some days can't feel. Dunno if it's gas instead lol


I have Prenavit Multivits instead. Plus calcium pills n that nordic naturals fish oil. Think most preg multivits r the same.
jul > u r nt alone. I also hv to wear maternity clothes n panties. I hv gt huge butt n little tolerance for tight waist pants. :p wow! Tats a huge damage! I wish i cn spend lik tat. Bt bein a sahm since #1 was born has made such luxury impossible.
so u plan to b a sahm whn #2 arrive? Me too secretly hopin tat i cn return to the work force whn #2 turns 2.5yrs. Tat wil mean anthr 3yrs of sahm. Hopefully i stil hv sm sanity by thn. :p
Jul: if your hubby wants you to stay at home to look after your children, then you have to think whether you can add value. For example, are you able to not just look after them, but also educate them? The younger one will demand your attention, then will you have time to read to your child, play games and other things? Would you have enough moneyg to let your son attend enrichment courses? And most importantly, would you be able to maintain your sanity and be a good mother?

Perhaps you can look for playgroups that can take your #1 for a few hours, so that you can have a bit of break and spend that with #2. Your husband also needs to be more hands on, and take over for a while as you take your rest. But quite often after working for a whole day, they just want to come home and rest.

See whether your pils can come over and help out a few times a week, or at least once a week, so that you can have a little break.

It's going to be hard not to go on shopping sprees when you don't have income, so make sure you factor in your expenditure when calculating how long your savings can last. Include all your insurance and other payments too.

Anyway, once you have considered properly, i think you should be able to handle both. I know of other Sahms who have more children, but they have some form of famiky support. Some are able to synchronise their children's nap times, so they get to have some rest.

Regarding your neighbour who keeps screaming at her kid, it is very possible. I once tutored two boys in the same famiky. The mother is a sahm, and she has super high expectations. After i went through the homework, she would go through with this son again, and fold the pages he couldn't understand, and get me to go through a second time, or even a third time. When i tutor the other boy, i could hear her screaming at him in the background, but all he wants to do is to play with his other brother.

I guess we need to decide what type of parents we want to be, and while our children are important, we shoukd not neglect ourselves, and our husbands.

Actually, i admire sahms who can handle everything on their own. I won't be able to do that as i hate housework, and i cannot stand looking after my kid for too long. Will just be too tired.
Jul, ur Hubby is correct. Thou this is my first child but of no choice I have to stay home to care for my baby. All this time I have not been working full time but I took some regular part time teaching job while studying. I got my degree last year and wanted to look for a job, so all this time I have plan to look for a job n also hint to my sil (she is a SAHM, n kids are all grown up) that we hope she can help us. We are indirectly like begging her all this years but she keep on turning us down. Then how?! Have to take care of baby myself with a degree with no job. But I have planning when baby turn 6/7mth (year 2013)

About ur neighbour, I have to agreed with Glass. We have to control n have to be class at all time. Maybe u can get a part time nanny to give u a few hours off.

Another sil, also a SAHM , everyday stay at home n do nothing but sleep n eat. So no life n no friend. So if u decide to be a SAHM u must take time off to mix around too. Most importantly we have to support our husband.

I also being shopping these days.. Haha.
Went to metro sale at expo today..
The baby romper there selling at $2 each!! Material very good. Bought quite a few...
