(2012/06) Jun 2012

Sunnie_gal: congrats on having a boi boi. I still yet to know the gender of mine yet. But hubby and I have a feeling that its a boi. Haha, not sure y also.

Chin: Flight during 2nd tri should be fine. I'm gg bkk early Feb, should be abt 4-5 mths then. I also had weird dreams, kept dreaming that hubby cheated on me. hahaha. Poor hubby kena my black face in the morning when I have those stupid dreams

Chin, yes I have weird dreams too.. some times I wake up with heart palpitation.. hope it doesn't affect the baby.
AsRias: Ya I dream that my husband dont want me but not due to cheating, just walk out of me... hahah poor husband early in the morning I complain to him on somthings he nv do. And other weird dreams like buying funny things and eating funny food and funny pple telling me funny things
nattan: I hardly have dream last time, always deep deep sleep for me. I think the dreams will get weird-er and weird-er. next time can write a novel.

Is it the MMRV that they say might affect? Coz they're introducing the chicken pox virus? if MMR, shd be no prob.


I think I saw at 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks & will be seeing at 16 weeks. The 8 weeks one is extra coz I had history of miscarriage & spotting so my gynae wanted to see me more often in the early stage.

If you saw your gynae at 8 weeks first time, some can see you next at only 12 weeks, then 16 weeks.


Wah this is a very bad boss. I think he's trying to find excuse to get rid of you, or just to lower your appraisal for this period coz you're preggie & will be going on maternity leave. There are some very sickening people ard. My big boss is also another sickening person.


Congrats on your boy! Argh I feel so heart itchy to see my gender now. I don't mind boy/gal but I wanna know. I don't like surprises haha

Weird Dreams

I apparently had this dream the other night, when I cried out in my sleep. Hubs woke me up & asked if I was ok. I said I was screaming in the dream, but he said it was a pathetic wheeze, or strangled choke, kind. Not scream. he thought I was choking haha

I dreamed that I left my boy with my parents for a couple of hours to run some errands. When I came back, I discoveerd they fed him mee rebus, sweets, chocolate, soft drinks etc etc so I screamed hahaha

I spent quite a bit on shopping the past week. Bought 1 nursing dress, 3 nursing tops, 3 wireless bras, & ordered 1 shorts & 1 top from ASOS. Hope the ASOS clothes fit. Coz I lazy to measure & just estimated on conversion from US size haha

I went to look for nursing bras at M&S. The saleslady said all non-padded! So I asked for maternity bras, or even non-maternity. She said all OOS in my size, except for the plunging wireless padded party bra typ which was $59. In the end, I din buy hiaz
Chin, haha... then you should keep a journal to record your weird dreams to write a novel! Actually I keep a blog, but hardly update it.. maybe once a week..

Jul, your dream is so funny!! I bet your parents won't do that in real life. But then, my hubby always say it's the grandparents' right to spoil the grandchild :p BTW, will be transferring the money I owe you today, had to wait for my bank to transfer money to my other acct first.

Er.. no lor. My parents like to feed my son rubbish one. My dad already tried giving him Rocher, Coke, pork floss... hiaz. Then everytime act innocent one. I have to keep an eagle eye on them when my son is with them haha

My sister's dog also aws kena 'spoiled' by them. She's also v angry coz they keep feeding her 'human' food, so she doesn't wanna eat dog food anymore haha

Oh I guess you're not having itching skin, coz you don't seem to be kancheong to get your Topicrem hahaha
Jul, I just transferred the money to u, see if u received it. Ref 124-xxxxxx-9. Haha, ya I'm not urgent to get the Topicrem cos no itch and no stretch marks yet, only my nipples itch occasionally. :p
AsRias: haha. i also tat type of dreams. but hor, i paranoid lah.. brought to reality. keep doubting hb.. esp since he not keen in intimacy.. hehe

jul: my mil is the old school type.. say 4mths muz start eating adult food so that next time not fussy. i m very anal on organic.. so i made sure he didn't touch non-organic food till age 1 at least. then i still didn't allow outside food till age 2.
my parents also very chin chye. till now my son dun take sweet drinks. only ribena or milo. fruit juice is squeezed. i don't allow packet or canned drinks. otherwise i will scold them. so they know my type they dun dare. they will ask permission. cause if they dun, they won't get to see grandson. so they are aware.

jul: nursing bras no padding lah. just thicker cloth.. need to pull down how to have padding? but it's not exposing. i wear under t-shirt, can't see nipple.
try wheelock place. that M&S lesser people.
what size u wear? i took 80B.
my butt super muscle ache from yesterday's shopping... went Robinson's sale during lunch and after work..
buy funny stuffs.. bakeware, hb's work shoe, son's clothes n toys n shampoo/bath gel... non of which is mine! haha
so sian.. i was enjoying my tapao bowl of "ban mian".. so delicious that i finished strand of noodle.. then after i discarded the box, my baby decided to reject the entire bowl! So now i m hungry again.. wasted my $$.
Jul, so shiok shopping.. I haven't shop like that for a very long time

Wow Petrina! U're very strict n disciplined..

Yum! Juz made myself a grilled cheese n tomato sandwich for lunch.. Feel so satisfied now
Wow it seems like alot of mommies are having a boy! Hopefully I can see my baby gender during my 16th week visit next week!

Btw, any mommies suddenly experience headache? A serious headache striked me on Sunday until now, it's pounding my head on both sides and i can't really work. It's so painful!!! I read it's quite common to have headache from 14 weeks onwards. Wah, i very suay leh..experienced all kinds of pregnancy symptoms this time round..
Still have nausea at night time..hai..when will my MS ends?
nattan, my gynae is Irene Chua. Recently she opened her own private practice, so probably the scanning equipment that she bought was rather new, that's why lor.

Yah, my nipples also were itchy! But boobs still the same puny size though. *sobs* And these few days my waist and tummy and back areas are starting to itch too! Better start buying stretch mark cream and apply!

Petrina, my mil is also old school type. Keep asking me how come I don't want to feed my girl egg, keep saying that my girl's porridge is so bland and want to add soy sauce, salt etc. And keep saying other kids can eat all these stuff, how come my girl cannot. But it's every mum's individual choice mah, it's just that I chose not to feed my girl those until she turns 1. But it really is tiring to have to keep making our stand.
But poor thing you. Guess your baby doesn't really like ban mian that much...maybe eat something light first to kill your hunger ba.
I have done my Oscar test yesterday at TMC though no appointment but no need to wait at all. Now waiting for result. Hope everything will be fine.

Ok ok, I go check when I next buy something online & need to TT hahaha

Did you send me your address?


I'm also quite strict, but I didn't go organic lah. Coz certain things depend on MIL to buy, & can't really get organic fish etc easily. Mostly is organic veg & fruits only. But I also keep insisting not to let him start solids till 6 mths, no feeding certain things. new food gotta intro 3 or 4 days etc.

Luckily my boy's quite sumo weight lah, so he was doing very well on milk alone. Guess less pressure to start him on solids also.

I also same size as you. Aiyah I want padded. it's very ugl to wear unpadded lah. I am.. ahem.. rather obvious, so must have coverage.

Anyway i also nvr wear nursing wear before coz couldn't manage to latch my boy. really hope this time round things can be different.


My MIL also aws said, no soya sauce, no taste, my son where got wanna eat. But I fed him, he ate mah! And he's big-sized. So she cannot say anything. Plus she buys really good fish, meat etc to cook for him. Such good ingredients, where got no taste right?


Yeah, me also shiok! I also haven't shopped for years! Just that I needed some stuff, & I managed to spend a lot within a couple of hours hahaha


I'm also 16 weeks next week. Where's your gynae? I'm seeing Dr Khi from ACJ next Fri. Scully we meet each other at the clinic haha


I'm sure everything will be fine
Jul, your skin must be stretching all over then.. I haven't felt anything although my tummy is getting more prominent. I do feel a slight twinge on my lower abdomen now and then, think must be the ligaments stretching to accommodate the growing uterus.

Joycie, do you normally have migraines or headaches? Can ask your doctor for medication? If not, I usually take peppermint tea to clear my headaches/tummyache. It's non-caffeinated and safe during pregnancy. Can also rub some peppermint oil on your temples.

BTW, does anyone see anything coming out from your nipples? I noticed a bit of whitish stuff had dried around my nipples.. am I lactating already?!! Strange... isn't it too early...

Just had u-mian for lunch with homemade barley drink... now feeling so sleepy.. I only had 1 nescafe this morning... not enough to perk me up...
Sorry my dear mummies out there! ASk uUu all arrrr, read that some of uUu had already signed up courses with the hospital. May i know what courses you muMMies attending next yr? Am currently lOOking at TMC - Child Birth Education. Any1 sign up? :)
<font color="aa00aa">Re: Dreams
I dream everyday and I suffer from insomnia frequently. I simply don't know how to relax and sleep well. However, I don't remember those dreams after I'm awake.

Try to get some fresh air, or maybe take leave during these few days?</font>
My mum oso said porridge must add a little bit of soy sauce then my gal will eat. She really did that I close one eye lor, cos I feed her she dun take but my mum feeds she takes

Yeah I think so. Sometimes I find myself scratching away. Try to control, but sometimes just can't take it.


Uh oh, can u take leave &amp; stay away?


I attended for my #1 at TMC. Not bad lah, learned quite some stuff


Yeah coz your gal is used to the soy sauce taste. That's why I keep stressing to MIL - no additional seasonings. I know that maybe sometimes she will try something funny. So I have to tell her NO, so that I can control her.

If I say he can eat seasoning... hoho.. all out of control liao
I seen gynae first time at end nov which is my 8th week n next appt is mid Jan next yr which is abt 15 weeks. Feel abit insecure cos nvr see baby scan n heartbeat.

Btw how is Oscar done? I did the down syndrome test in Kkh n they dun called Oscar. I did blood test first then following week go back do the scan. Then they used blood test results n scan results to calculate the probability. Izzit same as Oscar? I heard from a doc that for Oscar, the blood test n scan must b done same day?
I've signed up for the TMC prenatal classes starting end of Jan. it's by Mrs Wong n held at AMK hub. Should start signing up soon cos when I signed up, there was already 1 class full.
Jenny, if u want the results on the same day of the scan, u need to do your blood test at least 1 wk earlier. I did my BT in Wk 10 after my visit to see gynea. The NT Scan was in Wk 12. Straight after the scan, they can let u know results.

I think that's Oscar. I didn't do the blood test &amp; scan on the same day.

Basically my gynae drew blood for the blood test &amp; sent it to the TMC lab. Then I went on another day to the TMC scanning place to scan the baby's neck thickness, thigh etc.. a few measurements. Then the TMC lab will calculate everything &amp; send the results to my gynae.
Moi, try listening to soft relaxing music. My hubby just just bought Putumayo Kids Music CD- Asian Dreamland. Bought it from Vivo National Geographic at $25. (dont know where to get it cheaper cos thinking of getting all from the Dreamland Series) He say it's for baby.. Very easy listening. I fall asleep after the 1st few tracks.
Mihoger, try to take a breather outside your office or ask if you can work from home. Your boss knows you're preggy already or not?

Jenny, if I'm not wrong, the OSCAR test also measures your hormone levels as well as include the nuchal fold test to give a more accurate calculation of the results.
jol / moi / nattan : yea im trying to avoid leaving my office and hiding at colleague room.. their room not much smell.. the moment i step out major headache and nuease too.. boss know im pregnant..
Sunnie_Gal &amp; jul!!

Yaaa seats are filing up FAST next yr! *poutsss

U two noe hw TMC compute the prices? How come sometime $200plus, sometime $300plus? Kinda confused. Tried calling several times but NO RESPONSE. =___='''

So husbands are allowed to attend the course too or?
Any mummies taking bird nest? when should start if taking. coz some of my frenz say as soon as possible but there are some who says during 3 trimester.

Thanks. hehe more shopping to tempt me hor?


There are a few pricings, IF I'm not wrong, because you can choose whether to include doctor's talk. I don't ahve the pricing in front of me, so I can't really advise.

The other thing I can guess at, is that the lower price doesn't include GST.

Else, it doesn't include the 10% discount by the FBI/SBI card.
How are u feeling now, going to 15 weeks? I'm seeing Dr. Yeo at TMC so we won't see each other, haha!

I had migraine but that was 8 years ago!I also had headache earlier this year but that was due to my shoulder ache. This time round, i don't feel it's connected to my shoulder, it's just PAIN on my two sides!! Should I go see a Neurologist? I take paracetamol and it doesn't help at all! I just keep putting oil on my temples. I only stop feeling the pain when i fall asleep. Does peppermint tea really helps? How about 100 plus? I'm not sure if i want to see my gynae this week about my headache since i'm scheduled to see him next week leh.

I also have the dry whitish stuff on my nipples leh. I also dunno why? Like dried milk!
I think i have a serious problem.. after vomiting my ban mian, i m hungry but no appetite. till now haven't eaten anything else.
I weighed myself but i am not gaining weight. i think i might have lost some.. M i in danger zone?
Noelle, I don't intend to get bird's nest cos my doc tells me it causes allergy and asthma, besides there is no nutritional value. It's just that traditionally Chinese believe it makes your complexion and baby's complexion better. It's just a myth.. your genes determine baby's complexion. Besides, no guarantee next time the child will still have nice skin growing up.

Joycie, maybe your sleep posture is causing the shoulder pain and headaches. I think peppermint works for me, you can try it. I don't know about 100 plus.. isn't that an isotonic drink? Can help headache?? Try sleeping earlier too....when I don't sleep enough, I get headaches.

Petrina, can you take those drinks like Ensure? My doc gave me a sample packet to try, says it's for ensuring that I have a balanced diet on days I don't feel like eating. But so far, I don't need it la.. cos I've been eating so much :p
jul : hahhaha.. =X yup ASOS take sometimes to send the shopping goods to you.. this one instant purchase.. =x..

Noelle : im taking after my MS stop .. dont wanna waste the birdnest.. hehe..

Petrina : i went to doc and told the doc my weight is dropping too.. he say i be better the next time i see him.. indeed my MS is not as bad as when im in weeks 8/9(few post back i keep complain my MS is killing me).. endure endure~ jia you jia you ~~ <3 gonna be over soon *hug hug* .. if really very bad inform the gynae?

Hi Mummies, I would like to share this piece of info on maternity shots by a good photographer.

He is currently having a soft launch promo which is going at just S$250. It includes a 2hr shoot, about 10-15 images edited and returned in low res JPG and 3 prints. More optional upgrades to the packages are available for customisations. Edits and prints go thru olor enhancements and touchups, prints are done with premium print makers. Website: http://www.3littlepics.com/. Contact: Tey Yong How +65 9793 2031. Can preview his profile on FB
