(2012/06) Jun 2012

Yet to try comgateway though i already registered with citibank card.
i found it too many steps then. plus vpost first timer had good discount.. so i was stuck with vpost. haha
will try CGW the next time i buy from Amazon. Vpost not good reviews i heard. so i dare not ship heavy or exp stuffs. once i bought from amazon lots books n exp.. so i bought insurance. otherwise i usually omit insurance n hope for the best. haha

Nattan - I brought 2 topicream..heeheez..coz i put alot at tummy, thighs and bums..this is what my gynae told me..he said once its out, it will not be gone..so I very scare..

Ya..I can also feel the baby's movements at around Week 17th. But especially strong at night when I want to sleep. Like playing boxing and dancing lidat..I will get my hubby to touch my tummy and he can feel it too
So cute lor..All of us must enjoy the process
Petrina, now I go to bookdepository.co.uk to buy books unless Amazon offers much better price since they offer free shipping worldwide.

Recently just ordered a baby gym from Brandsfever website at 30% off.. Also bought 2 long sleeve onesies from Baby Gap at 30% off... Hehe... the baby shopping has really begun!
Jen your EDD is the same as mine right? I started feeling some fluttering around 15 weeks or so.. but not sure whether was is the baby. Now definitely can feel him moving. Just that it's still quite gentle (or I'm too thick skinned to feel.. haha). Ya usually the baby will move at night cos day time is when they sleep.

I already got stretch mark on my butt from growth spurt in teenage years, so no hope already... now I just put the cream on my thighs, belly, hips and arms... sometimes I also forget when I'm sleepy... :p
Uhoooo!!! I just sent a request to join SMH JUNE 2012 grp!! Cool~~

yEshhh WE shld meet up for lunchie 1day. KEKE! What time ish ur lunchie? Mine starts frm 12.30-1.30pm.

I've joined ur HAPPY WARDROBES too! *WINK*

By the way, am into 22wks & i've gained 6kg already! I read a few of UUU gained SO LITTLE huHhh. Envy envy~
Nattan: I used to go with vpost. But I have too many complaints about them. So I switched to comgateway. If you have amex card u can use borderlessbuys. Its the same juz different name but u get more privileges like 30days holding b4 they charge the additional holding fee (instead of the usual 14days)

Reasons I like comgateway (based on my own experience):
- they use DHL, so can deliver after office hours instead of vpost even redelivery can also lose my items
- they have online help chat instead of vpost have to call and wait even send email also v slow in response
- they can help to repackage your item for a nominal if the box that the seller sent is too bulky (i don't think vpost does that)
- they can help u do the returns if you don't want your item anymore. I ordered a baby gym from Amazon once coz it was really cheap online like USD 50+ when sing selling $140 for the one I want. Ends up it was still bulky after repacking and the shipping came up to a whopping $150. Fortunately the item had FREE returns policy, so I got the label from Amazon and comgateway help me ship it back for $5 admin fee. (if i went through vpost i might have had to dispose it and waste my $$)

Mabbe I'm just suay with vpost la, everytime use them they cok up and i end up with a stomach full of anger. Whereas so far use comgateway no problems. Now my habit is to leave a note to the retailer to package the items as compact as possible. Hee hee...
free international shipping? wow.. i heard of bookdepository but nvr really try. cause amazon i usually get my hb's novels. all new. so i tot only there can get. i also like to get dvd US series..
angela: my lunch is 12-1. can meet ard 12.20? i can delay abit occasionally..

i just bought a new non-digital weighing scale.. realized tat i gained 3kg.. keke
i think i gained 3kg in a single mth!! i can't imagine next mth gain manz!
first 3mths lost weight. so from Day 1 till now total 3kg.. bleh... i'm gonna so be overweight this time again

Asrias: so far so good with vpost. i still got 1 last package with them. *cross fingers*
after that i'll try CGW.

they do repack also. u can consolidate ur purchases from various plcs in US once it reaches the US location, u can request repack for lower vol weight.

i usually too impatient to consolidate. so i tend to overpay for shipping since they have base charge.
i think overall vpost is cheaper than CGW tat's prob y vpost suit me more..
if u ship heavy stuffs, CGW shld be cheaper.
Hi jul04
have not rec the fish oil from you. had emailed you many times but no reply. I bought 3 bottles from you. thanks a lot. Had already paid the balance to you. maybe you can check your email
thanks for organising this spree
<font color="aa00aa">Which Braun Thermometer do you recommend? I am using a Pigeon Ear Thermometer for my #1 but the readings from both ears are different.</font>
Petrina: oohh think the repacking for vpost is sth new, last time they din have it. But yeap go with something that works for u, and you're comfortable with it.
<font color="0077aa">asrias/nattan, i first used a baby bjorn for my #1. it was good until baby turned 5 months where i could only tahan 2 hours of carrying. i then switched to manduca and it was so much better i could carry my gal and go out shopping the whole day. fr then on i nv use baby bjorn again. as mentioned by others already, manduca (or brands like ergo) is better for the baby too as baby is sitting in it rather than "hanging" on it. manduca lasts longer too. am still using on my 19 months old now.

re: comgateway
can we ask them to repackage aft we know the original shipping cost? what if aft repacking, the cost still the same? will they advice u whether to repackage or not?</font>
Petrina, Bookdepository may not have as big a variety as Amazon (they don't carry movie DVDs but they have audio and eBooks, and selection of educational DVDs) but it's has most of the books I need. So far their price is good and shipping is quite fast. Usually receive my order within 2 weeks. So far I'm happy ordering from them

Actually your 3kg weight gain is normal mah.. why worry you'll be overweight again? I also gained about 3kg..
Sapphire, hmm.. looks like I need to check out Manduca too.. I was telling hubby maybe wait till baby is born before buying cos I think baby should testdrive the carrier to see which one is most comfortable for him. A stroller is still our priority.
Nattan: That makes sense huh. Aiya I buy liaoz... Anyway where can we buy manduca other then online? I dun remember seeing it in the stores.
hehs, Nattan. cause i didn't gain much first 5mths for my #1. then during 6-9mths boomed 10kg..
so i think i might have same record. so this time already 3kg means chances of over gaining is very high.. keke
based on my BMI, my max is 12kg. if gain more than that means super hard to lose le.
Nattan: ya. u shld wait till baby is out then test it. i also bought my ERGO ard 3mths post delivery.
then baby 4mths can use le. dun rush.
same goes for stroller. some babies quite niao...
at most use free hand carry lor..
Petrina, did you gain 10kg cos of diet or is it just mostly water retention? My max is also around 12kg but I hope it's just 10kg la :p So far I've gained 3kg or so.. hope I don't pile on too much too soon.. Hopefully all the walking and going to gym helps!
nattan: i dunno.. but b4 birth i gained a total of 12kg. maybe cause i ate durians at 7mths. then baby from 1.7kg boomed to 3.3kg at 8.5mths scan.
plus i dun exercise except leisure swim.
i noe my shoe size gained 1.5 size bigger.. from size 7 to 9. it maintained at 9 since then.. so sad.. so i think tat was real weight gain.
Petrina, oic.. fortunately I'm not a fan of durian :p It's very heaty and fattening, so best eat sparingly. I usually like to eat chocolates, ice cream and cakes, although strangely now I don't have the urge to eat them at all.. think the pregnancy hormone changed my tastebuds :p
i ate durian at 7mths cause gynae say bb is small at 7mths.. so ask me eat more protein.. durian was said to be fastest.. lol
i nvr eat during this preg. tried durian cake.. puked!
eating Lindt praline chocs balls alot during this CNY.. haha at least 2 balls per day...
haha durian is my all time favorite, had fresh ones, durian cakes, durian roll and durian crepe even.. LOL..

i put on 11.9kg last time round so of course dun wish to put on more than 12kg this time round.. but so far already put on more than 6kg lor.. it depends i guess cuz last time i also put on faster during first 6 months, then after that it's about 0.8kg every month from 7th months onwards.. so to me you ladies are putting on nothing now!!!! envy envy...
Hoho.. my detailed scan is 2moro. I wonder how much weight I've gained so far. I hope I don't bust 14kg for this pregnancy.
Is weight gain dependent on individual height also? Just curious cos I think the weight distribution of 12kg for someone 1.7m tall is different from someone say 1.6m tall??

Felicia, did you manage to lose all or most of the 11.9kg you put on the last time before you got pregnant again? My SIL didn't.. then my late MIL still made a remark about that to me (luckily SIL wasn't around). I definitely hope to lose all if not MORE weight before I have my #2... haha..

Speaking abt vPost, think my ON stuff are reaching US vPost now. Hehe can't wait to get my son's clothes. Desperate ah! Surviving on 3 decent shorts for the whole sch week haha

Not sure abt height, but it's definitely recommended for BMI.

I lost all the weight after pregnancy, didn't do anything, no exercise or what. Ate like a pig though haha. Think the BF-ing helped.
Jul: your son's school doesn't have uniform is it? I just went to buy sch u for my son over the weekend. They ran out of small pe shorts, he tried medium and the shorts promptly drop down.
hi all! just chanced upon this thread.. my EDD is 17 June 2012.. anyone same day as me?? my first child

was going to Dr SH Teoh at Mt Elizabeth coz he's my mom's gynae who delivered me years ago, but he's not doing delivery anymore so he recommended me to Dr John Tee at KKH. going for my first appt with Dr Tee this wednesday.

btw currently considering to get a confinement lady or confinement catering.. any recommendations?? hubby not in favor of CL coz he heard a lot from his female colleagues CLs not good.. but confinement food catering so exp now! not worth it?
Hi cindy, i have same edd as u. Dr john tee is good. A lot of my collys went to him for delivery.

I dun like kkh, so i took back my old gynae. Go to our fb if u wanna join. We have a spreadsheet to see vrious choices of docs n hospitals.
yes, actually i lost about 7-8kg immediately after my delivery, although my boy is 3.195kg consider not super big for my size.. i was 76.5kg and 162cm when i delivered him.. when i got discharged from hospital, i grabbed my old pants to try right after i reached home, and i could wear it, LOL although tight.. then i remember i further lost a bit in the next 3-4 days in fact.. by the time we had our baby shower after 1 month, i was already back to my original weight of 65kg+.. i did not do anything at all, but i didn't have CL to help, no confinement food and my mother only cook vege and soup, no meat for me.. so think the diet really helped.. i didn't have enough milk so didn't get any help from Breastfeeding anyway.. LOL.. but i know my friends always eat supper cuz breastfeeding gets hungry easily, i didn't.. i was too busy and tired to realize i was hungry i guess..

so after confinement my weight stay around my pre-preggy weight lor till mid last year i decided to go on diet, so share lunch with my sis and eat more healthy food.. end up managed to lose from 65 to 58kg.. that's why this time round i didn't watch out my diet very closely.. now already 65+.. lol.. i scare i will balloon up to 76kg again..

Cindy Lim
yup confinement food is not cheap, i am going to get from Natal Essential i think.. didn't do much research on which is really good..

if you want to hire CL, i think it might not be too easy to get one, might need to go through agent if you book now, that will cost even more.. anyway if you have no one else to help out, then i think it makes sense to get confinement food at at least.. even you hire CL also might spend quite a lot on food cuz the ingredients used are not cheap anyway..
Felicia: same here. i didn't eat much meat. no appetite + bfing very tired. so after bf i usually fall aslp together with baby.. haha
my usual dishes r
* leafy veg cooked with some stock, stir fry with egg white n minced meat.
* steam fish *either whole promfret or threadfin*
* any kind of soup MIL cooks. seldom take papaya soup as it's very troublesome to fry fish then cook soup. anyway i very anal on smell. so if too fishy i won't take.

i did alot of research on foods tat boost milk &amp; those tat reduce milk. also those foods tat r best for bfing moms so tat the vitamins will transfer to baby.

i didn't think much abt confinement foods as i feel nutrients is more impt.
so i didn't take alot of variety as i stuck to the power foods for the sake of baby. ate less fat n more protein.
my baby was huge michellin by 3mths.. keke

then by Man Yue, i already lost most weight n i put on pre-preg pants already.

I m on the plump side. so those worried abt losing weight, dun worry.. if i can do it, i'm sure with determination, u can too.

i m 1.56m / 73kg pre-preg size..

Yeah, no uniform. Got pros &amp; cons. No need to iron iniform, but which means he needs more decent looking clothes. Can't let him go to sch in his ratty home clothes with the holes at the seams etc haha


Hello there. For me, I'm getting a CL. Coz from my experience, I need help so that I can get more rest.
Hi mummies,

Thread moves so fast since i last log in.

We had changed school for my boy, now his school is only 5mins drive from my house. No more travelling the almost 2hrs journey to school. Didn't manage to survey many schools as most of them are closed a week for cny instead of 2 PH like in sg. A couple of them only accept kids at the age of 4 and above so quite difficult to find. In the end enrolled him into cherie hearts halfday session. Hope he will like the place as he will be starting there tomorrow.

Weight gain
I gained alot during my last pregnancy, about 20kg. I ate alot because baby unable to get nutrients from me, he was growing slow during the end of 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester. Gynae even suggested me to take high sugar content food like durian, cake, ice cream to fatten up baby but i wasnt keen on those during pregnancy. Hopefully this time i wont gain that much.
Morning mummies...

Felicia, Petrina, did you go for post-natal massage after your #1?

I notice that a lot of the weight I'm gaining, besides going to the baby, is my thighs
Hubby was commenting I got more cellulite now on my thighs
Hopefully after birth and breastfeeding, they will shrink... And I definitely plan to exercise and go for massage to reduce my tummy and thighs.

Anyway, I'm 1.68m and 60kg pre-pregnancy. Actually I used to be much lighter, around 52kg. But being away from the gym due to work and a sedentary lifestyle made me gain 8kg over 3-4yrs.. Now I'm about 64kg. Really hope I can go back to around 55kg after birth.
I gained 15 kg when preggy with #1. Huehehe..
Actually I've just checked again, it's only starting 5th mths onwards last time I gained 2 kg per month!
After birth I remember straight away 7 kg gone (even though baby only 2.78 kg), then after massage another 3 kg (when water retention all gone).

After that very busy with work, then fully pumping, can't get enough sleep at night, eat few food, in the end lose 5 kg weight in 2 mths back to pre-preggy weight (55 kg)..

Then start to get stressed out why losing weight so fast, start to eat more, by the time I preggy with this one I weigh 58 kg!

Now I weigh again at home I'm 61 kg. Just gained 3 kg in 5 mths pregnancy.. (I think airport weighing machine is not correct or becoz CNY period has ended - haha remember I told I weigh 62 kg in airport).
Most likely will reach 70 kg of weight like last time. haha.. But sure this time around will lose weight faster. Can't imagine taking care of 2 babies at the same time..
Especially now with a new maid, #1 is very clingy to me!! Everything I must do, even changing her pants, feed her. Except if hubby at home can ask hubby
. But right now she doesn't want to sleep with hubby anymore. I need to be around. hux.. Quite stressful later I haven't enrolled her into childcare when I give birth, and only have 1 maid, no confinement lady. And sure my Mom will come only 1-2 weeks becoz she will say busy. Then MIL still sick. Hubby dunno can work from home or not like last time. Sigh..
<font color="0077aa">chris, so far i only know isetan and the shop at novena sq 2 carry manduca. if u know of anyone who just bought a carrier from the shop, u can ask the person to lend u her card for 10% discount. otherwise, can consider ergo which shd be as good too (though i haven't used it before) as it's more widely available and may have more promo. can also see if anyone is selling pre-loved if u dun mind.
since you are so active with your gym, i am sure it's not a prob for you to shrink back to your pre-preggy size at all...

i did the massage for just 1 day, i know it helps, but can't continue with it cuz was too stressed out, no time for it and while putting on the binder, i can't even carry my boy properly and since no one is helping me, i have to take care of my boy so end up decided to cancel the massage service..

Weight gain
I gained about 21 kg for 1st pregnancy. My gynae never control my weight, she just kept telling me to eat eat and eat even my weight kept going up. Probably my pre-pregnancy weight is too low. only 43kg but my height is 168cm. after delivered I lost 10kg straight, and back to pre-pregnancy weight when my gal is 4mos.


My gal also in cherie heart but she is in FD.

FB SMH June 2012
I still unable to search this page, probably can only search using pc.
