(2012/06) Jun 2012

Btw, anyone knows how to cook red date drink (how much do I need etc)?? Maybe I'll consider to cook that for my next confinement :p

1. i just bought some clothes for baby last sat at kiddy palace.. good to buy now around 6-7 months i feel while we are still mobile..

and i only get 2 shot sleeves top with buttons in front for new born, and another 2 for 3-6 months since based on #1's experience, baby might outgrow the newborn size before 3 months.. LOL.. no pants or shorts cuz last time i bought for #1 but never really wear.. and i got a romper with front opening, when their neck is soft, it's harder to wear romper from top down so front opening is very easy to handle, and when baby goes out, say visit doc, it's better to wear a romper, or else you need to keep adjusting the top to make sure it covers belly button.. bought mitten but no booties cuz my boy last time will kick them off end up never really wear..

maybe also settle things like milk bottle and teats.. and bedsheets, esp the waterproof mattress cover and stuff.. baby bath tub.. other things still can wait a bit..

2. me never spend a single cent on maternity wear, they are expensive, and pretty ugly in my eyes, LOL.. so just get normal long and loose top and wear my pants for now, when tummy is bigger then will just wear leggings.. maternity wears are way over priced lor i feel..

3. obimin multivitamins, fish oil, folic acid, pure calcium(for my high blood pressure, if no high blood pressure my gynae wont give this).. i never get from pharmacy since it's so easy to get from gynae and i am sure he knows what's best for preggy ladies..

4. i booked a day-time one at first but canceled in the end, will just order confinement food.. better book now as there are just too many dragon babies.. all good ones recommended in forums should be fully booked by now already..
Hi mummies, there are 2 baby sales at expo this Feb.
Anyone going? If I only want to choose 1 to go(cos I'm staying at Jurong haha) which one will u all recommend? Thanks for e advice!
re waterproof mattress :

btw anyone bought any waterproof mattress protector from the seller in Bulk&Purchase?

wanna buy from them , but not sure how's the quality?

re clothes :
im buying from gmarket as well as nursing bra.. hehe

other things will go during the expo sales and buy.. jus nice..
Hi all, been 'absent' from this thread for a while because busy with CNY period and work. Anyway just went for my checkup last Sat. I am at my 18th week and scan reveals boy boy
Can finally start thinking of a name and buy items for him. Can also start to decorate the room. Yuppie!

Er.. I dunno how to cook, sorry
But think internet got recipes if you google?


U only need 2 tops??? I bought a dozen of newborn sizes for short-sleeves & another dozen of long-sleeves. I figure after the CL goes off, I'll be doing laundry by washing machine, so need more pcs. Then if #2 is like #1, spit up all the time, gotta change often, throw away stained clothes, 6 pcs like not enough hehe.

Expo Fair

Hmm dunno if I'll be gog. prob not, coz it's so FAR away. Think of dragging Hubs & #1 all the way, I sian liao

Harlow! Hey I gotta pass u the topicrem. Just remembered after I saw your post. Oops.. sorry, have been v bz lately with work & #1's schooling. I PM you my hp we arrange ok?
mattress protector
i lik the one fr bb safe. Easy to use n wash. Bt nt so cheap.

Bb fair
tinkin of goin too. Bt i wil b goin alone on fri aftrn. Anyone wan2 go cn join me.
red date - the chinese medical hall - recommended blue dates and black dates too. Just boil with longan (for sweetness) add water.

can boil for about 15 - 30 min
Morning mummies..

So busy after getting back to work :p And this morning, had a bad episode of MS - again no vomit, just the gag reflex
My colleague says I don't have enough protein, must eat egg whites everyday.

Jen, congrats on having a boy.. me too!

Jul, you blur already... I already passed the Topicrem to Jen long time ago!! If wait for you, Jen will be covered with stretchmarks already!!
Yes! The swirls and twirls are experience very frequently now. The little kicks can be felt by daddy when he places his hand on my tummy.
red date tea very easy to cook.
red dates + longan + black dates + black fungus.
(dates for blood, longan for heaty i think, fungus for clearing lochia)
all throw in n boil can liao.. see the colour and taste sweet, can drink already.

Bb Kicks
yesh! swimming ard very frequently... esp at night when i'm abt to sleep. lol.. keeps me up recently.
last night had legs cramp.

baby safe brand is good. any co-sleepers? for my first child i bought playpen, end up using it as diaper n clothes storage as my #1 slept beside me till 2yo.
I hope this time i'll be able to not co-sleep since i m working.. so sad.
yup, I also could feel the movements. Going to be 5 months soon! Time flies.

re nausea, I'm definitely much better now, but there are still instances of reflux and throwing up. Think I'm still at once a week when I get too hungry or have too much water mixing with my gastric juices
yup. can feel her soft kicks now. but daddy cant really feel it with his palm though.

nausea, sad to say.. im still getting it on and off.

just got a call from gynae and pass my blood test. what a relieve.. i thought i may get gestational diabetes as im on too much sweet drinks. phew~
haha not started buying everything yet, but yes not enough for sure, and i think hor last time i bought 6 tops for #1 and last till about 3 months.. so will buy more again..

baby movements
yup started feeling at 12 weeks.. now it's so frequent, hubby was kind of scared when baby moves nonestop while he put his hand on my tummy.. but i think that's the part i enjoy the most about pregnancy.. haha..

infant themometer
just remember this, if you are getting, please get Braun ear thermometer, we bought some other brand for slightly cheaper price at first then to realize it's very difficult to use.. so rather one time invest on a good one...
Petrina, Nattan: Finally decided to go to the doc today coz the cough was keeping me up all night, cough until belly also pain, think baby felt it too, coz baby was so active this few days. Probably woke up from all my coughing.

Felicia: Totally agree, I think I will miss the baby movements once baby is born. I'm so used to feeling baby move around in the morn after breakfast. For the infant thermometer, its much much cheaper to get it from the US. Singapore selling 150+ for Braun thermoscan but if buy from Amazon probably come to up about $60 only.
I also thought of signing up Sat classes. Errrr which means starting in 4/2? So you called them already huh??

haha.. Angela, they nvr announce.. i happened to go carrefour to see dragon dance then went downstairs.. saw the huge queue so decided to eat subway. reaching counter then saw the poster for the promo..
i tapao, reached ofc i immediately posted news already...
We shld meet up for lunch 1 day. i m in T2.

infant thermometer
yeah.. braun is best. i tried OMRON - clinic recommended forehead thermometer. use 6mths only. cause BRAUN ear can be used from 3mths onwards.
forehead not very accurate. maybe first 3mths is ok. after that, best to get braun for accurate results.

shiok right.. the movements.. very bubbly.. i also enjoy. but i hope baby slp early haha. cause baby starts the massive movements ard 10pm till 12mid. daytime very seldom.

i m waiting patiently for feb 4th.. hope can see gender by then, 20th wk.
baby shy manz...
yup yup very shiok to feel baby moving, LOL.. last time #1 started moving at 6 months and only move actively from 7.5 months.. so this time i am enjoying for much longer period.. baby moving around lower tummy this time lor..

most active around 10-12pm also but then, i can sleep with him moving inside.. lol hubby told me can see me sleep soundly but my tummy is moving none-stop, LOL...
Angela: Nope I have not called them yet. I'm Procrastination queen... So far I only checked out the schedule thats all. Heee
Felicia: mine also lower tummy. i think cause we feel early. so haven't move ard upper tummy yet. my #1 also ard 6-7mths then feel movements..
every night i purposely slp flat on my back to wait for baby to move.. hehe.. with clothes harder to feel when i put hand on tummy. i m staring at tummy all the time once 10pm comes.

Asrias: better lah.. see doc otherwise ur baby thinking y everyday earthquake.. keke

alot of things in US is cheaper. but whether shipping covers or insurance is an issue. usually i only buy cheap stuffs.. the exp ones i prefer ppl to carry in for me. safer.

How much is the baby safe mattress protector?


Alamak! Make me feel guilty blush... All along i blur. Not already haha

Baby movt

I think i felt this baby's movt earlier. Maybe coz got experience? But when i started feeling no 1's, it was strong kicks. This time round, feel v little n feel weaker. From 15tg week till now, virtually nothing all day. Maybe this baby is gentler? I hope haha



No1 was born smaller. Newborn size was hanging off him. Then by 2 mths, bursting out liao. So wasted.
<font color="0077aa">chris, can go in the morning instead? hee hee... i am going alone on 24 feb too.

i use babysafe mattress protector too. it's good. now robinsons having 20% discount, i think.</font>
I just had a very full meal at 10 plus. Now hungry again. Think I'll go get some noodle. Later got lo hei in office.
Jul, lol.. if you're always blur then no need to feel guilty :p

Re baby movement, yes I can feel baby's movement more frequently now esp if I lie on my back.
I look forward to feeling more of his movement but at the same time scared it will make me nauseous...

BTW, I know we discussed this before but I forgot liao... where's the best place to get baby carrier (is Baby Bjorn good? My friends recommended it) and how much should I spend on it?
Petrina: Haha that so funnY!! earthquake. keke. Yeah, i think when it comes to online shopping alot is on your comfort level. I'm so into online shopping that I hardly buy anything from the stores nowadays. For the baby gadgets, I try to get them from Amazon or Babies'r'us then ship through comgateway to singapore.

Nattan: I'm also getting the Baby bjorn (air). There are 3 or 4 types if i'm not wrong. Also bought it based on reviews. Think its available at alot of places like mothercare, robinson, even OG also have. Hahaha. But I got mine from Amazon la, since I was getting other stuff as well.
NATTAN: mentioned earlier that bjorn only suitable till 1yo. cause only tahan till 10kg or so.
plus baby is resting whole body weight on spine. so not suitable in my opinion.
i will recommend sling for NB - cheaper n more long lasting to use.
if really dunno how to use then go for other brands like ERGO, BECO, Patapum, Pikkolo, Boba, Beco, Manduca etc..

try this webby for more info on all types of carriers


NB legs can't spread yet so u can put both legs on 1 side like sitting on chair. for support, instead of splurging on infant insert, u can use cloth nappy folded to fit baby's back. usually 2pcs is sufficiently thick to support.
AsRias, now much is the Baby Bjorn you're getting with shipping? I checked in a Kiddy Palace shop, they're selling about $179 for one of the models (can't remember which one, it has grey mesh).

Petrina, I think up to 1yo is ok la.. cos was thinking next time go out with baby for a short while, no need to bring stroller or bring the lighter kind of stroller. Hubby says he prefers to carry baby. Thanks for the link.. will check it out.
Seldom log in to this forum, but I just joined the group in FB. Thanks for the add, Adeline.

Lately, I also start to feel my baby's movement at my lower tummy recently, quite ticklish, haha. At first, felt the moves on my right side, these few days at the center.
Felicia, I also fell into deep sleep whenever my baby moves in the middle of the night. Moves quite a fair bit the whole day, but always active after 8pm.
Nattan: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000CGX7WU/ref=oh_o01_s01_i03_details

I shipped it together with other items (like braun thermoscan, bb snotsucker, fisher price seahorse, wireless mouse and some other stuff to make the shipment worthwhile), so prob come up to about 110, with CC ex rate at 1.31 (about 1-2wks back) Fortunately I went via comgateway, coz the box that amazon sent was bulky and they repacked it for me so that the shipping fees are reduced
haha yup at first ticklish, now slightly painful cuz he moves so frequent and hard till i can feel the pressure on my tummy...

baby carrier
didn't buy or use one for #1, and he hit the 10kg mark at 8th month actually, LOL.. i am thinking of getting a good baby carrier this time round since got to handle 2, but then hor somehow feel rather invest on stroller.. carry too much they get used to it also not good, rather dun carry and put inside stroller.. talking about stroller, bil bought us a quite light weight one from capella, really cannot make it, will never consider that brand, super hard to push de even a little hump must lift up, looks like going to collapse at anytime if we push a bit harder.. hope can find a good stroller this time round..
Just joined FB group..

Thermometer: Last time bought Pigeon brand only $9.90, good to be used only in 1 year? Right now spoiled already. Last time it's pretty good to be used.

But I bought another one again since right now there's the bundle very cheap..

Anyway, if feverish baby, can really feel if it's hot, then means really fever.. If still so active, only warm a bit, no worries.. That's why I bought cheap one again..

I'm still doesn't know how to do overseas online shopping. Still quite afraid the goods won't reach me or will kena very huge tax/shipping fee and don't know how to ship.. Any mummies can share about how to?
Glad that most mummies have felt the Bb movements..I do feel the movement too but not strong yet..looking forward the detailed scan next mon

Btw..mummies I am doing online business selling children's apparels..if any mummies interested,do add me in fb..can find me at Happy wardrobes..thanks mummies
Likewise I can feel the baby movement arnd my lower tummy esp btwn 10pm - 12midnite....the fun part of pregnancy. Many times, my hubby wanna feel the baby movement but he can't feel anything....even trying to listen to bb's heartbeat but can only hear mine....feel so sad. *Lol*
Oh ya..sorry mummies if any of them add Happy Wardrobes in fb,pls pm me that u are from June smh ya so that if possible I will give ur abit of disc..hehe
Hello... i just found it. should be able too...

anyway, any experience sore calves? i woke up with sore calves almost every morning and painful heels too.

Asrias, yup that's the one i saw.. selling quite ex at Kiddy Palace at J8. Hope to buy from Amazon also.. My friend used Vpost, but I don't like to use them... is Comgateway easy to use?

Groovy, I buy a lot of things online, so far haven't had much problems with legitimate companies (don't really trust eBay sellers that much though). Make sure they offer trackable shipping (usually via UPS, DHL, FEDEX, EMS) so that you know when the goods will reach you.

Anna, my hubby also cannot feel or hear the baby yet. Don't worry... give it a few more weeks... Mine doesn't move a lot yet.. just occasionally punch or kick a little at night.
