(2012/06) Jun 2012


It shd be the same nurses on the same floor. I had a few single rooms, double rooms & 1 4-bedder on my 3rd floor, if I rem correctly.

TMC charging $3,258 for 28 days. Very ex hor? Hiaz.. Supposedly only Singaporeans & PRs only, taught how to wash & sterilise breastpump sets, & more modern & unhygienic. And most imptly, they must be pro-BF. I really dun dare to get those freelancers, esp those older ones. I KPO ard, & they all very pro-FM one. Some are so unhygienic, they look dirtier than the mummy who hasn't batehd for 3 days *yucks*


Yeah, very ex lor. I think freelancers are norm ard $2.2k. But then, they are Msians lah, & if they fly your aeroplane, nothing you can do. Or you can try agency?

My gf took hers from PEm for her #1. She said so-so. She had GPLS supply her #2, & that was not bad. When she wanted to extend another mth, coz she had some complications, that CL was booked. So they sent her another which was not gd.


I ever interviewed one freelancer before. Asked her abt pro-BF - yeah she will cook soup for me. if no milk, cannot be helped. Asked me to stand by FM. I hear liao, I immed turn off.

She also had long curly hair & yellow nails, which I cannot accept. Think she was abt 60+, & dun think she could have kept up the night feeds. Sure start feeding Fm or what at night so that she can sleep.
talking about CL, i booked mine for 2.1k + 150 for transportation, also need to give angbao when she comes and leaves.. and she's a day time CL only lor, she's expensive because she is a singaporean who speaks english and mandarin..

she's very pleasant looking and nice to talk to.. but hor she emphasized many times that her focus will be on the mummy, to take good care of mummy and cook nice food and lots of soup.. i also told her my mil will do the shopping for me, she said good, she will just tell her what to buy and let my mil get from those stores she has better bargain with.. but i am not very comfy with the fact that she said she will only help out with caring baby when she has time.. cuz to me i am really fine with any kind of food, didn't have confinement food for #1 either.. i rather she help out more with baby so i can sleep during the day since i need to look after baby at night..

got to see how it goes lor hopefully mil has no conflict with her, LOL...

TMC also emphasises that the CL will focus on care of the mummy & baby, including cooking, laundry, soothing baby etc. But it's more of, dun expect them to wash toilet, scrub windows etc. Bcoz I think they're worried that some families use them as a maid of all trades? haha

But they didn't say that they will only take care of baby when they're done cooking leh.
my CL said she will only help to wash clothes with washing machine, i dun mind also cuz if i handle baby alone, i might end up with using washing machine also..

she wont help with any kind of housework de.. but what i am not so comfy with is that she seems to come to cook only, and shower baby, that's all.. i can't expect her to feed baby or attend to baby if she's busy with cooking..

got to see how lor.. heng mil works half day so i think she will spend some time with baby in the afternoon, then i can sleep.. last time with #1 really no time to rest at all cuz i was all on my own.. if pay so much for a CL this time end up i still can't get any rest, i really vomit blood sia.. LOL

Oic, mine will do baby & mummy's laundry too. Won't do housework but will of course clean up then kitchen after cooking.

If like that, will it be better if u just call confinement catering?
good point jul.. i am seriously thinking about that also.. the most is i lose that 300 deposit i paid her so far.. but if end up she really can't help with baby at all, i am like paying for 2k+ and add another 1.5k for grocery, almost 4k just for someone to cook for me?! doesn't make sense also hor..
Weight gain

I'm in my 17 weeks. Gain about 1-1.5kg. Hope to get 10kg overall Bcos I myself is fat.


My CL is 2.2k, Malaysia. Someone recommend. She will cook n wash for me. My friend told me that she will cook for my hubby also. She will look after baby at night. I will have a room for her to stay.
Chin, wah.. your weight gain is so little.. I'm 18 weeks and already gained about 4kg. Think I should control my diet.. haha..

Re confinement meals, I checked out some meal providers online and saw that most of their menu include pig liver, which I absolutely hate. I used to puke every time I ate liver, so I'm not sure if I can stomach that. Also, calculating the cost of each meal, it's about $30 per meal for 1 person. I wonder if it's really worth it. Think maybe I'll go for normal tingkat meals and get hubby to cook herbal soup to supplement the meals.
<font color="ff0000"><blink>Happy Chinese New Year to all!</blink></font>

<font color="aa00aa">I think I will engage a CL. Can't imagine DIY confinement when I have a my hands full with #1 as well.</font>

Yeah lor. I find that it's impt that the CL meets your needs. If you want her to cook, it's fine. If you want her to take care of baby, maybe she doesn't meet your needs. Not say she isn't good, but mismatch lah.

Think that time after my miscarriage, I paid abt $450+ for 2 meals/day for 2 weeks from Natal Essentials. If you order for 28 days, at most shd be <$1k right?


You can tell them what you don't eat. Like I specified I don't want liver &amp; kidney. They auto asked me if I'm ok with trotters. Then they'll make sure they sub with something else.

I dunno abt other caterers, but I got one without MSG etc. For me, it was a lot for food. Coz I was recovering from MC, not BF-ing mah. If BF-ing, it's abt just nice.

For normal catering, you have to tell them to omit a lot of things like seafood, things that supposedly give u wind etc. If u dun mind these, it's ok. But some people want the red date tea, herbal soups, ginger etc, so it's really up to indiv preference lor.

happy CNY

Haha yeah, coping with 2 is crazy. But hor, actually the CL will have their hands full with #2, so you need extra help for #1 also.
Weight gain.

Strangely I lose weight last week becoz I change maid, until 57.2 kg when I weigh in my gynea. Initially I weigh 58 kg at 6 wks. But then, just yesterday, I weigh myself in airport is 62.2 kg??? Gained 5 kg in 1 week becoz of CNY??
Maybe airport one is incorrect, but dunno.. huehehe.. Didn't try the one at my home..
yup the more i think about it, the more i want to cancel her service liao, just forfeit that 300 lor.. but for Natal Essentials hor, i checked their package for 2 meals/28 days, 1588 leh.. not cheap of course but then, if CL buy all kinds of ingredients which costs 1-1.5k, then catering is still cheaper.. plus all the water/gas usage leh.. LOL..

the worst part is if i need her to help with baby and she push back by saying she's busy with cooking, haiz then might as well just handle baby all by myself like last time.. at least no need to deal with a stranger in a very cramped house..
For confinement food, if you TBF, don't eat too much ginger including yellow ginger. I TBF and my baby last time is very yellow until she's 2 mths plus. Huehehe.. Until I stop all those ginger consumptions!!

But my baby is never detected with dangerous Jaundice, so I didn't give up BF..

The funny thing is just after 3 mths old I know she has a very white skin color. Previously it's very dark. huehehe.. When the skin change color also looks pretty scary that time :p
Jul, which caterer did you use? I also prefer one that doesn't use MSG.

Today, woke up with a bad dry cough. Coughed until I got sore throat and a bit of tummy cramp
I didn't see a doc cos I think he won't give me cough medicine anyway. I took Tussil5 lozenge then found out that it may not be safe for pregnancy, so spat it out. Got hubby to buy honey and pipagao instead.. hope they help.

hehe u must use the same scale to weigh lah. Maybe the airport scale is rigegd to make people pay excess charges haha

My son was also very dark &amp; yellow. His jaundice was quite bad, had to be re-admitted. But I carried on BF-ing. it'll clear up lah. Now he's also very fair. Think he turned fair ard 2+ mths?


Guess you are complicated by the problem of no space in your MIL's hse lor.


Natal Essentials

U sure u can take pipa gao? better see a GP for pregnancy safe cough syrup. I used to take this that is safe for pregnancy &amp; BF. But I frogot the name liao.
Jul, I think should be safe.. went to check online for contraindications.. there are none. Read that some pregnant mums took it and it's fine. Anyway, I really cannot tahan already.. cough till I peed a little!!
Hope the cough doesn't affect baby. He must be thinking.. why so noisy and shaky huh?! Haha..

hehe it's ok lah. For my #1, I also cough &amp; coughed. Those cough like mad in the middle of the night, gough until got blood one. He also ok
Hey everyone, in case you wanna buy Fitflops, there's a limited time sale going on at www.singsale.com.sg. Prices start from $49.95. Good deal. I already got a new pair from another site so not getting.

Also, there's a baby fair coming on 17-19 Feb at S'pore Expo
I gt fr PEM durin #1, 1 one terrible, dirty n nvr cook soup for me at all!

Aiyo, nw i hv a big headache. Tok to hubby last nite if he is ready for #2 arrival. Cos it wil mean he has to b more independent on takin care of #1. Tld him for the 1st 6 mths my hands mayb tied w #2 n all the pumpin, diaper change, washing n restin. He freaked out n ask me to consider gettin b maid. I tld him if gt b maid, #1 cant ask my parents to tak care liao. Thn he starts sayin i cant handle 2 kids n furthermore i cant carry thm too long, cos jus deliver mah. Nw i dilemma whether to gt maid.
I gt fr PEM durin #1, 1st one terrible, dirty n nvr cook soup for me at all! 2nd one better. Gd thing abt agency is cn change.

Aiyo, nw i hv a big headache. Tok to hubby last nite if he is ready for #2 arrival. Cos it wil mean he has to b more independent on takin care of #1. Tld him for the 1st 6 mths my hands mayb tied w #2 n all the pumpin, diaper change, washing n restin. He freaked out n ask me to consider gettin b maid. I tld him if gt b maid, #1 cant ask my parents to tak care liao. Thn he starts sayin i cant handle 2 kids n furthermore i cant carry thm too long, cos jus deliver mah. Nw i dilemma whether to gt maid.
Thanks Nattan for the sharing of flipflop.
want to get one more leh

I booked my CL when I know I am preggy at 6 weeks!! I angry with her when she say wanna go trip.. I say dun do that to me la.. she okay la push back trip.. She scared she play me out leh
how old is your #1 huh? if you are comfy with a maid in the house, then it's not really a bad idea to have one also, at least can help out with housework and even taking care of baby.. what's your plan for #2 initially then, as in who will be looking after #2 once you return to work?

I got a maid to take care of my maid.
Maid got many issue but many issue like household work and cooking and take care of kid are much easier.

I like the part when I can hold hands with hub when go out and someone can push the strolley")
Dear MTBs

I will be delivering either end April or Early May. She will be doing confinement for me for 40days and thereafter she is available until August for her next confinement duty.

This is my second time hiring her and I find her not calculative. She cleans the kitchen after each cooking. She is quite 'jie pi' also. She takes alot of inititive in some of the chores other CN dun do. She cooking are superb. Imagine my last confinement she did CNY cookies for me..

PM me if you need her contact.
CL frm PEM or GPLS cannot make it 1 laaa. Trust me, cos i witnessed it myself too! Pukes~

Actually confinement food really so-so only. To me, think its the TAKING-CARE-of-BB part that ish most impt, given that am a 1st-time mama.

I ordered tengkat frm NATAL ESSENTIALS last year March, cost about $450+ for 1 meal/day for 2 weeks. Right nw if you order tengkat frm any websites, shld cost about $1,500++ for 28days.
By the way ladies,

I got a extra My breast friend pillow to sell away at $45. Very lightly used. If interested, PM me ok?

I think Confinement food quite important esp for breastfeeding. From my #1 experience.
Looks like Natal Essentials is quite good and reliable huh.. then I'll probably order from them too. Thinking of the 2x5 meals a week package so that hubby can be relieved of soup-making duty on weekdays :p

Chris, I think maid is not a bad idea. At least can take care of all the household chores. As for parents, you can ask if they can help train your maid also mah..
my #1 is 14mths nw. My initial plan was to hv my parents tak care of #1 in the day n hubby wil fetch him bk every evening whn he off wk. #2 i wil tak care on my own. I cm fr a no maid family, my parents cant train the maid or watch ovr her. So u all adv its gd to hv a maid?
Nattan: i add some milk powder for pregnant ladies to my morning drink. I think i'm not eating enough, but sometimes just sian of the selection. Haven't seen gynae yet.

By the way, those with constipation should eat more mandarin oranges. I heard over radio that it is much higher in fibre and also meets 80% of vitamin c inTAKe.
yup personally i love having a maid... we never thought we could accept a stranger in the house at first de.. and now i always miss my maid, she called me during CNY to say hi and i almost cried when i heard her voice lor.. a lot of probs for sure.. but then really i can just go for nice dinner after work with hubby, or go out on a whole sunday to enjoy life while leaving #1 at home under her care.. plus all the household chores she will take care, just close one eye and dun be too fussy, life is perfect sia..
glass, older folks believe that mandarin orange is heaty, shouldn't eat too much or else get constipation or sore throat. Well, I ate 3 over CNY in JB and didn't have any problem. But now got sore throat and cough.. dunno if it's related to the oranges

Chris, it depends on how much you trust an outsider to look after your kids. For me, I grew up with a maid and it also took some time to get used to having her at home. My hubby never had a maid and cannot accept a stranger in the house. My boss doesn't have a maid either. Her mum takes care of her #1 during the day and now sends #1 to childcare and fetches her home. Not sure if she intends to get a maid after her #2 arrives. Maybe you can talk to your parents and discuss if this is a good idea and see if they are willing to help supervise the maid?

I have been watching what I eat very closely. I cannot afford to gain too much weight bcos I'm 70kg before I Got pregnant. I have been craving for icy soft drink!!! N orange juice. Mainly crave on drink rather then food.

Confinement food

My gf order from Natal Essentials. She comment is not as nutritious as what her aunt cook for her confinement previously. She judge by the speed she recover n the Amt of milk she produce. I did consider Natal Essentials too. But my hubby not able to help me with all the washing n housework as he is the only source of income so I dont wish to tired him also. In the end have to save on other things n get a CL. I also find it ex but no choice!!!

MandArin orange

Yes is a heaty fruits. Steamboat also. I know because I have a heaty body so I can feel it easily. I only had 2 slice this year! Lol


What have u mummies been taking? So far I have no time to cook black chicken soup. Manage to cook it 2 times only. Anything else that I can cook myself beside birdnest? I have been telling myself that I have to be hardworking n cook more soup after CNY!!

Cough n flu

I have been down with cough due to all the heaty food during CNY. N maybe someone spread to me during visiting.
flu have been there for quite sometimes. Don't understand y it is not going away. Taking some Manuka honey these 2 Day n it did help abit. Because I have asthma so I'm extra caution when it comes to cough. I may consider going to see Chinese doc next week. English medicine doesn't work for me.
I didn't take confinement food. I tbf. Cause baby can't take too heaty foods. Many foods also can't take, cause rash, jaundice, colic.
So i took safe foods like threadfin, salmon, broccoli, spinach. Soup i took pork bones with veg soup with dates n gouzi.

I had epidural c sec. So i was itching from post effect.. So i omitted sesame oil n ginger. Since baby had jaundice, avoiding those items were better for baby . Jaundice for 3days after discharge niah.. Sun him every morning at 7.30am.
Mandrain oranges, u muz eat the white fibre to counter act the heatiness. Already ate 6.. Ok still. White fibre strings r yucky but it works.
Breast feeding

Is there anything that I can eat now to ensure that I will have milk then? How hard do we have to try then? I heard stories that is painful, not easy etc etc. but really want to save money n bm more healthy to baby plus can lose weight mah.
Chin, do you exercise? It's good to do some gentle exercise to help you control your weight instead of watching your diet too strictly. Exercising also helps to energise you and prevents constipation. I actually feel better with regular exercise and fall sick less easily

Re breast milk and breastfeeding, if you don't drink sufficient water, you will produce less. This is what lactation consultants say also. Maybe your gf didn't drink enough? Did you sign up for antenatal class? They have a segment on breastfeeding which would be quite helpful if you are breastfeeding for the first time..

As for tonic, I haven't made any myself so far. If I feel like drinking I just go to Soup Master at foodcourt and order lotus root and pork rib soup. I find their soup quite ok la.. although recently the portion of pork ribs seems lesser..

Petrina, I didn't know the white fibre from mandarin orange can counter the heatiness.. But I usually eat with some of it cos the white part contains pectin which is a good source of soluble fiber and can lower cholesterol.
Nattan, try eating more of the fibre thing, it works..

Chin, drink lotsa water. B4bfing, try taking a glass of bfing milk or milo. It helps a lot. Also mind muz relax, so u can feel the letdown. If u more hardworking, do tandem pumping. Means latch 1side n pump the other side.
Same day expressed milk can mix n store together.

I really lost a lot of weight during confinement mth just bfing.. Bfing per session burns 500 calories. But if we eat more than what we burn, we muz exercise to compensate.

I took fish for omega 3. For more milk, i believe in water.. Lotsa of it. Too heaty also can restrict milk flow. So best is eat n drink morderately duing confinement food.

It ain't like olden days where we have winter, so muz eat very heaty foods during confinement. SG very hot already. So mentality muz adjust accordingly too.

I nv do exercise. But I walk a lot. Planning to go swimming. I haven't sign up any antenatal class bcos my hb has no time to go with me. I don't have any constipation problem yet :p

Ok so must drink tons of water!!! But my mum n hb always complain I finish up all the water in the house but I still find myself didn't drink enough. Maybe bcos I didn't measure.


My gf ask me to get this blackmores pregnancy n bfing pills. Hope it helps. My doc haven't gave me any fish oil. I will ask him next week when I see him. I also worry on the heaty part. My body really very heaty type.
Breastfeeding must drink lots of water and soup. Last time I didn't consider me having any confinement food as just my hubby's relative cook for us. Now I realize she's really cooking good food. Always cook fish most of the times and we always have soup at home. Unluckily my maid throw her recipees away becoz she's using it to write letter to my neighbor's maid
. I give her a book already but not enough and she never ask for more papers. Sigh... Only after she leaves in 1 year we realize she spoils lots of things in my house but still able to use them becoz she tricked us as she's smart. Lucky she's e one asking to go back home. Otherwise I will always be in dillema becoz she's good in taking care of my #1 but I just found she's too smart and a liar
are you still going to the gym? may I know what kind of exercise do you do there? I have true yoga membership but there's only true fitness at my house there so i am thinking about going to their gym during weekends.. but not sure what kind of exercise is safe for us...
<font color="aa00aa">Avoid consuming "jiu cai" which is usually found in dimsum, esp. pau &amp; dumplings, as it reduces BM production. Drinking sufficient fluid certainly helps, esp. warm drinks.</font>
Morning mummies...

On sick leave today cos of the throat infection and flu.. feeling horrible the whole night, didn't get to sleep much at all. Think much as I don't want to eat medicine, I cannot avoid it this time

Chin, do sign up for the classes.. I'm sure they have weekend classes which your hubby can accompany you? If not, just go yourself la.. it's good to learn from the experts. I'm starting mine in March cos the Feb classes are already fully booked.

Felicia, I'm still going to the gym. Plan to go until 3rd trimester or until I'm too big to wear my yoga pants.. haha. I normally work out on the cross trainer/elliptical machine for about 30min then use the weights machines for another 30min. So long as you don't do anything that stretches the abdominal muscles, should be fine. Always check with your gynae before you start exercising. My gynae even said so long I'm not standing on my head, it's fine
Happy new year mummies! Waa so many posts these few days.

Petrina: your baby very active hor! Mine got excited when we were having reunion dinner. Bouncing around like rabbit. Hahah.... mabbe coz I was laughing too much also.

Chin: Do recommend if you find any good antenatal class. Those preggy yoga classes I saw are sooo expensive.

Moi: =( I din know that jiu cai reduces breast milk. I like jiu cai esp in dumplings.

Nattan: Do take care and drink lotsa water. Have more beauty sleep too!!
<font color="aa00aa">asrias,
Ya. My friend whose a volunteer with BMSG, told me so.

Re: Fish oil
BTW, can we start to take fish oil now? Or wait till 3rd trimester?</font>
