(2012/06) Jun 2012

Jenny, I just went for waxing today
Normally they will ask if you passed your 1st trimester and gotten doctor's approval. If you feel comfortable, go for it! I dunno about eyebrow embroidery cos I've never done it before. Do they use needles? I would be more careful about anything that involves needles though...
hi ladies! the expert in my ofc who has 100% accuracy said i m carrying a boy!
i felt disappointed so badly that my tummy is cramping for quite a while...
I am trying to pacify my baby now... Think Happy Thoughts!!
Zo: I also got serious constipation but normally I drank Prune juice it will help. Now they got the prune juice suitable for preggy mum in supermarket mah, maybe u wanna try.

Another solution for me is to drink those milk powder for preg mum. But maybe I'm a little unable to tolerate tat kind of lactose, tat's why will go toilet lah. Cos' normally I drink HL Milk also wont have the feeling of want to poo poo.

One more option: drink papaya milk shake also will help. Or drink freshly made red apple juice with empty stomach also sure go toilet for me.
Petrina, I'd be so happy if it's a boy for me.. but I guess you prefer a girl since you already have a boy. Anyway, go for the scan first before you feel disappointed la..

Michi, I'm also lactose intolerant, but for me drinking coffee in the morning makes me wanna go to the loo! Haha.. Btw, which brand of prune juice is for pregnant mums? I thought all prune juice are the same? I usually go for Sun Sweet brand.
nattan: I drink the Del Monte Prune Juice. They got 2 type which is about the same packaging. But if you see carefully, one type got state it's 'safe for pregnant' or something like tat lah. I tink maybe it's b'cos they got added folic acid and calcium.
Michi, oic.. I think just drink normal one can already, cos I'm already taking folic acid and calcium supplements..
Hullo everyone

How's the last working day coming along? Just finished my 16th wk visit n it's cfm-ed i'm having another boy! Dunno whether to be happy or not lol
Jul, congrats! Shld be happy la.. regardless boy or girl, so long it's a healthy baby!
Anyway, if your #1 has a brother to play with, he would be happier la.. can share the same toys and clothes too, save more money!
Jul: congrats! Yes, agree with nattan that healthy baby more impt. Looks like the boys in this group are quite quickly spotted.

Petrina: your colleague use what method? Today my colleague who is a mother of four says someone told her to check the belly button. If boy, the belly button will pop out. If girl, the belly button will not pop. Dunno how true, but mine popped when i was very late in the pregnancy. She told me hers popped pretty quickly when she had her boys, and it didn't when she finally had a girl.

So i asked her to help me see. She says mine is a girl. But no idea how true. Anybody else remembered whether your belly button popped?
Hardcore constipation
Ok, this is really gross, but i once read this in one of catherine lim's books. There was this old woman who was bed ridden and she was super constipated. So she forced her grandchikdren or dunno who to stick their fingers into her anus to dig so that she can shit.

Then in 8 days, there is this character who always get constipation, jason hahn's column, and the only thing that can help her go toilet is fried beehoon by a particular hawker. Recently i ate fried beehoon from a stall for a week, because that was something i wouldn't puke out and then i had diarrhoea and stomachache for a week. I suspect the food had been left in the open for too long, since she probably started selling early morning, and my stomach couldn't take it.

But eating such food is quite risky for us.
my belly button popped out whn i was havin #1 who is a boy. Nw #2, my button popped out a little even b4 i knew i was preggy. N my tummy is sharp one. So i suspect i m gona hv anthr boy. Wonder hw true.
Chris, update us on this theory when you confirm gender. The other thing she said was she felt super tired when she had a girl, and quite energetic when she had her boys. But this one can't confirm coz i thinj she was getting older.

I was quite energetic with #1, and was saying i was still dancing in my ninth month. But i think i was somewhat tired in first trimester too, and totally stopped going to the gym. I could still walk very fast though. Now i'm very tired, and i tire easily, and get breathless easily if i climb staircases. Dunno is it because of age or whether i am super unfit. But i think cannot be super unfit coz i was still going to the gym.
belly button pop
nope not accurate for me, #1 is a boy but my belly button never pop, not even flat, totally no changes at all...

congrats on knowing the gender!!! My boy keeps saying he wants a didi, plus i personally like boy actually after having him.. LOL, so i am perfectly okay with one more boy but still hoping for a girl of course.. hehee...
ok glass. Wil update whn i knw the gender,hopefully nex wk. :p

abt tiredness i also agree its more of age.

My breasts r swellin. Smtimes gt sudden pain similiar to havin a let dwn durin breasts feedin. Is it normal?
I think everyone around me bet that mine is a girl but I hope that is a boy. Somehow for some reason I can communicate better with boys. Plus mine is a first child n my fil is a very traditional guy so... Haiz.. But of course I don't mind a gal also then I can doll her up!! My father already calling my tummy granddaughter. Haha. Cos my family have 2 boys already so everyone plus my hubby hope is a gal.

This few days belly button abit pain. My sil said that the belly button is coming out!

I don't have much problem with constipation yet, try to take more fruits. I don't really like vegetable but will still try to eat some. Yup prune juice is useful! Vitagen helps also.

4 more days before I can see my little fella.
Morning mummies and Happy New Year in advance!

Chris, it's normal to have sudden breast pain cos the breasts and the milk ducts are developing to get ready for lactation. Earlier on I also experienced that, in fact quite painful till I was awaken by it in the middle of the night. Fortunately it has stopped. I think I went up by half to 1 full cup size liao.. bras are getting a bit tight.

This morning my gynae's clinic called me up.. .OSCAR results are back and everything is normal!
Feel very relieved.. thank God!!
Sorry to interupt.

Looking to sell a almost brand new Aprica Cookie DX - Lilac Purple colour. Colour only available in Japan and Europe (http://www.thinkbaby.co.uk/product-news/aprica-cookie-pushchair/2115.html). Bought in Japan and used less than 5 times. Condition 9/10.

Will throw in free gift for use with the stroller. Looking to sell at $525 (Cost $700+).

Please refer to the following site for some reviews (http://www.babypushchairsonline.co.uk/en/aprica-cookie-dx-26.html).

PM me if interested.
Congrat nattan, can heave a sign of relieve liao.

Regarding belly button popping out, mine is still far from popping out even though already know that it's a boy. I tend to feel tired also. Hahaha... dunno why i opposite with ppl
<font color="aa00aa">Ways to relieve constipation:

1) Yoghurt (look for those with <blink>live</blink> cultures. Yoghurt drinks may do the trick too.

2) On an empty stomach in the morning, squeeze some lemon juice into warm (not hot) water, and drink. Helps to relieve phlegm too.

3) Take lots of fluid, e.g. water, juices (but beware of sugar content)

4) Try one of the following drinks:
Source: Chinese book borrowed from NLB entitled <<中医经典-安胎养胎法>>

a) Sesame-walnut tea
Black sesame 30g, Walnut 60g
Add water to boil. Drink 3X daily.

b) Honey-milk Tea
Milk 100g, Honey 100g
Boil the milk. Add honey when it's warm. Drink 3X daily.

c) Vegetable juice
Vegetable juice 100g (didn't state what veggie)
Boil Vegetable juice &amp; drink.</font>
HI all!
wow, this thread hv so many pages
anyway, just drop by to say hi... am another june mommy to be. and this will b my 2nd bb
Hi Alexis, welcome!
When is your EDD? Do you know your baby's gender yet?

Thanks Michi and Chris.. yes, very relieved the result is normal. Chris, actually I'm the same age as you. is this your first child too?

How's everyone celebrating the New Year? I'm making pizza and watching the countdown at home.
Thanks, everyone! No lah, i'm not disappointed that it's a boy. Altho i already have a boy - aka fulfill my duty to continue the family name etc etc - but it's gd to have another. For one thing, dun need to buy new clothes except to replace those which are worn out. No need to buy new toys - tho my boy's toys may not last the way he plays hiaz! Smaller learning curve too. I dunno how to tie ribbons n make hairclips etc haha

Oops gotta change the 'my boy' way of calling him!

My only thing is i miss out having a daughter lor. Coz closing fty after this. I'm a bit apprehensive abt whether no 2 will also be as challenging as no 1. Gosh i'll be the only woman in the hsehold! Gulp!

mine didn't pop out for no 1. But it did go totally flat. My theory is that if yourbelly button is deep enough, there'll be enough room. Ifyour b buttob is the shallow type, it'll def pop out


gd to hear your oscar results r fine


I dunno if this applies only to me, but:
My tummy's sharp n pointy
Weight is all on tummy n hips, still got waist
I prefer savoury to sweet food
I look 'prettier' preggie - no flat nose or what
I feel v normal after passing 1st tri

I heard before that :
Right breast bigger than left
What wedding ring will roll dunno which direction

Must say the lunar calendar's totally wrong for me. Both times it predicted a gal
Jul, actually I share the same "symptoms" as you ie weight is on tumm and hips, prefer savory food, etc.. I certainly hope it would be a boy!
Hehe.. not that I care so much about fulfilling duty as DIL but I think I always related better to boys. I grew up playing boy's toys with my male cousins and found girl's toys boring. Besides, if I have a girl.. 2 women in the household shopping means bad news for my hubby.. hahaha..
glass: i'm from Apr2012 thread. was browsing through the other threads cos too bored and can't help but to reply to your comment on hardcore constipation. haha..

putting fingers into the anus and digging out the shit: i used to do that for my mum who suffered from stroke. it is gross but you get used to it after a few times. and of cos, must wear gloves! heh...
Glass: nothing is too difficult when you are put into that situation.

Just like how mummies suck out the mucus from babies' noses, right? Hee...
Chris, this is my first
Did you intentionally plan for #1 and #2 to be so close to each other? I would like to have my #2 2-3 yrs after the 1st.
nattan > actually no leh. #1 we waited for 6 yrs b4 fate came knockin on our door.
in fact we r due for ivf consultation appt, jus days aftr i gt to knw i was preggy!
so #2 i tot wldnt b so easy for us either bt we jus strike w 1 try. :p i cant even rem whn was my last mense, n didnt even realise i missed it until i was tinkin hw cm lik long time nvr use the pad alrdy. Haha.
bt tats ok too, cos i hope to hv #2 early as age is catching up. If #2 is a boy, by the time he is financially independent, hubby wil alrdy b in his sixties! Quite scary hor? To tink tat b4 we had children hubby sy he wan2 retire b4 reaching 50s! Haha dream on! :p Hw abt u? Did u plan for tis?

Haha i'm total opposite from u in that i nvr had much interaction with boys. My mum has 4 gals n i'm the oldest amongst all the cousins. Think i was more of an only child till my sis came along after 7 yrs.

But i do agree that having a gal is more shiong financially ciz of all the shopping lol

Actually i think i did sort of prefer a boy lah. So it's gd that god gave me one. Just very scared that tge 2 boys'll run me ragged!

I waited 5 yrs to have no 1. By choice which on hindsight was a gd decision. Dun think i'd have been ready to cope with the pressures of motherhood if i were younger. In fact, it took an accidental pregnancy n mc to 'kickstart' my baby instincts. I'd have been coasting along if not for the 'wakeup call'

But of course energy level, physical wellbeing all lower at older age. N have to slog for longer till the kids r independent! Oh no!
Happy blessed New Year to all!

Chris, my pregnancy was not planned. In fact all along I didn't feel ready for kids even though we're married for 10yrs already, so we always used protection. It was only recently that I started feeling some maternal instinct. One day I went for a sermon and at the end of it, the pastor asked for those who wish to receive children to raise their hands. For some reason, I raised up my hand..haha... It was really spur of the moment. Soon after that, I conceived the one time we neglected to use protection :p So I believe the baby (and the maternal instinct) is really a gift from God

Jul, don't worry about 2 boys running you ragged. In fact, I have friends who have 2 boys and they can entertain themselves pretty well. My late MIL also had 3 sons and she did pretty well all by herself without maid or ILs to help. Boys can always find ways to play together, even without toys. My hubby said he and his brothers used to invent their own toys and games. Whereas for girls, they seem to need more attention (this is based on my own experience babysitting younger female cousins la).

About coping better as a younger mum, I think there are pros and cons.. Pros being higher energy level obviously, but an older mum may be more "steady" in character and can handle things better. I mean, if I look at myself 10yrs ago compared to now, I know I'll be a better mum now than before. Also an older mum would probably be more financially stable. I know if I had a kid earlier on, both me and hubby would be struggling financially for the first few yrs.

Actually I'm not worried about slogging longer till the kids are independent, I think it's really about being financially savvy and prudent. Also, it's good to let kids do some holiday jobs to let them understand the value of work by earning some of their own pocket money.
Hi all, im a Jan 2012 mtb and Ive a Preg Prego Pliko P3 2010 Java to let go at $380. Info on stroller is as in the following link: http://us.pegperego.com/babyproducts-catalog/2010/Pliko+P3+2010

Bought it back in early 2010 for $700+ but it was rarely used as we have another stroller. and now ive a twin stroller as this is my 2nd child. In good almost brand new condition except for slight scratch on the front bar due to putting of tight fitting toy once, which has since been taken out. Do pm me for details and pics.
O, sick on 1st day of 2012.
Having sore throat. Feeling so weak now. Hope fever don't come.. Anyone have any remedy to prevent fever? Drinking barley water now.

Think the boys'll only be able to amuse themselves after the 2nd one turns 1.5/2 at least? When the younger sibling is too small, the older one doesn't seem interested. I see my boy is only interested in older kids. Only recently he started showing some interest in 1.5 yr olds. He's still v attn seeking now. Plus terribly cheeky n mischievious n energetic. I think boys r more needy when younger, n bochap when older. That's the thing with sons lah. Get ready to lose them to WAGs lol


Me too! Just measured 37.3 deg fever. Sore throat n whole body ach-y n coughing a bit. Hiaz! My boy gog to sch on wed leh. Hope i dun spread to him!
Argh can't even rest in peace. Keep hearing my boy singing along n commenting on hi5. Interspersed with demands for egg or mushroom. And his voice is so LOUD! God give me strength lol

Yeah all babies r gifts from god. My son is called Samuel because in church one day, it was abt Hannah n her plea to god n i thought i was going to have a son n call him samuel. Turns out really son
Priscilla : I was sick on Xmas having sore thoart , slowly my fever come follow by flu cough body ache.. Seems so weak.. Went to doc and doc advise me try not to eat med becox now pregnant .. So endure and put wet handtowel to bring down my fever.. Now recover except still coughing.. Last time I went gardian pharmacy buy a sore thoart sweet cost $12 or $16? It helps a lot and numb my thoart.. Maybe can try those kind of sweet? I took doc sore thoart sweet on my 1st n 2nd day of sore thoart , till now still a lot phlegm ..drinks lots of water .. Hope u get well Soon..
Jul, I know it's not easy to handle a Terrible Two, but it's a phase that shall soon pass. I would give thanks that my kid is so noisy cos it means he is healthy and happy

Priscilla, hope you get well soon. Ya it's a bummer that when we get sick we cannot take a lot of medicine in case it harms the baby. Drink more water and fresh fruit juice to flush out the germs. You can also take more vitamin C. Do be careful going to crowded places cos our immune system may not be as robust as before.

i just went to a birthday party for a kid yesterday, and I think I got too much sun or whatever, or caught some germs. I think maybe today too, the weather was too hot.
Feeling sick. Plus lots of work to complete by tonight. Just took a nap and woke up.

I'm having problems taking my multi vits. Dunno why my throat suddenly feel constricted for the past week or so, and I have to break it into 3 parts instead of 2 to swallow them, and this is bad if I take too much water to swallow them.
