(2012/06) Jun 2012

prettibride, smilezz

haha u 2 are funny. Thanks, I'll pass 1 bottle to each of you. Thanks for saving my brain cells from further degeneration haha


I'm not so much in pain, but the baby keeps pressing on my bladder. I can't walk properly either coz I keep wanting to run to the toilet but there's nothing there! Driving me nuts haha


Can I still join Marche gathering?
Really interested to join.
I'll PM you my handphone. Btw, can you PM me your handphone no too?
<font color="aa00aa">Gathering

Date : 20 Apr (Fri)
Time : 7 pm
Venue : 313 @ Somerset (Marche)


1) Jul04
2) Asrias - got hp no
3) Nattan - got hp no
4) gdmaimai
5) anna - got hp
6) hopecg
7) purplenite
8) Chris - got hp no
9) groovy - got hp no</font>

have PM-ed everyone on the list my hp no. Maybe u can reply me by SMS so that we can call each other if need be?

Got another minor prob... Marche doesn't allow reservations. I told them we're a big group, we're all heavily preggie, etc etc but they heck care. Can anyone who reaches there first queue for table? They CLAIM that if we reach there by 645pm, it shd be ok.

I got a BW appt before that so can't reach there so early.
Jul, haha.. My bladder also same. Go toilet sit for 2mins than a few drops trickle.. In ofc i hog toilet the longest per trip. Need at least 5-10mins to kinda clear bladder then once i leave the toilet, i'll leak a few drops.
So usually i sit at cubicle seldom move. Once i stand up, need to go pee liao. If i dun move, can tahan 4hrs no go toilet.
Petrina / Jul

I pee a lot and very often leh. Quite the opp of u guys!! I can go pee every 1-2 hours and sure have one. I think my bladder is the size of a pee lor. Cannot contain much. The office toilet cleaner already recognize my face cos she's always seeing me lining up for toilet break.


Can send to me? I pay u for postage and all. PM me the amount I transfer over. I'll send u my address also.


Poor gal. I hope u get a better night rest tonight k?
Too bad i can't join you guys for the meetup. Got office function tomorrow. Gotta miss my son's performance during sch assembly tomorrow as well :-(
finally have time to read the forum, so busy at work the entire day. find it harder and more uncomfortable to be running around for appts these days..

anyway, sorry ladies, i cant make it tmr, we meet up next time.

nattan: your colleague's husband so free, no need to work ah? can accompany her whole day
jul > rem to pk my stuff for tmr.
@jul: that's really not so nice of Marche. Staff are not taught to go beyond the service level. *shake head* Haiz can't join you all. But hopefully there will b another one. Enjoy you food girls. I do miss Marche.

I thought of borrowing some books for my hubby. Some guides for a birth partner, to prepare him. Browse through some web pages. Thought it would be useful for our hubby to learn the massage techniques. *ohhh I love massages"
Morning Ladies! TGIF!

I felt better abit but at least can turn around slowly with less pain but i got rashes on my thighs and neck + back! One thing after another! Not sure what caused the rash ... am i allergic to something that i used but the only thing i recall is using a new conditioner (organic some more) but hubby said organic doesn't mean no rash perhaps i am allergic to certain ingredients.

Hope my baby girl will be a good girl when she comes out and hope that it will be a smooth delivery looking at the sudden discomfort i am facing now!
Morning!! Yes TGIF!

Hope you are feeling better fleur! Think positive! Check with Dr Chan though if anything seems out of the ordinary.

Excited about this weekends activities!!

Will be going for a mani/pedi during lunch and facial in the evening! Day of pampering!!
Morning mummies...TGIF!

Kadice, ya.. my colleague's hubby seems very free :p Not sure what he does.. he's a caucasian.

Fleurfleur, perhaps the rashes are not caused by the conditioner? Could be heat rash? If it doesn't go away, do see a doctor.

Adeline, looks like you have a nice day of indulgence this weekend! I also wanna go for my mani/pedi soon.. scheduled for next Tue evening. Perhaps will go for a haircut tomorrow.
Happy Friday mummies,

Too bad i can't join today. Please someone arrange another gathering in May. Just to share, there's a Mayer sale going on this weekend at Changi, so if any mummies wanna grab new washing machine etc. can go take a look.

Jul, thanks dear! Can mail to me also? Or pass to me if there's a May outing. Will pay for postage.

Fleur, I am so excited, booked the baby bellies massage tmr. Can't wait to relax those old bones..thanks for your voucher dear~

Another good lobang, The Line having promo - $29.90 for Lunch Buffet. Already booked for 30th Apr..going to apply leave anyway to rest..now i can gorge and sleep..happy.
Nattan: i hope no more works at your office today!

Yes totally, my sis and friends organized a mummy shower on Sat and going for a BBQ yacht trip on Sunday, hope the weather holds up though.

I have massage on Sunday too! Aaahhh.....
Morning ladies....just woke up not long....too tired, were out the whole day to bring my fil to Gleneagles hospital for cataract op yesterday since both hub and bil were not free. Saw an ex-neighbour in the hospital and his wife just gave birth to a bb girl. Guess how heavy is her girl? 4KG!!! That's a huge baby girl lor.

I will try to reach Marche early and get a table for 10 first. Hopefully more mummies can join tonite. Cya lata! ;)
Prettibride: Thanks for the lobang!! I need to get 2 cooker hoods actually.
Where is the location at Changi though?

Is the Line lunch buffet good? I am off on the 30th too with hubs,so might take him there to try, i have heard a lot about it,its at Shang right?
Morning ladies!!
Everyone seems to be in a good mood and looking forward to the weekend. YAY!
Fleur – It could really be heat rash. Just apply some calamine lotion, it will help sooth the irritation. Else rashes can get quite itchy and stingy!
Prettibride – The buffet offer is a good one. I recall that The Line is quite ex right? But now, I can’t eat as much as before and also feel rugi since I can’t take raw food and also am making a conscious effort to cut down eating seafood. So bo hua to eat buffet leh…. :p
Enjoy your gathering tonight for those that are going. J I just had Marche that day..yummy!!

here's the link http://dine.slsrewards.com.sg/sg/en/shops/view/TheLine

anna, wow..4kg is a big gal. natural or c-sec? I was telling my boy yest not to grow beyond 3.5kg cos mummy will have difficulty delivering him. hope he listens..

adeline, your weekend seems fun. enjoy your outings. i hv a packed weekend too..going to see dentist followed by massage tmr...then sat meeting some ex-colleagues and going orchard to get my maternity pillow.

baby is moving more nowadays..wonder if its becos he is bigger now so i can feel him more. but kinda enjoying these moments. will miss him once he is out from my tummy.
I can't remember the exact address..but you can google Mayer Singapore. Its at their warehouse in Changi.

Yup, the Line buffet is at Shang-ri-la hotel..i always go for the dinner buffet and its really good. Of cos with lotsa seafood. Lunch should be okay too..but prob less variety. But their creme brulee is yummy~ i always ate 4-5 portions.

Smilez, i took sashimi during my 2nd tri..just need to take in moderation...but i am looking forward to their desserts section and also their indian and pasta counters...omg, hungree just thinking about it.
<font color="0000ff">Fenugreek</font>

Finally dug out my credit card receipt to check the costs &amp; the shipping.

Asrias - I'm such an idiot! I remembered to bring out Chris' fenugreek but forgot yours! Sorry! Sob sob. Can I post to you, or meet u for lunch if u work in town?

<table border=1><tr><td>Fenugreek (USD)</TD><TD>167.86</TD><TD>Buy 1, 50% disc off 2nd </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fenugreek (SGD)</TD><TD>219.9</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Exchange rate</TD><TD>1.310020255</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Total shipping </TD><TD>49.77</TD><TD>vPost 10% discount </TD></TR><TR><TD>For 14 bottles</TD><TD>269.67</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>For 1 bottle</TD><TD>19.26</TD><TD>Norm postage $1.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD>For 2 bottles</TD><TD>38.52</TD><TD>Norm postage $2.55 </TD></TR><TR><TD>For 4 bottles</TD><TD>77.04</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Prettibride, gotta be C-sect cos too huge already. I can't imagine she will to give birth naturally. Omg...just the thoughts of it scare me....(^_^")
Adeline, the workmen and my colleague are not here yet.. I'm just enjoying the peace and quiet
The display cabinet is just missing the glass panels so hopefully no drilling or glueing today.

Prettibride, I can't go for buffets either... not really worth the money cos I can't eat the raw stuff and soft cheeses.. quite a waste. Besides my appetite is not that big... I prefer to have frequent meals instead of big meals.

Anna, my friend also had a 4kg girl by C-sec cos she couldn't dilate at all. Fortunately everything went well and the girl is now abot 3yo.. she's very intelligent, pretty and tall for her age. At age 2 she could already speak proper sentences.
Nattan: Hopefully they dont turn up today!! Hehehe....

I dont go for buffets as well thats why i have never been to The Line but heard that the food is good,so if its cheap why not.

You girls should try the set lunch at Au Petit Salut @ Dempsey! It is heavenly and reasonable for set lunch as dinner is super ex!
Prettibride: Thanks!! Will go and search.

Smmilezz: Yes its because the weekend is here again! It seems like my days are passing by quite fast now. This Sat i will be down to my single digits of 9 weeks to go!

Gosh some of you are going to pop soon especially those with EDD on the first week of June.
Dear mummies,
Will try to join u gals tonight for dinner. If going, will be there earlier also..
Jul, u have my number right.
The line not bad.. A lot of variety

I just went to buffet town at raffles place last Sunday for dinner.. Their food is ok for the price u pay la.. Got sashimi and oysters also.. But I cannot eat. I feel the food at buffet town is better than the todai marina sands.
<font color="aa00aa">My gynae said we can eat sashimi but they must be fresh.

Did you receive my SMS last evening?</font>
Sorry, very busy tdy. Gog on leave on Monday, so trying to rush a lot of stuff now.


Yup, I got it


Yeah I have your no.


Sorry, super busy tdy. If I ahve time, I try to send out the hp list. But else, I think we can easily spot a bunch of other preggers hanging ard Marche hor heehee. Anyone lost or late opr what, call me!
<font color="aa00aa">I may be able to reach there before 7pm (depending on traffic condition) too as I knock off half-an hour earlier today.

It's been > 10 years since I last visited Marche.</font>
Adeline, I'm holed up in the pantry again... I wanna go out, but also dunno where to go :p So just rest inside the pantry lo...
