(2012/06) Jun 2012


I would be delivering at Mt A. Gynae is Dr Kenneth Lee. I have attended Mt A antenatal class as well. They are quite pro-breastfeeding and mother & child contact.

Jialat! So busy playing with my new toy that I forgot to hang up son's clothes! What a waste of brilliant sunshine!
Hungry... but so lazy to walk downstairs to buy food. Just placed an order for Mac's again! Think I'm just abt all mac's out liao.

Wah did a lot tdy. Made cheese bunny sandwiches, 1 round of laundry, folded dry laundry, labelled all my switches,... feeling very accomplished though hahahaha. Later I shall try to transfer some toiletries into the dry small containers

Welcome back! We were rather worried abt whether u were affected by the earthquake.


Hmm... U know where is the Bengawan Solo? It's the row opposite Bengawan Solo, the same row where Watsons is.
JUL: Mcdonald's so easily accessible that i try to order only when at night. Scared i get sick of it soon and at night if hungry left with no options hahaha

Ground rules like
1. Don't on the tap too big. Don't leave water running
2. Turn off lights after use.
3. If want to use something or go down (specific to your hsehold) ask for permission
4. Find things that does not belong to her in clothes pockets must return to owner
5. Report to you on anything to do with your child (if you have one alrdy) at the end of the day.
6. Do not speak to strangers
7. Under no conditions to open door to strangers
The bosch washing machine i bought 2 yrs ago. Now they have improved version and model number changed.
We bought the front load 8KG one and its not made in the Asian countries one.
Its digital screen.
Hope this helps.
Eating my Macs now


At night got Hubs to buy supper mah haha

smilezz, chris

My label printer lor lol

Wanted to label my switches for the longest time - coz some areas have so many switches that I can't rem. keep having to switch on n off, trial n error. eg my living room has 7 switches in the same place! Blur!

So Hubs gave me a label printer to keep me occupied for the whole am hahaha
Jul .
ur hubby so sweet leh. Mine bochap wan. Tell him to giv mi a call at least, he will he sy, "u think I so free arh?" Thn he sy if I m bored, thers so much house wk to b done.
Sweet ah? I thought most women would be saying he's so unromantic, shd give flowers or chocolates.. why give label printer hahaha

Haha sorry, but I couldn't help smiling abt ur complaints. Sounds like those typical laofulaoqi man-woman talk
Eating Spizza pizza at my desk today... don't feel like going out.. Later got to meet big boss to discuss work :p

Jul, I also label my switches at home. Much easier than pressing the wrong switch each time.

At 29 weeks, I'm already feeling so big and tired.. dunno how I'll be at 37-38 weeks... :p
just back from robinsons, avent has 20%, medela has 15%, pigeon, tollyjoy also 20% discount. i bought the mustela diaper rash cream, avent moisturizer, medela nipple cream and tollyjoy cotton wool.

weather is really hot this afternoon, so i had my hot fudge sundae from McD.

Yeah I find it much easier with the switches labelled too. In fact, I had so much fun I'm gonna label my small containers for toiletries hahaha


Aiyah I forgot to ask u to help me check if there's ZA face powder Colour No 2. The last time I went, they were all out of No2.
Jul, thanks ya. Now I know where is it liao.
Wat a new toy you have...hahaha.

Just had KFC for lunch and a big cup of Pepsi...weather is too hot le.

Few more to add on for maid:
1) If dunno or dun understand, ask first before doing it.
2) If spoil anything, dun keep mum about it. Rather they be frank with you than you will to find out later.
I also haven’t bought mine too. Hub can’t decide which model he wants. All he knows is he wants 64G model.
Thanks!! I think I roughly know which one you talking about. It’s the higher end one which is not made in Asia. I saw it before at Harvey Norman but very ex. Hehe…
Can’t believe a label machine can keep you so entertained for so long. Hahaha… you are definitely easy to please. :p
Actually I prefer practical gifts leh. I behave like a man.
I wanted to go Robinson during lunch but feeling lazy. Been having some mild BH last night and tried to rest earlier.
How’s your lunch today everyone? I had bee hoon with chicken curry. I desperately want to have a nice cold drink. Wondering if I should walk out again to buy bubble tea…..should I?? *ponders*
anna, smilezz

Haha I'm kinda weird eh? I like to hoard toiletries rather than shopping for clothes. I'd rather play with a label machine than an iPad. Hubs promised me we'll go to Carrefour & Watsons/Guardian to stock up on my necessities & I'm happy lol

But u know what's one of the best gifts? Hubs' foot massages! Gosh they're to die for! hahaha
Joeey, is the Robinsons discount only for members?

Ssmilezz, I also prefer practical gifts.. hehe.. My hubby bought me a bouquet for our anniversary last yr and I put it in the fridge. I dunno where to put it cos the cats might eat or play with it. So, put in the fridge to preserve it. I don't get to see it at all except when I take things from the fridge.. haha..

I had pizza, now drinking instant coffee.. so full right now :p
Hot! Hot! Hot! Think I better go transfer my toiletries then I can take a long loong shower. Maybe I can take a nap after that


That is really funny!! Putting the flowers in the fridge. I rem the first n last bouqet of flowers I received from him. The flowers turned moldy cos I didn't know what to do with them. Ha ha


Me too!! I'm like so excited to shop for toiletries or groceries! Siao hor?

Anyway I'm waiting for my bubble tea now. He he
label machine is better than an iPad, hee, you are easily satisfied eh
you can go robinsons this weekend to check out the ZA face powder ? just don't shop/walk too long :p

the robinsons discount is for all, members will have additional 5% rebate, you can go and take a look.
you can always call your hb to surprise him, i find that singapore men are mostly *boring*, no initiative type, so sometimes women have to take the first two steps :p
jus had a full home-cooked lunch. i seriously work in the most boring office...nobody speaks a word since morn..i can only entertain myself with radio and chatting here. wonder how they can survive without talking...the whole office is so dead and quiet.

Hi5! Next time on maternity leave, we can meet up to chiong toiletries sales? hahaha


Er.. Dun wanna go to Robinsons again. Already gog to Carrefour this weekend. I shall see what I can get from Suntec then close my shopping haha


What kind of co are u working for, if u dun mind me asking?
thanks to all dogs and cats owners!
i also think like abit cruel to enunch him.. he's pretty much a home dog, unless gg down for walks etc.. but i always v paiseh to bring him to those dog parks.. cos whenever he gets there, he always tries to hump!!! irritating the other dog and also make me so paiseh.. been a while since i let him loose in the parks.. i love to let him have the freedom to run wild unleashed.. but he dun behave! so i thot of sterilising him so that he doesn't hump others lo

out of curiosity, r there forums u know of genuine pet owners who keen to breed dogs? i dun want those puppy mills kinda..

it's opp blk 183.. was there earlier to bring boy to ma kuang tcm.. he's coughing abit and also diarrhoea.. anyone has reviews on ma kuang? gd? no gd? i brought him there out of convenience as well as just trying my luck.. hope it's good lo

robinsons sale
did someone alr mentioned when it's up till? sry ar.. lose threads
Prettibride: no need sterilized balls. normal ones will do. cosmetic section.

Jul: i also like to play with my labelling machine. hehe.. printed alot of my son's name and stick all over his books.. haha

Lunch was mixed style. haha **Ate chee cheong fun, soon kueh, peng kueh** Damn shiok!
Bought MCDS Hot Fudge Sundae. Gonna eat it in 15mins time

Went carrefour during lunch, nothing to buy! LOL Realized that I have excess of almost everything... almost couldn't hit $20. Luckily I bought a $10 tube dress for myself.

Going to Robinsons CityHall after work today. Hope I can grab some nice buys.. Good news from hb just now

He got his long awaited grade promotion! So naturally it comes with pay increment

Then receiving bonus this month.. hehe Gonna bleed him when my bill arrive at month end.. LOL

Nattan: some ppl say put panadol powder in vase, flowers bloom better. usually i keep flowers till they wilt or smell bad.. haha
Keep in office got aircon can last longer.
But i nvr like to receive flowers. Unless it's cheap
Meaning non-V day. Find that it's wilting $$ LOL
ssmilezz, Jul, I like to go grocery shopping too, can spend hours at Carrefour or Cold Storage, but for toiletries, sometimes I like to buy nice ones to pamper myself. Bought some cheap ones at expo sales before, but the smell is too synthetic for my liking (even hubby commented).

hopecg, can try petchannel.com?

Petrina, I used to like getting flowers esp when hubby surprised me with bouquets at the office, but it's true they are a waste of money. Now I'm a lot more practical... a nice meal beats flowers any day. I know about using aspirin to keep flowers fresh, but I just dun want to leave the flowers out cos of my cats. Best solution is the fridge lo.. cos it's cold and the flowers won't wilt so fast.
Nattan: You should get a Robinsons card, they have good deals during members private sale and sometimes additional 10% on top of the 20% disc with 5%-10% rebates too.

I have recently changed my credit cards to Robinsons and Taka as they have good deals in terms of nursery,kids,household items and toiletries.
jul, i work in a hr placement co. 2 colleagues are filipinos..so as i mentioned before, they mix among themselves. but they are friendly generally...just that it gets boring cos i dun understand whenever they speak in tagalog. my singaporean colleagues are seldom in office. wished i can work from home too..any mummy succeed in asking gynea for MC or HL before EDD?

hopecg, you can also try sgdogsforum. i am sure your dog will thank you for not putting him through the pain..anyways the on-heat period is temporarily. my dog also has similar symptoms now but he doesn't go out..so no chance to meet females.

petrina, you're making me crave for ice-cream too. congrats on your hubby's increment..more moolah to shop for your boys~
had a silly arguement with hubby this morn, i was mentioning of letting our son learn taekwando next time..but hubby says they'll get hurt easily and wans him to learn taiji..but taiji is like for old folks who can't jump or run. haha..can't imagine we already have differences in child's education now. i ended up telling him, i'll let our son learn taiji if u go pick up ballet. X)
Chris: Golden rules for maids

- Honesty
- Ask if unsure : Clarify and confirm.
- Personal hygiene.
- Cleanliness : Very important especially when
you are having a baby.

I have a rough timetable set up for my new maid as well which caters specifically for caring of my baby girl however she has experience with infants recently so i believe she will be able to pick up fast enough as it would come natural to her. My maid is only coming in ard May. Hope she will give me the confidence to let her look after my baby girl.

You can start training your maid now to what is most important to you.
Prettibride: Hillarious! Cant imagine your DH doing ballet!

My hubby and i actually spoke about activities for our lil girl too in the future. We both agreed on ballet and taekwondo (or any self-defense courses-at least she knows how to defend herself). Hahaha....and probably a musical instrument.
afternoon mommies..

such a hot day today!! went to office in the morn despite being on MC coz my boss not around.. need to go in to finish some work

anyway talking about letting our child to learn what next time.. i told my hubby i want my son to learn ballet and ice skating! hahaha and my hubby actually think its a good idea coz he feels ballet is a very good body exercise like gymnastics!

anyway recovering well from my stomach flu.. was suffering from heartburn the whole of ytd!! until like 12am before it's gone after trying to chew gums, eat apple, drink honey, take gaviscon, all no use! zzz.. lucky today feel much much better and can eat without puking already.. now back home to enjoy aircon and my bed! :D
anyway dono why my baby is moving so much today!
moving around non stop and i can see my stomach moving just by looking at it! maybe too happy he can finally eat?? hahaha
Wow Wow ... you all already started talking about activities for your babies.
We only discussed a little about which playgroup/childcare to consider.
The rest is more on upbringing such as managing when throw tantrums etc
ya, all the mummies here think far ahead.. i have very swollen feet these days. Maybe i walk too much! The OG sale seems like quite a good deal..dunno if I should wait for motherhood fair in May
I think it's best to let your child choose what activities he or she likes to do. No point forcing them to do something when they have little interest or aptitude.

Won't be able to join the gathering today.. Just fyi.. hehe.. still so tired..
I took lots of MC already this year actually :S.. Took 6 out of 14 already.. That's why wanted to save near EDD..

Anyway got some work need to do in office.. Lucky I came today..
Congrats on your hub’s promotion!!! Make sure he gives you a good treat. J
Yah, tomo when I go replenish my toiletries @ Ocean Chinatown, I’ll be like a mad woman stocking up. We always need to bring our shopping trolley so can dump the items inside and poor hub don’t need to lug it all the way to the car.
Doggyforum ?  Else you can find those discussion groups or dog clubs for your dog breed, they should be able to help you.
If the office is so quiet, then it really is very boring hor? Are they ok with you listening to music/radio? Some offices don’t allow. My side is quite noisy esp during the afternoons – a lot of discussions going on (work or not work related). There was once a dept in my work place, the boss don’t like her staff to talk so everyone is so quiet and all doing their own work. Quite a stressful environment man if you can’t even communicate within your own dept!
Children’s activities
You guys really think very far! Hehe..i haven’t even think beyond the first few months not to mention all the way to what ECAs to enroll her.
groovy, today's outing already postponed to next fri.

smilez, i use earphones so its ok. too noisy also no good but i miss my previous colleagues cos we can always stop and chit chat whenever we get too bored from work. and we also have regular dinner outings after work...no such thing in my current workplace.

So happy for ur hubby promotion!! I hope my hubby will bring some good news to me soon. Lol!!

Children activities

I'm definitely sending her to ballet for a few year. I just want her to be more fexible so that she won't be like me n daddy so stiff. And maybe shichida school.


A lot of movement from my gal too. Just by looking at my tummy like wave. Lol


I have been very very sleepy this few days. Keep on wanting to sleep after nap

I'm visiting my doc next week for 30 week check
hopefully my diabites is under control so no need to take insulin. *pray*

Yawn... Had a nice lil nap after labelling the containers n a looong shower. Everyone has gone off for the weekend?
