(2012/05) May 2012

Welcome and congrats to all new MTBs!

wow, this thread is getg more exciting by the day

zara - i experienced a bit of diarrhoea about a week ago, but just for one day, a bit.... but i thought it could be partly cos i had started drinking a bit of milk in the morn, maybe i wasn't used to it.. and after that day, no more...
i think if you have diarrhoea persistently, should defintely see the doc. As for runny nose, if not too bad, i think it's part of the symptoms sometimes?
Dear all mtb.. keke..

*wave to babypom, olivia, chloie* I'm here to join u gals.. haa... =D

I just tested positive.. haa.. Actually last night already positive but faint so this morning i used the clearblue digital de.. And ya.. It says, pregnant 1-2.. keke..

I thk quite a few of us the EDD should be quite near... haa... =D
babypom - i think if i were you i will just avoid bringing out the pole for now.. it's quite heavy... can you switch to hanging inside the house? or get someone else to do it?
As for your MIL, aiyo, poor thing. just ignore her, but try to be careful yourself and not exert as much as poss?
Hello baby *wave* Welcome to the club hehe dun get too excited and jump here and there ya now very fagile

rosegal, my hubby dun allow me to bring the pole out now or even hanging laundry inside the house. I do the washing and he hang when he back from work
During the day, my FIL will bring out but then hor sometimes he went out after that and I have to bring it back in myself *faint* As for my MIL's remark, I am very upset till now. Back at my mum's house, my mum do not allow me to bring out afraid I might fall haha
Hi ladies, congrats to all. I'm from the April thread. Saw you gals discussing about housework. Just tot I'll share with you all since most of you have not seen Gynae yet.

Advice from my Gynae for 1st trimester: do not carry more than 5kg (so no laundry pole pls!). Do not do run or jog (not even for bus). Sex limit to once a week, not too rough (if spotting no sex!!)

Have a sticky baby everyone!
Thank you tangerinez... keke.. Ya alot of 1st time mummies here...

Babypom, haa.. i nv jumo up n down like when i saw tested positive for O... ha.. Dunno y.. e feeling very normal leh.., Myabe now still dun have much signs tats y felt like not true.. I wanna see gyna to confirm lo.. Everything is alright and good.. Then can have a peace of mind.. haa..

Only very persistant signs is tat, keep having those menses cramps ard my pelvic ard.. Maybe some where ard there la.. Not sure if its the uterus is doing her work.. =P

babyfran, nope.. not having any discharge... Currently am in my DPO12 only.. So maybe too early to have any symtopms... keke..
rosegal: had diarrhea om two consecutive notes but only went once a night la.. So I guess still ok. I will ask the gynae on Monday anyway. ;)

Baby fran: I have a bit of discharge, really wee bit. Cos I usually put on the pantyliner so I can feel the wetness. Normal?

Thanks tangerine! Ur advice is v useful!
@baby n zara: I started to have pretty much discharge since yesterday, u can feel the wetness and for a moment, I tot I was bleeding. Thank god it's nt after I rush down to the toilet n check. I google online, it says that having discharge is normal, it is going to last thru out ur pregnancy and will be heavier during the last trimester!

I don't feel right the whole day today, sleep more than I expected, thrown up few times. Haiz, seems like the reality is kicking in.
I too not feeling right today.. Keep having very full feeling.. Can't eat much.. And now at friend's housewarming.. Was eating buffet, den I felt very very very tired of eating..I nv felt before de lo.. I felt so tired tat I dun feel like eating.. Felt so no energy.. Wonder if it's normal..

Wanna go Gynae soon but haven decide on which Gynae.. Haiz.. Keep having like menses cramps lo.. Kinda worried.. Which Gynae are u gals seeing? Any feedback..

Got a few from another thread.

1) Dr A L Lim
2) Dr Benjamin Them hope I nv spell wrong.. Haa

Any others? When ttc I'm wif Dr Lawrence Ang but he is always busy n nv have e kind of quality time wif his patients and most importantly, he talks very fast!!. I wan one who is patience and talk slowly normal pace l.. and willing to explain slowly to me.. What I'm going thru now.. Like doing scan he will tell u wat is wat..
Hi baby, my gynae for my #1 is Dr Fong Yang. He is very good, patient n really can talk type. But he is expensive compare wif others. Package $700 start abt 25 weeks, after detailed scan. N heard my friend said $10 extra charge if see him on sat. I still thinking whether should I change gynae if I got 2nd cox is exp. Dr Benjamin is very good, recommended by my friend. Maybe u can try. Ya agreed Dr Lawrence Ang very chop chop type although he is d cheapest in town I guess. Hope u can find a good gynae. Tk cr! N wish u hv a healthy n sticky bb
Qing-er, ya.. Haven find a Gynae yet.. Headache.. But I thk benjamin's charges is on e high side ba.. Haiz.. Dunno which should I choose..
Hi all MTB,
I am so happy to find this forum, finally i felt that i am not alone. haha... please allow me to join in..
my EDD on 2nd May 2012, i am 6 weeks already.
Unfortunately, the last 1 week i am having spotting, dark brown discharge, been bed rest for entire week by 2nd gynae, yesterday feeling gan chiong, went back to my first gynae again, she was on leave, came back esp to see me after hearing my situation, then i realise she is great! did a scan, bb is alright and has a flashing light on the machine, which is my bb heart beat.. so nice.. dr told me, i can only walk to toilet and back to bed, give me a super painful injection.. pain for 2 days, cant walk..
Sorry, first msg, i start nagging... hahhahah...
Baby vanilla: i went to second gynae, thinking to find a second opinion and find a comfortable gynae. In the end, the second gynae first check up cost me $258. I realise that the first check is always more exp, so if you trying, will add up cost. The exact same thing my first gynae did, cost $180. subsequent will be cheaper. Also has package after 1st trimester. can consider my first gynae, she is at Thomson Medical, DR Sim, LNSim.
Btw, is my first bb too... heheh...
Hi Mummies,

Sorry for the interruption. I am a Jan '11 mommy who is letting go of a brand new lucky baby playmate (with pictures of animals printed on it)at $25. Orginal price was $30.

Also letting a baby swimming tub( used only 3 times) at $45. Bought in March '11 at $70. Self collect at CCK MRT or delivery can be arranged at $5.

Do PM me if interested. Price still negotiable. Thanks for reading.
BB, i wasn't wanna try the gyna.. But i wanna look for a gyna which will be my permenant de.. Cuz the one tat i'm currently wif talk too fast and too chop chop liao... I dun like.. And his patients is alot de lo..
Babykk, I was really lucky.. I strike on my 2nd month of trying.

Ayana, hees.. so we will be expecting our EDD to be very near as well.. my gynae is in TMC, maybe we will see each other on our due date if urs is at TMC hahaha

My me, I am eating like crazy.. haizz.. instead of morning sickness, I tend to eat much more. Base on my first experience, I put on a lot. 22kg and I was often “warned” by my gyae to watch my diet. I must must control this time round..

Tangerinez, my boy keeps asking me to carry him as he’s very sticky to me. He is 15 kg.. so I hope won’t affect me.
Baby, do you know how much is Benjamin Tham's rates?

wow you ublur, you are lucky *thumbs up* Yup, mine should prob be in TMC too.

I got a a mamil gold for mum sample. Any one taking milk? Issit advisable to take these ah?
Ayana, I heard 1st consultation was $80 Scan is $30 and subsequent visit is $60..

But I still dunno which gyna to go for..
Good afternoon all

I just had pure black chicken soup whoo very nice!

Ayana, I also hv those milk sample but I find very sweet dun like

Bb, better have more rest dun walk too much
Ayana, er.. i tend to put on a lot and have lots of cravings.. got pros and cons. this means i will have a hard time to lose weight after that.
Baby: my second Gynae was like that too, I ask her what can I eat n not eat, she look at me at say I already print out the article, can you go home n read? Omg so pissed..
Can understand what you mean. I think male Gynae more gentle and patient.
Babypom: tks so much. Hopefully all goes well.

Hi all, I realize that after every meal eat a bananas, will prevent nausea, it help baby to build strong nerve..
Ublur, just eat men... This is the only reasonable chance to eat anything we like and get fat.. Forget about wearing tight clothes for a while..
Hi, i would like to join too..tested positive with 2 HPT, went KK for scan but cant see anything..Gynae ask me to come bk the following wk..

Diamond22..my LMP same as yours 7 Aug...so now abt 4-5 wks..

Hopefully the next scan can see something..abit worried. =(
Hi all new MTBs! Congrats & welcome!

BB - pls take extra care and rest well! Wow, so nice to see your bb heartbeat. I hope I get to see mine tmw! our EDD is just 3 days apart, mine's 5 may

babypom - black chicken soup sounds nice... hee
Hi gals, I am a first time mummy too, good to see many MTBs here! Really excited and for us, it is let nature takes its course and we are really surprised it came so soon..I am seeing Dr Phyllis Liauw at TLC (TMC)..

Went for scan and see a sac with a yolk, I cant stop looking at the U/S film even back at home..Gng back to see her in 2 wks

Vone: Dont worry, doc cant see anything when I was 4-5wks too, she tot I had abnormal preg and put me thru blood tests, but last week we could see it already..

Lately, I have some brown discharge and read fr the web that it is normal, any MTB experience this?
Hi Vone, is still early to see. Dun worry

Hi Denise, I had brown discharge last week and currently on Duphaston Will be good to let Yr gynae know abt it.
Hi all,

I am a first time mum to be too. Did a test on 8 Sept as I was 4 days late. Super happy to see the positive indicator. Bought the digital test kit again the following day and it says 3+. Went to the gynae the next day. However, he did not manage to see anything during the scan as he said it is too early. So will be seeing him again next 2 weeks.

Anyways have any of you started experiencing morning sickness aldy? I was vomitting almost the whole day yesterday and once this morning. I hope it will not last that long.

Praying hard all will be fine as we have been waiting for this baby for 2 years.
congrats farhana!

I had the nausea feeling thoughout the day but not to the point of vomitting..some MTBs never had any, and others had it serious..do take care of yourself..

I pray too, that all our babies will be healthy and well..
Hi littledotty,

Yeps i guess diff MTB have diff pregnancy symptoms. I hope all with be good

Anyways just wondering if it is normal not too see anything when the doc did the ultrasound scan at 5 weeks? Quite worried actually if something goes wrong.

Anyone with experience care to share?
Hey Farhana,

I did the scan at 5 wks 1 day, doc thought would not be able to see anything.

In the end saw a small little sac but no heartbeat yet.

I guess if the doc don't expect to see anything, it should be normal?
Ublur, oh I also consider lucky cos I only try this cycle and did twice on my 2 best O day and it strike. I still can't believe it. Yes indeed our delivery is very near. But I will be at GlenE.
Fahana, wk 5 is still consider early. Dun worry too much.
Another week or so u will be able to see it and feel it!

I did my scan on my first pregnancy 2yrs back and was able to hear the heartbeat at week 7.
Little dotty: I'm also seeing dr Phyllis Liauw at TMC. Maybe next time will see u at the clinic! =)

My second appt with her is coming sat at end of 6 weeks. Hopefully can see heartbeat!
All MTB, do u all experience those menses cramps kind of cramps? I start to have during my 2WW and even till now.. Not everyday but sometimes 1 days can cramps like many times de.. Kinda worried.. Haven seen a Gynae yet...

Anyone? =D
Baby> *wave* So happy to see you here!!!! I do feel crampy as well. Trying not to think of the negative stuffs. Bb is all ok! You are ok, I am ok, We are all ok!!!!!

Hi to the rest of the mummies! Will slowly catch up on the earlier posts.

I dunno am I just too happy or what, but I feel that my lower tummy is growing. And when I just had a meal, I feel hungry liao. I hope this hunger bangs will go away asap cos only at 4 weeks+, I'm eating like a pig. I cant imagine my appetite when I'm at week 24! I did not have this growing appetite for my previous one.
Have not gone to my gyne yet. Might do so after 20 Sept, which is about week 6. Meanwhile, I will just take my vitamins daily.
Ha, Chloie, I feel the same too! Feel hungry but I try to eat small meals so that I do not get too full and feel nauseous..

Olivia: Oh! We are seeing the same doc! I will be seeing her at my 7th week to see bb's heartbeat too
I am praying I will see its strong beating..

farhana: Doc cant see anyth when I went for scan at wk 5 too, not to worry..

Baby: I have the cramps on and off, I realised I have it when I walk around too often or stand for too long..but shouldnt be a prob, could be the uterus expanding..
Olivia> I went to a gyne near my office, intending to do a scan to confirm the pregnancy. But doc was not in. The nurse was very sweet too. Told me to go back after week 6 cos I'm at week 4 now so scan also cant see anythg. Meantime just continue with the folic acid. So I bua kam wan, I called up my gyne's clinic and asked the nurse. Told me the same thing too. So looks like I will go after week 6.

Baby> I started seeing Dr Tham from Apr'11. He was the one who gave me the clomid. Strike on the first cycle but I dont think I will go back to him. No particular reason why. Maybe cos I have never like TMC [horrible parking & long waiting hours] & cos it remind of my girl so most probably I will go back to my previous gyne, Dr Choo.

ublur & Olivia> My LMP was 8 Aug too!!!! 8/8 = HUAT HUAT !!!!!!

babypom> *Hugs Hugs* Dont be affected by what your mil say. Must be happy! Then bb will be a cheerful & happy one too!

babyfran> Me! Have been having lots of watery discharge. Got to get change the pantyliner more frequently liao.

House Keeping> I told hb to help bring out the heavy poles. The rest I will just do it on my own. I prefer not to be too pampered else alot of burden will be on my hb. I will leave walking the dog to hb as my dog is very "welcoming". Now can only sayang him while he is in the cage. Housework shall be shared btw us like in the past. I was still scrubbing the toilet during week 30 for my previous preg. So no worries!
Menses kind of cramp as in like a suan or achy feeling? I got experienced it on and off leh. Any of u aso exp it?

U know the urine preg test kit from my gynae results in one faint line n one bold line. Dunno does it mean its weak? When I test using the clearblue it's 2 bold lines.
Hello all,

Phew its a relief to know tht at week 5, its normal if doc cant see anything yet. Thank u all for your assurance

Looks like most of u have engaged a gynae. Have yet to set an appointment with one as i am unsure of who is good. Any female gynae who is recommmended?

So glad to have this forum to share our experiences.
Chloie, *big wave* keke.. ya... thanks to your hot hot potatos.. keke.. Now i can distrubute my hot PEAS!! keke.. =D

Ya.. I cant help to be worried as i haven been to gyna. I totally dun have the preggy feeling.. haa.. Maybe haven been to gyna and get a confirmation from them.. keke..

As for hungry, i dun feel extremely hungry leh.. BUt the other side, i felt my stomach very bloated and i cant eat as much as my normal. I rmb last sat, celebration for the mid-autumn. So many good food and KFC lo.. But i felt so bloated tat i only ate 1 wing only, din even eat e drumstick attached to it.. haa..

Oh ya, i tend to have lots of pimple outbreaks lo.. wha lao.. e pimple keep popping and popping sia... *faintz* But before this signs i thk its a boy.. haa... So after these signs even more thk its boy la.. keke... =D

Anyway, chloie, which gyna are you seeing?

Littledotty, hmm.. pray hard tat probably its normal and fine.. =D

Anyway, congrats to all mummies to be wor!! Pray tat we all have sticky bb!! keke.. =D
farhana: hmm, my gynae is nice, she is Dr Phyllis Liauw from Thomson Medical..I think MTBs here will give you some recommendations too...

Are you taking folic already?
Baby> Most probably I'll go back to Dr Choo Wan Ling. She has relocated to Glen E. Used to be at Paragon under Pacific Healthcare.

I have this tendency to pee more frequently too. And the metallic taste is surfacing in my mouth.
Yes, i feel hungry more often. I try not to eat too much.
My weight is dropping leh.. Dunno why.

The cramps is those menses cramp feeling. Always cramp then i always tot menses reporting. Hopefully it will go away soon.

Girls, get started with folic acid now!!
wow!!! more and more mtb here!!! ^.^

i'm feeling more tired.. at night cant sleep well due to frequent pee n also dreams.. keep having dreams and waking up. my lower ab also very bloated and feels crampy which keeps me awake as well.. =( thirsty also...

this evening gg to see gynae.. i shd be at beginning of 7th week.. hopefully can see something.. *excited*
