(2012/05) May 2012

anyone having MS starting last friday or saturday since all of us are quite close on EDD?

I cant eat anything properly, thrown up most of the time. very discomforting. even without food, also feel like vomiting.

is it only me? feel so miserable.
Hi, Thanks

Oh, even facial i worry, so maybe not doing anything till first trim over better.

Hope scan will be good and will update ya girls again.. HOpe can see something though 6 weeks. really cant wait till 7 -8 weeks.. anticiapting. Remevbered seeing my no 1 boy at 6 weels too

RE strechmark cream, can apply so early or wait till 2nd trimester safer? Whats good and reasonaly priced. The last time i used was Topicreme from gyne.. good but super ex. But I had no stretchmark at all. only some at my sides. Hope this pregnancy same.

Is palmers good? Or mothercare, what good? and price wise?

Any SAHM, Can add me on Facebook too. I am SAHM for now caring my 3.5 super challenging. Add me under Fern LIM

BabyFran, Me also feel nauseous at certain food but appediate so far so good esp for cilli and spicy stuff makes me feel better. Like durian i will wanna puke lor.

Also do you have some mild cramps there. I am on and off. and at some point of time i feel some fetal movemets.. though may sound silly as still small. but i really do feel something going inside there. any of you the same?
Babyfran: I also suffered from MS last Saturday. Had the appetite to eat but will throw up after that. So no worries, some of us are feeling the same way.

Right now, the feeling of discomfort is higher. Can't sleep well at night and the stomach feels tight. Hmm...can't wait for 2 more weeks.
babyfran, I often feel nauseous. try to eat slowly and regularly but small meal. Dun let your stomach feel empty.

Fern, read palmers will causes some rashes for some. I bought Elancyl from TMC pharmacy. Cheaper than Watson/Guardian. Cramp on and off
All the MTB, I will be leaving the thread as my gyne just confirmed that I have miscarriage..

Not to worry, I am ok. Need some time to get over it. We take a break and start all over in few mths time.
Now I get a bit worried too. Been having slight brown discharge this week, read that it is normal thou as long as there isnt serous cramping or pain..Only see when I wiped after peeing and when I stand for too long.. But somehow I feel everything is ok, just a strong sense.. Will wait til next Tues when I see doc then tell her..

The mothercare cream costs $17.90. I like the smell and apply every morning after my bath..not oily or greasy
Thank u MTB.

Just to share with u all, if u have bleeding and cramp, please call your gyne and inform. For my case, I have some blood clot as well.. So I re do my BT to confirm the HCG level. And it turn out to be negative..
Hi all, i might be miscarry too. Went gynae this morning. Cannot see sac and took urine test. Turn out negative. Took blood test still waiting for result.
But most likely it is gone, as my blood still flowing just like menses. Got slight cramp too. Totally sad!!
I am so sorry to hear that. Mummies dont discouage.. Jia you. ANd cheer up

I will be seeing my baby this thursday also. Hope baby is good. Also kinda of worry as we are all at very early preggie stages.

BTW, Me now quite kancheong we intend to move house next few months some more. ANy caution to take note? WIll note that shifting I will move back my parents place and not see renovation works. Besides this, what else take note.

My son sho is 4 nest year already has a place in my current house nursery. worried when we move over to exec flats at jurong east next year, he may not have a nursery slot. Almosy all vancancies full. For mummies staying near jurong east, any good nursery there besides PCF HUH?

Thanks in advance
All mummies, sorry not to discourage you all. Just feel like to share with all . I did not tell anyone so tot of writting here to grief out. Jia you all mummies here.
Baby moo & babykk, I'm so sorry to hear that.. *hugs hugs*

Fern, I thk quite alot of MTB here are all 1st time mummies.. Haa.. I thk 80% all 1st time.. Lol.. Sorry can't help u as I'm oso 1st time mummy... Haa.. I'm staying cck.. =D
haha. SO no 2nd time mummies here?

For first time mummies, dont dispair, I am sure, you all will succeed some day. DOnt stress ok?

Even me 2nd child, I feel lots challenges as my no 1 suddenly very sticky and in midst of getting him a good nursery for net year also. Tired sia.
Fern, there r a few 2nd time mummies here.. But u need to call em out.. Lol.. Not more then 5? Haa the rest all 1st time de le.. Keke.. =D

Re: cramps,

I'm oso quite worried. Tho I noe tis is quite normal la. But I sometimes felt pain on my left side. Im worried tat e implantation might not be in place. *fingers cross* It's not everytime pain or cramp at e area la, most of e cramps r on e uterus area. So no choice I made an appt to Gynae tml @12.15pm to confirm if everything is alright. And those cramps r normal.

Anyway, I'm sticking back to my ttc Gynae, Dr Lawrence Ang, tho I dun like his chop chop way of doing things. But BH said tat if I were to go Dr A L Lim, if anything were to happen like pains or wat. Need to rush to there, and if peak periods how? Jams like shit.. So he say dun wan better. Nearer better.. I mean he make sense too la.. Another thing, his charges r consider quite cheap too. Package is $570 before GST, doc delivery charges is abt $1000, still not confirm la. That's what e reception told me, she said e doc will tell me
More abt it during my visit. And from now I all e visit I pay de money, when my bb is stable at ard 4 months, and take up package already, e consultation all money I paid from e 1st visit will be offset from the total price of e package then I jus pay the balance only.

So I really pray hard tat everything is alright and in place.. Perhaps I listen to too many of e mc stories, I really scare.. *fingers cross* And when I'm scare I still feel e pain e cramps.. It worried me even more.. =(
i feel miserable in office! my nose is stuck, i cannot concentrate, my lips are so dry it cracks no amount of water helps, i drink so much i keep going to the toilet and i am dizzy. anyone is like me? urgh.
Beebeemer, I dun have much signs like u. I only have very frequent cramps ard the uterus area. Felt tired easily. And mostly importantly, I felt tat my temper became very bad. Mood swings. Very short temper lo. Haiz.. Keep quarreling wif BH. And I oso cried very easily. Last tome quarrel wun cry de now he louder abit only I felt like crying liao.. Lol..
hi all, i'm 6wks tdy and first time mummy... had my first scan at 5wks and saw only the sac... will be seeing my gynae this sat... hope can see heartbeat by then...

i have occassional cramps and pulling at uterus area... but some days totally no feeling... is it normal?
Hi! Let me know who are the 2nd time mummy then n hw old hot eldest. Mine 3.5 yr. Add me to facebk if have one?

Baby vanilla, dr lawerence? I stay at Sembawang seen him once for pasmear n I don't like him lor if nt would gone to him since near my hse.

Re cramp, me also on n off but nt v bad. Must walk slowly so feel better. I feel movement All Over nw. Sometime centre, left n right. Strange since bb so small but how gd sign. Tml my first scan too
beebeemer: i'm diff from u.. i feel bloated and indigested, & extreme sleepy cos i cant slp well at night.. my lips also feel dry thou.. and i'm also trying to drink as much as i can.. but it will make me keep gg to the toilet.. my shoulder is aching from facing the computer the whole day too..

i tink we all need to learn to relax...
Fern, ya.. I dun like his style too but then BH is right too. He says if I feel any discomfort wanna see him oso good. Cu it's jus a 20-30 mins drive.. Where else, tmc have to drive to central area and if it's peak hours, more worst. Anyway, tis is 1st visit to him after I found out preggy, before tat is ttc-ing so if I really feel uncomfortable then perhaps I'll change Gynae. Haa.. So looking forward to tml's visit.. Hopefully everything is ok and in place..
i think we are all stressed! :D i am seeing dr chua yang from chun tin road. she has been my gynae since my early 20s, so its very comfortable for me to go back to her now.
We need to keep ourselves well hydrated zara & vanilla and all other mtb! cannot wait to go home grrrrrr.
babymoo & babykk> sorry to hear tt *huggs*

zara & beebeemer> jus knocked off work. Tired!! Can't believe it but today db thrice. But thanks God not diarrhea. Ya need to hydrate and staying in office is v dehydrating.

Just want to quickly go home and rest. But hungry after the db... Haha.
Fern, hi, my boy is 3 this year. I'm also moving at the end of this year to my new home. Renovation will start Oct 15, and most prob, I'll have my designer overseee the project. But actually, I'm not really that pang tang, so I believe I'll still be checking on the progress of certain things, etc etc. Cos it'll be too tiring for my hubby to handle everything on his own, and not forgetting that he needs to attend to my son too!

In terms of ms - I think I've got the worse! I think I should have lost about 2-3 kg for the past 2 weeks. I'm not drinking, not eating well. I can survive on 1 slice of peanut butter bread for the whole day! Sob sob! Hopefully all turns out well with the baby! But I think for the 1st 3 months, all intake is purely for self right?? No?
babykk, really sorry to hear that..

As a first time mommy, I seriously get very sensitive at every feeling that goes through my body..worry this and that sometimes. Whether cramps or discharge can set us thinking and wondering..

I cross my fingers at my next scan too, hopefully can see the heartbeat and bb growing bigger, same to all the MTBs here too
Hi ladies, thanks for the welcome.

BabyKK, Baby Moo, so sorry to hear the bad news. i truly understand what you are going through and will nv ever wish it on anybody else. please take care. as much as i want to say time will heal the pain, i still think of the 2 babies i lost.

Zara, I find long walks very gd.. take slow walks.. i did that with my no. 1. and it helped me with my labour.

Rosegal, did u find out why u mc-ed twice? were they both at the same stage? for mine, both happened btw 4-5 wks hence doc is very cautious. he said i m high risk and i did all the miscarriage risk profile tests but couldn't find anything wrong. oh well.

Sadsad, i did my prenatal yoga at Inspire Mom and Baby. they specialised in prenatal, post-natal, baby and kids yoga. can try googling them.
are u having evening sickness yet? i could only finish 40% of dinner today.. and that's with lotsa lime..

Ayana, may be ur doc's HPT is of a different sensitivity. the one i use is 20miu. yes the test line does get darker.. now my test lines are darker than control line. just get another HPT to test if u are worried.

Fern, i m a second time mom too. son is coming 3.

Re: cramps
Normal to feel slightly crampy. as long as no persistent and severe pains or blood, there is nothing u shd worry about. i get twinges off and on here and there.
that's ur uterus expanding..

Vanilla, u are seeing ur gynae tmr? all the best! hope u see the heart beat! I'm seeing mine tmr too!
piggy, yup!! i'm seeing my gyane tml.. keke.. Excited, happy and at the same time worried.. Am worried tat dunno if the bb is alright and whether is it in place anot?

I guess only way to solve this will be to get a confirmation from the gynae lo.. haa.. =D
Oh. Great to see some 2nd time mummies here. Yes i feel little movement too and my tummy show a little too. Fat! lol. Mine boy just turn 3.5 years. N yes, it's my first time scan tml too! n yes, hope to see a healthy sac ! Baby heartbeat too
hi all
i'm 2nd time mummy too! how come yours all boys?? my first is a girl turning 3. it was really hard trying for #2 coz my girl sleeps with me. try so long finally dio then lost my baby earlier this year
luckily i'm blessed with another one. i hope all goes well, with mine and all of ours.

babymoo, babykk>> so sad to hear your news, really empathise as i just went through similar earlier this year. wish u all the best in trying and a sticky beanie next round ya?

piggywiggy>> this round no symptoms leh, very worried
think i'll POAS tomorrow morning. they say morning pee is best right...

hey anyone keen to create a facebook group for our group? my frend (due this month) says they got a group on fb, v convenient and easy to keep updated hehe.. marvels of modern technology
Vanilla, Fern, ooh we are all seeing our gynaes tmr! here's to wishing us luck..

Sorry i think somebody asked what is POAS.. that Pee on a stick.. haha pee on OPK or HPT.. :p

Sadsad, if u are pretty far along, morning pee can be too concentrated! i tried with a clearblue and it gave me a very weird line.. u know the clearblue vertical line is abt 2mm thick? the line that came out was just 0.2mm or so! think too much HCG hence cannot react to the dye properly.. or that was a faulty test! haha..

Don't be worried! POAS tmr and see how. in fact pee now also can.. i find diluted pee is best at this stage cos the dye seems to be moving more smoothly.. not sure if it is just me.. :p

How abt doing a table here with our details.. can't keep up who is who and when's their EDD! but hor, i dunno how to insert table.. :p
Baby moo & Babykk >> sorry to hear that.. do take care, have plenty of rest and Jia you!!

piggywiggy >> i dun have any MS yet.. just that i realised i tend to wake up in the middle of night to pee and early dawn..

sadsad>> glad to know we share the same LMP.
some of my friends have vey bad MS and some non at all.. hehe

oh no... i have been eating the folic acid from Guardian all these while.. any idea where else i can get the folic acid from?
i am usually so busy in the day that I won't have chance to log in and chat...

Oh, it's confirmed already. i saw GP today cos I am having cough and sorethroat. and since it's free, I did a preggie test to confirmed! and yyes, it's confirmed! feeling super lethargic during the day. Funny thing is, past 2 days, i have no much appetite to eat.

btw,I think I am the most slag mummy here. I am only planning to visit my gynae only when i m 9 wks preg. Just continue to take folic acid till then.

babymoo, take care darling... rest well

Babaykk, sorry to hear that.. hugs..

sadsad, ya, think too many preggies around.

Fern, I am 2nd time mummy.. ya.. lotsa challenge and my boy is very active and sticky to me as well. Keeps wanting me to carry..
Sadsad, I too was worried coz symptoms disappeared. So I juz did POAS. Phew, still have dark lines... Omg the wait to see gynae this sat is so nerve wrecking...

So is it still safe to take guardian folic acid?
piggywiggy>> o so funny. haha i think my hcg level still not that high, tested this morning, same result. phew. diulted pee? can pee in bowl then test not? i always find it leychey to collect sample :p haha i think table good idea leh, but dunno wanna wait til nearer to 2nd trim where all is more stable?

Fern>> no one knows yet, only hubby! so i think i add u fb later ok? haha else the comments we make very obvious leh! unless someone knows how to do the group thingy. think can set privacy

dreamer>> so any MS on your side yet? your frends u mean at same stage already got MS?

guardian folic acid>> u can also get folic acid from unity (ntuc pharmacy) but i noticed the report was in June leh. so if u still find in guardian, it should be the "safe" batch already i think??
Slept alot last night and now still feel sleepy..gosh..

ftmama: I suggest better not take, why not get some from your gynae?
littledotty, ok perhaps will check with my gynae...

anyone taking vit b6? i stopped my conceive well gold after my gynae gave me vit b6 coz i'm worried of overdose of b6...
piggy: yup.. i intend to walk more.. planning to go botanical gardens to walk on sundays while hubby enjoys his photography sessions.. walk near my place also... =)

newbie: u knw, i slept before even 10pm last nite! even thou hubbs going to KL today, i jus couldnt keep my eyes wide enough to keep him company while he packs..

jus wondering why i waking up to pee in the night (like 3 times!) it's driving me nuts! makes me very sleepy in the day...

currently, i have a new pimple growing in my ear and i can feel an ulcer coming up in my mouth as well.. =(

Morning all

I will try to create a closed group in FB. Please let me who like to join in.

Please PM me your email plus SMH nick.

Hope it works cos first time doing it
