(2012/05) May 2012

hi diamond22, i also had no discernible symptoms prior to testing positive. afterwards i had swollen breasts and skin outbreak. today is DPO20 and i think my breasts have subsided. this is freaking me out quite a bit as i read disappearing symptoms could signal m/c. but there's nothing else to do but wait and see i guess...sighs...

but diamond22, no symptoms doesnt mean anything, all pregnancies are different and you could just be the lucky ones with a easy pregnancy.

let's all try to stop worrying, although easier said than done.
My spotting stopped after the hormones support. Thank God

Today I sent an email to my gynae asking if I can continue to use skincare / mask with vitA ingredient. He advise to avoid even though the absorption from topical application is minimal.
Hi Diamond22 & Olivia, my symptoms also seem to have somewhat subsided these two days... not as much gas as before it seems...

Babypom - happy for you
Let's continue to take care and rest well
I tested positive but I couldn't believe it. As I took ovidrel last mth to induce ovulation. I read up online that I should be able to test after 10days taking ovidrel... That's why I'm not sure if I'm having a false result.
good morning all mums to be!

rosegal>> hehe i think the pendulum swing of symptoms is quite common. wish i could sleep in today too... zzz.. r u stay home mummy?

diamond>> me also no symptoms.but get mroe car sick than normal. headache (but normally i oso get headaches) i test coz trying, not coz i observe any symptoms leh :p KS haha i dun even have sore boobs
i think the positive test is usually accurate. stay positive!

Olivia> if u worry u can take another preg test. i got heaps stocked up for testing hehe i intend to test again b4 i meet my gynea, just in case. oso many ovulation strips leftover...just in case *touchwood

babypom>> yay! hey my prenatal vitamins got vitamin A leh. I was taking when TTC hoping to recover my body from the loss of my earlier pregnancy. vit a no good? should i stop??
Sadsad, vit A in prenatal vitamins is ok. I also taking Blackmore pregnancy and breast feeding formula.

Only those vit A like prescription acne drug isotretinoin (also known by the brand name Accutane, among others) and other drugs related to retinol (a compound of vitamin A), including topical tretinoin (Retin-A), which is used for skin conditions should avoid.
babypom>> oo ok thanks =)

btw i heard from my colleague (a pregnant nutritionist) that we should avoid mushrooms as it has a "pushing effect" reminded me that i had strong aversion to smell of mushrooms in my first pregnancy. FYI
babypom >> yeap, actually i tested before and after when my AF is due. in fact i tested 4 times and is all positive.
babypom> more like quad-cfm hehehe.. err i din ask about which mushrooms. i will ask her later when i see her ok :p
sadsad: i tested again this morning, seems to be fine. so now, i am just trying to attribute my subsiding symptoms to my body adjusting to the pregnancy hormones... trying not to overanalyse anymore...

i also have left over OPK strips. can use them as HPT for fun. because the LH and HCG hormones are very similar in chemical structure, positive OPK will also indicate presence of HCG, but the test line must be darker than the control line to indicate pregnancy.

so how is everyone feeling today? i am not really feeling anything lor..haha.
diamond> wait to hear ur good news! i quite apprehensive to make appt leh
think wait til more cfm. thinking of changing gynea...hmm

olivia> take things easy and stay positive. we all must take one step at a time. i din know the test strips can use interchangably! so interesting

i'm hungry
this morning no appetite, only ate some dry soda biscuit. took coffee tho
i'm trying to cut down but ytd din drink kena migraine. hai mind is willing but body so weak
sadsad - i'm a stay at home MTB, heh, doing work from home, part time, so quite a flexible schedule.
wow - i just had golden mushroom yesterday, and am gonna have those canned button mushrooms tmw.. really? avoid all mushrooms?

diamomd - congrats
wait to hear the good news soon!

olivia- yep, maybe you're just having an 'easy' pregnancy! No bad M/S etc. Try to relax ya? Maybe watch some funny/ interesting shows when you are free to distract yourself? I'm watching 'whose line is it anyway' online, so FUNNY!

for me, i'm feeling quite normal today, a bit on the tired side, but not as bad as yesterday. Also feels like my bladder doesn't get so full so easily.. dun know why, but at least last night I didn't have to get up 5-6 times to go to the toilet! (maybe cos last night i didn't drink as much water before bed?)
i have also been feeling little twitches here and there, won't call them cramps, but like pulling sensations here and there, sometimes?

babypom - i showed my multivits to the gynae last week and he said it was optional.. it also contains Vit A... hmmm, not sure if i should stop it altogether.. did you get the prenatal vits yourself?
rosegal> but if u stop the multivits u still nid to take folic acid right? that cannot be optional?

mushrooms>> my colleague says all mushrooms leh.. dunno zun not but if u eat i guess juz dun eat too much bah
babyhopes - are you a May MTB too? Yes, the gynae prescribed folic acid for me, that is most impt at this time.

babypom - oic, thanks!

diamond - all the best & congrats!

I just woke up from a 2 hr nap, unwillingly! heh. will be out & back home in another 2 hrs..
Rosegal – my son is 3 this year.

Babypom – yeh..  So sad to start having m/s already. Sigh… I’m a working mom, so imagine how much “me” time I have for resting! Wah.. want to cry!!

I just misplaced my folic medication! Sigh.. got to go to the gynae to get another pack of folic medication. Going Malaysia for 3 days tomorrow... Booked and paid for all before I realized that I’m pregnant. Initially wanted to bring my son out for a short trip since it’s school holiday.. arrgg… now dragging myself to go..
Hi ladies! Test bfp today!!!!! I'm can't wait to go for an appt at my gyne's but I decided to go during week 10. Don't want to disappoint myself if there is any bad news. *touch wood*
Welcome Chloie and congrats!

I also wanted to go gynae late but got spotting so bo bian

Take care, be happy and have plenty of rest
I am working full time and work can be stressful at times. Trying to remind myself to be careful and to take care esp when I'm out most of the time.
Not sure whether u have the same feeling. My tummy has the "period" feeling, just feels weird. Other than the weird tummy feeling and not much appetite at certain times of the day, I feel normal.
I got paranoid today cos' I was running for the bus this morning on my way to work and took the pregnancy test again just to make sure everything is still fine. This time I used a different brand of the preg kit just to double confirm haha, still positive
Krc - yes, do take care and have a nice trip with your 3 yr old :D at least it'll be 3 days of holiday?
You can get folic acid from watson's & guardian too

Chloie - welcome & congrats!

newbie 2012 - heh, yes, understand how you feel. It's good to remind ourselves to be careful when we're out. take care!
hi all mtb.. i'm also a mtb just tested +ve... really cant believe my eyes when i saw the "pregnant" word on the test kit.. cos i didnt really "try" very hard during this cycle..

when should i make an appt with the gynae? i should be about 5-6 weeks nw..

i'm actually working full time and had planned a long trip in october and ttc at the same time. my cycle was very irregular and i believed it was stress that caused it, hence the long leave. hubbs thinks that i should still take my 3 mths leave to rest since it will be still in the first trimester..

i'm a little disappointed that i cant go on my trip now, but also happy that i'm finally preggy cos i've been wanting a bb and have been seeing tcm doc since jan this year..

n nw, i'm so paranoid abt bb development cos i was sick 2wks ago and was on medication.. don't know if it affects bb.. i also had beer since i didnt tink i was preggy n i didnt try much this time round..
heya zara, welcome to the club =) n congrats!
ya sometimes the more u try, the harder. then u think din really try then will be good news! i also thot this round sure wun kena ;P

u can make appointment any time now ba
suggestion why not try move ur travel dates slightly later. so long after first trim can liao

krc> my girl also about there. our kids age gap should be similar! i actualyl wanted smaller gap but ren suan bu ru tian suan

welcome too chloe! i oso thinking of going see gynea later.. havent quite decided yet... v paranoid

babypom> see doc also good. hopefully with the pills help, your beanie be sticky and grow big n strong ok?
thanks sadsad.. ya, the least u expect it, it came!

anyway, the trip has to be cancelled =( cos it is a one-month backpacking trip in europe n i dun think i can carry the one bag at the back and one in the front! probably have to change to short trips if the gynae allows..

as for gynae, my fren had recommended me this doc at gleneagles before.. Dr CHan, and i've read that he's very good..
zara: welcome! and congrats!
wah one month backpacking! very adventurous!

i am not sure abt Dr Chan.. my first gynae appt will be with Dr Ho @ mt alvernia.. heard he's good too but have not met him yet.
Congrats to all mtb here.

I just tested positive today. Never expect it. Cos i tested 4 days earlier before and it is neg.
I think will see gynae in my week 6. Now is still week 4. Edd is 12May based on online calulator.
congrats everyone! I went to did a blood test yesterday to check my hormones level. next week will be my 1st visit to see my gynae.
Before you all tested, did you have the feeling that you are preg?

Me too! Caught me by surprise when I least expect it cos have not been working hard and did not got a +ve on the OPK.
This is my first cycle of trying. I got high hopes on it. Keep thinking will strike it this round as i bd on my 2 positive o days. No symptons at all. No sore breast, then yesterday got slight cramp. I tot menses reporting, check dun have. Cos i tot no chance this round as i tested neg before my menses.
So is a surprise for me!!
Diamond22, out of curiosity may I ask why you go for blood test? I raised my concern to my gynae for not detecting yolk sac when gest sac is 12mm, he propose I go for blood test to check if hcg level is raising to determine if pregnancy is progressing but I decide to give it a miss and choose to wait till my next appt which is next week to see how.

I did the hpk test for fun actually without any symptoms. Suppose to ttc after my 2nd cycle
babypom, erm actually i don't know. when i called up the clinic to inform that i am pregnant. they advise me to go down for a blood test to check the hormones level. if the result is not good, i will have to take more vitamins. so far no one so everything is going well.
welcome new MTBs! so exciting that more ladies are joining us. may we all have sticky beanies and continue joyously on this journey together from now on!

my gynae never ask me to take blood test lei, when i went to see her at 4weeks. she just prescribed me folic acid and duphaston and ask me to come back end of 6weeks. so until now i also dunno if my HCG levels are normal. so unsettling, especially since my swollen breasts seem to be subsiding by the day! =(

wondering if i should just got normal clinic for blood test for peace of mind. but need 2-3days for results right? how much ah?
Congrats to all new mtbs! So nice to see more pple joining in
Like Olivia says, may we all have sticky beanies and continue on from here !

babypom - may i ask how far were you into the pregnancy when your gest sac was detected? Maybe it's still too early to see yolk sac? My visit last week, the doc detected my gest sac too but he didn't mention anything about the yolk sac as well..
Rosegal, I m into week 5 when I visited gynae on Monday. On u/s it shows week4 day 2 n gest sac 12mm leh. Hopefully next week got more to see. At least the sac is in right place lah
I better relax and take things easy dun think too much haha. Like my gynae said - worry is natural respond but worry dun help
Babykk, babypom: my tummy is also showing. 5 wks plus only so don't want to tell people that I'm preg yet. But I think pple are like looking at me and thinking whether I'm preg cos tummy showing! But it's all the gas & fats inside giving me the tummy I guess! I feel bloated too.
Newbie: yah, backpacking can be v fun! But now have to wait until dunno wen le..
Congrats to all MTV here!!
I jus called this afternoon to make appt to see gynae on Monday.. To final cfm n see if can detect heartbeat.. So exciting..
I'm not having much symptoms except sore boobs, burping, bloated, n sleepy.. Let's what will come on for me.. I hope nt anymore!
Hope all take care n rest well!
Yesterday one of my guy friend ask me : u pregnancy ah?
I was so sad lor, i ask him back am i fat!! He says maybe my dressing makes my tummy look big.
Angry!! Tat was i haven tested positive yet yesterday.

Zara: glad u r meeting ur gynae next Monday! Excited for u

Babykk: ya I experienced something similar too. My female colleague asked if I was preg. I was like "erm, do I look fat?". She said maybe it's my dressing and flat shoes.
