(2012/05) May 2012

Hi all,
Can I join? I just did a test and I see very very positive faint line.. not sure if I am being too paranoid but I am hoping it's real. ..

Having mixed feelings now.. don't know to be happy or sad..
cos it's gona be tiring again..

morning all mtbs!

wow this thread is really moving fast now! welcome to all who joined us! hope we all stay in this thread with healthy bubs!

babykk>> ya test too early will get negative result. most hpk not so power hehe

blood test>> could it be different clinics different practise bah?

babypom>> ya dun worry ok? ur gynea will raise any red flags if he detect anything, so meanwhile try to relax and take care of yourself. i know is not easy coz i'm also trying to tell myself the same thing! coz i'm such a worry wort! lolx

tummy showing>> alamak cannot beat mine. i think my baby bump from my prev pregnancy not yet fully gone
but dun give too much thot to such ppl. they juz hoping for good news maybe? but tummy show oso good mah. mabbe can get seat in bus/mrt hahah do u all take public transport? next week on (after sch hols) will be darn crowded liao

ublur> be happy ok? every baby is a precious gift! although motherhood a lot of challenges, also a lot of rewards. how old is your first child?
Did anyone experience faint line after testing?
Yesterday i tested was very faint, today i check, it gone.
So sad. Got to buy one more to double confirm.
Hi babyKK, go and buy the digital clearblue pregnancy kit. It will show you pregnant or not pregnant. Very clear. I tested a normal kit, and the line is ver fade.. So bought this digital one to confirm, and it show.. Now guardian has promo, $19.90
wow - this thread is moving fast! Welcome to all newly joined MTBs once again!

babypom - wow! 12mm and 4 w 2 days? I was also into 5th week when I saw gynae last week and at 6mm, he didn't say anything much...! Only asked me to go back next week... hopefully all goes well!

I'm also showing a bit! I find it hard to fit into my normal jeans already! I don't want to squeeze them in for fear of beanie.. my clothes choices are greatly limited for now! Till I decide to tell those around me, then don't need to 'hide' the 'bump'..

Zara - i'm having similar symptoms as you, & seeing gynae on mon too!

bbay kk - hmm, yes, perhaps try the digital clearblue preg kit, more accurate?

Take care everyone! TGIF! Weekend's coming!
baby Moo, i also bought the digital one.. it even tells you how many wks since conception! $19.90 too! haha..

was v kiasu, firsted tested with watson's brand kit, then didnt believe, tried another one and then tried with clearblue normal test kit and finally the digitial one. 4 in all. All the same! so it's confirmeD!

rosegal: hi5! we can update each other again after seeing gynae on mon... hehe..

and i agree with sadsad.. every baby is a precious gift..

have a great weekend everybody! take care and anyhow eat eat..
babykk>> mine oso v faint line leh... maybe we both go buy the test kit. but so far mense no report in so hoping for best!

rosegal>> wear dress/skirt hehe easiest to fit our baby bump. i oso have problem with pants
Me also have the Clearblue digital sitting in my cabinet now. Saw the gynae before testing it out so no need to test liao

rosegal, you seeing 2 gynaes on monday right? hopefully everything goes well for you and zara. Do update

ublur, be happy ya

I am gg to Expo for Loreal sales later. Need to take a walk outside. Too bored at home

TGIF everyone and have a great weekend ahead!!!
Ok gg to buy that digital one later. I tot as long as clearblue is fine. I bought that with plus sign. The horizon line was very dark, the vertical was very faint. Now vertical gone.
Driving me crazy!! Ok set buy $19.90 one
zara - yes! we can update everyone after mon

sadsad - thanks for the tip! prob is , i seldom wear skirts/dresses to begin with, heh... maybe now is the time tho...?

babypom - you're right! A/P John Tee set my next appt on 12Sept, which happens to be the same as the earlier appt I had made with Dr LC Cheng... I am not sure if I should go for both yet tho... or should I just stick with A/P John Tee...... Tough decision... Perhaps I'll wait till I have the first appt on Mon (with Dr Tee) then see how it goes..
enjoy your shopping!

babykk, let us know what happens, fingers crossed for ya!

ublur - yes, babies r a gift to us... we should be happy about it.. right?
i am going to buy the digital one later too! Babykk, i also use the plus sign clearblue one.. mine, vertical dark horizontal faint.

zara, rosegal: update us after seeing the gynae on mon! mine is scheduled on friday.. hope everything goes well!
newbie>> update us after ya?

rosegal> lolx i oso din use to wear skirt n dress (my office darn cold so always pants) but preggie bo pian, else cannot fit pants :p
Hi All,

I am so happy to see all of you doing so well. I would like to join the club.

Found out i was preggie on the 31 aug, went to check the next day, but nothing can be seen on ultrasound. Went for 2nd appt yesterday, saw the gestational sac but not the yolk sac. Been told i am currently 5 weeks. I also went for blood test to determine how many weeks and days i am really at. Seeing my doc in 10 days time, wish me luck ladies. :)

Oh btw, this is my 1st pregnancy, super paranoid and excited. wish to share and learn more things from all of ya.
Welcome Francesca! You are very on the ball! I tested positive one day earlier than you and have also been to the gynae already. But mine was at 4weeks so gynae didnt even bother to scan. also never take blood test, damn bo chup. haha. just ask me to go back end of week6.

this is my first pregnancy too.

do you girls think there's a need to "interview" more than 1 gynae? I am quite comfortable with this first one i'm seeing, but i also made an appointment with another gynae highly recommended by my colleague. but wondering if it's necessary? this other one supposedly very good with stitching etc...but also more expensive.. any thoughts?
Welcome babyfran and you really on the balls wor good luck

Olivia, you can always go to another gynae and see who you are more comfortable w also taking consideration of financially
francesca>> congrats and welcome!

olivia> ya agree w what babypom says, most impt u feel comfy wif the gynea, if u n hubby feel current one is good then i think dun nid to see others if u worry about cost. i also only saw one so far

Can I join this thread. TEsted at GP today. DId home pregnancy one dark line one light faint line. Went GP. confirmed. 5 weeks now. too early to see any scan. called gyne should see him next week 6 or 7 better? can see sac and heartbear? My 2nd child.
ya lor! cant wait to knock off. i'm hosting a baby shower this weekend for 2 of my good frens. really feel like sharing my good news with my close frens who will be there. but better err on the side of caution right?! i feel like i'm bursting with the news...but pantang to say anything before 1st trim.
Thank you ladies.

@Olivia, I was nt really happy with my 1st gynae, so my gf intro me to hers. Dr Yvonne soong at TMC. She is excellent so far, always very encouraging. Charges r reasonable too. So I think I ll be continue wif her.

I'm on the ball becoz I'm paranoid, didn't manage to see anything the 1st time, I tot i was having the etopic pregnancy. So I KS abit, scan again in a week's time. hehe.
Btw I saw somewhere that there will be baby expo next month, if I'm nt wrong it is from 21-23. Last baby fair of the year!! Can't wait to go for window shopping..
Hi Fern, congrats and welcome. 7 weeks will good to detect heartbeat

Olivia, very "xin ku" cannot tell anyone right? so far only hubby, my mum and 1 of my friend and all of you knows *wink*

babyfran, so fast window shopping already? whahaha
Babypom, yes very xin ku! Especially since some of my friends know i'm actively trying, so when we meet up they will ask me for status update. then how? i just lie for now. and i am a terrible liar. makes me not want to go out and socialise till this 1st trim is over!
Thanks. Gyne asked me go down do scan at 6 weeks next weeks. SHould I go or should I wait.. Stresed. COs afraid too early see anythig. On the other hand very kan cheong and excited
Olivia, no choice just tell some white lies first hehe

Fern, week 6 also can see something liao... you can go for scan to have a peace of mind
Welcome fern & francesca!

Heh, yes, olivia & babypom, cannot tell anyone really v xinku... i'm trying to withold the truth from my parents... last week met them, they were having white wine (some celebration) and they poured me a glass before i arrived.. so when i rejected, i had to cook up an excuse! (i said i had diarrhoea so better don't take alcohol) Then my mom said, "oh, your hubby ordered oyster for you, then better don't take right", to which i had to quickly say, 'oh, but it's cooked, so it's ok'. Phew!

Then this coming week, we are going for a buffet!! Surely there will be sashimi etc... then they will surely ask when they see i'm not having any, when usually i will take... yikes!!
i think i will continue with my stomach flu lie... hopefully can smoke them...!
@babypom, yes I can't wait for all the window shopping, in fact real stuff will be more fun, however can only wait till I know whether my baby is a girl or boy.

@Olivia, I know how u feel, so I give myself n my Hubby a easy way out, which is told pple tat who noticed and ask us. In fact I'm nt so patang, so my close frnds are pretty well informed.

@fern, congratz and welcome onboard.
newbie: I will after my visit mon evening..
Babykk: have u bought the digital one?
Jus update my mom today too.. It's my parents' anniversary n it was really a surprise 'gift' to them too,
Welcome all new mtb too.. Me aso v new, let's share our experiences n learn from each other... Me first time mommy too..
can i join too?
i just tested positive on wednesday. did 2 clearblue test both faint lines, and the digital one showed positive with 1-2! went to a gynae at tampines and confirmed with a hcg blood test. Should be very initial like 4-6weeks. he couldnt get anything on my abdomen so going to my usual gynae for vscan tmr :D hope the sac is visible
thnaks for the welcome..
my first boy is already 2.5 yrs old.. it's gona b tiring.. but my hb is super happy.. i hope it' a gal.. opps
Hi all mummy to be,

i just tested positive earlier this week. Was very confused with the very faint lines that i actually tested for the next few days and a digital kit yesterday. Finally convinced after seeing pregnant 2-3.

I should be in my 5th wk now but i haven seen a doc or gynae yet. I was told to see the gynae the following wk...

first time mummy here and feeling bit anxious! Hope to learn from all and share experiences or info... all the best to all!
Baby kk, thanks.. seems like there are many first time mummies here.. sure very excited..
yes, me too, equally excited, but not as "panicky" as compare to my first. I will only plan for my first visit to gynae during 9 wks. I reckon mine is only 4 wks nia.. cos i just missed my menses..

my LMP is 8th Aug..

rem to buy folic acid first and start eating now!
Ublur, i also plan to visit gynae at around 8-9 weeks.
Aleady bought folic acid on the day i tested positive.
Are u trying for very long?
wow this thread is pretty bz!

ublur, my LMP is 9th Aug, very close to yours!

Its my first time so quite scary and dunno what to expect.
Ayana, congrats! There will be more surprises along the way and feeling of a little seed is growing inside you. So amazing how life could be.
babykk: congrats again!
babyporn: yup.. dad says it is the best gift ever! ahhaha...

btw, does anyone experience diarhhoea.. i have been having bad stomach pains and diarhhoea at night.. like midnight for the past 2 days.. then it goes away already... and my runny nose comes on & off too...
I have been having cold like symptoms minus the body ache just my nose seems unstoppable. My LMP was 15july but my blood test shows 4-6weeks. Possible cos I was on pills for 4years and ovulation isnt accurate. Waiting to see my gynae to confirm a yolk sac.
Good morning all MTBs and welcome those just join us
The thread is getting active which is a good news hehe

Been feeling nausea need to eat very slowly and keep eating not to let stomach feel empty or will have gastric pain

Anyone doing home chore at home like bringing out bamboo pole? Is it ok to do it or to avoid?
Morning all MTBs!

Ublur: my LMP same as u! Aug 8!

Babypom: light housework should be fine I think. I just cleaned my apartment, wash toilet, mop floors etc. But I think just avoid squatting (e.g. to wipe floors) for extended period. I also try to use organic household cleaners. At least not so harsh chemicals. I also wear mask when cleaning to avoid inhaling in too much toxic fumes.
Babypom, hanging out of pole might be too heavy to handle when time to come. Avoid doing when ur tummy gets bigger. Now is quite ok.

morning morning..
i am still at work and gg to leave the office soon.. *zzz*

babyporn, i tink u're right, need to eat slowly.. i read somewhere that our body is slowing down the digestion process so that bb can absorb better.. so if we eat a lot or too much, our stomachs will be very full n make us feel uncomfy..

as for housework, gotto depend on hubbs more.. i tire easily.. but can still "wash" the clothes and fold/iron them.. best part is he volunteers to wash my car too! yay!

have a good weekend!
