(2012/05) May 2012

Oh ya.. after i tested positive. I wake up very early leh.. Once i open my eyes or have sense den i ant get back to sleep liao.. Veyr tired la.. Like today, i woke up near to dawn and have problem sleeping back.. sianz...

Hi, I am selling away the Haenim play yard to clear space
1) 6 panels Haenim Normal Play Yards (Blue and Red design) to let go at $65*
Consist of the following :
• 1 Activity (Normal) panel
• 2 Doors
• 3 Plain panels

Condition is 6.5/10

* Buyer may want to buy replacement parts+:
• Suction pads (A few have dropped off due to wear and tear )
• Bear stickers (Decorative purposes only, buyer can leave out if there is a budget) Optional
• Mirror sticker (Not reflective, buyer can leave out if there is a budget) Optional

Self collect. Interested buyers may email to [email protected] for viewing.

+Replacement parts can be purchased from SMH Bulk purchase spree:
babykk: yup.. i will!! hehe..

btw, when do we start looking for CL? i know its abit early, but cos i tink next yr dragon yr, many many bb.. so when's a good time to start looking?
Olivia, I somehow feel it is a boy too! Weird feeling but seems so real!

Been peeing more too but also that I am drinking more water now..at night I sleep very well, morning stil feel sleepy..

Zara: I am thinking about it too but I think I will wait for first tri to be over first..
littledotty, haa.. me too felt it a boy. As we BD on those 2 days tat i O, the high peak.. So i thk the boy troops will head very fast then girls troops..

As for CF, i dun thk i'll be getting 1. Cuz i'm living wif ILs now.. No room for the CF lo. And i oso dun intend to do my confinement there.. I'll definately go home de lo.. Die die oso wan to go home lo...

Anyway, i discover something.. Actually i felt quite sad.. Cuz i dun have a flat and slim tummy like some of u gals here... sianz.. my fatty tummy so big, machiam 5 months liao lo.

Den i cannot have e anticipantion of seeing my tummy from flat to become a bump.. haiz.... its really SAD~~!!! i look into the mirror only see my already fat tummy.. haiz.. dun even noe if its growing... haiz.. sianz.. =(
babykk, haa.. yaya.. By right la.. But before tat i've oso consistently BD every alternate days before tat.. ard 3 times like tat.. haa.. who knows already got girls troops waiting for e egg liao.. den when e egg release the boy troops dun even have e chance to reach there.. haa... =P

Have you been to gynae already?

I'm going for mine later. I thk mine very early leh.. slightly more then 4 weeks only.. so i doubt can see anything.. haa.. But jus wanna reassure myself tat all these cramps are normal by going to gyane to confirm.. =D
Littledotty: thanks for the recommendation. Will check her out
. I started taking folic acid too when the doc prescribed me some last week.

Baby: i feel u as i also do not have a flat tummy to begin with hehe. Dont worrylah, we'll see the difference in time to come 
farhana, haa... yup.. in time to come.. But u noe.. i just felt tat i missed something lo.. haa.. I cant take down every part n parcel of my bump.. lol.. =D
Baby, haha i also did few times before o leh.
Hopefully the girls troop dies off first. Heehee.
I have not seen gynae yet as i only 5w2d. Cant really see anything. My hcg still low i think, so i will go in 2 wk time.
babykk, ya i too thk i'm very early but den i'm really about the cramps i'm having.. U thk my hcg oso very low... I oso wan boy first. but if girl oso ok.. But its e birth order i wan.. lol.. Boy first cuz bro will take care of sis like how my bro take cares of me.. haa.. He dote on me... lol.. Always cheat his money.. keke.. =P
Baby, i think my hcg low because my test kit is very faint so i feel if i go gynae now is still early to detect anything.

I hope to get a boy as my first already a girl.
Now sitting for too long back starts to ache...and I am already not wearing those really high heels..

Being pregnant is really not easy!
i tested last week w faint lines showing and hcg was very low too. so hopefulyl week 6 scan will be able to see heartbeat.
my mum said she only went to see a doc at about 4mths plus. i am like ?? seriously and she says our generation since we are able we should spend on the scans to check health.
Hi everyone!

Just to give an update for my gynae visit - was there this morn, at 6weeks 3 days... The sac has grown from 6mm to 18mm, but still can't see heartbeat... But doc says he is happy with the growth and will see me again in another two weeks.. what anticipation!!!!

I guess I am happy that the doc is happy with the growth, just that I would've liked to see the hb earlier...

He said after seeing it the next time, then he can calculate the due date and how far I am into the pregnancy...

I guess I will just have to be happy that he seems happy with the growth!

For those who know about my earlier dilemma as to whether I should stick with my earlier doc or this current one, well I decided for now, I will stick to A/P Tee and not go to Dr LC Cheng... really hope everything will be fine!

babykk: big congrats to you too!

ublur: yah mine will be TMC too! Mabbe can see you there haha..

Baby: Thanks for the info on the rates ! Actually I went to Lawrence Ang last Friday, he is the chop chop type. I also seen Benjamin Tham before, I really like him. Between the 2, I will chooose Ben Tham lor. keke..

Babypom: the mamil mama vanilla flavour is not bad la, but my fren says actually drink normal milk can le.

Can't see anything from my scan today, next scan will be next Sat. So full of anticipation! How can I pass the 2 weeks??!!
Ayana, I am drinking Meiji now. Find those pregnancy milk powder can be too fattening keke

Rosegal, good everything is well for Yr baby growth

Had my another jab at TMC tdy and hopefully no need to jab anymore
Baby> Dont worry about the baby bump lah! There are other ways to note of bb's growth!

Babykk> Boy troops are actually the weaker ones. So that's why if bd before O, and strike it, it will be a girl. And during & a day after O, it will be a boy.

Maternal milk> Please stay off it unless you are having really bad MS and not taking in enough food & vitamins cos maternal milk are actually very fattening packed with all the vitamins to supplement for the lack of intake. I gained all the weight from all the maternal milk and still yet to lose it all. Normal fresh milk will do the job.

Gyne Appt> I finally made the appt. Next Wednesday! I informed my gyne about it too!!!! Really hope to see the heartbeat. *excited excited*
Hi MTB, guess all of us are waiting for the first scan..
Our dates are all very close..

Tomorrow I am going back to do another HCG.. been light bleeding since sat. Crossing my fingers hard...
Wah so many post already! Have been really busy the past 3 days so didn't have time to visit the forum until now. So exciting to hear all the updates and how all the MTBs are doing!

I bought the digital pregnancy test kit from guardian that day. Cost abt $25+. Very easy to read - either pregnant or not pregnant. I think I'm getting paranoid again and will buy some more test kit cos have been busy and stress with work so just want to make sure everything is fine
I think I've tested 4 times already since last week hahaha.. If I buy the pregnancy kit again, it will be my 5th time testing before I see my gynae for the first time this Friday!
I am drinking maternal milk from similac (vanilla). I am usually ok with fresh milk but dunno why I can't seem to like the taste and smell of this similac milk even though I know it's good for MTBs. I bght the low fat one. Have to drink twice a day. Sometimes my hb will make the milk for me in the evening otherwise I won't drink haha. If I can't take the taste, I will add Milo to the milk to make it taste better.
I feel like burp more and pee more. And get hungry more often.
Hi, have been a silent reader from the first day.. mainly cos i have mc-ed twice in the past year.. so pretty scared that it will happen again.. I should be 6wks 2-3days.. not sure when i ovulated but my last LMP is 18 Jul. usually my cycle length is 26 days but that cycle i went for an op to remove a cyst from my uterus.. we (gynae and i) all thought that my period will come on 12 or 13 Aug but instead of having my period i ovulated instead. I didn't know and thought it was safe to have unprotected sex.. so did it only once on 12 aug. i didn't know i was preg until 23 aug, at DPO11 cos i tested on a hunch.. anyway i have done 4 blood tests since and levels were pretty gd.. if anybody wants to do a HCG level comparison:

DPO12 - 37.8
DPO14 - 174
DPO19 - 2118
DPO24 - 14,000

Nonetheless I m still terrified. My gynae refused to see me cos he said even if i see a sac, i will still worry that won't have heartbeat. i spotted off and on.. since wk 5.. so had a whole wk off last wk. if i m resting, then everything is ok.. if not then i will have light brown discharge.. not too worried abt it cos with my son, i spotted red for 4 wks.. with both my mcs i had no spotting..

Sorry for the long post.. i just feel super scared and worried.. will be seeing my gynae on wed (finally!!).. currently i m on duphaston and aspirin (these are routines for high risk pregnancies). MS is here.. mainly start aft 4pm.. haven't finished my meals since abt 4+ wks.. but MS has been progressively worse since 5+ wks... wanna vomit but nothing comes out..

I hope this feeling stays. i don't mind puking my guts out as long as i give birth to a healthy baby at the end of 9 mths..
newbie2012, haha i m a POAS addict. I m still doing HPT on alternate days just to see if the line is dark or not! lucky i got a lot of cheap strips!! that's how panaroid i am! and I am already DPO31!!! gonna do it until i see my gynae on wed so i dun think u are going overboard..

For my 2 mcs, my HPT lines nv got darker.. in fact they faded that's why i m soooooo scared!
Piggywiggy> I think I am an addict too. Just went and bought another kit to test. Digital is too expensive. Think will get cheaper strips. Hehe. Agree with babypom, keep positive.

And I am paranoid abt milk now. Smelling vanilla everywhere. And my HB gg to make me the milk again. Yucks!!!
newbie2012, i am just talking HL milk everyday and folic acid, not taking any special formula milk. and i want to sleep! been yawning since i step into office but i sleep very well at night. am quite worried of the cramps i feel, hope its normal. :D if my hcg blood test measured at 651 last thurs, i read its about 4-5 week range so this week should be onset of 5th? i cannot wait for the baby to grow bigger!
Beebeemer>fresh milk now sounds nicer. Jus finished a cup of HB made milk. But better, he added more Milo. Actually was taking normal milk but then a friend who has 2 kids recommended MM as it gives more nutrients than fresh milk. So HB now making me drink MM. Boo hoo.

Can't wait for fri 1st visit to gynae and for 1st scan.
wow.. this thread is moving real fast!! many May' 12 mummies!!

Babykk> my LMP is 03 Aug.. should be in my 6th week now. looking forward for my first appt next week.. excited!

anyone have MS now?? my friend told me MS will kick in from 8th week onwards..
Hi hi!! Rose gal, babykk n everyone...
Me jus saw gynae today n apparently, m only 4wks old.. Cos my cycles r v irregular.. Scan can only see the sac.. But it is confirmed!!
Read some posts about milk.. Today gynae told me that milk is not the only way to achieve calcium.. Jus need to eat more vege... And less meat... Cos meat is acidic n will 'eat' up the calcium. Milk is more fattening than it gives calcium...
And yes, dr chan is v preachy on losing weight n keeping fit....
Thanks ladies.. am trying to stay positive.. but aft 2 mcs.. i m just sooooo scared.

I do take the milk for mum-to-be.. partly because it is very filling so just one cup will keep me full without solids, partly cos i'm not eating well at all. i avoid cold milk cos i unconsciously link cold stuff with cramps. haha..

Dreamer, i m having MS.. or more like ES (evening sickness). i feel completely like shit aft 4pm. in the AM till lunch i m ok.. can eat abt 80% of my usual amt.. but once dinner comes, i can barely eat 50%. i only ate a third of my dinner just now.. couldn't make myself swallow and now i feel the food rising up in the throat! have been off food since 4+ wks but MS only kicked in late last wk.. i realise if i eat very VERY slowly, i can get more stuff down, but it means i take an hr to finish 80% of my food!

Zara, i agree that keeping fit is impt. i did prenatal yoga when i had my no. 1. i nv suffered from incontinence and my labour was very short. i only gained 9kg too so bounced back very fast.
will take up yoga again when i hit 20 wks.
know wat? I went to tanjong pagar ntuc unity to buy folic acid.. it was sold out!! then i pop by amk branch and was sold out as well!! so many preggies on street???
I went toilet at 450am and saw blood. I am damn worried now. Dunno is it spotting or menses. Seeing gynae later. Cant sleep till now
hi piggywiggy.. i will also be exercising more and cooking my own meals in my 3 months 'break' from work which also means lesser entertainment at work which always ends with a dinner.. *feels fat*

babykk: hope everything is well for u.. dun worry, could be implantation bleeding? i heard some people might have this.. *pray*

i still cant really slp well cos i feel crampy and keep waking up to pee. will this crampy feeling stop?
Hi zara - glad to see the sac right?

babykk - pls be careful and crossing my fingers for you! Hope everything goes well!

piggywiggy - understand how you feel, but i also had two mcs and asked doc if becos of that, my case is considered high risk preg, and he said no. So let's not get too worried k?

am gonna get some milk down too now, with my cocopops :p
babykk>> hoping the best for u too! i know not easy but try not to worry ok. take care and update us after u seen your gynea ya?

piggywiggy>> welcome and hope u have a healthy happy baby this time too! For my daughter was also evening sickness. can i know where u did ur prenatal yoga? my labour was too long and gynea had to speed up dilation :p btw what is poas?

ublur>> wah.. so kua zhang, i better go stock up soon! think u can get from guardian pharmacy also. higher dosage one, only slightly more exp

dreamer11>> we got same LMP =) no MS for me leh. i think when it starts differs for different ppl ba?

hi ladies how do u know hcg level? do all digital hpks give u hcg level?
Babykk> Then got to depend on which day the sperm meet the egg since you bd on days before & during O. Fingers crossed for you! Everything will be ok!

piggywiggy> Dont worry too much. Bb can feel your worries. You got to think positive! This will be a sticky bb!!!!

I'm starting to feel green. Have been swallowing my saliva to prevent my breakfast from coming up. And I'm starting to have slight headach. Come to think of it, before I test +ve, I have been popping panadols almost every other day. Now cant pop any panadols liao. The most is those normal round ones. I think only can take one. *omg* How to stop the headaches? *sigh*
babykk - yes keep us updated, don't be too worried, just keep thinking of positive happy tots!

sadsad - i went to google, haha poas is pee on a stick! lol

zara - so nice to be able to see the sac, at least its kind of a relief, my scan can't detect anything lor.

piggy - I am also paranoid, where to buy the sticks besides online ah? Watsons or guardian got sell? so now did the line get darker now? cos I tested clear blue its quite dark, but at the doctor's test, the line is quite faint. So like quite worried.
sadsad: you will only know your hcg levels if you take the blood test. It will give u an accurate figure, but takes a few days unless doc needs it urgently then can get on the day itself

babykk: Do update us after ur gynae visit, don't worry ya..

Chloie: I am feeling bad when I wake up in the morning too, get really hungry but no appetite to eat.. luckily not to the pt of vommiting but the feeling is really uncomfortable..
Hi mummies,

I've 3 tins of Similac Mum to let go.

Similac Mum (700g)
Expiry Oct 2013
Selling at $20 (3 tins at $50)

Self collection at Eunos.

PM me if keen.

Thank you!!
Hi there mummies..

im a first time mother for a 17 month old toddler.. i just wanna share my experience n happines here..ive just tested pregnant using the preg test kit.. twice.. so if everything goes fine.. this will be my 2nd...

im having very bad MS.. not only in the morning.. but througt the day.. i notice everytime im in an air condition place.. headaches n always tired.. im not too sure how many weeks already but the symptoms are there.. i will be going to KKH as i find it comfortable last time.. i think i will be doing it by C-section again this time coz i am scared of pain..

my MIL told me im pregnant from my face.. hahah.... and my baby boy now always clinge on me.. always want me to carry him.. and im too tired sometimes to bother abt him but wen he start to cry i will give in.. MIL says tat my baby noes im having another one..

to all the mummies here.. i hope u will have a smooth pregnancy and be strong.. hehehe..
rosegal: yup!! gynae was saying it's the bb's private swimming pool! althou v small now.. it's there. will need to go back 2wks time again!

Ayana: dun worry,maybe yours still early? jus relax yah? we need to relax more and stay happy so that we can have a healthy & happy bb too..

siti: wen my fren was preg with 2nd, her elder also keep clinging to her like mad.. even push the stroller must be done by mom, no one else.

let's all have sticky bb!!
sadsad, Guardian recalled back folic acid but HSA claim safe to consume as per prescription

Fern, i think can go for facial but cannot massage. Inform them you are pregnant and they should know what can and cannot

Congrats Fern! Hope your scan goes well!

Anyone applying stretch mark cream already? I abit kiasu and went Mothercare to buy the cream and have been applying everyday..Smells very nice..
