(2012/05) May 2012

rosegal, you poor thing... mabbe can try to follow behind him and and catch him in action and then ask him to clean up immed? hee...

I emphathize with you rosegal..I really think it is never easy living with the in-laws.. Like you mentioned, perhaps look at it from another angle, he may not be the most fantastic FIL but he has given his best son to you...

Yip, I wish I can eat Twisties too! Not heaty??

Chloie, the medicine is prescribed by my Chinese sinseh..though ultra expensive but the effect is very good and I am only drinking it 3 times a week for now..
Afternoon mummies!!

Sorry went Mia these few days, was busy.. And u gals made tis thread so active la.. Ha.. Too many post le.. Haa.. Browse thru only..

Raine, *hugs hugs*

Anyway, I went back to see my Gynae regarding e stain issue, which I do not noe if it was spotting or jus stain from e discharge. Went there early morning 9.40am reach Liao.. 1st patient. Haa.. Waited for an hr before I get to see him..

I only said got stain, he said ok, lay down.. Lol.. Really chop chop.. Did a scan.. Saw e hb, doc said it was fine.. Beanie now measured at 1.26cm, 7weeks 3days.. Haa.. Glad tat beanie Is growing well.. From last week 0.54cm to tdy 1.26cm.. Haa.. Happy happy.. =D

Doc said light brown is very little amount of blood only.. Not to worried.. He gave me a jab.. OUCH!! it's painful la.. In e clinic aft e scan he said he wanna give me a jab and so he told me to turn over, I was like.. HUH.. where! Jab where??!! Lol.. He apply e alcohol on my hip area and he nv say ok now I inject Liao.. Lol.. Jus poke.. I jump up abit la.. Lol.. Haa.. Till now still pain... Cuz jus now I accidentally rub against my bed.. Lol..

I was given utrogestan.. Was told to take 2 tablets at night for 2 weeks.. Haiz.. Hope e stain dun ever come back.. So Mafan have tk take e pills..

Was schedule 2 weeks later to see my beanie again.. Haa..

Rosegal, I'm living wil ILs too.. But it's their place.. So even If I had any problems I oso can't really speak out much.. Cuz it's not my say.. But living together sure have conflict de.. Cuz all pple living style not same.. Like my fil every night come back sure spray e insect repellent without fail de cuz gt ants . I buay tahan e smell de.. If I'm watching tv outside n when he spray I'll have to give up my tv n go back to room.. Cuz apart from e bad smell I'm sure breathing this is not good for my beanie..

My mil is schedule for an operation tdy and I was told to help out wif e house chores.. Tdy fil told me to fold e clothes which I was quite reluctant to cuz even before my mil is diagnose wif anything my clothes I oso fold my own watmy mil Dino since when oso nv help me fold my clothes Liao.. Sometime maybe when she is in good mood, if fil is e one who take down e clothes he definitely wun fold n put it on out bed den now no one doing den I muz fold whole family clothes? Plus his sons r there and wun be goin to e hospital till evening time. So y can't his son help? Cuz to me I would thk if I'm staying at home I dun need to do anything.. ESP given my condition now.. So I'm quite abit of felt unbalanced la..

But wat to do?? It's not my own place n I'm staying wif em.. I'm not saying my ILs is ill treating me, fil said thanks and tried to explain y he asked me to do this but..... They r good to me, but sometimes things jus happen n conflicts r made.. And I felt unbalanced cuz I'm preggy now n u still asked me to house chores.. Actually, I felt I'm a princess at home la.. Some more I'm preggy now if I'm staying at home I'll even be more princess la.. So I felt I shouldn't be doing these.. Aiya, also becuz alot of conflict tat were made years ago when my bil wife was still stayin here.. Alot of things made up to wat I am tdy and e thking I had tdy.. So..... Haiz..

Haiz.. Living together sure gt lots of conflicts de lo.. But den again living together jus help each other lo.. Am still adjusting.. If I dun wan to so I'll jus ask hubby to do.. Wat to do.. No choice jus gotta bear wif it.. I'm tat kinda person if u dun ask me to do I'll see if e clothing no pple fold den I'll fold but if u ask me to do, I wun do de.. Jus kinda weird person.. Haa.. I'll do things according to my willingness and not instructed by others.. ;)

Re: weight / fat,
I gain 3 kg lo!! I dun for wat sia.. Really need to control my diet Liao lo.. Beanie is like only 1.26cm... How heavy can it be??? Haiz...
Now I kind of having the nausea and bloating sickenss again.. very suffering, yest night I tot finally I can start eating for my dinner again but then today the bloating sickness sorts of coming back..

really v suffering feelings..
yip: i was also eating corntos the other day.. something like twsties.. haha... nice!

dotty: heaty maybe, but its ok for us now,, anyway, it was a reward, not eating it a lot or everday.. keke.. so its ok la..

vanila: is ur stain small small one? cos i everyday also got stain.. but very little, not like blood also.. jus some discharge.. so i should be ok hor..

me jus woken up by some kids playing in the void deck.. so annoying. =( and they are still playing and shouting loudly.. urghh...
wonder where did all my prev posts go to... hmmm...

Anyway was saying... Vanilla/rose: i feel you too..coz i also had my frustrations when i was staying with my mil previously. Sometimes will just get so pek chek and wonder why would anyone behave the way she did when my own parents wun do such stuffs.. haiz.. wad to do.. Every family will have their own 'problems'... so end of day just learn to 'give-and-take' lor.. if not happy then complaint to friends.. if complaint to DH later he will sure side with his family and create strain between us, so no point also..

Weight gain: me also put on 1.5kg within 2 weeks when i 'feel' that im not eating much.. haha.. wonder where did all the weight come from siaz...

Brown discharge: recently also noticed some discharge on my liner... but i guess if no pain all these.. shld be ok bah..
Yip: is it fast? i was wondering if the 0.71cm is the baby or the sac? haha, i really cant tell the difference wor.. anyone can enlighten me?

Today im feeling much better compared to past few days, i din MS much, din vomit, just felt that digestion is still slower, im on duphaston 10mg (per pill) twice a day.. actually, im quite worried now cos the vomitting disappeared, hmm, but the cramps, can feel abit..

Rosegal: i always complained to my hubby whenever i 'bu shang' with my parents in law, just have to endure awhile before my flat is ready to move on end 2013. cant wait for that to come!!
zara & icez, mine is yellowish and little brown... if not cramps or pains should be alright..

Re: ILs,
Ya.. really staying together muz learn to give and take.. which till now i still have not master it till 100%.. And after so long i am still adjusting to these issues..

You will tend to take em and compare wif ur parents.. Cuz really there will be difference.. and if i dun like my parents to do things tis way i can say em straight but ILs, no.. cannot.. muz respect..

There are really alot of seaseme seeds thingy de..

But compare to alot of ILs i heard, thk mine still consider quite good.. not as bad as those tat i heard.. So soemtimes, give and take lo..

Ya.. complain to dh he sure side his family.. den made us look like we are e unwanted one... haa.... =P
hello ladies,
yesterday i feel a bit relieve from the ms, today i feel real bad again... sigh...

i see some of the ladies here are gaining weight. so good! tat means u are enjoying ur pregnancy... and are eating well. i lost 2kg so far... sigh...

are u those lucky ones tat only have mild ms all along?
cos ms dun just suddenly disappear. typically, week 9-10 is where most people feel the peak of their ms. and then it should gradually lessen before going away. anyway, its only half a day right? u see how u feel for the rest of the day ba.
THink i need a formal introduction of myself.

I just seen gynae last friday was 5 weeks then. Will be seeing her again on 14 Oct.

This pregnancy will be my #2. Nice to meet you girls here!
dolcevita: u r making me crave for those mango slices now also!!! *drools* haha

Vanilla: agree with u that own parents u can tell them off straight.. but ils u cant.. haha... as much as u dun like or dun feel like doing the things they ask u to do.. u still have to move ur arse and get the tings done.. haiz.. that's y im 'enjoying' my stay at my maiden plc now.. till my new plc is ready in 2-3yrs time.. haha... (lucky i get to stay at my maiden for both my pregs - #1 and now #2.. if not i think i still gotta do housework still!)

Qinyi: if u give me a choice.. i rather lose weight and enjoy pregnancy... haha.. coz i scare will put on too much weight (like my #1) then hard to shed off!! lol
lolx... dun worry abt the weight gain la. u got "licence" to put on weight! after u pop then go dieting! enjoy this period first!

losing weight comes with a "price" ley. the price is lost of appetite, having problem keeping the food inside, constant hunger, puking and lotsa nausea. so sad isnt? lolx.
Yip> Me too lei! I kept sucking in my tummy when I'm sitting down. Dunno why lei. Maybe cos I want to keep my tummy in my pants ba... LOL!

zara> I try to keep myself during work to stop feeling hungry. But when off work or during weekends, I just try not to think of food. Only eat when I'm very very hungry.

littledotty> Ooh! Will it make you be filled with energy till you cant slp at night?

Staying with in laws: My mil was staying with me when she was still around but she has not well so have lesser problem with her. Most of the time is about money on her expenses. Just complain to hb then suan liao. The problematic part is the MAIDS!!!!!! OMG! I tell you, I will never ever hire maid ever again till I really really really have no other choice.
u must be having a hard time with ur then-maid... tats y u nvr want to get a maid if possible ya?

i m thinking of getting one next yr, before i pop. but again, i have heard so much stories abt maids, so really kinda scare to get one too. anyone here got maid? or any advise regarding maids?
qinyi> The maids I had, their duties were to take care of my mil. The first one is the worst of the 2 I had. Dont want to scare you. My advise is that best to have someone else around to oversee what the maid is doing. And maid's main duty should not be to take care of bb. I really wonder who is going to take care of my bb when I pop next year. No one to help me take care. My in-law both 6 feet under. My parents work. They did mention to me to bring my bb over to their place for their maid to take care while I go to work. I dont want! Worst come to worst, bring to office. See how by then.
Ayana, Littledotty, Vanilla, Ak, Jiening, Icez, all the rest, Thanks for all the sharing and comments about the PIL! Haiz. Just needed some ventilation today, really..!

Littledotty, yes, you're right. He may not be the best FIL, but his son is a great hubby

Vanilla, I can empathise with you too! For me, it's the opposite though, I don't like my FIL to touch my stuff, esp my underwear. He used to, out of kindness, try to fold my stuff for me, but I just don't want him to touch my personal stuff, and he would sometimes burn our clothes / destroy them when he tried to help iron. Really dunno to laugh or cry or scream. So i'm glad finally my dh couldn't take it and asked him not to touch the iron, cos he burnt his working clothes. Yay.

Jiening, I wish I could stay with dh alone too, and I'm sure most of us would, but my dh is the only child.. so there's no way. I just have to bear with it, and like what all of you are saying and going through, just give and take.

The good thing about my dh is he won't just side with my FIL, cos he can see how irritating he can be, and sometimes he will be the one to get upset, instead of me. Cos my FIL is really one kind of old man, haha. He can take the washing detergent and fill it into the dishwashing bottle. He thinks everything is the same and it's 'OK'. So like ayana says, I really sometimes have to 'watch' him very closely. The moment he has the place to himself, he will do funny things. Take the floor rag to be the dish cloth, vice versa.

discharge - i also have discharge- yellowish, asked doc about it the last time i saw him and he said as long as no itch, no bleeding, no cramps, then no prob.

Just came back from the blood test for OSCAR - it was very fast.. going back for OSCAR ultrasound in two weeks, then appt with doc another two wks later.. Long way to go! heh
The mangoes are really shiok.
Bought from Golden Mile.

Yeah I spoke too soon, nauseous feeling came back just now b4 lunch, when i was real hungry but its much better compare to last few weeks.
Hope its getting better soon and the same goes for the rest of you too =)
wow.. managoes are shiok..

at first I still can eat.

today my nausea feeling like coming back, really can't talk too fast.. really 'pan tang' haha...
Hi mtbs.... Yawns pretty bs and sick lately ... Ms was terrible... Now all I wish for is to sleep my days thru till my appointment next week....
rosegal, wah.z so extreme ar.. help u to fold underwear.. weird weird leh.. e feeling.. i nv let my ILs wash my underwear.. but my fil sometimes does e clothing chores.. So he will keep and put on my bed but nv fold la.. dry liao ma.. but now i jus wear paper underwear.. haa.. Cuz i lazy to wash!!! haa... =D

only child ar.. Den no choice.. u really gotta bear wif it le...

Re: Mangoes,
my mom told me not to eat too much yellow stuffs... haa... But i thk abit should be ok ba.. haa... =D
Afternoon mummies,

Really feeling terrible with the MS. Eat already always feel like puking. For my 1st pregnancy, I basically feels nausea all the way leh. Hopefully this time round will be gone after 1st trimester.
The sleep monster is really getting to me these days. Feels so so sleepy at work. Just wanna drop everything n lie down to sleep lor. Haha. Hardly can keep my eyes open. Hopefully energy level picks up by 2nd trimester which is still long way for me man. Only 7weeks nia.
I got no ms but every morning I got headaches..I got better after my breakfast..feel very sleepy too at work ..crave for sour plum lemon ...
Moment, yes this is my 3rd pregnancy, ms is worse then previous. For my 1st pregnancy, not much ms, and keep wanting to sleep, 2nd pregnancy, only a little bit of ms, this 3rd one, ms often at night and I feel tired very easily, could be age is also catching up. Ya this will be my last one so hope that my hubby can get a boy. Hope that you can get a girl this time too.

Rosegal & Vanilla, I know its tough to ignore your IL cos you stay with them, just try not to get too angry with them now...no good for baby so try to take things easily...during my 1st pregnancy, I also tend to get agitated or worked up at the slightest thing and till the last stage of pregnancy, my blood pressure is borderline to high side...being pregnant also tend to make you less torlerant of things and short tempered, but you have to keep telling yourself that its no good for baby. If too bad-tempered, baby will also end up bad-tempered. For my 2nd pregnancy, I take things much easier and relax liao....for this pregnancy, I am trying hard to stay as calm as possible, though its quite tough with 2 active kids around the house.

Chloie, engaging a good maid really needs a lot of luck, I just engaged 1 indo maid at home too cos my mum just went through a surgery. Hope that she is good so that I can keep her for full 2 years, as I definitely need her help during my confinement next year.

Qinyi, better get your maid in 1-2 months earlier before you pop so that you can train her in advance.

Re : MS
I have ms every night and I hate it. Every night dinner dunno what to eat cos I will throw up after eating. That's why sometimes I will just take light dinner and then try to go to bed as early as possible. Still got another month to go..hope this ms will go away soon...
Hi Spicegal.. I also having evening time. Now instead of putting on weight. I am losing abit of weight..

When is your due date? Hope it will be over my trimester soon.. Is so torturing...
I am back from the gynae!

moment, I am like you as well, I lost another kg..and my hubby was complaining to the doc I don't eat anything which I actually do, just that I had to eat very little bcoz of MS..Doc also very funny, she said as long as bb is growing well, she don't care if mummy lost weight la! :p

She gave me multi-vits n calcium, told me no need take folic acid lo, and another week's dosage of the horrible Duphaston..

Bb is growing well! It is 2.35cm now! HB 183! Yoohoo...next time I go will be oscars..pray everything is good..but I see bb, I think it is doing well...

Oh by the way, we ask her about travelling and she said that she will write us a letter to show to airline to ''certify'' I can fly!

I hope every MTB here is going to have a healthy bb too!
hullo all..
wet morning.. so tired.. slept for a while. now still lethargic.. god.. work is piling up!!

pigglywiggly: you are my inspiration.
two MCs and you kept trying. i could relate to what you have advised, getting past one was difficult, the second one would require more effort. wonderful you are preggy a third time.. let's count down to craddling the bundle of joy in your arms.

moment: i am also expecting my #3 and like you i wanna a girl coz i have two boys already!

Welcome all new mummies.

Is there anywhere which i can input my data such as EDD, gynae etc?
New mtbs can fill up their details here.


Rosegal, Vanilla, poor things.. not sure when your baby comes, things will get worse. Old folks like to nag and think that they know best but the truth is they do drive us up the wall with illogcal and insane comments. now u guys stay with them, in their territory no choice but to listen to them.. haha.. sigh.. anyway we are here to listen to u guys.. come here and vent ba..

Re: cramps
it could be ur round ligaments stretching, thus causing the cramps.. quite common to have it around this time (8 wks onwards). as long as no spotting, no bleeding and cramps do not get progressively worse, very mild cramps or discomforts are ok.

Littledotty, yay! pay money to see beanie again? haha.. losing weight in first trimester is ok.. i lost 5kg for my first one!

Re: maids
I have one too.. my old one left in Jan and my new one didn't come till Jun.. that 5 mths in btw was really tiring.. i guess its all the luck. but i also feel u gotta be strict with them, lay down all the ground rules, tell them the consequences if they break the rules etc so that they know what to expect. be strict and firm with them but there is no need to yell or scream. u still can be firm yet polite.
but really boils down to luck.

Astro, i told the mommies in the TTC-ing for no 2 thread that i will do anything to have more kids. in fact i was waiting for my period to start so that i can start my IVF jabs. but God really surprised me so here i am..
piggy, haa.. ya.. but oso cant vent too much.. rmb i told u jus now.. my tat SIL was caught here saying rubbish abt my ILs.. who noes she is watching watever i am saying now leh.. den backstab me sia.. haa... den she can regain her weightage in e family.. haa.. Or whoever wanna help her see le and bao toh to my ILs.. haa..

Still same old words..still adjusting to all e changes... Needs time... Cant jus say everything oso can take it and be alright.. all bullshit de la... haa.. Conflict will still exsist if staying together.. this cannot be eliminated de...

So jus happy go lucky.. Sad angry jus come here.. haa... =D
vanilla, I am 9 weeks..and yah, pay money to see beanie again but what to do, see already felt at ease that bb is ok and the cute scan showed that it has swam to sleep on another location in e sac..

Will see gynae in another 4 weeks, by then first trimester is over and hopefully MS is gone!
Thanks for all the support here gals. My FIL still has his gd n bad points. He is not malicious and does not have ill intentions. Whatever he nags, my dh & i take it with a lot of salt, and mostly my dh just ignores, cos it's a load of crap really. His own health is quite bad, and he sees the doc regularly, which is partly why i am a part timer, to go for check ups with him. He can't speak English & has probs communicating with docs.. he just says yes to everything the doc asks..even when the answer is no.

Haiz. I just hope that I can be a gd in law when the time comes, lol. I have not had much positive examples to emulate... all the in laws i've come across so far all have probs... quite disheartening right. Anyways...

Vanilla - your family sounds like there is some family politics, like some drama series! Scar too...! (For my FIL, he is just 'itchy hand'. Always like to 'help', but 'yue bang yue mang'. I don't allow him to come into our room. He used to not know how to knock etc.. I don't like that. So I actually locked the room door. He has since learnt and now does not enter.)

Littledotty - congrats on seeing your growing beanie once again & having the go ahead to travel!

Looking forward to the end of trimester 1 really!!! Hope everyone has a gd day ahead!
Hello ladies, me on med leave yesterday. but i threw up the most, basically threw up after everything i ate! yucks lor

my turn to see gynae tmrw. hope that the ms leaves at the end of first tri!

rosegal, wow, really sympathize with you on ur fil. cheer up ok! last year, my mom had shingles then i caught the pox then she caught shingles again. in between when my mom had shingles and couldnt look after my boy (i had to work and he had not gone to childcare yet), my pil both were ok to come to my place to stay to help me look after him. really very grateful as they are quite elderly and even help me to clean the house, my mil clean the floor of my house by HAND. think for their age, they r really quite nice although a bit traditional, they never nag at me or take issues with me on anything, they just leave me alone which i am quite grateful for.

hey fieda! u're finally here to join...

hope everyone haf a shun shun day
morning mummies!

Re: In laws
I cant thank enough my in-laws. Before i was pregnant, they were already kind enough to help me do some grocery shopping, toilet paper etc etc.. we stay a few blocks away and they will buy in bulk and send me a couple packs. Now, i am pregnant, i have the VVIP pass. MIL cooks every night and i get to sit and wait to be served. lol. usu i will help her cook, wash etc. but sometimes when i feel really sick, she just ask me to sit and dont move. but i guess, this is her first grandchild also leh. lol..

I did a atas thing last night and might continue with it! hahaha. not really atas la. but i switched on my radio on symphony FM. it sort of soothe my feelings with hubby besides me. i fell asleep pretty quickly, though i still wake up 4 times a night.

This morning, i wore one of my dress and i look BAD! Got a bump (i chose to believe that). lol. bought my fav meehoon but it dont taste right liaoz. urgh!

I also want MS gone!
elffie, i shudder to look in the mirror everyday except to see if my nose grew bigger hahaha, cant be bothered to put make up also unless more potential to meet more pple...

yes, everything eat also dont feel good at all, sometimes, i hope can just dont eat but so not fair to bb.
Morning Mtbs... Another bz day in office.. let's pray i can finish my report smoothly today without falling asleep by lunchtime...

I m having terrible ms and no mood to eat or even craving... sianz.... I m only week 6... still got a long way... omg!!
Morning babes!

Another day, it's wed! Counting down to fri so that can slp longer on weekend.

Lyn and MM6J: I'm also week 6, but I don't know how my gynae derived the date, I shld be week 8 if going by my LMP but guess she calculated based on my conception date. Also hope I can go c my baby soon, my next Appt is 2 wks later

my cramps came back last night, not really comfortable cos used to no cramps after duphaston, slpin sideways (on the left) really allievate the cramps N had a better slp.
Morning all, I am on PM leave today, going home to bake cupcakes for children's day celebration tmr. Whole morning will be attending a briefing so today is quite a relaxing day for me...haha

moment, my EDD is 5th May, so I am actually week 8 now...had bad ms last night....puke a few times but nothing much came out as I only had 2 slices of bread last night...

Gotta go now...will pop by when I have time...
ak, i should also be week 8 if going by LMP.... means a month more to go to end of first tri!!!!!! *shudders at the thought of ms*

y cramp babe? sometimes, if i feel myself getting agitated, i feel the cramps machiam braxton-hicks type then mus calm down..
MM6J: I c, so week 6 is a more realistic calculation right. Haha.. Don't know y cramps. But these 2 nights my cramps somehow came back despite on duphaston. I don't know how come it return. Mayb the uterus expands? I also keep having this feeling that the uterus had a pressure, don't know how to describe,'is like my bladder pressing on the uterus. Kinda worried although no spotting. Was wondering if it's normal.
Morning mummies,

Feeling so sleepy as usual and it's only so early in the morning. Dunno how to tahan till later. Having a long day today.

Ak, mm6j:
I'm 7 weeks only n also feeling the MS. Really hope for it to get better soon! Hate the wanna puke feeling.
Ya! MM6J!

I also just reached week 8! Which means we are 2 mths already! Jia you! 1 more mth to go!

Actually, based on LMP I'm 8 weeks, but Dr put 7 wk for the baby based on the CRL. So dunno la.. I prefer to be 8 weeks aHah.. faster reach 3 mths plzzz...
spicegal, peifu u have energy to bake, i also need to go get sum stuff for my boy's celebration at school tmrw.

ak, what u describe sounds vaguely familiar like something i experience for #1, don be worried, jus relax bah. i wake up once at night to pee, alarm clocK to go pee: my son waking up for milk which my dh makes. if only week 6, means ms still got 6 more weeks. groan

xin2, i also!!!!!!!!!! HOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Ayana, 1 more month = 30 days more of ms hahahaha but we should feel lucky to have ms, ms is good signs of healthy pregnancy. i also hope faster reach 3 mths.........

MM6J: so it's normal? I don't feel ease, mayb I jus pop by a gynae to check. Is it ok to walk into any gynae? Thinking of gg somewhere near my workplace.
