(2012/05) May 2012

Dunno leh.. But wiki says - Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin with a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, and for the formation of blood.

Girls, actually, on Sat I saw one bright red spot of blood on my underwear, but after that, no more le.. Haiz, Hope its nothing much. Today aso nothing le. Dunno what's happening. But seems alright leh so far. So jia lat, anyone got experience before?

Candy, oh I saw on the web that Vit B6 can help to help relieve MS.

Now den I know folic acid is Vit B9 ! haha!
hello ladies!

today i feel so happy! haa! cos today i feel lesser ms. i only feel ms when i wake up, before/after bf and before/after lunch. i hope it stay like tat throughout the day manz... give me a break!!

oh, for ladies asking about B12 supplement. are u referring to just B12? or vit combo of B1, B6, B12?
Re: EDD & actual date of delivery
Just to help those who are unsure. EDD refers to the time when your baby is due (usually counted as 40 weeks after 1st last menses if menses is regular & confirmed by scans). However, baby reaches full term (aka full maturity) at 37 weeks. Hence, natural labour is common anytime from 37 weeks onwards. After 40 weeks, baby is considered overdue which carries some risks and hence, gynaes may recommend induction for these cases. Babies which are born before 37 weeks are considered premature and special care may be needed depending on how early.

OSCARS is a test for the risk of down syndrome (Note: it does not test for down syndrome but tests for the risk of). Usually done through a scan + a blood test. In some hospitals/gynaes, it is just called "down syndrome test" and not called OSCARs but is essentially the same thing. However, there are some variations which is some go for scan without blood test, some do the blood test at different times, etc. Mainly affects how accurate it is for picking up the risk of down syndrome. If your test comes out that the risk of down syndrome is very high, they will recommend that you consider some other tests which have certain risk level of miscarriage. OSCARs does not have miscarriage risk as its just scan and the blood is from you.

All the best. Will pray for you. As what the others ask, is this the first scan? If it is, there is still hope as it is common for people with irregular menses to have beanies that are smaller than calculated. Mine is a good 3 weeks smaller due to irregular menses (and for my #1 and #2, scan date and calculated date is also very different). Either way, stay positive and trust that whatever happens is always a blessing in disguise, someway, somehow.

^ Chloie ^:
Better not to take herbs or "bu" stuff until after 1st trimester as this is the time when the nervous system of the baby is being formed. Not all herbs/"bu" stuff are suitable (according to my grandma). Similarly, birds nest, etc are all suitable only after 1st trimester or 4-5th month onwards.

No. First trimester take only folic acid & if prescribed, hormorne pills, vitamin b-dunno wad (for cases with severe MS), etc. Don't take other off the shelf vitatimes/supplements as some items are not suitable for first trimester baby development.

Re: vitamin b
B-dunno what is for cases with very severe MS. Hormorne pills is for cases with spotting or if pregnancy is not very stable, etc. Its "an tai yao".
Oh yah, for those taking hormorne pills, the reason why its better to take at night is coz the side effect of the pills is nausea. :p So take already sleep makes you feel it less. :p
ayana is right, Vit B is usually given to help relieve MS. but it may not necessarily works for everyone.
for me, it doesnt work la. and it always makes me wanna puke when eating it. so it got a very strong smell.
fifi, the hormones pill u referred to, also includes duphaston? cos i need to take twice a day, so does taking it at night helps to relieve MS abit? Thks for sharing!
Raine: I hope all goes well for u.. Hugs...

Piggy: no.. Me not the one who said salsa.. I was gg to buy it too, to go with my Meiji plain crackers.. Actually, digestive biscuits also quite nice on it's own.. Can try.. Healthy too..

Re bb growing: I think it's diff to know, cos it's too small.. For me, my sore boobs reminds me that it is growing.. N also my queasy stomach... But I also sometimes v anxious to know if bb is growing well inside me... Hmm...
qinyi, I nvr call leh, cos after that everything back to normal. Some more earlier that day, already went to see gynae le. 8mm ! can see the fast heartbeat also.

But funnie leh, my gynae, I asked him can hear and measure the heartrate a not, then he said, no need to hear, see can already.
Chloie, I am drinking homemade pure black chicken essence on weekly basis.

Raine, is hard to ask you not to worry. You may ovulate late so the date is wrong. Be positive ya

Re: Duphaston
I read this hormones pill has less side effect such as drowsiness. Doubt it will relieve MS. I was given B6 for MS
ya, since its a one off thing, it should be okay. aiya, i m the ks type lor... anything will call up my gynea and ask. haa! :p
Hi all MTBs!

Am new here. My EDD is 1st May, should be 10 weeks now. BB measured 24mm @ 9weeks 1 day.

When i was going into my 9th week i got some bleeding while on holiday, came back and consult the doctor immediately, was given a jab and some duphaston. Was told duphaston was to activate more hormones to support the initial stage of preganancy so it will actually cause more ms discomfort than ease it.

Ak- i was given a lot of vits by my gynae. I have got calcium, multi vit, vit E, DHA, folic acid. Have been having all these since the first consultation.
Yah duphaston is a hormone pill. There are a few different types/brand. When did gynae ask you to take? Is it morning and night? Generally, one side effect of the pills is more nausea. That is why for those who take it once a day, recommended is to take before sleep. When you sleep, you dun feel the MS that much. The pill itself does not relieve MS, in fact, make u more MS. Only that when you sleep, you tend to feel less of the side effect. If twice a day then bo pian lor... anyway, tarhan tarhan... first trimester will fly by :p
Zara: yeap between 11 - 14 weeks. might want ot check with ur gynae is you are concerned. it is not a complusory test though. i have friends who opt not to do OSCARs.

ak: i very gungho.. for first preg. never touched caffeine. second preg.. whacked :p
ha.. then very bad.. coz i was withholding myself so badly from Bubble tea (my fav drink) that i whacked after my 1st preg.. and put on tremendous amt of weight!.. ha. so my own conclusion to myself. everything in moderation.. rather than abstain. then withdrawal symptoms and this kind of 'bounceback' effect lagi worse! :p

sometimes gyanes like to do OSCARS.. coz less invasive.. to screen if any concerns on down syndrome.. then they recommend amniocentesis (forget spelling).. this one is the drawing of amnotic fluid.. got 3% chance of miscarriage.. or the other is the CVS...

Raine: i was like that for my first preg.. the bb was small for term.. and then the heart beat just stopped.. so i went for a D & C.
then the second preg (my eldest son), i ovulated late.. and so he was 'small for term', i was given progesterone jabs for nothing.
praying for the best for you that it is the latter... even if it is the former, it is not your fault and 1 out of 3 ladies need a D&C and you can be perfectly healthy but have up to 2 miscarriages before a successful birth. take care... keep us updated.

zp1503: wow! you were hospitalised for sooo long! ur number 1 must be ur precious now for all the discomforts you went through for him

piggywiggly: plain boiled eggs worked for me also. ha.. so i was consuming loads of proteins.. lucky eggs good cholesterol :p

re the additional hormone support (the jab, duphaston, urgestan)
all these will worsen the MS signs coz it increases the hormonal support for the preg. i remembered my eldest son i had the jab. i was like falling asleep at the dining table! and that is only one jab!.. wah..
so erm.. i can emphatise with the ladies who are taking the additional hormonal support now.. very uncomfortable it must be!

for my gynae.. only the folic acid and multi vits (optional) for the first tri. from 5th mths onwards (after they do the test to determine the iron level in ur blood), might prescribe iron and also calcium and fish oil..
so it is not complusory to take all of them in the first tri.. the iron worsens constipation.. the hormone worsen MS .. fish oil is disgusting if u burp :p..
and ya.. i had no spotting for my first preg.. it was detected solely via the scan. i was given a choice to wait it out and wait for natural miscarriage or do a D&C. i opt for the latter.
think technically they called it a forced miscarriage.
Thanks ladies, for your encouragement and kind words. Actually in my heart, I'm prepared for the worst. It's not my 1st scan. It's my 2nd. When I went for my 1st appt 2 weeks ago, everything was fine at 5weeks 3 days. Think somewhere in between the fetel pole didn't developed. I suspected its a blighted ovum, my gynae was kind enough at this point to not mentioned that she didn't find any fetel pole, I saw the scan and saw the remarks she wrote, hence I suspected that it's a blighted ovum.

She too mentioned that she's 80% sure of her diagnosis. Was told to fast after my blood test on Thursday morning, Haiz wonder what the fasting is for? To schedule d&c? I've been crying the whole day, and I'm feeling better now, am allowing the reality to sink in.

Will definitely keep you ladies posted on the updates. Meanwhile, do take care and have a smooth pregnancy, ladies! (;
Raine: yes. becoz for the D&C u need a full GA.. so need to fast. *hugs*..
i remembered crying after the event.. on the day she told me.. i was pretty numbed..it was also on the second scan that we discovered the growth had stopped.. didn't bother with all the after test to see what the possible causes could be.. stay strong, Raine.
Fifi> I might have scare you with that word "bu". I actually mean "an tai" tonic from medical hall. Might pop by tomorrow night after work to ask if it is advisable.

babypom> Homemade ah! Too much work for me. Lazy to wash up after cooking. LOL!

Re: CL
I booked my cl last week once I detected heartbeat. I think must be kiasu abit cos next yr is dragon, guess alot of ppl are pining for a dragon bb.

New preg symptoms - sweaty under feet & sweaty palms.
I seriously feel that being preg is getting more disgusting. Wahahahahahaha! From extra discharge, extra mucus [which caused big nose], stuffy nose, more saliva which will cause more drooling during sleep, snoring, farting, burping, what else? Constant hunger. I am forever hungry! OMG! Can I just have a normal pregnancy with glow. I dont seem to be glowing this time round. In fact, my hair are still dropping. Super sad lor. Been kinda emo the past few days..... *sigh*
Rain hope that everything is fine for you. Have a positive mind set. Maybe things aren't really that bad. Had a friend who was in a similiar situation like you before the morning before the procedure, everything was normal. Don't think so much although I know it tough.

Been thru this for my second pregnancy earlier this year. Now preggy again. So you will have to be strong. Now I am in my 6 week and will see gynae later this week for the first time. I am also crossing my fingers that things will be fine.
hello gals, have you book your gynae already? am i too late? when should i book my gyane?

Hello Babypom, can add me to the facebook grp? thanks
Sorry to hear that Raine.. i know what u are going through.. it is gonna be tough (i don't wanna lie to u, but i still think of both my babies everyday) but with love and support from ur hb, I m sure u can pull through. Look at me, here I am preg again after 2 MCs. if u need to talk, just PM me.

Oops Rosegal, Zara, i got both of u mixed up.. i haven't tried the salsa with crackers yet.. no appetite at all. I had 2 pc of KFC chicken, meat only, no skin, for dinner and struggled to finish it. now regretting cos very nauseated. urgh... yes Rosegal, tomato sauce pasta works well for me but i only eat half my usual amt.

Astro, i cannot stand eggs now.. esp the egg yolk!! I m on duphaston, jabs and utrogestan.. haha! overdose hor.. :p anything to keep the baby safe!

AK, i tried puking again just now but can't leh.. very xin ku.. wanna pull my hair out each time the feeling comes..
i ate some yoghurt this afternoon, only 2 spoonfuls and my tummy ache is BACK!!!! URGH!!!
Chloie, I am taking the 'bu' medicine but it is not an tai medicine, it is in powder form and is a mixture of pao sheng etc.. It makes me more energetic and body feels stronger somehow..

Raine, we pray for the best ok..whatever it is, we hope for the best on Thursday..

I am seeing the gynae for my 9 wk scan this afternoon, getting nervous also..keep telling my bb to grow a little more each day..if it is all well, bb shd at least 20mm today..I think I am going to tremble at the doc again..
good morning everyone! It is a rainy day so be really careful when u walk!

Raine: Eat well, sleep well. If there is a slight chance of bb surviving, it needs loads of that now. =)

Littledotty: so shiok week 9! hehehe! 20cm or 20mm? Cos my bb at week 6 is 0.54cm .. enjoy the trip la!

Pretear: I think u shld go see gynae soon! U should be at least 6 weeks liao =)

Chloie: I also fart, burp and always hungry! Last night couldnt sleep at all =( so been eating hello panda biscuits to tame my stomach. then morning wake up ate chocolate puff. now, beehoon in front of me!
Morning babes!
It's a rainy morning, weather is sooo gd to slp in! Sian, need to wake up to work
anyway, since we are here to support each other, feel better also.

Was wondering if anyone of u also on duphaston? Cos it's supposed to reduce the irritability of the uterus right? My cramps at night (not every night) has been reduced since I took duphaston but last night, the cramps came back, but not that jialat one, is this normal? I don't have spotting of any kind. I just quickly my gynae to ask her. Guess I'm getting very skeptical nowadays..
Hey yip, ur baby at week 6 is 0.54cm. My Gynae told me I'm 5 weeks 1 day (last tues), my baby is 0.71cm. Hmm.. Or diff baby diff length right? My Hubby is tall, mayb baby takes after him?
Morning mummies,

It's a rainy morning n I'm feeling so sleepy.

I'm also on duphaston n gynae say to take it till the end of 1st trimester. So far MS has been manageable n I realized I muz eat if nt too hungry will feel worse. N each time can't eat too much also. If nt will feel very bloated feeling n wanna puke.

Will be praying for u. In the meantime, talk to baby n lots of rest. Hope for the best.
raine, stay strong ok. If its the worst, then take good care of yourself, let your body recover then try again. I know someone who had more miscarriages than births but still end up with 4 great kids. Treat it as God/nature's way of selecting the best for you.

Chloie, actually those "an tai" yao from chinese medical hall contain mostly herbs which by western medicine, the effects on the baby are unknown. During the first trimester, the most important organs are formed, hence, the advice I got is not to take anything unnecessary as the good and bad effects are uncertain. If you want, then consult your gynae if its ok to take. If gynae say ok, then you can take it with peace of mind. :p

pretear, i guess this is your first pregnancy. Hence, do see a gynae soon. Reason being that there will be someone to check on your condition, and for you to turn to if their are any problems.

ak, each pregnancy is different but this is my 3rd pregnancy and slight cramping feeling or discomfort is quite common. Severe or sharp pain, bleeding or spotting of any sort is not ok. You can try to visit the toilet more regularly as urine in your bladder does make you feel a little crampy. See if it helps. If at any time you feel sharp pain, serious discomfort, or just feel excessively worried, just go and see your gynae/call your gynae. I always have this "motto", if pay money to see gynae for a scan can give peace of mind, why not. Money can earn, baby's health cannot.
Hi fieda, welcome!

The sac? I'm not sure, mayb it is? There are 3 measurements given, and the smallest among the 3 is 0.71cm. So I assume Its my baby. Haha. Totally forgot what my gynae told me.
Good morning ladies,

My MS just sort of disappear.
I ate well and drink well this morning, with no bland/metallic taste in my mouth.
Wonder if its anything wrong or just MS taking a break ?
Im in my 7th week now
ak, I am on Duphaston as well for my spotting and I am soooooo glad I took the last pill last night..coz it gave me worse MS.. I hope today the gynae won't need to prescribe anymore..

ha, oh ya yip, it shd be 20mm...
Morning ladies!!!!!

littledotty> You got it from the medical hall?

Yip> Oh well, what to do???? I try to control my food intake during work but once off work, I eat like a pig. I can eat dinner at 7pm then feel hungry at 8pm liao then 9.30pm hungry again. Wahahahahaha!

Fifi> Actually I'm kinda against the idea of eating extra thgs for supplement but my aunt insist that it is alright to take some an tai tcm. I think I will wait till 2nd tri then see how. I dont have the knowledge on how to boil those medication as well.
Thanks Astro for the duphaston/utrogestan diff!

Raine, stay strong ya! will pray for u!!

Yip and ak, wah ur bb so big! mine at wk6d0 was 2.4mm only wor~

had a nightmare last night.. dreamt that i kept bleeding and the beanie came out with the blood.. :S hope everything's fine..
AK, wa! ur baby is fast! Did u feel exceptionally more MS? lol.. mine is the what CRL length.

Littledotty: Urs is the cutest @ 20mm... hehe. i staring at what 20mm is like now.

Chloie: same here! Aiyoz so scary the rate i eat. then i keep telling myself baby only 0.54cm. Also hor, dont eat pu things. My MIL and mom all says now, best not to eat anything first. let it develop the vital organs first.

Today i feel abit of cramp. not that like menstral but just some bit of it. Then, now felt like a weight on my adominal.

I feel fat! I sucked in my tummy, and it refuses to go in. So tight that area.

Jiening: dont think so much.. everything gonna be ok!
morning ladies! woke up super early even thou i m not working.. duh.. woke up cos i was hungry.. nw i m hungry again.. seems like super bz even at home.. packing like siao..

anyway, tomato or slightly sourish or soupy stuffs are good for me.. thou sometimes i also crave for french fries n some unhealthy snacks.. keke..

candy: not sure can 'drop' without signs.. jus try to think positive.. my hubby always tell me to be positive but jus be mentally ready that anything can happen...

yip: i also realise, cannot suck in tummy anymore!!! sigh.. need to buy abit more loose clothes...!!!!

chloie: i also hungry like every 3hrs.. like baby feeding time.. hahaha...
Im on duphaston too.. 20mg each time, morning and night.. Also feel the same as u, if stomach empty i'll feel nausea. But once i eat something, will feel better... Not sure if its the side effects of duphaston or its MS, cant differentiate already hehe.. Should be taking throughout the 1st trimester to support the pregnancy..

Zara buddy, why are u packing ur house?? U shd be resting! Haha..
Morning zara!

i was eating twisties! lol... and i thinking of eating tom yum soup later! cold cold day. hahaha..

i agree sunflower. that why i finished my entire hello panda biscuits last night. lol.. woke up pee, pop 3-4 each time.
Morning Mummies....

I have been missing for so many days.. so bz at work.. finally can take a short breathe..

Now my morning sickness have changed to evening instead.. not much of appetite at night but I still take abit.

This time round is so suffering unlike the previous pregnancies. Hope it will be over soon after my 1st trimester.. Pray hard
Hello Spicegal, is this your 3rd pregnancy as well?

Any different from the first 2?

You are hoping to get boy and I am hoping to get girl for my 3rd pregnancy and will be the last try.. Put my finger crossed!
Hi Morn Ladies,

So nice to see so many with bb measurements now
Indeed our beanies are growing day by day!

Hmmph! Just have to vent out some frustration i encountered in the morn - pls bear with me. My FIL, whom i cook lunch for every day, decided to be funny today and tried to make his own lunch. When I returned (just in time to make him his lunch), he was burning stuff on the stove (reason that we have induction at home, cos he once caused the fire engine to visit our house) and he insisted it was NOT BURNT! The 'chao ta' smell was SO strong. ARRGH! So angry. Then he tried to reheat the bowl of rice I had for him in the fridge, not in the microwave, but in a microwavable plastic bowl, in the rice cooker!!! Arrgh! I was so mad.
He has this deck in the fridge which is JUST for him, his margarine, his snack, his chilli etc. And he will rummage through the rest of the fridge when no one is around, or when he thinks no one will know. Problem is, he is SOOOO messy and careless that he will CONFIRMED leave traces of his actions. After rummaging, he took some stuff and left it on his deck just now. So I know.

Everyday he prepares his own bread, and FOR SURE! he will leave breadcrumbs ALL over the table, sink, counter, EVEN THOUGH he has 'gone through' the action of washing. I will always have to wash up after him.

His toilet regularly STINKS with urine, cos he doesn't aim properly, and doesn't bother to wash off stains when he mis aims. He spits all over the sink. And it is taking me MANY MANY MANY firm reminders to tell him to use his own sink to spit in, and not the kitchen sink, which is just opposite his. Because he will NOT wash off his spit, and it stays in the strainer of the sink. TOTALLY DISGUSTING.

ARRGH. I always try to tell myself I should be a good daughther in law and try to love him and accept him. But it is SO difficult.
He's really such a pain. Haiz.

Wonder for those of you who encounter parents in law with difficult or disgusting behaviour, what you do with them...
