(2012/05) May 2012

ak, #1 right? should be the uterus expanding. i don feel it now although my tummy is quite obvious already maybe cos "expanded before". but if u feel uncomfy, better to put ur mind at ease by making a visit.

hello gd morning all! havent been coming in cos so busy at work..working till 9.30pm everyday =( so tiring..

im also in wk 6! if according to LMP, its ending, tmr will be wk 7..

hey im also feeling the cramps recently! had to go toilet and rub tummy...feeling more nauseous by the day although there is no real vommitting..snacking helps though..must be the duphaston..always feel nauseous after eating it

my tummy is quite big suddenly, got no choice but bought some maternity clothes online last night!

seeing all of u share the growth of your beanie is so nice...wish i know mine too..but my next gynae appt is still a week away (by then Wk 8 according to LMP)..hopefully bb growing well..no known edd and gestation wks and length as gynae says must see heartbeat first above everything else..that was when i went to him at wk 5...
I don't have MS leh, but on and off got this feeling of something like up in throat, but nothing to viomit, and dun feel very good lor.. liddat consider MS a not hahah..

Someone mentioned acid reflex but this happen when I have not eaten anything aso.. so I aso dunno what's happening..
Hi Ak n Jane... Hugsss!! not sure LMP or o date... but mine is given by my gynea when i see her.. she measure my waterbag and say is week 6 hahahah...

If it's iphone app, i should be coming to week 8 liao ahhaha

My next appointment is also in 2 weeks!! 14 Oct 11 doc say if can hear hb and bb growing ... most pro will be ok liao.. so looking forward ... as i haven't seen beanie and hear anything yet.

I also 1 2 pass and go to week 12 soon... all these is affecting mi and work lor.. sianz..
Good morning mummies.

Jia you tolerating the ms! I realised that if I stay home the whole day, my ms is slightly better. But if I'm out (to office / shopping / dinner / etc), I'll definitely vomit and carry lots of plastic bags with me!

So, for the past 2 months, I've been trying to stay home for as much as I can! Lucky for me, I don't need to be in office everyday, but kind of neglected my son cos my hub will bring him out, so that I can rest at home.

Hopefully, all these will be gone with the wind soon!

Re: mangoes (same for papaya)... don't eat too much.. cos it creates "yellow skin" which means that baby will get jaundice when they'll out. Of cos, moderate eating is fine.. but just not too much of it, cos of jaundice issues later on.

Yip - wah, your in-laws really perfect leh! My in-laws are quite ok too... of cos we live separately... when you are living together, living habits is just so different, it'll definitely creates some conflict. Just like when I'm mil did my 1st confinement for me 3 years ago, I went crazy for 1 month!

I'm going for my gynae check this Friday! Yeh. After hearing so many stories about baby not growing, heart beat stop, tris 13, all I wish for, is baby to be healthy!!!

Enjoy the rest of the day, mummies, and let's all look forward to Fridays!
AK, ya sometimes I will also have those cramps, and sometimes short spurts of pain here and there. But its like on and off de.
Hi Littledotty.. so envy that you are travelling.. you already at your end of 1st trimester. so wish that my turn will come soon in another 2 weeks time.. Today I will be seeing my gynae.

Hi Spicegal.. our EDD is closed.. mine is on 1 May 11.. we are only few days apart.

Yest I puke before dinner and this morning I puke again.. Haiz.. I tot my MS will be lessen instead of increasing..
mm6j, yip, wow! Your in laws r so nice
there's hope yet, heh..

spicegal, my EDD is 4th may, but according to my calculationsm, i'm already mid wk 9... how come yours is wk 8?

talkg about ms, mine is still managable, maybe cos i stay home most times, and keep myself fed, haha. I still have the headaches tho.. that's what i hope will go away soon.

also my not so wonderful bed is not giving me great sleep at night... thinking of changing mattress.. any gd recommendations?
Hi Rose...

ya we are ard the same date just a few days later than me.. Actually my gynae said mine is 2nd May. But when i use the online calculation is 1st May. So I take it as 1 May.. labour day easy to remember.. but I guess I might be early since already 3rd one.

Pai seh.. I still in the year of 2011 haha.. it should be 2012..

Spicegal, I think you are mid week of 9 le.. so you are towards the end of 1st trimester.. jiayou...
Lyn, i wanna give up on my work le
ur apptmt will come soon..

KRC, do u think we also have motion sickness? i also feel when i'm home, ms tendencies less although i still throw up

Moments, likely u and speicegal will be delivering in April then!

rosegal, they are
i suggest that mattress, u mus physically try them so u know what works for u. but i'm not so sure now about "adjusting your bed" since u r preggers, think u shld ask ard, probably, u should not be home when they "move" your bed cos scared pang tang....

envy all who are reaching end of first tri.. dunno tmrw i go gynae will end up crying cos of my ms anot. so hard to deal with it

I guess if early maybe will be end April bah.. how about you?

You wanna give up your job?

Hi Rosegal.. ya you should not be at home when they move your bed.. actually is better not to move your bed.. but if u need to then you shdnt be at home..
Hi all, back from briefing....short one today...

MM6J, I ran out of ideas what to buy so thinking of baking cupcakes lo, I loved to bake. ;p

ak, candymix & Ayana, its normal to experience slight cramping now as the uterus is expanding...so long as its not very bad and no spotting.

Looks like many of us are getting ms...haiz..really hate this feeling, my only console is my ms happens mostly at night so I can still work during daytime...
today i crave for.... plain water! WTH... i am on my fourth cup and i dont drink plain water one.... shudder at the thought of that.

Back to work!

It is 6 weeks and 5 days!
moment, ya our EDD quite close, but I am going for C-sect so should be popping in April.

Rosegal, you are right, haha I am quite blur, 2 weeks ago I went for my scan and doc tell me 7 week plus, so now should be week 9 already hor? Actually I never really track liao...maybe 3rd one so not so 'on the ball'...
AK, I think ur cramps are round ligament stretching. If it is then it s normal. I have occasional twinges of pain and cramps too but I know for mine, they are the ligaments stretching. Like MM6J, i also do feel Braxton Hicks type of tightening of the womb ESP when I go from sitting to standing position. For my first preg I started feeling BH contractions from 19 wks onwards.

Re: MS
Take care gals!! Things we do for our babies! Mine is still the same. Can't eat dinner but lunches are mostly ok.

How many of u are doing OSCAR? Mine is scheduled for 20 oct to be done under Prof Biswa at NUH. Apparently that's my gynae's preference.

Spicegal: ur edd same as mine. We are 9 wks 4 days today!
hi moment, from #1, i will also think it can range from last week of April to early may. cant give up on my job! just that find it really hard to concentrate now...

spicegal, so fun, enjoy baking! my ms comes any time of the day, not so much at night as i enjoy my beauty sleep and not think about it. did u c-sect for #1 and #2?

yes elffie, plain water is good!
Spicegal, you going for C-sect?

The last 2 u also c-sect? ya loh 3rd one liao also abit lazy liao haha.. but you shd be happy now already 9weeks plus it will be closer to the end of 1st tri soon.. haha..

today going to visit my gynae.. yest when I told my director about my gynae name. She mentioned if she din remember wrongly.. my gynae got legal implication last time. did anyone heard of C.H KOH Clinic? Dr Koh Cheng Huat...
Actually we should be thankful that we still can work although ms is really terrible..

some ppl really ms till can't work and need to stay at home to rest. If I am really one I think my poor hubby got to work very hard for the house exps..
piggywiggy, yeah I just went to checked using iphone app, I am indeed 9 weeks 4 days already...haha

MM6J & moment, ya I went thru C-sect for my 1st 2, so definitely have to C-sect for this.

Yip, good to crave for plain water, I did not drink a single drop of plain water ever since I got pregnant, cannot stand the taste.
Jane: Hugs!! mi also same thinking... but cannot give up on my job cos i need the $$ specially now got bb liao... Now is so terrible lor... i feeling so tired!! yet got so much work to rush ... i need to balance myself now... Come in here we support each other!!.. i think we can make it lor...
My sis had bad ms until she cannot work during her pregnancy days till now baby 5 mths liao also not working...but her hubby can afford it la, her hubby from rich family...

Re : mangoes & papaya
I think its still quite safe to take these now. Its only the last trimester, then you should not take too many 'yellow' type of food, scared baby develop jaundice and too heaty food, scared baby become too heaty or complexion no good. All this is during 3rd trimester, for now its only 1st trimester, still a long way to go...
Hello ladies...

Hve been reading the super running fast postes here for awhile... everyone is so cute and i really enjoy reading very much with all the tips...

I'm with my #2 this time, yet to go for my first appt... still feeling surreal.. think i'll hve to see the little dot on the dr's mornitor before i can really convience myself tat im preggy.

MS: Not much of ms now.. just got the feeling to puke but nothing came... kept burping!

Rosegal, you mentioned tat u wanna change bed? I'm not sure if you are the pang tang type, but my mum always tell me not to anyhow move the bed when you are preggy, my #1 she told me, now #2 she's still saying the same thing la... so u might wanna consider... just my 2 cents..

Hope everyone have a good day!
i stil havent get to c the gynae cos appt too full liao, managed to slot at 1pm, hope to see the gynae for a peace of mind.. but pocket gonna burn another hole

piggy: will the doc see that its the round ligament stretching? or just by comparing the uterus size will determine if its due to ligament stretching?
morning everyone *yawn*

pigglywiggle:i salute you and ur determination

Jaundice in babies
not caused by diet but by the following factors.
1. Incompability in maternal blood and baby's blood group (for example, i am O+ and my kids are A+ so higher possibility of jaundice)
2. Assisted birth either by forceps or by vaccuum (temporal bruising of the scalp caused by the tools can elevate the level of jaundice)
3. Breast feeding jaundice (when trying to establish bf-ing, the volume of fluid might be little to flush the coluring away in bb so breast feeding bbs have a higher possibility of jaundice)

The pediatricians in KKH wiped up a '天书' and rattled off the above list of factors to me when my 2nd son was admitted for phototheraphy. haiz.. he has all the three factors! juandice level was darn high..
my first not as bad.. though high too coz my blood group is 0+, my hb is AB+.. so i can never strike factor 1 off the list!
also i didn't manage to breastfeed my 1st boy.. so still manageable dun need phototheraphy..
both boys assisted births thru vacuum.. i must work harder this time.. heh...
ak: u can walk in to any gynae one.. the doc cannot see it is round ligament stretching but he can deduce when he see bb's heart beats steady and everything alright on the scan.. coz those are the main things.. each time anything funny happens.. they scan first to see bb's heartbeats.. and examine the uterus.. if everything is okay.. they will tell u it is ok
Re: Self Intro
I cannot remember if I ever introed myself properly. I am a mother of 2 kids (1 gal, 1 boy), expecting #3. No preference for gender as I already have 1 each but my gal prefers to get a mei mei this time.

Re: Spotting/Staining
If the discharge is yellowish, this is normal (though excessive discharge with itching means infection). Brownish/Reddish is not normal - hormorne pills/bedrest is usually required. If spotting (brownish/reddish + cramping), please see gynae.

Re: Maid
Getting a maid is very much about luck. I would advice to get from a good agent (not those with promo for cheap fees and give u transfer maids). For my case, my agent gives me biodata & contact number of the maid. I can call them on my own and ask them my own questions (so that their answers are not pre-taught). She will then arrange for them to come in. Nevertheless, its still about luck, just that I ask questions which make me understand them a little more and select better. I will ask questions which tell me whether she seems prepared to come to Singapore to work, why she wants to come and whether she likes/know how to take care of kids. My maid is home alone with my 2 kids when we are at work. I do not live with in-laws/parents. I treat my maids (both past and current) really well as I always tell them that its 2 ways - they treat my kids well, love them like their own, I will treat them well and help them whatever I can. Mutual benefit. My maids get a lot of freedom, can bring my kids downstairs, can have HP, in return, they look after my kids well so that I dun have to worry so much when I am not around. In fact, my maids are more like housekeepers cum nanny rather than maid.
No AK, u can't see the ligaments stretching. For me, my pain is a dull twinge of pain. Not sharp or suan feeling.
usually occurs at my sides abt an inch away from the hip bone. Sometimes I get it just abv the pubic bone too.
hello, although im young..i will definitely opt for Oscars and detailed scan..of cos am scared but then its better than to let the kid be born and suffer if something happens..

unless cannot detect then its fated..since its just a screening test..moreover got to make plans very far ahead, thinking what will happen to them when we are gone..so sad
Hi Astro so you are hoping to get a gal this time?

Hi Fifi.. u getting a indo/philippino maid.. ya I also treat my maid like housekeeper.. she is very flexible with us. next year i am getting a new maid and will be after my maternity.

I hope i can get one is the same or better if not I also have diffculties in sourcing one. My fren said she got 2 indo maids who are not as good as her first one and now she is trying out phillippino..
hi hi to all

Spicegal-my 1st 2 also c-sec and my 3rd one will also be c-sec too. btw, will u be having ligation? cos gynea brought tat up to me during our visit and said tat if preg with 4th bb will be dangerours for me. is it true??? i thought i remember hearing ppl c-sec more than 4 times wor. how old is ur other 2?

i know there are quite a few mummies here that is 3rd time mum to be.
HiHi Good afternoon!

Moment- we hav exactly the same EDD date! went to my gynae he told me it is 1st may, went to another gynae when mine went for holiday, he told me it is 2nd May. Same as you.. i prefer 1st may...hehe.. easier to remember.. hee.

Spicegal- I like baking too.. but my stuffs always turned out not as nice as i expected..(tink too highly of my skills le..haha..) so was tinking to go take up some classes since i am so free now.

My ms always at night.. but these few days it is better le.. not much feeling liao. But it is true that having more rest will reduce the ms..ermm that applies to me.. dont knw you girls the same or not.

Have a good day ahead! Beautiful weather today!
re-hi all, i went for early lunch. gave up at work. now eating papaya and apple..

Lyn, i find my ms comes with bad mood swing. machiam wanna cry lor. so loser-ish.

try to distract myself, went to buy some biscuits and sweets for my boy to share with his classmate tmrw for children's day.

ak, i also no mood to work.. r u quite slim by nature? i also feel during my #1 keep going to pee...

re: c sect, i also c sect for #1, i'm quite petite so gynae was alr advising me to opt for c sect. boy sommersaulted down then sommersaulted up back and breach so in the end i also c sect but mine not considered elective cos he burst the waterbag himself although i was lucky enough to not get any contractions :p. hope to consider v birth this round but of course, if gynae advise not, then c sect again bah.

how is the recovery for subsequent c sect ah? is it 1 scar or 2 scars.. so weird if got 1 extra line "there"
Hihi all.. N welcome new mtbs! So much discussions already! Haha..

Re in laws: I dun live with in laws so still ok.. MIL offer to cook for me n hubby will sometime bring back .. Yip, ur in law v good lei!!!

Re ms: these few days I have bait of ms, usually I dun.. But it's still not as bad.. Hopefully it doesn't get worse cos I'm gg to hk tml.. Constipation is my bigger problem..

Btw do u girls watch discovery home n health on scv? They have v nice bb shows.. Kekke... Sometimes see until I cry.. Cos so sweet lor.. Makes me can't wait to meet my lil one too..

it will be 1 scar. urs any pop up of ur scar. can't remember the word liao. its call kelxxx.Recovery is same as 1st one.
ynvby80, thanks for the tip. no *touchwood* dont have the KelXX , i also forgot what's the word. my gynae's stitching is quite good. jus one flat line lor...

zara, enjoy ur holiday! no time to watch lei. but ya, the moment u first meet ur lil one is very previous!
MM6J: yes, quite slim but put on quite some weight alr! However, Im 1kg slimmer compared to last week. Mus be due to the ms.

Zara: yes, I also kept watching the baby shows at discovery home and health. So touching! Have u watched the "i didn't know I was pregnant?" it was so ridiculous! How could these ladies don't know they were preggy!
ynvby80, jus remember the word is called keloid

ak, then probably that's y u feel like ure "expanding" not sure if i've gained or lost weight, will know when i step on the scales tmrw at the gynae's...

4.5 hours more to knocking off!
i think the word is keloids? i think some pple are more prone to keloids than others, got to do with the body's way of scarring for each individual, not sure if it's got to do with stitching skill of the gynae?

but having said that, is the c-sec line noticeable one? like wear bikini can see? but actually my frens say the belly button will turn out after preggers, so wear bikini also sure can tell give birth before. Is that true?
Jane: Hugs!! dun feel bad... cos i also same as u lor... i also feel like crying lor... i also keep wanting ppl to sayang mi ... hahahah
Jiayou going to off work soon... i hope i can go home without OT... Yawnz... my sleepyness is kicking in liao...

ak: where u all watch such show?
Mm6j: thanks.. I will!!

Ak: ya.. I loved watching the bb shows.. Cute lor! Ya.. And those who didn't know they were pregnant.. Soundsnso impossible.. But it does happen.. My hubby ex neighbor was like that.. She didn't know until she had labour pains. Duh right... N I like Jon n Kate plus 8... Haha...

Lyn: u can watch it on discovery home n health on scv...
Hello, had lunch? I was super hungry just now so share kuay chap with my cols plus a plate of char kway teow. In the end I couldnt finish the food. Eat half way full already and very nauseated.

AK, may be u feel diff lor. Do read up abt round ligaments pain. Diff people feel diff kind of pain. are u on ur way to ur gynae's?

Ynby, yeah it is not advisable to have more than 4 c-sec. My aunt had 4 and doc told her that if she preg again there's a high chance her scar will rupture. She wanted a gal so badly cos all 4 kids were boys!
Fifi, you are so lucky to have a good helper around... this preggy will be my #2 hence we are planning to hire a helper this time.. planning to bring her in earlier as so to let her get use to the enviorment...

My hubby really KS type so he went to read up forums about maids and stuff... and after he told me about all the stories it really put me off... hai.. but if don hire helper i don think i can cope on my own... I noe some mommies out there are really super being able to cope with everything(Envy).. but i dont think i'm one of those..

CL: I had bad expirence with my #1, it was just crazy month of confinement.. tsk tsk tsk...

Hi Piggy.. just now I also tot of having kuay chap haha.. but didn't..

I also afraid dunno have garlic smell anot abit scare..

I am having bad flu now..and later I will be going to see my gynae, so dunno how long I got to wait.. everytime even got appt also need to wait min 1hr plus de..
