(2012/05) May 2012


Same Same Same! My #1 also breach position, she din turn at all... my water bag broke the very night after we fixed our C-sect appt with the dr in the morning. No contraction too.

I've got the "pop up line" on the cut lei... very ugly... sob! But i remember my gyane told me there's a cream to apply so tat you wont get tat line..

C-sect: meaning if #2 also opt of C-sect there will still only be 1 line.. cos i remember someone told me there will be 2lines... (omg! like one is enuff!)

Zara: ya, I liked that Jon and Kate plus 8 but
too bad Jon n Kate divorced Liao.. Guess the 8 kids are taking a toll on their relationship as well.

Lyn: ya, zara answered ur question. There are Soo many baby and mother delivering babies show there.
Very nice.

Yup, visited the gynae alr, she say it's becos of the womb expanding, and she checked for cysts etc. Everythin is fine. Today is 6 weeks 1 days! Baby Is 0.3cm. Saw the tinkering of the hb also.
ak: where is ur gynae?
still open? i need to go and do a check coz just realised got v slight brown spotting. my current gynae and the gynae near my house unavailable.

do u mind giving me the address?
Hi ladies!

Paisei, I'm mostly a slient and super slow reader..

re: malay jamu. It was super shiok to have the full massage but the weather is too hot during May, only wrap for once and I give up... Her name is auntie Su, 91390549, personally, I like her service but not sure if her rates is still the same... $50 for 50min or 60min. Intro by a may 2010 mummy.

Going to visit my gynae this fri.. I not really very exicted this time around.. I have been having MS for the whole day, worst during night time.. Feeling super tired and bloated and I can't sleep well at night..

If I never remeber wrongly, my #1, I only have sleepless night only started on my 3rd trimster... #1 my MS only end at week 20 but this time I feel like dying..

Ladies, try to "bu" during your confinement if not it will be hard to tune back to pink health.. Try not to touch too much water, use glove or ask someone to wash baby bottles instead...
Lyn, i don need pple to sayang, much rather be left alone to lie on my bed and stare in space although i must say, #1 is a good distraction if he's not being naughty.

Olivia, true abt keloids being a body's way of healing but i tink the wound/ scar itself also depends on ur gynae's skill. i've heard of some pple having the wound rupture. eee gross

piggy, i also realise sometimes feel machiam super hungry but eat a little bit feel super full le. is it bloating and indigestion?

my gawd, i threw up the papaya and apple. dunno is it cos ate "too much"

micteo, ooh also breach heheh i tink our bbs wana decide for themselves when they wanna come out. mine burst after i just got up, just turned off the airconditioner.... i agree lor. one scar is enuff!!!

astro, take care.
thanks MM6J.

my hb cannot make it. sounded distracted over the phone when i told him i have slight spotting. must be busy ....
then today my FIL's bday. yesterday arranged to have dinner.. he can still ask me.. 'tonight dinner still ok?'.. --> not ok!
argh.. going to shower and going to KKH that O & G unit MYSELF. he asked if i want him to go with me.. i said 'up to u'... stupid man.
men can be so dense.
hullo? like now u think i wld still have mood to have buffet dinner with ur father??? *roll eyeballs*
Any mummies here know what's the levy charge for a CL ah? Heard that now must apply permit for CL... sianz... like this confirm will add on to the cost of the CL fee... haiz...
gelin, *hugz, i totally am freaking out if ms now lasts like it did for my #1 till month 4/5...

i agree about the "bu" during confinement, esp since i hoping to close shop, may consider doing a longer confinement.

astro, *sayang* don get so excited first. go to the o&g, i'm sure everything will be fine ok.. then maybe once gynae give u heads up u will feel better for dinner again.. hugz
Hi Moment,

Yup, this is my #1. today dont feel any ms at all... wondering if the bb is alright.. tend to get paranoid sometimes. Will be seeing my gynae next mon... my normal waiting time is 1 and half to 2 hours.. really dread the waiting.
Hope u will be lucky today!
Sorry for the late reply astro. Just now was bz. U wil be fine, don't worry
the men sometimes (or most of the time) don't get what we are trying to say.
Jane, hahaha another 2 to 3hr can Pang Kang!!! woohooo but i still need to work sianz... die also must finish this report... today seems quite bad again.. i have been vomitting like crazy.. I feel like dieing soon ... May god bless mi...

Astro: sayang sayang... dun worry you will be ok... Sometime men are like that... i already give up hinting my HB ... if i want him to go i will just tell mi straight... otherwise it will be open ended question again...
ak: u seeing Dr Geraline Tan? i shortlist her at first also.. but hb insist to go to a gynea near to us... sianz ....i heard she is very good lor..
Icez: levy for CL? Gosh!! Really ahhh??

Astro: cool down... Men r like tat.. Sometimes I think my hubby talk to his family more than me.. But I console myself la.. Better than he is concerned bat other girls or ladies out there.. A filial man is a good man..

Re 'bu': my ex colleagues also tell me.. She nvr employed any CL except for the first one.. And after her 2nd and 3rd kids, she really suffered health issues.. Not huge issues but nagging issues like migraines, giddy, aches... So really must take care lor...
oh no i thought i am the lucky one, no ms but it strike me this morning at 1 plus and 6 plus. Keep on craving for sour food and mango, dont know why hehehe. So different from my first preggie.
astro, I find that its a method that works so far. Hope it continue to work lah of coz.

pmoments, mine is filipino. My preference. My theory is I can handle the filipino way of thinking better than the indonesian. I am also considering getting a 2nd maid coz if not, my maid has to handle 3. See how first though - see boy or girl, guai or not.

micteo, yah do bring in earlier so that if really bad, you have time to change. Getting a maid in now takes very long. I waited 3 mths for mine.

astro, your hubs quite like mine. Take a while before the message sink in de. And can still ask stupid questions.
mm6J: #1 was accurate... but dunno if it's accurate for #2... hoping it is the other way round this time though... haha..

zara: yeah.. i just called a CL and she ask me to apply permit for her in order to 'guarantee' her to come over during my required period... haiz.. headache.. that means her rates is almost comparable as my ex CL... whom had recently increase her price too!
Lyn: nope, I m seeing dr Caroline Khi , cos last min want to c gynae, then I see dr geraldine. But after seeing her, I think I would want to change my gynae to her.
MM6J, seems to be correct lei for #1, will see about #2.. hehe!

everyone in the family is hopping for a boy this time... honestly I'm neutral, so long baby is healthy.
ak: ya heard she is very very good gynea.. very patient and nice lady lor.. she also those very pro-natural 1...My good friend highly recommand her lor..specially my friend pregancy also not very smooth but after seeing her she jus give birth to a pretty daughter.. BTw you see her today, how muchie is it?

Sianz i still trying to convince my hubby let mi change to her..
Thanks everyone for the comments about the mattress! i am not pantang.. but the thought of spending $$ on a mattress is holdg me back too... might just get a mattress comforter (those they put on top of the mattress instead) from Ikea. Not sure if it works though... i'm quite particular i guess. The back is feeling the springs on the mattress and it's not comfy..

astro - dun be disheartened okay, it's gd to vent out here, men are like that sometimes, they just don't get it.
Don't let this affect your beanie
hey the baby gender chart..my experience was very funny...it worked for all of my hubby's side and for myself..but it doesnt work for my sibling hehehe!

the assumption here is the bb is carried for 9 months..
Rosegal, i m munching on salsa and crackers.. OMG so nice to eat!!! esp the salsa! i think i can eat it on its own.. bad news is now that i stopped i feel so nauseated!!!

Moments, the kuay chap i had included duck meat! really really nice! best of all only $4!! the chilli is not garlicy so was ok for me.. i used to love garlic and onions.. now i can't stand it! stinks like hell..

Astro, how are u feeling? light brown spotting is ok.. just try to lay off ur feet and rest a lot. hope u get the all clear from ur doc..

AK, that's gd news that everything is ok!

Here's a link that u guys might wanna check out. it's the average fetal length for that week of pregnancy. somebody asked what CRL is. CRL = Crown Rump Length meaning the whole length of the baby from head to toe.


MM6J, the chart predicted my #1 correctly.. haha.. says #2 is a gal. :p
Ladies if you feel nausea, you can try saltine crackers or just cream crackers. I am taking the first choice saltine crackers; or kong guan sugar cream crackers. I think it helps to reduce the urge to vomit as it neturalise the gastric juice.
Rose gal: hw abt getting the preg pillow? It's about $129 fr mother care. After birth, can use as feeding support and bf support too..

Icez: I still not looking for CL, think I wan to wait until after 3mths.. Worse come to worse, mil cook n I hire maid lor.. But I think I will start shopping in hk tml... Kekekeke...

Ok ladies, take care... Dunno if I have access to Internet in hk.. So if I dun.. I'll beep when I'm back! Byeeeee......
morning ladies.

Zara: have a great trip! my hb (pls call him Miser) is filial. well lots more than me. coz i wasn't taken care of by my mum since young so now while i give her pocket $ i dun really interact much with her despite her here from monday -friday to be with my boys. I was also told.. marrying a filial man, you can't go too wrong. ha..he has been made less fiial by me.. ha.. erm.. not a gd thing. i think he is a role model for fillial piety for my boys.. so these days when he says he needs to go back for dinner liao (like once a month).. i go along with him... else my boys will grow up.. not knowing who their paternal family members are! :p

ak: no worries. i understand. i was thinking when i can get a available gynae. KKH O&G slipped my mind when i typed that post to you.

fifi: well.. Miser and I feel that way too.. more imptly.. the helper cannot turn round to say we have not been good to her. my helper is highly intelligent and very independent .. u can trust her to bring the kids to the PD.. and adminster the correct med. i buy her recipe books.. she cooks the dish for u.. she can even read the entire straits time and understand it!.. i think if not she is born poor.. she would be at least a degree holder. a widow with three school going kids.. she does need the job.. but she is quite frank is asking for things. all times we accomodate. we sponsered her a trip back to Philipines to see her older son graduate.. when it was like mid contract. she asked we give. the only time we said no was when remember post elections there was this news on giving weekly leave to maids.. i was waiting for her to broach the topic.. she took a while.. but she did.. wanted two days off.. we said no flatly.. she also can't do much :p.. well.. pros and cons lah.. as long as not hing major.. and she doesn't cheat us and be kind to my boys. i am okay..

ak/lyn/micteo/fifi/rosegal/MM6J: i told the man he was very dense to still ask me if i was the mood to go for dinner.. he said but i said 'very very little discharge' nia mah! then after that he asked.. 'go for dinner?' >_<".. well i went...
i have always told him direct.. juz this time too pissed to talk to him.. well he went.. but i was done checking at the O&amp;G!

so my spotting.. it is very funny
the gynae did a check using some transparent cone and said there isn't any bleeding.. did a scan and said everythning looks perfectly fine.. except that my placenta is a bit low.. but it is okay for this gestation week. i dun have a history of low lying placenta.. she said i can take some hormones.. or can do w/o it also..
i was thinking monitor first than maybe see my own gynae later and see if need take..

then at 4am plus when i woke up to use the bathroom.. i wiped dry and found blood on the tissue.. haiz.. two drops of red blood...i sighed.. and went back to bed.. this morning woke up.. nothing again! wah liew.. this is quite frustrating.. later go see gynae and see what she says.. :S

now i cramping or hungry also cannot diffieriente liao :S
i did a brief read up. low lying placenta one of the symptoms is bright red bleeding which is not painful and non-continuous.. sounds like me.. well.. not too muych of a concern at this stage.. it might move up by itself.. later see what gynae says then..
Morning ladies!

Astro: thks for the understanding, u wil be fine , keep us posted after u c the gynae oki. Meanwhile, go grab a bite! Haha..

Ladies. It's weird, yest the gynae told me duphaston doesn't cause MS. N strange enough, I wasn't plagued by MS for the past 3 days. Quite strange wor.. But it's ok la, at least wil feel better.

Today's thurs, tmr is fri!! 
and oh.. i was also given Dydrogesterone.. and i was like 'wah. what is this? anoter variation?'.. so i asked the pharmacist.. (quite a cute guy by the way...LOL) .. he said it is duphaston.. showned me the back of the tablets.. ha.. duphaston is the name of the brand.. apparently the medicine name is dydrogesterone.
and for the chinese gender.. it is true for both my boys!
realised the month and date of conception needs to be accurate. my 2nd boy. i put as jan 2009.. he bacme a girl!.. ha. then i remembered it was dec 31 2008.. he turned back to a boy :p
next one the calculator says is a girl.. let's see.. heh
Morning ladies!

ak: surprisingly, when i was on duphaston previously, i always had this weird feeling in my throat that made me feel like puking.. which i would assume that is MS... but.. once i'm off the pills, the feeling was gone too... kinda weird but that's what happening to me..

Zara: enjoy yourself! have a safe and fun trip at hk~
the gynae who attended to me yesterday at the O&amp;G was an indian. i could sense that she is very experienced. the problem is her accent is very strong and speaks with a slang. i got to 'i beg ur pardon?' a few times then i could get what she wanted :p.. even her nurses were like '.. sorry?'....:p
yup, its all fated i guess.. he truly made a difference in all of our lives n the digital technology..

the chinese gender is accurate? hmm, but must know the conception date right, got another version in the internet.. it shows boy or girl on different days.. so interesting!

ICez: so u were literally MS throughout on the pill? Hmm, i really feel weird leh.. i stil have indigestion and bloatedness but the urge to vomit food out is gone.. so strange..

zara: envy u, can go shopping, enjoy!!
Morning all... was rushing work hence only come in now... I m feeling so terrible today .... Dun know y i jus dun really feel well lor... my head like trying to move away from my body. I m going crazy soon.... My tummy feel so weird also.. dun know is crampy or is it other things...

I dun have bleed or anything but my gynea still put mi on duphaston... she say to play safe...
ak: hmmm, well i would attribute that discomfort feeling as MS but it was juz mild type lahz.. smthing very different as i dun have that feeling with #1. But strangely enough, once i complete the dosage given (2weeks), i don't feel that discomfort feeling as much as when i was on the pill. so i suspect is the pill that's making me nauseous.... u mean u are the other way round??
I'm also on duphaston the 1st day I went to see the gynae. At first there's no discomfort but only recently now then have the discomfort feeling like what ICez described. But it comes and goes aso.
Had some brown spotting last Friday. Went to gynae n was also given durphaston. Now no more spotting, still alot of discharge. But ms is terrible day n night. My best appetite comes during lunch!

Zara> have fun shopping in hk! I just came back in aug. Fav is h&amp;m! Yes thet have h&amp;m mummy there. Too bad I only realized I was pregnant when I came back to Singapore. So din get to buy anything there

Rws> so glad it's thurs! Cos I'll be bringing my boy to rws for 3d2n! Gonna catch voyage de la vie tml nite n USS on sat. Hope he'll enjoy it!
I'm having a very werid feeling in my tummy... like suan suan.. crampy but not pain... very uncomfortable.. since last night... donno is it my pants are too tight or i'm too bloated or too hungry... aiyo.. cannot describe the weird feeling...
Dunno any of you got this feeling a not..

Sometimes sit down will feel like inside organs moving up&amp;down a bit.

And when sleeping if turning left or right, can also feel inside the organs shifting a bit as I turn.

So scary sia...
