(2012/05) May 2012

I am down with flu too, this my 2nd, i have never got flu in my 1st. Can we use vicks, think it helps me. Chrsystem Tea cannot drink? i just drink last night leh.... How about coffee or tea? i try to cut down to 3 -4 cups a week. Very sleepy...............
Yip:ya.. Prata n curry.. Nice! Long time never eat lei..

Jas: may i know where to attend this mrs wong's class?

Babiesmeme: u mean home cooked chrysanthemum ones bait more cooling.. Cans or packet ones she be ok.. According to my mom... I also cutting coffee to about half or less than half a cup per day.. Altho i read that it is ok to drink one cup a day..
Zara, I ate the same things as u yesterday - veg mee Hoon and prata

Mrs Wong class is held at AMK hub. You can check the class schedule and register under TMC parent craft.

For those MTBs who like to join us in FB, pls add me [email protected] with yr SMH nick. I will add you to the secret group accordingly.

Have a great wkend everyone!
Afternoon mummies,

I'm expecTing my #2. Just went for 1st scan this mOrning n saw the heartbeat. Pls add me on FB n the secret group? [email protected]

Edd: 23/05/2012
Hospital: TMC
Gynae: Dr LC Cheng
Baby: 2
Geox shoes are asring n comfy ah? Ok i'll go see next week with my hubby... Difficult to find nice looking pumps!
Anyone has any more recommendations where to get nice pumps?
Hi Everyone..
new to this thread, expecting my #3.
My nick is hard to type :)P), just call me Astro.

next visit to the gynae is like ages.. 0ct 20.. will be doing it together with the Oscar Scan and test. As compared to the previous 2 pregnancies.. this is like the least number of visits in 1st trimester! ha...
1st visit at 6.5 weeks plus (gynae 'says good to see you again!') then gynae says 'see you again in 12 plus weeks.. ha..

i wanna a girl!! previous two are boys...

^Cholie^: i have had the nasal discomfort for the longest time. exactly like urs.. coupled with pressure in the nose. My gynae says it is v common.. and that kind of make my cough even long drawn.. i have been coughing like for past 2 mths!.. getting better.. but nothing more than just waiting it out.. coughing is very long-drawn in pregnancy, i was told.
Dun worry too much. Some symptoms come and go. Not to say the sore boobs won't come back... :p

If you are spotting, you should see a gynae. Gynae will scan to check that all is fine and prescribe hormorne pills. Just a warning though, the side effects of the pills is worst MS. But if you are spotting, taking the pills is important. My gynae is very good but she is not the kind that "sayang" her patients and talks/explains a lot unless you ask her. Abit aloof kind but super pro. You can consider. She is KT Tan.

Preggy women are liang. So cannot drink too much liang stuff (Ju Hua is supposed to be liang if I am not wrong). Nuts etc is ok actually in moderation. :p If drinking plain water makes u feel like puking, then to take ribena or other drinks but dun overdo sweet stuff too. :p

Xin2, yupz.

My spotting came back le.. not very much.. like 1cm X 1.5cm... it those yellow litle brown like.. noit red de... So i'm worried.. Call up the clinic but it was closed..

I din managed to talk to doc regarding e previous spotting..

My gynae clinic dun open on weekends de leh.. how ar.. where u all go? TMC itself to see?

jiening, doc prescribe you utrogestan? got say when should u eat it? and how many tablets?
Greeting ladies..aarrgghh I'm so not used to my tummy bulge..I feel like I'm 3 months already even though I'm just 6 weeks! Can't believe how much I'm eating yet can't really control u know..sometimes am so hungry..or feel like piling if I don't get to eat..

I think it's getting harder to conceal the preggy fact till end trimester Liao..

Thank goodness for the weekend so we can eat n sleep ear n sleep..I hope that tummy is bb rather than fats..lol..*in denial*
Jiening/suki, i am also seeing Dr LNSim, she is quite good. i am 9w1d. btw, i had spotting the last 3 weeks, got 2 injection(very painfully) and hormones pill, total bedrest, was torturing but now am ok. no more injection and spotting, went to check yeaterday bb was stable. So no worries..
Sunflower, my preggy fren was telling me averagely our feet will become bigger by 1-2 size, so if you buying pumps, not going to last too long or remember to ask for a bigger size. Else how about the fliptop, slip in, with a bit of platform, can wear all the way.. hehe but exp $160plus..
i knw our feet will expand when reaching 3rd trimester, but right now its also not safe for us to continue wearing heels liao? Thats why thought of looking for nice ballet pumps for work lor.. Wearing flitflops looks abit weird with office wear..? Hehe... Can buy flipflops from SMH spree leh, think some mummies organising occasionally..

Vanilla, i had occasional spotting since week 2 weeks ago too (am in Week 7 nw)... Doc said as long there is no af-like cramps and spotting is orangy brown, its ok.. If its red, then u need to worry. If u can wait, maybe monitor and see if it increases, or turns red? If not, can just go to TMC 24-hr clinic if u're worried....
BB, great to know you. Good to hear baby is stable. I guess your edd is the same as mine. Have you sign the package? I am not sure it starts from 12 or 14 weeks?
My next visit will be in another 11days.. I m getting anxious..
Candy, nope.. E pills I have is from previous I took to induce my menses de.. Gyane said it is an tai Yao.. Ask me to take if I gt spotting..

Sunflower, oh.. 24 hrs de clinic at tmc ar.. Ok I'll monitor la.. If it nv come back den I thk it's ok ba..

Anyway, I took e pills and understand y I should be taken at night before sleep. Lol.. Cuz it cuz dizziness.. Wah.. When I eat e pills Liao.. Wanna play com.. I walk to toilet and I felt my head spinning la.. Wah Lao... Den I said to myself.. Tis is no joke.. Beta go bed rest.. Haa.. And slept till jus now.. Haa..
Bbpom: so qiao! we got same taste! Hehee.. Mrs Wong class is for tmc mommies only? I not seeing tmc gynae lei..

Yip: hows ur visit to the gynae?
Vanilla, i was asked to take utrogestan just before sleep, 1 pill / day.

hmm.. why like majority taking duphaston but my gynae gave me utrogestan? anyone know the diff?

Suki/BB, i overheard the nurse telling another MTB, her package starts from wk14 and costs $700.
Mrs Wong prenatal class is oni at amk hub n subject to class size. I rem I ended my class when I abt 7-8mths for #1, I find it better as scared too early gg, very fast forget.. Haha
I would recommend her class to all 1st time mummy, she really teaches us alot n explain to us on some old folk tales like cannot eat ice cream! She say the ice cream willnot travel To bb immed, will gg to Placenta n wait for bb to eat when he need it... After gg her classes, hb n I really gain so much knowledge. This given me excuses to eat many foods too..
U need not be a tmc gynae patient, but if u r a FBI/sbi members, u get disc for attending the lesson.
Thanks for sharing, babytots!
I went to TMC website, is this course call 'Childbirth Education Course'? cuz there's one long list under the parentcraft on the website.. hahaha
where's the class held in amk hub? inside the tmc clinic?
Hi mummies,

Decided to come in here at this wee hr after waking up from nightmare - I dreamt that I went toilet & saw pool of fresh red blood at the end of my pantyliner! Gave me a shock & woke me up immediately... Went to toilet to check & lucky it's just a dream... Now I can't get bk to bed w/o dropping by here to get some comfort .. Think this is really a gd place to find
some support

Anyway for an update, my gynae check was this afternoon.. Through the scan, it showed bb at 6w4d... Everything was well.. Next appt is 4wks later.. Doc then gave me 2 scan printouts & tried to bluff me that I had twins.. Haha.. Anyway the EDD is 22 May 2012 ... Any mummies here same?? Was told that might be earlier due #2...
Icez, dreams say out den it wun happen Liao... Ha..

When I go last week is 6weeks 2 days and Ed is 21/05/2012..
bb was 0.54cm... Keke..

Anyway, I went down to tmc ytd night and discover it is jus a normal 24hrs gp clinic so I nv see Amy doc and came back home.. Haiz.. So probably I'll book appt to see my Gynae these few days... Kinda worried.. Plus tdy is Sunday most clinic nv open de.. Dun mention Gynae clinic.. Haiz..
Morning mummies,

Can add me to ur FB? My email add is [email protected]
Would like to share experiences n gain support here also.

U try to call gynae tmr morning n see if u can see tmr asap? Actually u can request for TMC to call ur gynae bk to the hospital if really urgent n emergency. But of cos gt to charge la. Cos for my first pregnancy I was bleeding n went TMC 24hr. Requested to call my gynae bk.
Vanilla, does utrogestan helps? Yr gynae do not hv emergency number to call? If the bleeding persist, pls call first thing on Monday morning to see Yr gynae

Take care

Icez, you must be worrying too much. Relax ya
For MTBs who like to join us in FB, pls add me

[email protected] with yr SMH nick.

I will add you to the secret group accordingly.

Please understand since this is a secret group so I will only add you when I have your SMH nick with Yr request.
xin2 & babypom, it doesn't come back now.. And i hope it dun turn its head back lo... Ya, i'll call gynae and see if they can slot me into monday anot...
morning all MTBs!

Vanila, u feeling better?

Zara, i saw the hb! hubby wasnt able to see it.. so we had to do it twice. hahaha. i am scheduled for 3 weeks and my EDD is now 24th May and bb is at 0.54cm. I am tested as 6 weeks 2 days. so today is 6 weeks 3 days.

Saw MTBs that are 9 weeks. so shiok!!!

Hubby thinking of changing gynae to a guy one cos he was recommended by his friend. we might change but still deliver in Mt A.
Yip, I'm feeling ok now.. Thanks..

Haa.. Our beanie is e same siZe leh.. And same week n days when we visited e Gynae..

Wed it was 6 weeks 2 days.. Now it would be 6 weeks 6 days... =D
Ya i also think i think too much... haha....made me so stress early in the morning...LOL

Vanilla, if u still nt feeling well, you can go KKH 24hr women's clinic... they r also open during wkend & night..
Icez, they got scan all these de ar? Cuz my main objectives is to know tat bb is alright.. So only way is thru scan lo.. Haiz.. Should have gone to KK last night..

But hopefully it's alright now le.. Waiting to call Gynae tml
Yip: it's great! Cutie beanie with cute hb... Hehe.. I shd be 7wk 4days today.. Well, glad that u r back in sg n hopefully u dun have to travel for work again.

Anyone started buying new clothes? Some of My old shorts can't seem to fit anymore.. Too fitting now, makes me uncomfy. But I saw the pants outside, so exp! Like $80 for a pair of maternity pants... Geez... Buy online cheaper but cannot try, sekali can't wear.. Sigh..
Mrs Wong class is at amk hub the flr same As the kopitiam, the entrance is by the side. Just beside the toilet, usually u will see many preggy n hb standing outside waiting to gg in.
She hv an assistant to take temp for everyone.
But if stomach quite big, I recommend to gg earlier stage, else sit up n dwn might be abit difficult..
KK O&G clinic (aka women's clinic) is opened 24 hrs. I was spotting a few weeks back, called kk and they asked me to go there. They have scan machines there to detect bb sac and heartbeat..
Me also 7 weeks 4 days, we're buddies haha.
I'm looking for office pants too.. My usual pants are fitting kind, so now will feel uncomfy if i wear them.. Cant imagine with all the MS and having to wear tight clothes! Am looking around too, but seems not cheap. Duno if should just get those loose kind of dresses for the time being....
Zara and sunflower,

I just went shopping just now. Bought 3 tops,a pair of work pants , a pair of those tailored shorts and a dress, all for about $290. my long pants is only $39. And they are adjustable. With buttons at the sides. I got it from joy luck club. They are available online and they have a show room at commonwealth area, so can try. The ladies there are very helpful and friendly. Maybe you can drop by there to get ur pants. Another place that I saw is at vivo. The pants are about 49.90. Bought a pair of shorts there too.
Hi ladies!

I'm also a May MTB!
found out I was pregnant about 2 weeks back when I missed my period for 1 week+. Didnt think i was cos my periods always very irregular :p boy was my hand shaking when I saw the + on clearblue!

Wanted to see my gynae immediately when I found out but he's out on vacation till today! Argh! talk about nerve wrecking. So tomorrow is my first scan! hope can see hb and all

Super excited now + worried + nervous + everything! haha.. First time so not sure what to expect. Must count on the ladies here

I'll add u on FB babybom :D
Hi 5 sunflower!!

Raine: wah, not cheap eh.. But I guess no choice if we need to get some.. For now, I still dun need work clothes cos I took a long leave... So I'll buy them later.. But I need some gai gai clothes so I dun always wear the same ones that I can still fit.. Kekeke. I will take a look at joy luck club...

Welcome June!
Hi mummies who send friend request in FB

Please send me a msg or pm to identify yourself. I have several requests in FB but I dunno who is who and is really hard to guess. Thanks

June, I have added you
Yup! got it..

Don't really have MS now but feeling quite nauseated. Suddenly craving for all the healthy stuffs. Favourite meal is now muesli bar + soy milk :p
Welcome June! I'm going for my scan tml as well. Mine is the 2nd appt! I'm so excited for you too. (;

Zara, wa nice, on long leave. Then you can enjoy and relax. Haha. Ya, it's not exactly cheap, but no choice, I can't fit some of my bottoms alr, haha. I get abit carried away trying the clothes when I was there. I thought I was being very kiasu to start shopping so early, but the ladies told me that some mummies started shopping at 5weeks. (;

Tdy I went toilet and see some discharge leh.. Is it normal? Any of u gals had it? It's like egg white kind.. It made me wonder if e stain I saw ytd is it spotting or hus e discharge.. Cuz e stain is like yellowish and a little brown on e edge..
glad to hear that vanila.

Hi June! =)

Wa Zara, so shiok!! enjoy yourself ok?

I dont dare to think of what to wear for tmr. worry tmr my dresses all cant wear. =(

Last few days i made hot water and put a handful of wolfberry (gou qi zi) in and drink. felt good. Anyone knows if it is safe for us to drink?
Vanilla, if the discharge is abit translucent, white or abit of yellowish, like the kind we usually have just before af but after ovulation kind, it's normal, and it's normal to have it more now since we are preggy. Read somewhere that these mud us like discharge are suppose to form our mucus plug. I have those discharge too. If you're still worried, give your gynae a call tml to double check. Don't worry, dear. Keep us posted.

Yip, I think wolf berry shod be safe. My mum will add some into my red date tea sometimes. (; haha.

Morning Mtbs....

so sweet u all managed to see bb hb and size... i realized mine is only waterbag size not bb yet.. fainted!! Gynea say to early to see lor... going back in 2 weeks then will see lor... was on duphaston also ... gynea say to keep bb safe...

Wae so tired for the past weekend... i almost sleep everyday if not for dinner lor..
