(2012/04) Apr 2012

I have also been feeling pain below. Something that I dun experience so early for #1 & #2. Tummy still quite small too. Didn't put on much weight. Only about 1 kg. Should I be worry?
Hi , anyone can share: Is the sarong carrier type better or the kind that carry front/back carrier better?That day I was quite tempted to buy the front/back carrier at BHG ..Aprica / combi brand $189 ~$199 .. Less 20% .. End up didnt buy..as cant decide yet. . now no more sale

Any other better alternative brand u all can suggest? Is there any pros n con using sarong n front/back carrier?
Ms Tan
I tried the sarong carrier but my no.1 doesn't like it, think this is quite subjective, you may like to wait till baby is born, then bring baby along to try out.. My no.1 didn't like any carrier either, so end up with hip seat when she is around 7 months old...
Previously in this thread, several mommies recommended ergo, beco..etc.. you may like to check o ut the thread..
Dun be sad on the gender. I'm one of those hoping for a ger but ended up with a boy. Though disappointed on the day I knew about it, but it will quickly fade..no matter it's a he or she...just imagine a bouncing healthy baby looking at you after birth and all other issues become immaterial!

I'm also experiencing some pull n pain at the bottom of the tummy, gynae says it's normal n would set in earlier for mummies with weakened pelvic muscles especially the 2nd/3rd time mummies...can only avoid standing for too long n also be more diligent in the kegels
Ms Tan> Sarong carrier the weight will not be balance and over long term you will get shoulder problem. Aprica combi brand front back carrier nobody ever tested here cannot comment but many has used ergo and beco here. I am a supporter of beco butterfly and the price is abt the same as the price you just mention abt $200 so if you wanna pay that kind of price might as well use something reliable.
odiey, tks for the info on the robinsons sale. think I will wait for isetan sale this week since I already miss the member sale.

Btw, for isetan sale this Fri, is it at all isetan? Haven't been to private sale for a long time already and thinking of going to the one at Parkway instead of Orchard as nearer to me. Tks!
miumiu, don't be too upset abt the comments. As long as bb is healthy, that is all that matters.

imie, which cot did you get at mothercare? We are also thinking of buying ours at mothercare. Shortlisted the bordeaux cot and going back this weekend with our parents to confirm. Where are you getting baby furniture from? We are thinking of Casa Kidi after seeing them at bb fair the other day.

enidmummy, I also haven't put on weight and tummy quite small (in fact, still have lost 1kg up to now) . I am also getting worried especially since my gynae doesn't measure actual weight of bb and just tells us bb is in 50/60 percentile. But he says it is normal and ok so I just trust him.
Yupyup.. don't mind the comments.. so insensitive!
Hang in there.. they will change when baby is out.. girls are so much more treasured nowadays.
silvery_gal, you are not alone! I am also starting to collect info! Hee... But I never tried any of them personally so maybe other mummies can recommend.

Think most popular is sweetest moments. Then there is le precious, baby bliss, sweet surprise, gobi, choz, melrose, kyo, bengawan solo, cedele etc...
hi Smoke,
You are Alan's wife right?
We actually knew each other at Lynn's wedding. I was one of Lynn's jie mei. Alan was Alson's xiong di.That was some years back. Now im preggie with my 2nd princess =)
Detail scan was ok. I was just enjoying looking at the details of my baby lor, when the sonographer labelled the different parts etc.
Everything went well.

You are expecting twins right? How is everything for you? And the babies? Im sure your detail scan experience is different from ours. hee..

Tomorrow is the actual day of my #1's birthday. She will turn 2 yrs old! Weekends celebrated for her liao. But i still feel weird not spending the actual day with her. i dun tink i can apply leave, due to work deadline. A bit sad n moodless to work now. =(
Ethan_Ethel: do they customise for bb full mth? i thought they only selling... never try b4.

starrie: ya, sweetest moments very popular. I think choz too, as many celebrities ordered from them b4. I googled babybliss n sweet surprise but find it too unique for my liking! **me too o biang**
Thank U Lotusmun & Leo bb

Will check the brand out. Ya.. Sometimes mus see reliable brand anot.. I saw Tollyjoy also come with similar design at carrfour and guess what is below $60 ! So hubby n I quite skeptical if the carrier will break anot :p as the price is like 3 times cheaper.. another hand,i also worry if spend so much in the end baby doesnt like to use .
1xMummyJesline: yea yea Alan's wife. Yup having twins..2 little princess!! so excited about it.

Wah..i really saluate you and all the mummies who can handle a terrible two kid and being preggy at the same time.

As for baby 1st month => i also looking around already. Was thinking of sweetest moments and bengawan solo (this is for those older generation because my mum say older pple prefer round cake and red eggs) But after trying 12 cupcakes last friday, i m thinking of getting those too, they are really super nice!!!
I've used ecreative for #1, package got choc fudge cake, fruit tarts , ang ku kueh n red eggs. I thot thats suitable for everyone.. I used pine garden for #1 first year bdae, ordered cake n cupcakes. They do taste nice but I think they belong to the more traditional taste category. Thus for #2, thinking of trying something different, 12 cupcakes tastes yummy n they have more exciting flavors I think. Plus the customised designs looked cute too! Now decision is more on how many should I give each guest/colleague...
I used bengawan solo for no.1 full month cos more convenient...just vouchers for colleagues and strawberry cheese cakes plus red eggs for relatives..
This time round, I'm really tempted to get the 12 cupcakes given that so many mommies are recommending it and no more colleagues... However, I ve yet to try that... swa gu
i used bengawan solo for #1 also. Cos last time the full month happened in Jun! School holidays! Sure a lot of ppl not in office. So dun want to waste the cake. Most likely this time round will also do the same lor. More convenient also. I also have a celebration for relatives and close friends at home. They can help themselves to the red eggs and ang ku kuehs at my house.
I used Bengawan solo vouchers for my girl's first month too. But this was for colleagues only. Same as cheekyduckie, we had a buffet at home for relatives. No cakes vouchers for them. =P

Hi Smoke,
I think i salute you more. Having two in the tummy, is no easy feat! Excited for you. Yay two princesses!
Im already imagining the two girls "shaking hands" with each other in a tummy already! Of course they will surely fight for space later on. Then you get their hands and legs all over your tummy. Have fun for the rest of ya pregnancy! Its a meaningful life time experience!

Hmm.. we did not really planned a baby this way to coincide with a terrible two at home. But its a gift from God, so we will trust in His timing.
It's up to individual budget whether to hv buffet n gib cakes. For me, I gave cakes to relatives as well as buffet. For frds, no cakes but buffet..
yah... i guess really up to individual preference. My mother was telling me, if invite them for buffet, den no need to give cake. My MIL say both. So i also dunno. I made red eggs, bought ang ku kuehs to top up the buffet lor. If they want they eat on the spot, if not they can bring home also lar. The cake voucher only give to those who never come for buffet. Same for friends.
As long as everyone at home is happy with the arrangements, anything goes. We bought extra cake vouchers too. Just in case those picky/nasty relatives insisted on the cakes lor. End up we had so much extra vouchers, we consolidated all of them, and exchanged for someone's birthday cake and a lot of other goodies later on.
Anyway, I think it's good to start thinking about the full month celebration now when we are free. Come up with draft guest list etc. Cos after delivery, might not be very free to do all these anymore. Some parents are just overwhelmed by the stuff to do for the new baby. Good to discuss with parents and in-laws how they want things done also. And whether or not there's any traditional items/things that needs to be bought/done/etc.

Most buffet caterers will take orders about 3 - 5 days in advanced, traditional cake sets about 3 days to a week, bengawan solo vouchers easiest of course (just call up the branch to make sure they have the number of vouchers and can collect on the spot). Some parents have no space at home, so book restaurant outside, will need extra time to source and confirm booking including # of guests. Parents with no space at home, to start planning for booking of function rooms/spaces etc.
I'm still thinking if i wanna bake for the celebration.. Hopefully i have the time and the energy.

I did these for my Gf recently. Not difficult, just time consuming. hee..

a warm hello (actually a cold hello) from montreal!! *big wave*

how did the big dinner go? wow no time to go look at all the posts. hope everyone and every baby is doing well!
*wave* to mtb here.

just ignore what others' comment on the gender. most importantly is the health of the bb. i hope for a gal 'cos gal is much easier to handle than boy. but, end up, it's a boy. i heard a few cases that the actual bb's gender when born was different from the scan results. for me, though it's a boy, i have to worry about the health of the bb 'cos of the detailed scan results i had. and end up, i can't deliver at TMC, but at KK; and got to worry till the bb is born or even for the entire life.
So, cheer up. be a happy mtb.

sling vs carrier
i used MIM sling, ergo and bb bjorn carriers. when bb is not so heavy duty, sling is better choice. 'cos bb can sleep in the sling when we bring them out. when bb is small, it's better to let them lie as flat as possible instead of in upright position, IMO. Also, sling is not as bulky as carrier. It can be used to cover your body when you bf the bb.

bb bjorn is not as comfy as ergo for bb and mummy as ergo has thicker cushion and have better support for mummy. but, ergo should be used when bb is around 6 months or older as the bottom part is wider. smaller baby might be difficult to take it. and ergo can take up to 18kg if I am not wrong.
Eliz: u r just like my elder sis! she love doing cupcakes. initially my bb full mth gift cakes will be done by my sis. but recently i told her to look for boxes to put cupcakes, ang ku kueh n red eggs very difficult. spend $$ simpler for me!
And i think by then, u will be too tired to do.

pinkbunny: then a warm hello from me to U! hope u r enjoying yourself!
Eliz - u same like me! hehee..love to bake! Infact its my sideline biz baking cupcakes, birthday cakes, wedding cakes etc also hehe but stopped taking orders for the meantime since preggy. Dont want to tire myself out. And I think I'll end up ordering from Sweetest Moment for baby's 1 month celebration.

Anyone tried Sweetest Moment? Ok or not?
Andreanie: I ordered Sweetest Moment cupcakes for #1 1st birthday earlier this year. Very nice and pretty. But, the icing and deco are just too sweet to be eaten. The full month box set items are very standard though. They will do free delivery to 1 place. Then u gotta deliver the rest yourself. That's why i never get them for 1st month. Too much work.
Baby Carriers: My comments same as Sunny.
Sling good when baby is small and light. Cos the weight is on 1 shoulder. Generally bad for long term use. Dads in general do not like slings. I only used this for a few times. Cos I am just bad at manipulating the cloth. Can never seem to get it right. And #1 was born quite tiny, so the cloth is like always covering her face when she is inside. =P

Bjorn ok for small babies. Weight limit to about 12kg. Feedback i heard was that baby gets hung by the crotch due to the narrow bottom. So bad for bb's posture and spine. My #1 loves to be hung forward facing!

Ergo good for heavy babies, can carry up to 25kg depending on what model you get. Wide base, means baby gets to sit inside instead of getting dangled by the crotch. Good for mummies and daddies cos comes with waist strap and support. I love piggy backing #1 in this. Although she simply hated it. Think by the time i got my Ergo, she outgrew the wanting to be tied down part. haha... Shall use this for #2!
Eliz and andreanie, I like to bake too! But doubt as good as you two!

CheekyDuckie, tks for feedback in sweetest moments. Everyone seems to give rave reviews but I was concerned abt icing being too sweet. Btw, think sweetest moments also does vouchers now but not for their standard package. You might want to check it out as alternative to bengawan.
I'm very particular about carrying posture, that is, not open legs carrying before 1 year old!!! like horse saddled on the hip. I always carry with legs closed.

I used MIM sling and pocket sling, pocket sling is easier to manage for those who are new to sling. MIM sling, you need some "practise" in front of mirror to get the hang of adjusting it.

I've just ordered a pocket sling from eBay, getting another one under pupsik locally.

I've used ergo for my girl when she was older, agree that it balanced the weight on your shoulders. There is the new born insert if you intend to use from birth.
Starrie: yes. Sweetest Moments also got vouchers! I got 1 from my friend recently. Must call to arrange for delivery of the item. Troublesome lar. To self collect even more troublesome.

Bengawan solo easier for most, can consolidate and go exchange for stuff that i want to eat! hahahahaha... But cannot exchange for new year goodies during CNY, other periods can.
Aiya, must give honest feedback! When all my friends and relatives saw the Sweetest Moments cupcakes, all gave super fantastic reviews also lor! So nice!!!! But after they eat, all complain! The icing is practically inedible! And some designs got quite a lot of cream. So nice to see only. The cupcake with all icing and cream removed tasted normal.

Anyway, Bengawan solo is not halal certified! So if you are intending to get vouchers/cakes for your muslim colleagues/friends, you might want to consider other places.

MEinMe: I will try hard to work on my slings again this time! hahahaha... I have 2 normal ring slings and 1 pocket sling! haha... Super Kiasu lor! Buy in different colors to match clothes. End up, also never use. Hopefully this time round baby supposedly bigger, will be easier lar. My 2.7kg #1 is really really puny in the sling. Use hand carry can liao.
Just to share what I've ordered from eBay last week:
1) pocket sling http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200686952358
2) nursing shawl as my friend has advised that it's better to get a pocho like cover than the usual nursing cover, can double up as blanket: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200686952106

I cheapo, I did domestic shipping to Borderlinx sicne I've shipment pending there. The shipping from Borderlinx to Singapore is only 0.33kg, that is US2+!!!!

CheekyDuckie - Bengawan Solo not halal certified but its only kuih, I think should be fine. Cos my family always buys from Bengawan Solo. Actually alot of Malays buy from them too hehee...
CheekyDuckie, troublesome to arrange for delivery? I thought it seems quite easy but maybe only for those non working...

And yea, I agree must give honest feedback! Been looking for honest feedback! Hee... Now I can strike sweetest moments out as I don't want too sweet cupcakes. Back to the drawing board! Lol
Btw for those looking for boxes to package your home made items for 1st month, can google life's moments. Think they sell empty boxes and comes with the announcement cards too. I was thinking of DIY using these boxes but figured might be too troublesome.

Guess I'll bake my own then! Better to bake something that is edible rather than something too sweet and no one wants to eat!
