(2012/04) Apr 2012

mine are not BN but hardly used

how come prenatal depression! what happened!

insomnia again..... 3.40am :S

Yah, imie, what happened? Glad you sought help!

I've been obsessing about buying another new stroller even though I have 2 already. I want to replace the 4.5 year old Capella we own with a maclaren quest. Cos I want a light equiv that my 4 year old can sit in without the stroller creaking away. But so sad, hubby keeps vetoing! Says we don't need as Capella, though worn and creaky, hasn't collapsed! Maybe have to wait till next year's taka baby fair! No sale now.
Hi Everyone

I'm a first time mum also due in Apr 2012. Have been a silent reader on this forum on and off.

My colleague just shared with me a video about the 5 sounds a newborn (0-3mths) makes. Apparently all babies make the same sounds. For eg. when the baby makes a 'neh' sound, it means baby is hungry.

The video is quite long at 15 mins but I think it does make logical sense. So I thought of sharing this with all of you.


Hope it'll be helpful.

Congratulations to all Mummies!

I am from the October 2011 thread and have already given birth.

I have the following for sale:

(1) Medela Mini Electric Plus (Dual Pump) with a stylish breastpump bag that comes with a cooler bag. Bought on 11/09/2011 and is still under warranty. Selling for $199 only. Self-collect.
(2) Medela Mini Electric (Single Pump) Breastpump. Selling for $50 only. Self-collect.

Interested, please pm me or call me @ 8222 1001. First come first serve only. Thanks.

Wishing all a smooth delivery.
Imie.. u had prenatal depression? What happen? pls take care. so shiok to be on hospitalization leave.. can rest and rest.. i used up 1/2 of my mc.. still can take a few =p

MeinME.. wat's bumwear?? BTW, i don't rem i did a detailed scan in last trim to estimate the size of bb.. I used mustela initial but switch to california bb =) i just luv the small of the california bb.. overall mustele, not bad too.
Imie, take 1 step at a time, do not rush through, you'll be fine.

pinkbunny, my girl was using it since week3 for day, I swear by it. The nappyliners will do the job.

Haru, my friend told me is pretty new as her nappy do not like it, I need to see the actual than update you, pretty sure is not BN, not washed.

EL, Maclaren weight limit is 15kg, do consider that in mind.

Anise, Bumwear is a environmental friendly, economical washable diaper. Here's the link for your information. http://www.bumwear.com/shopping/clothdiaper/catalog.php?category=2
Just had my detailed scan, confirmed to be another boy! Well, the money I saved for gers shopping will go to more stuff for #1 then, since both boys get to share them eventually ...muhaha
Hi mummies!

Been really busy the past few weeks and didnt have a chance to log in! Had my detailed scan the week before and it's a boy!

Being a first time mummy and seeing that so many mummies are already stocking up makes me abit worried haha! I have bought nothing so far =X

Is it ok if I asked to be added to the FB group? =p
Hi ladies. Hope you had a good weekend.

Posting this here instead of fb so everyone can share this info.

For those going to use Gleneagles and haven't done your pre-registration, might consider doing it asap. Coz there is a confimed price increase going to take effect from 26th Dec. The current prices are only valid for any pre-registration done prior to that.

Also, if you are considering using the medela freestyle pump, might want to buy earlier coz think there is a price increase from Jan. I am buying from the spree from Tan Leng Leng and she posted this info on her thread.
smallpea, please PM Cheekyduckie your email to add you to FB private group.

Starrie, thanks for the information. I'm going for my review this Sat. Isn't it too early to do pre-registration now?

It does seem a little early but if you have confirmed using Gleneagles, then might as well do it now to save on price increase. No point paying more for same service and can save the money to spend on bb.

My gynae also does the pre-registration after 27/28 weeks but since my friend told me of the price increase, I checked with him and he confirmed it so we asked to do the pre-registration now and he was ok with it.

Also, when I went to do the pre-registration directly at the counter, I heard from the counter staff that many people are booking now to avoid price increase. So might not be that early after all...
Thanks Starrie, however, I'm 1 of the late bloomers in this thread, only 22 weeks this Sat. Anyway, I'll ask since I'll be there.
ahNah... i wanted to name my boy "Dalton". but then we're having a girl so we're gonna name her "Desiree"

Has to start with 'D' lah cos both my hubby and I have names starting with D.

Just a suggestion!
MEinMe... me too a late bloomer here.. 22 weeks tmr!!! ^5

what's your lil bean's gender?

hey any mommies bought the stroller yet?

Yea I think no harm just asking. I don't think they will stop you from booking. After all, they are the ones making the money.
LitteDd, high chance is a boy from the 14 and 18 weeks scan at gynae's clinic. Doing my detailed scan this Fri to double confirmed.

Naming is a challenging chore for us this time!!! I'm A, HB is W, my 2 dogs (boys) also started with W and A, my girl is A, therefore, this one will be W. My girl has wanted to name her meimei Wicky or didi Wacky!!! I've thought of the name Wish. Not much choices for W. I may just do with Will or Wilson (son of William).

This time, I have sort of set my mind on Quinny Zapp Etra, will wait for the new color next year to decide.
smallpea: i will be delivering at Mt A!

LittleDd: yup bought stroller during John Little expo sale

Me n hubby started thinking of names when i just tested pregnant. Only chinese name is long confirmed, as for english we recently changed to Jovelle instead of Valerie
MEinME.. or you can name your son AndreW. Start with A like you end with W like your hubby mah.

Nice also! Hahaha!

Quinny quite small right? But looks nice though.. any comments on Pikko?
haha, did not spent much on a stroller, got a capella 707.

i think u need to settle on which brand u prefer/trust. easier, if not too many brands in the market. And also ur budget.
LittleDd, cannot, my boss's name is Andrew!! A is for my girl, cannot do another A, not "fair" to papa aka HB.

You may consider to go Kaki Bukit, Baby Hyperstore to try out the different brands and models to decide. I've used Maclaren for my no.1, from XT model to Volo. I like the easy, 1-hand open and close mechanism. I prefers sturdy design and hardy design. Quinny a bit chiam to operate, need to take out the seat then close or assemble.
Meinme> Quinny has one model that is very easy to operate you should ask the hyperstore staff or the takashimaya staff. Hyperstore put their stuff to sell at taka but does not display all so what you can do is go hyperstore see. then wait for taka sale and order the model u want thru taka staff. I got mine that way and gotten additional 10% off.
Leo, I think is senzz or something, will be similar to Maclaren structure. I want Quinny for the super compact closure. My car small 1.5cc, I need the booth space. kekeke
Starrie, meinme: my clinic told me of the price increase & prepared all the forms for me to do the Pre-registration
so, I have done the pre registration last week. I just have to pay the deposit & submit the gynae package receipt upon admittance.
Silvery_gal: Hi 5!

Have any mummies attended any prenatal class? Any recommendations?

I think im abit late =X

littleDd and meinme: Im a late bloomer too! Just turned 22 weeks today =)
Hi smallpea ,
I am also thinking to attend prenatal class. It is essential for new parents like us.. Actually, is not late lah to attend now.. i heard is ideal to attend after 20 weeks mah...
I am in my 23 weeks now. Tmr i am going to Mt A hospital tour after my gynea appointment.. will check it out from them see if still have slots for me to attend the course.
Hi Ms Tan =)

Are you delivering at mount A too?

I just checked out the prenatal class info on the mount A website. They mentioned that we can start at 24 weeks. So phew!

I read that it is cheaper for mothers who are delivering at mount A, does that mean we have to register at the hospital before registering for the class?
hi all. thx for the concern. my depression is nothing to worry abt. baby is doing fine. its just that with the pregnancy, hormones n all. i get super sensitive. i tend to kp it to myself when sumting unpleasant happens, esp work related stuffs, and when i get home i cry nonstop to myself, s time passes by i hate gg to work, and soon aft i get emotional n tend to think of unpleasant stuff. i tot the emotional baggage was too much to handle so i went to see my gynae. im not on hosp leave yet, but my MC started since last monday till 27th dec.. its bn great resting n not thinking of too many things =)
anyone booked for anenatal class yet..? i got too much time on hand now, so ive already booked postnatal massage, childbirth prep w/Ms Wong Bo Boi... heee..

So I was wondering also when we can start booking wh hosp we wanna deliver at, isit that gynae will let us know when its time to? Im at 24weeks btw.
i'm currently attending classes by thomson with mrs wong. not too bad. but i tink shld attend earlier. the 1st 2 classes is on prenatal stuff. they will teach prenatal massage techniques that the husband can do for the wife to relief pain. and also prenatal exercises, but if u attend prenatal yoga, then this lesson not very useful, cause its the same as prenatal yoga. but u mite not remmeber hte moves, cause she will jus go thru it in 1 lesson. these classes are more for prenatal, and can be done in the after 1st trim. if go too late in the pregnancy, then the 1st 2 classes will be quite wasted, cause gg to deliver, then not much chance to use it. and hte exercise shld start earlier as well.

of cause other parts of the classes will teach how to take care of babies. she will give each couple 1 dummy baby to practice.
MeinMe.. if you have the spare bumwear, can sell me.. hopefully got the solid color for girl

smallpea.. i am delivering at mount A =) I think i should submit the form.. receive long ago but too lazy and keep forgetting.. haha

Today is the start of robinson private sale.. anyone going?? i think of going tomolo.. just feel like taking a break and go jalan jalan.. anyone wanna join me.. From next week onwards, my lil girl will be attending preschool.. having some mix feeling.. somehow she going to start her study life..
dink, thanks, I'll do it this sat when I go for my review.

anise, I need to clarify, she told me is pretty new but I do not know how new can it be till I see it. Yes, I've told her to pass me the 3 sets of girl color that she has. I'll update you. Each set is clearing at $15 with 2 inserts, is a damn deal, that set BN would have costed $40+.

Ginger, how come you attending at TMC? thought you'll be delivering at GE? Yes, I need to agree that Mrs Wong is good, she has helped me lots when I have problem breastfeeding, GE sucks on that part.
hi MTB

Sorry to interrupt here. I've just given birth and there're some items which I'm selling. Pls PM me for photos/details if interested. Thank you.

1) Pre-loved Medela Freestyle pump - US set w/o warranty. Used 3 times only. Letting go as I've no milk. (RP $460, Selling @$400) Giving away a BN box of Pigeon breastpad 72 pcs with purchase.

2. BN Confinement shampoo & shower gel (RP $40, Selling @$30)

3. BN Soothing bottom spray (RP $25, Selling @$15) -> helps recovery of our stitches below faster

4. BN Maternity pads - Kotex & Pureen bundle set (RP $15, Selling @$10) - giving away bottle of baby cord spirit with purchase
Pinkbunny, what does everyone do there after dark? The atmosphere must be quite nice with snow right?
Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt here. I have a good condition goodbaby twin stroller for sale. Condition is 9/10, no stain and used for only 2 months for weekend use. Selling away as my elder child doesn't want to sit on stroller much. Selling at $199 (bought at $310), red in colour, delivery can be arranged at $10. Features of the stroller as follow:
- Net Weight: 9.85KGS
- Small volume after folding
- With shoulder strap
- With cup holder for mother
- with cup holder for baby
- Removable front armrest
- With big storage basket
- Maximum weight of a child: 15kgs each seat
-Multiple reclining positions.

I am unable to load a picture here but please contact me at 8128 5340 if u like to see the pic or to deal. Thanks
I'm currently attending Mrs Wong's prenatal class as well, last session ending end of the year. She has been v detailed and has a wicked sense of humour, I think most couples enjoy her lessons

Those not giving birth in TMC can enroll too.
meinme> yeah..i delivering in ge.. but went for thomson one.. haha cause i heard she's good.. so i jus went for hers lor.. see u this sat!! i'll be asking bout the pre-registration ting as well!
anise, I might be going Robinsons sale later. Thinking of getting Avent steriliser set as seems quite good offer.

gingerbreadger and kinky_mummy, which Mrs Wong's class are you attending? I am also currently attending her class at AMK on Sat. I also think that going earlier is better so you can also know what things you need to get especially for 1st time mummies who are not sure what to buy. But her classes are quite fully booked as she is known to be quite good so must book early.
Nice name!

Hubby and I have decided Keagan for #2
#1 is Megan. If planned properly, i would have spelt it as "Meagan" instead. hahaa.
eliz, regarding naming of baby, we also kind of decided a name too!

#1 - Kyan
#2 - Kylie

but still headache on the chinese name, probably will name after she is born
gingerbreadger, I am attending 4.30pm class.

Wow... now all abt names! We are also looking around and trying to decide! I am also headache on chinese name and might just decide to get someone to calculate once bb is born. After all, pple say it is better for bb and also saves me the trouble! Hee...

Ni, we are naming our babies starting with K too!

Cos hubby and I both have names starting with K. Our common friends call me K1 and my hubby K2. So our boy will be K3! Haha.

We shortlisted Kyan too! But later on agreed on another name. It was hard choosing a name for boy. We had the girl's name from before we got married! Hopefully will get to use it in the next few years!
