(2012/04) Apr 2012

I'm back from my shopping/eating/massage trip!!! Anyone missed me? Bangkok was great!!! Didn't get a lot for my girls (but got a really cute matching set that they can use for CNY 2013 haha) but surprisingly a lot for myself. And foot massage everyday. Shiiiiiok

Can't write much cos I fly off tomorrow for long haul trip and haven't event packed! But just want to share my 2 cents on sleeping:

For first couple of days our baby slept in her cot in her room with CL. Then I realised CL didn't wake me to BF baby in the night and gave formula instead so I brought her back to sleep in our room, sometimes in our bed, sometimes in the playpen. That continued for a few months even though she slept thru at 6 weeks.

Then we tried to move her to her own room but she would cry and cry. And cos our hearts were made of tofu, we gave in. At one point, even dragged our queensized mattress into her room to sleep on the floor!

Then at about 1 plus or 2 she became ok to sleep in her big girl bed (the princessy looking one from ikea. A normal single bed, not kiddy bed) without rails or safety guards. No more cot from about 1 plus cos she could climb out of it!

But we had to lie there with her until she got super drowsy and then leave. But the prob with that was that we were so tired that we often fell asleep there. Only when she was 3 that we decided to really be firm and train her to sleep on her own. We'd read like always, and sing, then tell her "I'll sit right here till you fall asleep but I won't lie on the bed with you".

So started off by sitting next to her bed and with every night, inch closer and closer to the door. No talking or anything. After a week we were out of the room. A big step but we were stagnant there for a long time. She was ok for us to "sit right by door" but would come out often to check if we were there. Sometimes would wake up in the night and panic cos we were not there so come to our room and we'd have to put her to bed and stay with her.

But it's all paid off. She started waking less in the night and now she either falls back asleep on her own or comes to me (once or twice a night) and I walk her back, kiss her and maybe sing one song and she's happy.

Sleep training is VERY tiring and requires A LOT of patience. But worth it. I'm glad we started now. Didn't want it to coincide with the arrival of the baby (I.e "baby comes and you don't want me?")

Hope this helps!
Hi ladies!

Tks to CheekyDuckie for adding me to fb.

Not sure where to start as I am a 1st time mummy and topic seems to be abt how to get 1st kid to sleep by themselves...

Maybe start with something simple...

Just wanted to check if anyone wants to go for TMC maternity tour this Sat 10th as I would be cancelling my appt as we have decided not to use TMC. I know hospital tours on Sat are now fully booked till mid Jan for Sat so wanted to see if anyone is interested to take over me. Else I will just cancel it.
Isetan private sale starts on 16 Dec

Wah pinkbunny ..u gng travelling ah ? Enjoy ur holiday!

Baby position : tink is too early now am I right? Most baby is in breech position at 5mths ..tink tey will rotate at later months bah .. Gynea will tell us in every visit so we need not to worry at tis stage yet I guess.
is anyone like me, falling asleep in office?

for my 2 yo girl, i haven't let her sleep in a separate room yet. cos i dont bear to see her so lonely in a room! haha.. i'll wait till she is older (or when we shifted to our new house in 2013). cos i love to wake up with her snuggling close to me or just to see her sleeping angelic face next to me. hee
Came back from robinsons sale.. Bought a doll and crayons and markers for my girl, supplement s and clarins anti stretchmark cream and scrub.. Anyone tried the stretchmark cream other than the tonic oil?
hmmm, I thought they laying face up? I always see my tummy round on my right then smaller on the left and movement is always on the left.

Lotusmum, I queue an hour to pay!!! Today is panties shopping!!! minis, boxers, 2 sets of tie-string top & bottom for the little one, 2 pairs of Itti Otto shoes, 2 scarf sets for myself.

I used the oil, never try the cream, today on offer? 30%?
Woah... The queue is so long? I paid at around 1230..I walked around even to the men's department for a shorter queue... must be very tiring for you to stand in the queue..
Anyway, no 30% for clarins but less $20 for $200 purchase on cosmetic..
I just tried the cream.. Not oily but rich and smells good.. :) the counter staff asked me to use the oil at night and cream during daytime.. As my tummy is starting to itch and my hb said that the stretchmark is showing, so a bit kiasu, hopefully will lighten it..
most kid will start around 10-12mths.

I would not advise you to get shoes too early, the shoes are just for show, no actual walking. I would advise to stock up on socks, that is what that keep them warm. My girl at 5, still wears socks to sleep!!!!

Invest in a good pair of pre-walker shoes, get the appropriate fit, not over-sized.
During my detailed scan, my baby was still in breech position. Hopefully will turn around soon.

Silvery_gal- actually I didn't let my kids wear shoes until they can actually do some assisted walking (i.e. holding onto us) outdoors when they are close to 1 year old. No shoes indoors at all. I read before that bare naked feet is best when they are learning walking so they can feel the ground and feet can flex properly.
Silvery_Gal: No shoes for my girl until she started walking. Around 1 YO. When she first started to walk, I try to let her walk barefooted, so that she can feel the ground well and learn faster. When she is slightly more stable, then i started her on Pedipeds Originals.
She is 19mths now, and walking/running very confidently.

Any form of shoes before they start walking is just for decorative purposes. She was barefooted most of the time before she could walk. At most some fanciful socks.
ok, noted. thanxs!

odiey: i KS, bought my sterilizer during that philips sale. very soon they have this new one, which i think is so much better (nicer)... not round round which take up more space!! urgh!!!
Yah the new model takes up lesser space but yet to be tried and tested. So not sure if it works well. My old avent steriliser all lasted me for only 1 yr. Changed 2 already. My hubby has no confidence in Philips pdts coz all our philips electrical appliances don't last. So crossed fingers. A bit KS to buy now too coz which means the warranty will be 1 yr fr now? But the price is too good to resist ;p

How much is the steriliser? Looking to get the Avent one but not sure when to buy. It can be used with other bottles right? Coz thinking of getting NUK glass bottles. Tks!

I got it at $135 member price. Usual is $155. There's 2x125ml btl and 2x250ml btl.

Avent pdts at 25% disc and NUK at 30%.
Oh, it's stated that u can put narrow or wide bottles as it's just a rectangular basket. More versatile than the old one.
yup yup went to bkk with 2 other mummy friends. no husbands/kids :D :D :D foot massage everyday. shiok. no flood. central bkk is safe. chatuchak re open liao.

ms tan
yup leaving tomorrow night for about 1 month to canada!

read somewhere that shoes are not only unncessary before they learn how to walk, but also could affect growth of feet. socks are the best
welcome back pinkbunny, and enjoy ur 1 month Canada trip! have fun!

odiey i bought the new design for avent sterilizer but i got no free bottles leh, some free pacifiers (that they gave me in blue and green leh, anybody wants???!!)
ni, let me check what I got, maybe we can exchange. Me no pacifier person, most likely to give away.

The old round design is made in UK while the new rectangle design is made in Turkey.
Yo yo mummies, long time din login ..

went for DS on mon ... bb weight quite small compare to mine 1st one ... weighin only 357g , sad to say again posterior low lying placenta ... haiz ... gynea gave up cos for mine first one, is low throughout and have to c-sect @ week 36 ...

ya i agreed socks the best, mine first one wear socks everyday till 16 months ... keep them warm too
Dolphin - im having low posterior placenta too at this point (22 weeks). But can I ask why your first c-section has to be done on week 36?
Got mine fr the private sale at Robinsons. Think different sale will have different bundles. U managed to get a gd price?
Andreanie: Because he covering the whole opening, mine gynea worry i got further complications, i did seek for 2nd opinion at KKH, KKH too advise me the same thing ... mine placenta has to come out first before bb does ...
Ladies, just a reminder to those expecting princesses, please do not wear those pretty, sweet head band on the head for long, just wear to take picture then take out. I got big time scolding from Mrs Wong when I did that for my girl then!!! The tying is constraining brain developement at the tender stage. I've insisted that is loose, still I got it from her!!!
MeiINmei, how about those cotton baby hat/cap? I notice some are fit jus nice because tey don come in sizes for newborn.. If our bb happen to hav slightly bigger head at birth still can let them wear?
Im going for my detail scan later at 3.10pm today! Excited to see baby again after so long.
I will then know if its a princess or prince.
But i have a feeling its another princess for me.. cos i feel as if my #1 still inside my tummy again. wierd. Meaning doesnt feel any difference for my 2nd pregnancy this time! hee..

But I dun mind, can pass down all the clothes and i can just concentrate on dressing them up. =)
Have a nice day all!
My gal hated the headband and would always pull it off! she loves sunhats now though.
Pink / Ms Tan, got to be loose loose. I supposed the tying kind of restrict blood circulation.

Last time don't have such nice, sweetie headbands. Since I every make bow top-knot bows for my boys aka dogs, I bought the plain bands and made different colors/ designs bow to button on according to outfit or theme!!!
Dolphin - sounds like what im having now. Gynae said my placenta is covering the opening of my cervix and he asked to wait for 32 weeks scan to see if it has moved away. So he told me to mentally just get ready that a c-section is possible. If I have to deliver during 36 weeks, means it would be a March baby instead of April! *gulp*
Lotusmum, amazing, you are everywhere!!! SAHM?

BTW, did the sales assistant explained on how to use the Clarin oil? I read instruction is we need to apply then rinse off. Is this what she told you?
Hello all,

Been relatively quiet as friends were here to visit.

Mummies who r gg traveling, have a safe and fun trip!

Mummies who r gg for their scans and drs visit, have fun seeing the little one/s.

Btw, need advice on bb carriers .. Which is better ergobaby or baby Bjorn?
I prefer Ergo to Bjorn. I have both. Hubby prefers Bjorn though. Easier for him to handle. But heard that Bjorn is not good for bb's posture. I personally prefer the Ergo. But cannot carry bb facing outwards. If you need something that can carry bb facing in and out, can try Beco. Didn't get Beco last time cos i was urgently looking for 1 and the supplier went out of stock.
Yes, me a sahm.. Just nice that my no.1 is with my in laws so I can go shop.. Better do all the shopping before no.2 pops...

No leh, the clarins counter staff didn't tell me anything about rinsing off.. I used the oil when I was expecting no.1, I didn't rinse off wor, I used it aT night and left it on till following morning..
I'm using ergo too, n I think it serves me well especially when traveling. I dun mind it can only face in wards as I get to see bb face easily..
bought the organic cotton one..
Lotusmum, no wonder. Good that you can do your shopping during the non-crowded time slots.

I used Ergo when my girl was much bigger cause I read it can take up to 12kg or so.

I used to sling her in the MIM sling and another pocket sling, talk about that, I need to get a size M sling as I've outgrown the S. kekeke. Any brand to recommend for pocket sling?
Thank u for yr welcome. My pregnancy had not been stable since I came back with positive result. Had been having bed rest n bad mood till now... I am really envy all mummies here...

Hope my bb can give me at least a good day to enjoy...

I'm watching Huan Zhu Ge Ge now... I feel so sad for Benjamin. :"( *Cries*

Im using MIM sling till my son gets too heavy for me. It really strain my shoulder as it is only supported by 1 side.

Oh Hi Tan!! Babydust to u
