(2012/04) Apr 2012

Hi silvery_gal,
yes after delivery we will be bleeding a lot.
The old type of pad is maternity pad. If you go see at KiddyPalace or Mothercare, they are thicker ones. Last time (before adhesive pads came along), they tie string around their waist to secure the pads. But now these maternity pads comes in adhesive. So can just stick to our panties. During #1 confinement, i wore disposable panties.
The bleeding can last as long as 1 mth, if im not wrong. Towards the end, then i changed to my usual pads.

Hi All,
Have been busy with work, so haven been chatting here.
My gynae visit is this Sat. Im looking forward as well then after that will go for a wedding lunch. Not sure when my detail scan will be arranged yet. I can feel movements too, but very soft ones. i should be in my 18th week liao.
Update yall again =)

Oh btw, ive seen many joining FB. Let me intro again: Im Jesline Yuyan in Facebook, nice to meet you!

Jia you, mummies!

Bbtwo, my edd 16 April. Same as urs??? Ya. I also paranoid when some times I can't feel movement. Try to think more positive ;)

By the way, I forgot if the hospital will provide maternity pads?? I think when admitted they give me one.
*bummer* no cd arh
can take video then?

wah.. i hvnt even bought any maternity cloths.. just got alot of harem & drawstring pants, no jeans... but i've shopped for bby bottles, bby basic clothings & etc. harharhar! super kanchiong..
imie..cannot take video in the room at all..not even photograph =( i was so sad that time...thought can record the video down for the NT scan..
Bbtwo. I m gg for mount A. Most likely will deliver early too based on #1 experience. I m guessing the Actual date to be 1st April! April fool!
silvery_gal: yeaps after delivery use maternity pads. the pads dun come with the dri weave cover. Cos will hurt the wound if u have one. Can buy the modern adhesive kind. The old Kotex loops kind no idea how to tie. NTUC, kiddy palace, mothercare can find. The books say maternity pads better, cos it doesn't conceal the smell like normal pads. So if got infection can tell quickly. Also, I like the plush cottony feel, (aka thicker), helps to cushion the wound. I am not a pad user, but, the maternity pads really helps during that period. Some ppl stop bleeding faster than others. Once the wound heal, can switch back to normal pads. But since i do not normally use pads, i just use the maternity ones thro out.
thanxs, must write down in my list b4 i forgot all abt it! n also disposable panties... lazy to keep washing esp if it is w/o wings!!!

have been buying some baby stuffs bit by bit... yesterday went to IKEA and nearly bought a wardrobe for baby...
lilcactus, where's yours? mines at TMC, 2.30pm by Dr Chang.

bbtwo: me also 16th April! natural but thinking maybe mine will be early cos i underweight. haha.
Talk about list. I have a Baby List here which have served me well for my #1.
Its a Word file, i hope you all can see and save it for use. Can use the list as buying guide as well as for packing hospital bag comes April!!

<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Baby list
List - things to buy for bb.doc (28.7 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Not to worry, some ppl are just more sensitive to the movements, but movements at 12 weeks sound unbelievable if u ask me. Dun worry too much, your bb is doing fine inside. Must be happy ya!

which school are you sending your son next yr?

Re maternity pads, the hospital will provide one pack which you can bring the excess back. Thereafter I use the normal night flow pads with wings. Good enough for me.

TMC doesn't provide video for the detailed scan. Also cannot take video on our own. They will only provide some scan pics for you to take back. The rest will be printed and given to the gynae with all the measurements...
Hi girls
A bit of a worrying time for me. Clinic called re results of my blood test. Apparently I MAY have minor thalassemia. Funny, I never knew the word, and now I might have it. So hubby also got sent for the test. Just as we breathed out a sigh of relief, gynae drops the bomb. He's concerned about my level of risk for DS baby. 1 in 91. I'm only 33 years old and based on my age, should only be 1 in 1400 or something.

So he presented to options for checks, together with their rates of accuracy. There's the detailed scan which is 60% , triple test at 70, oscars at 80, and amnio at 100. Something like that. The only prob with amnio is that by doing the test, it itself presents a small chance of miscarriage. And it's super costly. $1k

Did some research and found there's sth called a genetic scan. Like a super detailed "detailed scan" which scans for abnormalities, specifically DS. So that's what we'll do at week 21.

4 more weeks of thumb twiddling. :S

But I'm scheduled for detailed scan at week 20 so maybe will get super all clear then?

pinkbunny> dont worry. i got frens who oni in their late 20s. blood test out was 1 out of 12 for DS. went for amnio test, turns out to be fine. so 1 in 91 still quite low. if u use calculator.. its a 1% chance..
Odiey. I enrolled my son for chiltern house next year. Fees are getting very expensive. For 3.5hours, it cost $1016. My hubby is cOmplaining!

Pinkbunny, don't worry. U will be fine. Pray! (whatever religion u are!) and talk to baby more! Try to relax during the waiting time! I know it's easier said than done thou!

Tangerinez, I am also 16 April edd! Where will u be delivering?
coriane: thanks.. I should avoid. Heard that"bak kut teh " soup hor some boil w that.. ?

Pinkbunny, how come u get ur result so late for the Oscar? So are u going to take the amnio test?Don worry too much. Talk to bb at night , pray that everything will b alright. My sis also get this result frm blood test in the end after the test, everything is fine.
1xMummyJeslin:.Thanks for the list..i think very useful ! By the way, my gynea also tell me mus bring the blood test&amp; Oscar test report along on delivery day. I didnt ask him why. Anyone know the reason ah ?
Ms Tan actually ba kut teh and kway chup all have..and outside tonic soup..but if in small quantity it's ok! =) not too heavy smell~

Pinkbunny..actually if u wanna do amnio it's better cos u can do it earlier rather than wait till 20 weeks! so u dont have to bear with this thing in your mind for so many weeks~~it may be ex but the results are accurate...just my thoughts...
but oscar has so many false results nowadays..! please do not worry so much..
Pink bunny: my hubby got talasimmia too... But when do my blood test all that...it's ok...

Dear all mummies, today tested that take mrt, people will still give up seats to preggy woman!!! Hahaha
Thank you everyone for consoling me. I was quite upset when talking to my cousin's wife. Felt like crying but I tahan. I tahan until the next morning haha.. when i think back, quite hilarious! cos we were all having breakfast and suddenly like thunder, i cry so badly.

i will talk more to baby to kick me. cant wait to receive my doppler tmr or saturday!
pinkbunny, I empathize with your worry. My Oscar test showed risk at 1:20! Then I opted for cvs cos couldn't take anxiety of waiting a few weeks for amnio. Even then, the 4-day wait for express results was filled w prayer n anxiety!

There's a detailed genetic scan/test done by a doc at Camden medical centre. Do a search on this forum you will find ppl's feedback n the clinic contact details. Is this the test you r referring to?
andreanie, I'm a 3rd time mummy n I'm in my 17th week n was just remarking to hubby seldom feel baby kicking. Maybe this one girl so gentler than my first two boys. Haha! Or maybe my surrounding fats cushion the kicks do I don't feel it that much! :p
hi ladies, my first post here... Edd on 8apr12.. having my no.2... and most likely 80% another princeess... Been trying to follow the thread but u gals are fast.. cant catch up..

pinkbunny.. dun worry too much. A good fren of me same case as you. the risk is high.. in the end, she gave birth to a very healthy cute boy.. =)
Coraine, huh.. last week i jus ate fish head curry ley! oh my god! I better go n read up wat dishes usually contains 'Dang Gui' ..
But really Thanks for highlighting that to me ..
I'm back to biscuits and water diet after vomitting my dinner as well just now...duhz.. Why is it always near the weekend then I suffer terriblely?!

Andreanie : don't worry too much... Ur baby will be fine even if don't kick more. If worry go polyclinic ask the doc check. They will use dogtone also.

Ms tan : take care of what u eat ah!

Anise : welcome to the forum
corraine: no video taking either?..ooh.. thats sad..

anise: we have the same edd =) whr u delivering? im at tmc.
oh btw really interesting facts abt maternity pads. cos some ppl was telling me u can still use the normal pad for night
Oh man, wk17 n still hv nausea when hungry or tired. Tried to sleep off nausea just now but didn't work so had instant noodles. Hot n spicy hit the spot! Sinful too. Gained 3kg in 3 wks! Hv to watch diet n eat healthier stuff. Guess I'm making up for the 6kg lost in first trimester :p
Gina : I think some of us still having ms still... Dunno isit our bodies not as strong as ppl in e past tts why cnt get used to it...I seeing doc later to take mc... Super lethargic sia... Vomitting is a chore...
Hi all, I'm new to the thread here. i'm now at 18 weeks.
-> Pinkbunny: I also have thalassemia minor (alpha). It is inherited from either of your parents. In my case, my mother has it. It is to do with with abnormality in the red blood cells. However, there is nothing to worry for your baby as long as your hubby does not have thalassemia. If your hubby has thalassemia, the combination of both you and your hubby's genes will cause baby to be at higher risk of abnormality.
good morning mummies! it's FRIDAY! on a high, not sure why haha... maybe today in casual dresscode, less stifling.

ni: i'm delivering at TMC. you?

coraine: bak kut teh, i think those white peppery ones don't have dang gui? only those dark soup ones have? just guessing.

pinkbunny: have faith ok... i'm also high risk for genetic abnormalities but i'm putting a lot of faith in the little one. amnio does has its risk but mostly if you stick to doc's instructions and minimize physical activity in the days following amnio then everything will be fine.

if your genetic scan is from Camden it will be great as the doc has an excellent reputation for such scans. jia you ok, everything will be fine.
good morning mummies! yeah its friday!

didnt sleep well last night due to a persistent cough. so i called my gynae office, wanting to bring forward my appt date! this damn nurse ask me why, i say i having a persistent cough for more than a month, she ask me to go see GP leh! they really good business wor, not hard up for my business! lol!

ended up they are only able to give me a slot for Monday! have to endure with my cough for another few days
Ni: Yes yes. Sick just see GP. No need go gynae. My hb also gan jiong like crazy when i was down with fever when i had #1. Go gynae, got scolded also. hahaha... After that i just go GP. Remind the doc if you are preg. They will give preg safe medicine. Which usually, is useless. cos too mild for anything. The medicine i got for my cough last month, was the same one the PD gave my toddler. =_=""
but i have already been to the GP for cough, the med he is giving is not working. thats why i was thinking of bringing forward my appt by a few days. who knows kenna the yaya papaya nurse!
Ni: Try to see the doc again, else see another doc. My cough was quite bad last month also. I went to 2 GPs. They insist i only take the mild med, only last resort no choice, then they give antibotics. So i really got no choice lor. Cough for whole month. Just eat lozenges, less cold water, no fried foods.
Then i got the Bei Xing drink from chinese med hall with the cough powder. Helps a lot. U go to any chinese med shop tell them u have cough, they will tell u what to get. I went to Hock Hwa Tonic. Drink like 3 bottles and the cough went down.
Hi ladies, I'm new to this forum (first time mummy). Currently into my 17 weeks and EDD is 23 april. Will be going for detailed scan early next month 8th Dec at TMC.

I was kind of lucky that I do not have any sickness during my pregnancy but the unfortunate thing is my doc say I have gained too much weight!!

So upset..I have always been normal weight and now have since gain 5kg. I never even eat a lot but dunno why the weight just keeps piling. Maybe I should start some light excerise like swimming...

I can smell the weekend...***happyz**
Ni &amp; cheekieduckie if ur phlegm is yellow that means its the very bad one do I would suggest take antibiotic which happen to me. I get fr Gynae feels more at ease to eat when fr them. After antibiotic the yellow phelgm still last for a while. But with sleep n lots lots of water I got better. The key is water n non cold non citric fruits gotto have more bowel discharge to get all the toxic out
Leo_baby: I also yellow phlegm. But i still refuse antibiotics. I just take the drink from the chinese med hall, cut cold water, citrus fruits, etc. Anyway, I really hate medicine. So might as well. The supplements for pregnancy already a lot for me to handle already. Dun want more. haha
i just finishing seeing the doctor.... what a rip off for the doctor at my hse downstairs. 5mins consultation + 1 day mc + a medicine which only hv 8 tablets cost me $30 buck! i was like how come so expensive, the nurse say include consultation, i said i was in there for less than 5mins, he was on the fone for more than 10mins lor...
morning mommies! TGIF!!! Just had kway chap for brekkie (again!).

gonna be busy preparing for my daughter's birthday tomorrow. can't believe she will be turning 3 already. how time flies..

swimming is great. i had alot more free time with my first pregnancy and I went swimming 2-3 times a weeks up till i was really close to due date. was really nice and relaxing. I am hoping to get back into my swimming but not easy juggling with work and a young child! barely have time to do my own stuff. =P
Moving office today, so will be off work at 3pm! yeah!
I'm also down with sore throat, running nose and a persistent cough. Cough so much that my throat is so painful! Asking my mum to make the nan xin bei xin drink for me. I usually don't take medicine when i'm sick coz i find that it's too mild to help anyway. Tried to gurgle salt water and it helps to soothe the sore throat. Also taking manuka honey. Both my kids are also down! sigh... This weekend is my hubby's company retreat to USS &amp; RWS one nite stay... can't enjoy liao...
oh dear...i can see many is down with cough and running nose. Think it is the flu season. Maybe should drink more honey with lemon, with lots of vit C. should be good. Take care everyone!

Hmmm... anti-biotics? I avoid coz my mum took it when she was pregnant with me and it affected my teeth. It was yellowish tinted and the dentist said it's due to anti-biotics taken when i'm in mummy's stomach... Dun want my kids to blame me next time hahaa...
