(2012/04) Apr 2012

LittleDd: Yeaps. U can find H&M Maternity @ the HK Central branch. 3 Floors. Maternity is on 3rd floor near the baby gers section. But now mostly winter collection. Nothing to buy. Will be too hot to wear here. Got a few sleeveless tanks. But limited colors. All the bb clothes also in winter mode. Nothing to buy again. Faintz. I just came back from there.

Tangerinez, TMC Fetal Assessment Centre does the 4D scans. Not sure how much it cost though. I never do. There's also option for 3D scans. Usually do in last tri when bb is fully formed, so that u can see bb clearly.

OMG... I am so tired from the trip. gonna zzz. Catch up with you again tomorrow. Shall weigh myself later in the morning. I think i lost weight again. Argg... But belly definitely a lot bigger!

Lol... I think because I'm tall, its really hard to see I'm preggy...yest I went for a big event and saw my ex unit people, they all say u preggy meh?! Can't see le! -.- my tummy bigger but how come not my adomen? Still haven't become 1 big lump le!!!
Nothing new. I am definitely looking very pregnant. Even so, sometimes no one bothered to give up seats. Good thing is if I take from Clementi in the morning, there are chaperons standing at the door asking ppl to move in, they even remind ppl to give up seat to pregnant woman ESP those at reserved seats. So usually I get a seat. Good service ya!

Welcome back! Must have walked a lot. How come lose weight? No appetite to feast? Rest well ya.
Odiey, you taking from Clementi? Me too. Yes, chaperons did ask for seats but I never once got a seat! Most of them are FT, I just take it that they don't know what is reserved seat. Sometimes, I need to 'compete' for a seat! Not all the time that I'll win though. I feel terrible of such behavior in Singapore, where has the heart goes? I intend to write to MP on this reserved seat issue.
No one gives me a seat on the bus,which I take more often than MRT.

Maybe at 5 mths I don't look preggy enough? My canteen lady just noticed yesterday that I am preggie!
Good morn..talking about seats in public transport.. buses n mrt ..I witness many times..even now that my tummy is showing already n look obviously pregnant..some ppl still pretend n don offer up their seats. Even when u stand right infront of them..however.. There are times I do meet kind souls who gave up seats to me so it really depends on our luck to see wat type of person we meet ..haiz.

Nowadays buses jerk suddenly.. U all notice that? Can b v dangerous u know !
yes ms tan, the new buses esp... i think there's something wrong with the mechanics of the bus. brake is sudden brake, and when they turn, everyone sways like no tomorrow. hate the new buses.
I think the bus drivers are not used to driving the new buses yet.
The problem with the new buses is that there are a lot fewer seats avail but I cannot argue with the fact that we do need such wheelchair accessible buses.
Ya lor.. Eliz, my hubby don hav car. I only take taxi when its a rainy day or I feel v tired. if not v exp to take taxi everyday frm now. Shall take taxi often when I m in later stage cos don wan to squeeze w other ppl in the bus.
You also take from Clementi? Next time I see a pregnant woman, I'll take note! hee.... do you always stand at the door just at the top of the escalator? Maybe it depends on the timing. I usually take the train before 8am and it's usually quite ok to get a seat. But then most of the times, I start my journey from Dover as i drop off my kids at mum's place then dad drop me off at Dover. From Dover, no way i can get a seat as the trains will be jam packed and i'll be stuck at the door!

I hate buses. Yes, they do jerk a lot. So for those who take bus, pls try to ask for a seat. Else very dangerous! As for wheelchair accessible bus, I've never seen any ppl on wheelchair taking buses lor.
I've encountered a few wheelchair bound passengers on my bus route before. The bus drivers have to get off the bus to help open up the slope mechanism for them to get on and off the bus from the back door. I've found the bus drivers all very helpful about it. The problem is more the other passengers on the bus. If the bus is crowded, they don't seem to know how to get out of the way of the wheelchair to allow the wheelchair to get into the right position (with back against the long cushion).
Oh... New mummies who just joined while i was away, drop me a PM with your FB email account and FB name, so that I can add u to our secret FB group. Ladies only!
After you are added to group, please hunt for the Intro thread and let us know you nick ok!

Public Transport
MRT is a nightmare. I think I still don't look very preggy, at most look fat ba. No one give me seats on train. Ppl even fight with me for seats. If I get angry, I will take a photo of them and post on FB lor! hahaha... Otherwise, i will "accidentally" step on them at every opportunity! I am not exactly very light lor. Most will just go back to falling asleep mode or just pretend to continue sleeping. If they dare to scold me, I will ask them to give up their seat to me lar. But so far, no one snapped at me yet. =P
Welcome back cheekyduckie! Enjoyed ur hk trip??

I was off frm work yday and today. Kinda feel abit bored already! And bcos #1 has been very naggy and sticky. Can't wait to send him off to schOol next year! School fees increased again! Hai! Everything on the rise!

Just this morning I was watching tv I felt a kick in the lower ab! Haha! An assurance that lil bub is still strong and well inside! Getting abit paranoid after 4 weeks long wait from the last visit. Countdown: 6 more days to see lil bub! Tell me ur gender! Boy or gal also ok! As long as healthy!
Ni: The trip was ok lar. Wet weather in HK and not much shopping. All winter clothes. Pouts. Not easy to handle a 18th month old on the trip too. Luckily got some helpers to rotate with the carrying. Strollers are just difficult in HK.

Still off from work today. Gonna head down town for some ice cream later. Need to rest a bit. Holiday more tired than work day. Haha...

Gynae trip next monday. If hubby don't force me to change it. He got to fly off for work on sunday and will be missing the visit. *Fingers Crossed*
Lol I agree the buses jerk a lot! Lucky morning my FIL send me, if not, will send me to bugis then I take mrt to tampines. Going home is scary thou because I off work same time as most people
so hv to fight for seat alrdy. Must faster sit down if not bus move off I die sia... -.-
CheekyDuckie - Welcome back babe!!!

ladies, these few weeks I feel like not going to work. Wah make me stress so much lah. Sigh. How to relax ah? Must find a way to calm down.
Hehe just came back from my gynae visit.. Baby was curled up n measurements can't even b taken at all!
But my baby''s lips sure look quite weird.. I'm worried about cleft lips? Shall know it 1 month later during detailed scan!! Scary!! But try to be positive haha..
i heard from my MIL that after giving birth,we dun use the normal sanitary pad.
Need buy the old type of pads which is much bigger?? (although i do not know wat is that)
is it true we will bleed alot?

what a quiet day...
Coraine Lim: can see the lips? i dun see anything except the outline of the baby... mine also maybe a girl n hubby also only son... my MIL says she n my SIL will go crazy if i m having a girl! crazy buying sweet, cute thingys... haha...
Hi Ladies!
Im now 18weeks, can feel baby moving.. like bubbles here & there, sometimes sharp jabs too. bb so notty. the scan i had on 4th nov, gynae dun see anything dangling, so most prob a girl =) (fingers crossed, hope bb stays that way) but will confirm again during detailed scan on 21st nov. so so exciting!

mummies any1 still vomitting? i still do, but once in a while at night. wonder y ya? and my butt hurts like alot wen sitting dwn, am considering to buy those small boya to sit on.. ahaha!

i hv alr started my shopping spree but bought alot of those unisex colors la...

tangerinez.. abt the detailed scan, sure got cd? i hope u're referring to the one at tmc.
I'm sure its not what u think. I see my beanie also looks like a alien! haha. Hubby say we are just seeing the skull so still scary.

Nowadays gal more precious ah.. My inlaws sayang my gal more then their grandson (bil's kiddo) coz she more manja, talkative.

I was so happy when my #1 was a gal. haha.
Eliz..hehe..your in laws are soooo good!!
bcos my in laws are more old fashioned.. and always asking girl or boy..so i think they want a boy very much..wahahahaha..
Imie- my shopping spree so far has been for myself! Even though this will be my last pregnancy but still have been buying new maternity clothes! Vain lah and feeling the need to be pampered!

I agree that gals are more precious. They tend to be closer to parents. My #1 is only 4 yrs old but already seems to be closer to his friends outside. Always wants to go out and play with his friends at the playground rather than stay home with us!
coraine, how many weeks? when i did my scan at 16 weeks, can see everything except for nose and lips. gynae says at 16 weeks these 2 not fully formed yet! so if yours look 'funny' don't worry, not cleft lip! hee...

imie: i think not me say got cd. heh. cos i also wondering if TMC got give cd. the other day i forgot to ask them.

and, my butt also hurts!!! from 1st trimester start hurting, now getting worse. it's a pain to sit down and stand up. when walking it's fine. i wonder why?
imie - envy u! im 18 weeks but the last time i felt flutters was last week and then thats it! waiting for more flutters..

Ladies, i was so depressed last weekend when my cousin's wife told me that she already felt strong kicks and she's only 17 weeks then. She's just a week later than me. Then during breakfast, so funny, my sis said that if another cousin of mine who just turns 12 weeks can feel kicking then something is not right already. Suddenly I cried like mad! hahahaa... I was just feeling sad how come i cannot feel any real kicks yet, and only felt one flutter last week and thats it. Sigh, hormones!

But one thing me and my colleague noticed is that my tummy grew bigger this week and suddenly so round!
tangerinez - i think ure having butt cramps. the pain is from middle of butt to middle of thigh right? cos i had that when i was around 10 weeks or so but now not much.
imiie..i think tmc no cd? my friend just did it and there's just a print out with scan pics..that's all~just like what we had from oscar~!

tangerinez..I'm 16weeks+ now..baby is actually 159g! HAHA..so funny..thanks for letting me know..i shall not worry about it..hehehe!!!
Hey andreanie! dont be so upset! for plus size pple for us harder to feel leh~~~~ haha..!! but if baby is fine..then dont care about other comments la =) be happy ya!!
don't upset. i also not feeling anything.

Yup, my inlaws are not bad. haha. But must say my gal is very manja, know how to make them happy.
In fact, now i'm having a boy, my mil just say good, a boy and a gal. Also never treat special. hahaha.

I also think TMC no cd. Don't remember having it when i had my gal.

Anyway, my detailed scan is on the 29th! Can't wait.
El, u mention 'normal' ultrasound. you mean detailed scan uses another ultrasound machine or something?

eliz: mine's a day after yours. can't wait too.

having said that, another week to go till amnio results ready. really anxious...
Tangerinez, dun worry, ur amnio results will be fine! I am also anxiously waiting for detailed scan, on 23rd nov!

Andreanie, dun be upset. Bcos this is ur first baby so it's natural that u feel movements later. I rem I only felt movements for my 1st baby at 20weeks and beyond. Even now is the 2nd child, movements still not very precise. Can one day feel, next day never feel. Try to talk to ur baby. They can hear us. Talk to ur baby ask him to give u a kick to let u know everything is alright
Silvery_gal, I used normal pads after delivery. Never buy the maternity pads, cos its v thick, difficult to walk around. However I used night flow pads even in the day time. It really depends on individual. My flow wasn't heavy, stopped one week after delivery. I have friends who continue bleeding one month after delivery.
Tangerinez- normal ultrasound is the small machine used during the regular checkups. Detailed scan uses big one.
Andrenie, I also tink as long as baby is healthy is the most impt thing. So jus wait patiently..ur baby will surprise u with a kick or nudge soon !

I m taking my detailed scan at paragon..same building as my gynea clinic. I m not sure if tey will provide me with 3D pictures. If not I will ask my hubby to take video or snap a photo. Last round Oscar test, they alow video taking.
hi ni, your detailed scan falls on the same day as mine :) mayb our edd falls on same day too? mine shd b around mid april

andreanie, like what ni said, this is my #2 and i too feel movement one day and the next, dun feel anything. me osso a bit worried but trying to tell myself to not worry too much.
silvery gal
after given birth, you will need maternity pad for few days. after that, nigh use sanitary pad will be enough.
maternity pad can be found from pharmacy or supermarket.
Maternity pads are a lot softer on top but very basic. No wings! So I actually layered maternity pads on top and put thin overnight one with wings below.

I agree. Maternity pads are softer. I also used it for the 1st few days then back to normal pads with wings. I just feel "safer" with wings. haha.

Kiddy palace also sells.
