(2012/04) Apr 2012

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I have the below items to let go.

1. Brand new set of Avent 125ml/ 4oz milk bottles (2 bottles) to let go at $23.


2. 2 sets of brand new Avent 260ml/ 9oz milk bottles to let go at $31.


Self collection at Tiong Bahru/ Harbourfront MRT. Please email me at [email protected]

Pink : not Herndon...selarang.... I miss my old unit which is at kanji.. At least nearer to house...or Sembawang not bad too... Then otw my hubby can send me...oh well, we can't choose where we go anyway..
coraine, last night either bb too sleepy, or my tummy too bloated - in 30 min i only felt it move ONCE! this morning a couple of times again.

aisuhime, i pass by selarang camp every morning on way to work! and i used to LOVE bak chor mee but now i run away from the smell. hopefully can start to accept it soon.

leo baby, you can really feel your bb! even what positions you also know! now i worrying about breech position also haha.
Tang : lol where you work sia? Anyway, mine is a pork baby...so pork and potato sure can... Tts why every wk must eat wantan noodles lol!
aisuhime, i work at changi cargo airfreight but take bus number 2 to work when hubby doesn't drive me to work.

during my 1st trimester i survived on wanton mee too! but i only eat the noodles and vege. i am a pork person myself but 1st trimester cannot stand any meat. now starting to accept pork back again. it's the garlic in bak chor mee that scares me.

yours is boy or girl?
Leo baby..so fast baby head shifting head dwnwards already ? I cant figure out wats my bb position Now ley but can feel off n on he/she 's movement inside heehee.
Hi Leo baby, u can really feel the movements! Wow so amazing! I can only feel light bubbles, must be too fat already! Lol! Yep, let's meet up for makan soon!

Tangerinez, my chiro says if baby is breech, can go for chiro sessions to help baby change position. Dunno how true is that thou...

Pinkbunny, I love to bring my boy for shows too! The next one we are going to watch is bear hunt on 1 feb. hope the tummy won't be too big and bulgy.
ni: i've never been to a chiro before but good to know!

1 feb, should be fine? i'm intending to go to Mayday concert on 25th feb! wahahaha
Hi May and Coraine, me too had a m/c in June and less than 2 months later, got preggy again. Am now at 16 wks! Must stay happy and think positively.

Next scan would be next Monday when I'm at 17 weeks. Really hoping to see a kuku bird on my baby. It's my first time being a mommy

Any idea what happens at a detailed scan? I'm going to have mine 5 weeks from now. Apparently they'd give us a CD Rom of the various baby movements too. What's being checked at this scan?

And still.. no one beats my 10kg gain from 47 to 57kgs in the first trimester. Probably much more now that i'm at the 4 month. Will get to know next Monday when the nurse takes my weight. Probably end up crying again. I cry each time i see the drastic weight gain on the scale lah!

How're all your bumps like? Mine looke like fats sometimes. Hard at times, soft at times like flabs leh.
No! It sells pies and also crab bee hoon soup, and fried version too! So strange right? But I really think their crab is better than their pies!

How old is ur boy? I scared my girl will cling on to me cos at the end the bear chasing them, I worry it might be a bit scary for them.

Wow leo baby
Your baby's movements are so defined liao! Mine still teasing me with little fluttery bubble pops

Selarang sounds vaguely familiar but it's only hendon that I really know
last time so cool to have ah bing ge boyfriend haha

All this crab talk is making me DROOL!!!!

Shall we go to don pie next week for lunch? :p
Anyone flying for work? I just came back from Bali and am going HK for a week in Dec. Hubby is going with me to HK cos' he's too worried I can't manage with the luggage and lap top.Wahahaha!
Bought a baby romper from Hard Rock Bali. It's uber cuteness.. time to stock up baby stuff!

Where's the H&M Maternity shop? Any maternity stuff I could get from HK that would be worth it?
littledd: yep, ur bb will be a healthy lovely one!

i've not been to detailed scan but my understanding that the sonographer (or in some cases, the gynae) will scan for bb measurements. this includes size of head circumference, width of face, length of body, circumference of abdomen, etc.
will also check that all limbs are present, fingers and toes are accounted for, show you the face, check nose and lips for cleft lip, and also the gender if bb is cooperative.
also that umbilical cord is growing fine.
position of baby, whether placenta low-lying or not
stock-count of the organs, and prob the sizes to ensure they are growing well. also check for hole in heart and any other abnormalities.
it'll be fun!! hee...
Thanks tangerinez.

Wah piang like machiam checking for super alot of things. "Stock-count of the organs" sounds funny.. like some retail shop having stock take. Wahahaha!

No blood test again I hope. Oops
it's very fun de. i did a 'semi-detailed scan' when doing amnio and it was great seeing the different aspects of bb. including the face which looks alienish but cute nonetheless! haha.

anyone going for 4D scan? i dun even know which clinic/hospital does this scan..
Hey Ladies, Not sure where is actual possition of bb now since had not seen gynae for a long time. nxt appt is abt 2 wks later but I knew bb was kicking downwards a lot last few days as can feel it cycling. then yesterday was training #1 to walk and had to hold no.1 to walk around the house when there was a sudden strain vein pull on left that I shouted out to HB to take over. When sitting and rest I can feel bb gliding across side of tummy. Not sure if its the leg but the feeling was different from no.1. No 1 was always head down and he only kick not gliding.

When we meeting for makan?
dear mummies, i'm a reporter from sunday lifestyle doing a story on dragon babies. Looking for a first time mummy expecting a dragon baby to feature. If you don't mind being interviewed, pls email me at [email protected] with your contact, thanks!
if we are meeting for makan at orchard, I wanna join in this time. Missed the last round as my #2 was sick.

With dislocated elbow as long as the nurse/dr can pull it back into place there's no more pain. Quite amazing really. My #2 was happy as rain within minutes of her elbow back in joint. She was clutching her bag of sweets(given by KK) very tightly!
Pinkbunny, my boy is 3yo already this coming jan. dunno if he is scared, but so far he enjoyed all the shows, rainbow fish, Elmo, hungry caterpillar. Are u working In raffles place too???

Little dd, H&M maternity can be found in their bigger retail flagship stores, like in central, tsim sha tsui.

I can't wait to know gender too. So that I can start my shopaholic sprees! Lol! My hubby cannot stand me! Hahha! One week from now is my gynae visit! Yippie!
El, how old was your #2 when his arm got dislocated? My HB dislocated my No.1 at abt 7mth old when carrying and putting him down in bed. I didn't see it so I was still not worried and ate my breakfast slowly. HB never tell me the seriousness as he said everything clamly and otw to KKH I also don't know how serious was it but boy when in my arm was looking into my eyes in pain. I can still recall that day. When he went into the dr room I happen to be urgent and was in the toilet when I got out of toilet the dr had already put the arm back. It was so fast and lucky HB never let me see the injured time the put back time else his ears will be very long. I also remembered clearly within minutes bb was energised again making fun sound and playing with us.
LittleDd, the bigger H&M will have maternity section. I went to the one at Nathan road, 3 levels. I supposed now is the winter season, may not be suitable for us here.

Leo, I would like to join but cannot as we flying to Penang tomorrow. I'll join the next time.

Detailed scan, my gynae didn't make it mandatory, I'll ask him during my 18weeks appointment in 2 weeks time. I feel the hole in heart, not very accurate as my girl has a tiny hole in her upper left chamber, that was detected on day 2 of birth, not before. I did detailed scan at 32W and 36W.
Leo_baby -My #2 is now 2 yrs plus. #1 had his right elbow dislocated twice. Once when he was 1 plus and another time when he was closer to 2 years old. For both, the sign is that they cannot bend their elbow without pain.
Me too, can't wait to know the bb gender & start my shopping spree. Going for detailed scan next Tuesday. Hopefully bb is cooperative enough.

Anyway, this week there will be Parenthood Fair at S'pore Expo. Will drop by if got time.
Oh, wanted to tell u ladies that i bought Palmers Stretch mark cream in malacca for less than $15!! I believe jb shd also have. Go check it out.
<font color="0000ff">Dear all,

We are having a pre Christmas sale from now till 20 November and bra extenders @ 3% discount!

Authentic Edison chopsticks from Korea @ 15% + 8% discount. Price range from $8.50 each.

Pororo toothbrushes @ $5 each or $9 for 2 pieces. A pair of same design @ $8.30 per pair.

Thomas training cup holders @ $9 each or $17.50 for 2 pieces.

Last 2 earphone wallet to clear @ $8.50 (usual $4.90 each)

Bags section clearing @ 30% off and normal postage is dependent on weight of bag.

BStrings normal are clearing @ $23.50 each or $45 for basic set or $65 for complete set.

More discount will be updated this weekend!

View them @ www.allaboutzu.com! </font>
oh, din know Don pie sells crab bee hoon too. Must go try one day!

You intend to do 4D scan? Usually it's done ard 7-8 mths when bb is formed. I din do it coz quite expensive and hb say wait one more mth can see real one, so need to spend extra =( My gynae also said the same thing. So gave up. There are limited gynaes with 4D machines. So need to check around. I only know of Ann Tan at Paragon Medical Center.

You got your tix already? I'm still contemplating which of the 3 to go. Why did you choose the Bear Hunt?

We are all so close to knowing bb's gender! My detailed scan in one week's time!
oh my friend attended tiger/tea party in england. the same performers will be here, she said it was awesome!!! i can't remember if she mentioned that it was the lady who played the mouse or the gruffalo's child (could be the same? i don't know cos i only watched the gruffalo), and it's really funny and involves audience participation alot
We're going on a Bearhunt.
We're going to catch a big one!
It's a beautiful day!
We're not scared!

Ni, although I have no kids yet but I remembered reading that book when I was young! Lol!!!

Tangerinz - my friend did her 4D scan at a clinic at Paragon. Did u ask your hospital if they offer such scans? At NUH they do offer 3D and 4D. Perhaps u want to check with your nurses.

Odiey - I am counting down with u! 2 plus weeks for mine! Can't wait!
Hi is there a mummy by the name of Elim Yong?

I got your email and wanted to reply but the email keep bouncing back. Are there another email which i can sent to? Kindly email me again.. [email protected]

Thanks.. =)
Whhaaaaa, I've asked around sooooo many times and nobody seem to be seeing him!!! He is such a nice nice man, my HB likes his "steadiness" as compared to my first gynae. My appointment is 9am cause we need to rush to send my girl for her swimming lesson at Chua Chu Kang at 11am. What time is yours?
mm... the clinic assist not very good at scheduling.. haha my appointment aso at 9am.

prev i was seeing a fertility dr, its oni my prev visit was my first proper normal gynae visit.
mine could't see during 16 weeks scan, gynae said probably not fully develop... got to wait till detailed scan, which is next week... waited for so long
Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350
- Lamaze Spin &amp; Explore Garden Gym @ $15
- Lamaze Gardenbug Foot Finder &amp; Wrist Rattle Set @ $10

Kindly PM me if keen, thanks!
hehe i was on the mrt from bedok to queenstown today...i wore a babydoll with leggings. I think i look preggy lor, and stood infront of the priority seat and a young guy was sitting there..
but nothing happened haha!!! those pple who are standing kept staring at me and my tummy..maybe they find that i'm pitiful..wahaha...

Coraine : u never stare at him! Wah lao! If they think u pitiful, they should stand up for u Liao! I think I over hungry then eat... End up over eat then vomit....
