(2012/04) Apr 2012

babes, i purposely didnt go to work today so that i can receive my doppler!

I received it already and tried it! I can hear baby's heartbeat very very clear. Now I know why my left side is always heavy! Because lil bean is there most of the time! God, such a relief to hear the soothing heartbeats. Feels so close to baby after so long didnt get to see him/her on screen. This definitely made my day today!

Sob..eating can b so stressful during pregnancy. Some doc say take moderately.. But we still being kaisu..haa better don eat at all. Heard certain banana cant b taken as they are too " cooling" .. The one start with"D" brand.. Dalmote or something? Not sure u all heard of it ?

Christmas is coming all mums to be! my fav season of the month.. Heehee..
and not that i didnt go to work just to get the doppler lah.. i woke up with blocked nose which then turns runny after i take my shower.
could be aircon while im sleeping, yesterday hub turned it on to 25 deg instead of the normal 27 deg.
and my head so pain, like heavy. not gng to doctor, will just take leave.
Ms Tan - Yup yup doppler is device to hear baby's heartbeat. Like those used by gynaes. I bought mine online via ebay. Brand new, Angelsounds.

Only US30.00. I think Mothercare got sell also but different brand and at $100plus.
Ms_Tan: Yes. Del'Monte bananas will cause constipation if eat too much also. But that's the only bananas that i like. So i just limit to 1 or 2 a week lar. The shorter asian bananas are ok, e.g. those used to make goreng pisang. =)

Andreanie: Have fun listening to little bean. Mine is also on the left side!
andreanie : good for u...lol...
hw u guys experience "suan" in the arm? mine is on the right side!! how come like that? duhz.. i did not even carry heavy stuffs~ sometimes wake up in the night feeling it become numb sia~
Happy friday to all

After a few days of fever, I finally getting better today.

During my last visit to gynae, he mentioned abt low lying placenta n this got me worried. Was advised to rest more n not do lift heavy stuffs. Both husband n me r quite shocked when doc told us tis.
Ms_Tan:my mum forbid me to eat Dole brand banana... she say too cooling... other than that, all bananas r ok... weird to hear banana is cooling... haha
Aisushime: This morning woke up i'm also facing same problem, feels like muscle pain after lifting heavy things... sometimes wondering izzit due to my sleeping position...

Qiqi: My gynae also mentioned my low lying placenta during my last visit. She said not to worry to much as it may shift upwards later. I did ask her izzit not suitable to walk too much, but she said no wor...
Amiang: I also dunno why Del'Monte bananas will cause constipation. I read from somewhere one. Cos i used to assume bananas is good source of fibre. haha...

Bubuya: No need worry abt low placenta too much now. For #1, i was also liddat during detailed scan, subsequently i was also ok, delivered naturally cos as tummy grows, placenta will move. But do try to reduce squatting moves. Especially if it's still low in 3rd tri.
Bubuya: Nurse did mention it will move but try not to walk too much or lift heavy stuffs. Juz hoping tt it will move up..
cheekyduckie/Amiang - I think that all bananas can cause constipation if eat too much. Maybe Del Monte more likely than others because they are big?

Qiqi - My placenta was considered low for #2 too during detailed scan but it moved up in 3rd trimester. So not to worry too much.
My mom also forbids me to eat del monte bananas. Her reason is too cooling.

I had low placenta for #1 too. Also moved up.. Just monitor with gynae and not worry too much.
#2 i'm also having low placenta which caused my spotting during 1st trimester.
Hi andreanie. Is the brand of your Doppler clarity? Saw it retailing at $123 at mothercare. But it states for the 3rd trimester usage wor..
andrenie: thanks for the info of the doppler , will check it out heehee.

CheekieDuckie: guess wat, I jus had goreng pisang during teabreak..kekeke!

Silvery_girl: ya loh, alway heard that Dalmonte banana is cooling . Hmm.. Luckily,i don quite fancy banana. I go for orange n apples.

Tomorrow there is this "Up to 30% storewide sale" at Bishan bhg... and sales item still hav additional 15%.. Jus flash ur DBS card or posb can entre. Last month Bugis bhg also having such sales, i bought quite alot include some Xmas gifts
it was really quite worth it. Of cos Bishan bhg branch is much smaller
, if any of u is interested can pop by.
Ms_Tan: anyway i think Dole n Del Monte banana are the same series of banana... thinner n longer... i bought 1 small tiny bunch 2 days ago from Dole $1.50 n i told my mum n she say also cannot eat cos is the miniature... never told her i finished the whole bunch myself... cos too late to do anything... but surprisingly, after that banana, these 2 days, my poo came easily!!! Disgusting...
Ms tan, bhg also has alot of bb items and 30% would be very good deal. I bought my combi bb rocker cum high chair there. But hor how come I never recv info of the bhg sales where did u find out? I always have to find out from friends and always late
Leo_baby: the last mth bugis bhg sale was publish in newspp. As for tmr one I heard from someone, even my colleague knows..mayb also from newspp? Haha.. But huh.. Bugis BB dept still the biggest.. If wan to shop I prefer there to Bishan Bhg.
Wow this thread is moving so fast!

Thanks for the virtua hugs, mummies. So many people have told me about friends in similar situation and have pulled thru in the end.

Yes the gender scan is with the gynae at camden! I have heard good things about him and it's good to have further reinforcement. I worry about amnio and its risk too. But this is non evasive so could actually be quite pleasant

Welcome to new mummies

And now I am craving fish steamboat and fish head curry

Have a nice weekend everyone!
wah! pinkbunny having fish steamboat and fish head curry? weird combi sia...lol... i wanna have fish and chips!! been wanting it for a wk or so!!! nxt wk hubby going tekong trging...cannot bring me out to eat..sobz...
Silvery gal. No, cannot walk in. They may not have available beds! Must prebooked de. Talk to ur gynae. His nurses should make the necessary arrangements for u.
Can I check with those mummies that are taking neurogain what color is the packaging.I went guardian to check.there are two types.Blue box ($35) and Purple box ($45).so which is the gyn recommended one want?
hi mommies,
i had a mean dinner; thai bee hoon, fried wanton and bandung!! and i got a packet of ice teh-o on the way home. better behave during e weekend. i am a sucker for cold drinks and i have to really control myself from taking so much cold drinks.

my girl suddenly came down w a slight fever w cough n cold, a day before her party!! just hope she will be all better tomorrow. thank God she is still cheery and active. gotta prepare e decorations for e party later tonite!
Silvery Gal: Yes. You need to fill up the pre admin forms and pass it back to hospital or gynae. Ask your gynae assistant for the process. Different hospital might defer slightly.
On the day of delivery, you will need to confirm the admin details again. The nurses at the hospital will make arrangements for the delivery wards, rooms, etc.
ni - nope, I bgt mine online. its called AngelSounds. Can use from 14 to 16 weeks onwards

Been listening to baby's heartbeat since then, now my hub tried to record it hehee...
Doctor advice me not to take spicy food so wnt hv so much acid... Ask me to eat things that won't cause me to vomit also... Duhz... Jus hd 2 cups of cereal.... Which is alot?
Just to share that there is a garage sale of bb items going on at the turf city area near this restaurant at picotin. It's organized by ppl who has multiple pregnancy so there should be a lot of twin stroller. Today from 10am. It's near my boy infant care area so happen to see really a lot of things but pls go early
Ok... Just had vegetarian beehoon too...coz after drinking the cereal...the vomit feeling start to come and I eat the antscid and end up feeling hungry...so hv to eat and in return ate 1 whole packet of beehoon!
Woke up scolding helper AND my boys. Not a good way to start the weekend. It can only get better from here. This girl in my tummy is very sensitive to negative feelings...she's kicking me a lot now!

Happy weekend mummies! Can't believe it's nearly December. Love the month...associate it with holidays and Christmas!
Andreanie! hehe..u must be listening to the heartbeat everyday!! do they display how fast is the heartbeat? or maybe can count by yourself ya?

ginamummy~~relax! dont let the morning ruin your wkend.. =) enjoy the rest of the wkend!
This parenthood fair is worth going to! I bought a avent sterilizer! Many more stalls but I din explore all. They have pigeon booth, pampers, goon diapers too. Heard from a friend that the goon diapers worth getting
Hi Mommies
Just came back from the parenthood fair. Though the scale is much smaller than the previous ones, managed to get some stuff such as Pigeon shoes for no.1 , quite good buy, 2 pairs for $19.95 usual $69.95 each, hand and mouth wipes 2packs of 2 for $4.90 usual $3.30 per pack, Avent Baby body and hair wash suitable for newborn for $17 usual $22..
Coraine - theres no display for this one. But as long as can hear galloping sound is good enough hehee....

Ni - What is goon diapers? Im giving this Parenthood Fair a miss.
imie.. hihi.. i delivering in Mount A else might haf a chance to see you there =p...

ni.. i also received Mount A pre addmission form already.. haven submit tho.. tink the nurse help us to book early.. u under Dr Ho right?

Aisuhime... ur gynea mentioned dun take spicy food.. oh dear.. i have been taking alot.. esp when with bad appetite.. i use that to force myself to eat.. ops

Someone do add me to the secret facebook.. I think i PM cheekyduckie but i still dun see it... add me add me..

Rgding maternity pad.. i find it too uncomfortable.. still prefer to wear those normal heavy flow pad.. I guess this rd i will be doing the same..
Anise : I know what u mean... Coz spicy food seems more appealing rite? But doc advice not to eat so I better be good... Anyway, I found that drinking warm water helps in making myself to burp...lol...
