(2012/04) Apr 2012

hi mommies,
hope you all had a lovely weekend. I had a great weekend celebrating my girl's 3rd b'day. =) And yes, I love the Christmas season too. I love christmas shopping, getting e real Christmas tree, decorating it and all the merry making!! Plus I am normally off from work for a week during Christmas. Perfect way to chill during this time of the year. hee...

Wish you all a great week ahead!

had a beautiful end to a lovely weekend. sets the mood nicely for a start to the new week
hope everyone is safe and warm at home and enjoying the nice cool weather this evening!

this week, MS be gone for everyone!!!
Selling Capella S230 premium cony stroller @ $250.
* Used less than 10 times. Bought this year!


Selling Avent electronic/manual single breastpump @ $190
100% Brand new in packaging!
Comes with Free breast shield!

Prices can be negociated!
Sms @ 98899784

Its beginning to feel like xmas!! Gona start shopping before the maddness starts and i'm too heavy/lazy to squeeze with the crowd
Anise: I sent u the FB request already. please chk.

Dolphin: i can't find any mssges from you. Can please drop me a PM again if you have not already done so?
Tangerinez: CONGRATS!

I am sooooooo looking forward to my gynae visit later! hoho... 17weeks! Hopefully little bean will be cooperative and let us know the gender! hohoho...
Anise...Me too....But i dunno how to cut down on my weight gain!! I have gained 5kg...and only into 17 weeks!! And it always rain these days...so difficult to swim!!!

Haru...I am also setting up my christmas tree...so excitied! My tree is 8 feet tall...
I go the artifical one cos I dunno what to do with the real one after..

My tree looks so bare now...think i need to buy lots of ornaments to jazz it up!

Enjoy Monday...
Anyway, weight gain estimator!

You will see what goes into the weight of the bb and yourself, and what you are likely to lose after delivery.
For #1, i put on ard the minimum weight gain, and i was back to pre-preg weight and in my pre-preg jeans within a month of delivery.

Hopefully I can do the same this time! So far so good. hehehe...
Time of my life: you can try yoga. Can do indoors. No worries abt the weather. Otherwise, brisk walking (aka SHOPPING) is good too.
Try to cut down on fatty foods, e.g. rich in coconut, fried stuff, snacks, sugary drinks.

I can't wait to put up my xmas tree too! i only have a 2nd hand 5 ft tree. Bought new ornaments for this year's theme already! I hope my toddler don't tear it down after i put it up though! hahaha
so early put up xmas tree ah? I'm trying to wait till dec! hahaa.

I'm also using artifical one, headache to dispose a big real tree though i love the smell.
thanks cheekyduckie!

but i'm so pissed now because a relative made an insensitive comment about how the amnio results do not mean anything because it doesn't test for everything.

i mean, i know lar! but do you have to be so negative or not? !@#$#@!%$! ANGRY!!!
CheekyDuckie: ya my friend also backed in 1 month ... so envy ... i put on nearly 20kg for my #1, lucky able to go back within 3 months .. hoping this #2 also can regain fast
Cos i heard ppl said when have #2 sliming down will be SLOW
Odiey, I sent my girl to school at 8am, usually, I take the 8.10-15am train.

gingerbreadger, do not worry about the appointment, my experience with them is they are pretty accurate, 2-3 patients for same slots, 1 comes early, the other on time then 1 will be a little late. kekeke. So far, my wait is less than 30min.

On detailed scan, I've asked the senior nurse, she told me Dr Lee do not make it mandatory and if you are keen to do will be after 22 weeks.

kirsten, I'm taking Neurogain, pink/ Lilac bottle from gynae, $35 per bottle. I have yet to call the local distributor to check on price if I want to order 10-12 bottles, if you are breastfeeding, you'll still need this after delivery.

Cheeky, I can do 11-16kg, gynae asked me to do 13kg will do. Now 16 weeks, I already 3kg, left 10kg to go. This time, I very on the ball, keep checking my weight.

What's wrong with travelling when preggy? We just came back from a short getaway, my mum and auntie told me, no more travel after this trip!!! I'm still planning do to a 2D1N Malacca for my Assam Laksa and Chendol!!!
Dolphin: Yes. I also heard it's harder to get rid of weight for #2. So i also trying not to over gain. So far still -ve pre-preg weight. Later go gynae check weight again. If still -ve weight gain, so gonna get nagged at by gynae.

MEinMe: Nothing wrong with travelling lar! I was walking a lot in Malacca when i was 32weeks with #1! this round, I am gonna go PENANG! Just back from HK. Shall conquer Penang ard 30weeks, next year! SLURPS! FOOD!
Exercise is good for preggers! help in delivery lar! But of course, must becareful ok. Walk carefully.
i find it no prob travelling while preggie as long as gynae gives go ahead! perfect time for babymoon! but maybe your mum and auntie are just concerned about you cos you might feel discomfort while travelling. woooo i would love to do a malacca trip. now end of year liao, if driving be careful ok? rainy season

congrats on your amnio results. my gender scan is still a long.way.away. 8 dec :S worry worry worry but just keeping positive and praying all the time!

no christmas tree set up for us this year. i love setting up but hate taking it down!!! but we won't be around for christmas, staying with MIL so i think we'll just set up at her place

anyone feeling incredibly tired and lethargic? this morning i was falling asleep with every step! then started work and got a boost of energy
Pinkbunny: Yes Yes! i need my holidays! My boss also very cute lar. He was saying he hardly see pregger travel so much, and plan so much activities. So this time round, he is like, so u have all ur activities planned? Being pregnant is a happy occasion, not like we are sick right. Can still do most activities, just need to practice extra caution and care.
I already planning where to go when bb is 6 months old lor! hahahaha... probably back to Bintan again for a short getaway. or Bali.

But this round, travelling is really harder. Cos got a toddler in tow. And toddlers don't really listen to instructions and they are really unpredictable. But nevertheless, I still need my holidays and definitely, I don't want #1 to feel neglected because of the new bb.
hi mummies, talking about travelling. any mummies want to go travelling but there's no one to go with you? i dont want to bring my daughter (she's too active now, and will end up make me more tired, hee). so i have assigned hubby to stay in sg to babysit her, while i take a R&R trip to somewhere nearby such as Krabi. But the rates are 2-to-go leh. If 1 person book, its too ex.. hmm..
Cheeky, we just back from Penang, our first trip to Penang, SUPER DUPER love the makan there!!! I didn't gain any but tummy sure getting bigger. I was a little worry as I didn't feel any movement that 3 days, HB said maybe baby is enoying the good food and sleeping, hahahahaha.

Yes, we went HK when I was just 6-7weeks preggy as is a pre-arranged holiday plan then I booked to go Penang last week. Thought we cannot travel in the last trimester? That is why I arrange to go in Dec. Jan - CNY; Feb, my girl's B'day, no time liao.
Good afternoon!! I puke first thing in the morning. Sian... But manage to eat after that. Phew!

Weight gain - I have not gain any weight yet, but im not slim to being with. Initially I lost 1kg, and weight is constant ever since. My appetite still not back yet but Maybe my machine is spoil...

Tangerinez, congrats to your result. Ignore what others said. To us, passing every test is something to celebrate.

My face is full of outbreaks. I don't get this with my #1. Anyone experience this?
Mossie~ Jia you!!! =) your son is so cute..hehe..saw your status!

Tangerinez! Happy for u!! I nearly cried too when i passed my oscar test...

Weight Gain - still no weight gain lost 2 kg since preggy till now, I still dont understand why, because I did not have morning sickness..
maybe baby took all my food?

Movement - at 16 weeks 5 days..i woke up at 4am and felt my tummy with one hand..can feel a ball and suddenly i felt something like a pencil tip poked me once. is that baby!?
and i can even feel the fast and furious heartbeat with hand!
Hello Mommies! Went for week 17 scan, it's as clear as the runway between my baby's legs. We're having a girl! 99% confirmed.

So anyway, the normal delivery package with epidural at Gleneagles is $2900 after GST, excluding Doctor's fee of $2500, pediatrician etc. fee amounts to around $500 - $800. Is this normal? Won't be claiming much medisave as we can only claim up to $2k plus as per everyone else including all visits to the gynae prior to delivery so that's already taking up quite a bit. To have to set aside cash of around $5k+... is this normal or am I "over quoted"?

Anyone heard of the stroller brand Cobra? They won best stroller on a forum. Saw it at a baby fair at Expo last month. Any other recommendations for strollers that can both have the baby face mummy and away from mummy type?

How about car seat recommendations?
Hi mummies,

back from my weekend trip to USS & RWS. It was an quite uneventful trip to USS coz it rained the whole afternoon. So ended up sitting at cafes most of the time. Luckily it was my 2nd time there and it was a free trip! Else waste time & money. My kids love the loft bed at Festive hotel. Kept climbing up and down the bed, thinking it's a playground. And my son was crying to go back to the "new house" when we left hahaa....

Re weight gain, I've sinfully gained 6+kg already at only 19+ weeks. Sigh, a bit hard to control le. Most of it is gained in 1st tri coz forever hungry then. Shall diligently breastfeed to lose weight thereafter. I managed to lose all the weight due to breastfeeding for both kids, just how long it takes depending on the amt of weight gained. Hope it happens for #3 too. Else I will cry! So mummies who wanna lose weight, focus on breastfeeding! Can still eat and lose weight at the same time hehee...

Hope your bb cooperates so that you can know gender soon. Remember to talk to bb beforehand to open legs =)

Anyone else found out gender already? 3 more days to my detailed scan. counting down... though i already know gender. But good to be able to see bb after so long... too bad my hubby not able to take leave to go with me, so will be going alone =(
Eliz, with my #1, I had nice skin but my nose grew bigger midway through my pregnancy. I hope it is different gender too but ppl tells me pimples usually means boy.

Coraine, I really had alot of outbreak!! Anyway, I stop putting things on my face since pregnant. I only wash with cleanser and nothing after that. I did the same thing when I had #1 but no outbreak. Now is super jialat.

Any mummies going for sterilization after giving birth? I already decide to close factory after this, but still considering if want to make it permanent or not.
good morning mummies!

its a very happy monday! i just went for my gynae visit, i kinda beg the gynae to help me check the gender, he checked for a pretty long time as baby was not very cooperative, legs remain closed. after some shaking, baby open a lil, and based on what gynae said, most likely its a princess! woohoo!

hopefully its not a "za hu" heee!
re: weight gain. i gained 2kg so far, in week 18 now. but from my last visit 3 weeks ago, i did not gain, in fact i lost 1kg. i asked gynae if its any cause for concern. he say no, cos i have leftover weight from my 1st pregnancy. hahaha!
Little dd
Lol at ur "as clear as runway"
congrats on having a little princess!

Looks like everyone is travelling!

I have a designated group of mummy friends. Once a year we go to bangkok on our own, no husbands, no kids, just each other :D

Planning to go to disneyland next year with #1, and not #2!

Congrats on passing amnio pinkyxu

Lol on "zha hu"!!!
Eliz, my hubby already ok with closin factory. I just duno if I want to make it a permanent thingy. Although I very much wanted to go for natural birth again, I might consider going for csec and shun bian go "ka-cha"!
Gingerbreadger, I had been taking my own folic acid, calcium and Vit C. Dr Lee added-on Iron pill plus liquid cause my haemoglobin was slightly lower than the norm and Neurogain.

Congrats for those who get to know the gender, shopping starts now!!!!

Anyone keen to order from mothercare UK? I'm tempted!!! http://www.mothercare.com/b/42767041?ie=UTF8&title=maternity&pf_rd_r=1ZZNH4K248DF3QJWG37Y&pf_rd_m=A2LBKNDJ2KZUGQ&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=42777041&pf_rd_p=468460953&pf_rd_s=global-top-7
Bra size, they have 44J!!!!
ladies, i can finally feel baby's first kick/nudge on Saturday night! Was watching tv and asked my hub to feel my tummy when suddenly i felt a strong kick from inside twice! The kick was just beside hub's hand so he didnt get to feel it hahaha... He then place his hand on the kicking spot but can only feel tumbling movements which he said was amazing. Thank God, after 19 weeks, finally get to feel the lil bean!

And today I can even feel him/her tumbling here and there doing acrobatic movements in me! Its simply amazing!!!!
littledd, congrats on your little princess, your #1 or 2???

mossie, dun go for c-sec lar. its painful! better to go natural. i also wanna close shop if its a princess, close shop and can go tummy tuck! haha
Ni, littledd,
Congrats on having ur princesses! Can officially shop for all the pretty dressed n accessories. I was so excited on having a princess prev n bought so much clothes even up to age 1!! Haha just can't resist! Now my no 3 is a boy, not motivated to shop le. Prob will only a few pcs of new clothes n recycle all the bro's one. Boys clothes r so boring!! Haha....

So u r sending your son to chillern house. I had wanted to send my kids there but it's too exp n my hb is not for it! Is ur son attending Julia Gabriel now?
Congrats to all mummies who gets to know your baby's gender!! Can't wait to know mine in my next visit which is still so far away...

Mossie, my gynae advise me to use Mirena (IUD) after birth instead of doing the surgery since I am using natural delivery. This can last 6 years I think. Why don't you consider too?
odiey, i send my son to julia gabriels since he was 18months, but i stopped his classes, after 4 terms, as it kinda gets repetitive. moreover i got preggie, difficult to attend class with him, so he is zhuo bo-ing at home now. waiting to attend school! haha
Wow..so many mums already knw baby gender.. I m waiting for my turn next week!
ya..i start to feel baby kicking n movement more these few weeks...n more active around 3 pm to 4 pm n late at night kekeke!

Wow, seems like alot of mummies here are having princess-es

In the second trimester, gosh, my appetite is too good I have to curb eating too much else my weight is gonna skyrocket like nobody's business.
Am wondering if any mummies here have bought any clothes and baby stuff? I feel really kiasu here, but I can't resist the pink stuff! Hahas
