(2012/04) Apr 2012

Sunsweet - will pray for you.

Can't believe that I still have puking episodes at 19 weeks! Besides peanuts, this baby also doesn't like me to eat too much veggies or garlic. Threw up fried kailan yesterday after dinner.

Last night also had to rush my #2 to KK A&E after my hubby accidentally dislocated her right elbow while pulling her up from bed. She was in such pain that she cried and cried. Fortunately, the nurse at the first station was able to reset her elbow and we were able to get back home quickly. By the time I got to sleep it was 1 plus am! Mummies and 1 daddy - pls remember not to pull your toddlers by the wrists as their joints are still weak. Can easily dislocate their elbows by accident. It happened to my #1 too when he was younger.

hi mummies
I am at 17th week now. Finally feeling better since last week and can eat more. Tummy is more obvious now compared to those days when i kept vomitting. Now still have 5 kg to gain to reach my pre-pregnancy weight...

anyone has got the confinement nanny already? what's the mkt rate now?
odiey - how does braxton hicks feels like? i forgot how far along u are now.

aishume - my bro in law just asked me yesterday if i want to eat durian. i looked at him and give him a blank look before telling him i dont even feel like eating any durian hahaha... whats up with durian and being pregnant?

ms tan - i also put on my clarins oil and cream for tummy since 4 weeks. and regards to weight gain, still no weight gain from day 1 till now. so the 8kgs i lost during 1st trim still not gain yet as of 18 weeks 4 days today.

I have following items for sale:

1. Baby Plus: $160
Preloved. Condition 8.5/10 with Box, instruction manual and pouch. Full set.

2. Pigeon wipes with casing (Brand NEW): $4.90
Usual: $7.90

Collection at Sengkang MRT.
Pls email me at [email protected] for photos.
Thanks Eliz.. Im trying to keep it moderate as gynae advised not more than 8 tablets per day..

However taking it 6hrly, fever wun subside.. Most prob if din recover by tonite might hv to see doc again..
El: I can't take garlic for my #1 & this pregnancy.. If accidentally takes it, I'll vomit... So whenever we eat out, we ask d ppl not to put garlic.. Hope ur gal is feeling better..
Dun worry, everything will be fine. Why dun you ask the gynae for more mc? Go back only after you've moved office? coz you shld not be over-exerting yourself. This is a good excuse for you to rest =) BTW, I'm also moving office this Fri.

Hope your daughter is ok. Must be a big fright to you guys. Never know that it can be so serious. I always grab my daughter's hands and swing her side to side... Opps... better stop doing that!

Braxton Hicks is like tightening of the muscles in the lower abdomen, a bit like contraction but without the pain. I'm only 19 weeks now. Not sure if it's suppsoed to start so early. Anyone else also experience this? Previous 2 pregnancies, I only experience this in the 3rd trimester.
I still hvnt decide on a confinement lady yet because I just want to find a part time helper. Maybe will go to K K and check ba

Andreania : I seriously hv no idea what's up with the durians and crabs too hahaha I think becoz my mil who doesn't take durians ate a lot during her pregnancy w my hubby hahaha...

I can't believe in 1 wk+ time, I'm getting ROM... Still dragging on the makeup artist and hairdo... Haha wait worse come to worse go down to my frdly neighbourhood auntie and ask them make my hair for me and I do my makeup myself sua...
Hi Mummies,

heres another updated version of the shopping list with skirts..

Happy Shopping.. =D

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

Maternity Wear Sales1.doc (85.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Hi ladies..

Sorry to intrude.. but I am trying to sell my ameda lactaline dual pump which I bought in July 2011 and used for only 3 months.

2nd hand ameda lactaline dual pump for sale. Selling at $130

Bought in July 2011. Used for only 3 months. In good working condition.


1) Pump
2) Brand New Ameda adaptor cap (2X)
3) Brand New Ameda tubing adaptor (1X)
4) Brand New Ameda valve (2X)
5) Ameda Tubing (2X)

You would only need to buy the following:
1) Ameda silicon diaphragm (2X)
2) Ameda polypropylene pump body/flange (2X) -- unless you don't mind my old one which is clean and can be sterilised
3) Bottles (2X)

Self collection in the East.
PM if interested... =)
Brandnew MY BRESTFRIEND PILLOW letting go at $60
email me for pic.

AVENT single electric breastpump $150
- lightly used for 2 weeks (giving up due low supply)
- throw in brandnew unopened 6pcs breast pad - washable 
2 sets breast shells

[email protected]
Andreanie, mine is Elycla..cream...i forget how to spell it ..hehehe.. Bought from Robinson. Its green in packaging.

I think as long as we are pregnant..alot of pang tang thing n food that we are advise take less or avoid taking. But some are really old wives tales
.. End up stress us ley..we so worry wat will happen if we consume it already..haiz.

I also hav not contact my confinement lady..sis pass me some contacts alrdy. I heard the rate now for nonCNY period is around $2.2K.
Dear mummies, thanks for listening to my complain, i feel better now.

Sunsweet, don't worry too much. i also have leak when 7 months for my no 1 but after 1 week bed rest was fine, still delivered at 40 weeks.

Ms Tan, I can't take cold drink now cos will vomit out. But for my no 1, i drank 1-2 cups of bubble tea everyday from 2nd trisemester onwards. Baby came out fine, she was having bad coughs when joining childcare but i think very common? I ate a lot of crabs too, i think good source of calcium le.

In fact cos I have bad MS until 7 mth for no 1, i eat everything i feel like it, if it doesn't come out after that is good liao.

Hope it won't last as long this time, now 15 weeks still puke...Also haven't feel baby movement, only found some additional stretch marks in addition to those i already have, although apply cream faithfully
not sure if I am eating too little then or not enough nutrients.. it is that whenever i am hungry, I must eat??

I still feel hungry when there is no meat .. although before my pregnancy, I have mostly veggie.
may: sorry to hear about your loss. pray this is a sticky and healthy bb!

when you are in your 1st trimester, it's normal to feel tired easily. expecting mummies only need to eat about 200 calories more than usual, that is like an extra bun. not eating well should not be harmful to bb, esp in the 1st trimester when bb is not yet getting nutrients directly from what you eat.

jia you!
sure.. thanks Tangz. I am doing better this time. jus a bit more hungry then usual.. my tummy show much earlier than the previous.. it is normal?
may: erm, i'm not sure cos i also first time mummy hee. i guess it's normal because when your uterus was previously expanded till 14 weeks?
mummies, i have a question pls...

so today i felt some twitching at my tummy. because i'm working and can't lie down (LOL) i cannot be sure if it's the baby moving or just gas. it's not painful, just a sensation.

the disturbing thing is, i feel a similar twitching at the vaginal area too. again, not painful but just a sensation.

any idea what this could be? growing tummy? baby kicking? or braxton hicks (i have no idea how this feels like). should i be worried?
hi may..i also had a miscarriage this year too..the loss was at 8 weeks..
but just try your very best to relax!I'm feel stressful at times too, being afraid that history will repeat. So i understand how u feel...
and tangerinez is right! just remember to take your folic acid daily =) be happy!
hey tangerinez...i also felt twitching sensation at my tummy and vaginal at times! i think bcos they are expanding? I'm not sure leh?
coraine, cool! glad to hear sensation at vagina is normal. haha...
tonight i'm so going to lie down for 30 min and feel the movements!
Andrenie, how to tell if the cream is working anot ah? I tink as long I didnt see any stretch mark..can carry on using right?

Sensation in the tummy n viginal.. Heehee.. I keep feeling like some " rolling movement" instead
Miumiu, thanks for the reassuring for crabs
but hor some ppl say crab is consider " cooling" .. haiz. Anyway I eating it with frens so the most I eat 2pcs only bah. I also love cold drinks , sometimes buy fruit juice ask for less ice .
Miumiu: ask u ah.. Is TMC good? My gynea say can arrange for hospital tour. M still deciding between TMC n Mt A. Both near my hse anyway .

I hear some birth stories recently..kind of scared as this is my first bb.. I worried of pain n complication.. Why I start to worry so much I also dont know ..signz..
tangerinez~ so good leh u can feel movement! haha..i felt for 20 mins..but nothing much...dont know is it ok or not..haha
Coraine, maybe bb sleeping! Haha.

Ms tan: at first I also worry abt everything. Worried abt pain. Worried epidural doesn't work. Worried abt tear. Worried cannot breastfeeding. Worried breastfeeding bb bite off my nipple. Whahahahaha! Then my MIL scold me, say dun so gan cheong. Haha.
i worry the same tings. hahaha. pain, not in time to use epidural. breastfeed. and i intend to go for a post babymoon during maternity leave.. so worried canot go.. haha
Coraine, no need to touch, just see your tummy will do. I've tabbed, my HB "scolded" me for tabbing so hard!!! Quite amazing moment.

Gingerbreadger, you pretty daring. I wont think of that as I wanna build/establish my milk supply during the 6-8 weeks, need to upkeep the supply to stablise.

May, when is your EDD, this is the Apr 2012 thread. kekeke
Yea tonight vomit again...hahaha my bb start to throw tramtums at night lol...still no bb feeling...maybe this bb is sleeping bb...hahaha
tangerinez..so how much movement can u feel in 30 mins and how frequent? =)

MeinMe...hehe..i'm a plus size..so maybe my skin with fats = very very thick..so i wont be able to see movement yet..cos i'm not showing too~~
so envy leh!!
Coraine : haha ya... Half of my satay beehoon... Wonder isit like El don't like peanuts...lol... So lucky, I tabao minced meat noodle home... Blk 85 one le...hehehe...just ate it... :p my hubby also stomach upset...keep farting and feel stomach pain...so I share w him the noodles...

Oh I also can't feel anything... Tummy too fat Liao... Every time go scan, the person hv to press down very hard... To see baby hahaha
Wow I am lost! This thread is moving so fast!

Yes Aisu it was me who said got 2 parents and 2 kids just nice, one parent hold one kid  ok cos seriously, I am quite much older than my other siblings. #2 and #3 are very close in age (13 months) and #4 came much later. Me and #4 are SEVENTEEN years apart! So I remember being about 9 or 10, and having to walk alone cos my parents had to each hold #2 and #3. so quite lonely la.

I also believe everything in moderation is ok la!

Hey I thought tiredness and sleepiness was supposed to wear off by 2nd tri… but I am even MORE tired these days!!!

Ms tan
I asked gynae too and he said cold drinks no problemo. He everything and anything can one! I like! Haha

Wow how was your salted egg crab!??!! I love it. love love love love love it. heard there is an excellent one at ghim moh called master crab. Anyone tried before?

i delivered at Mt A for #1. Went for hospital tour also. i think got fixed timing one. check website? can't remember liao!

Was jack and beanstalk nice? Next year got so many shows!!! Tiger came to tea, stick man, going on a bear hunt…. Wow spoilt for choice!

Sayang sayang! Oh no poor girl. Hope she is feeling better now. It happened to me also. Well, I was the ‘hurter’ and my younger sis (then about 3) was the one who got injured. I was trying to piggyback her and tried to pull her up by her wrists. I was also young and didn’t think lor. In the end kena CRACK! Then got sent to A&amp;E

Wow andreanie
You lost 8kg in first tri?! Wow!

Ooooo encouraging story. A friend was telling me about his wife’s birth story (first time mummy) : Water bag leaked at home, then lie down for a while, then called gynae and went to hospital. Checked in, did epidural after about 1 hour, then my friend thought ok can lie down to sleep. 2 hours later, baby come out liao. That is super fast! Esp for first time mummy!

Wish everybody quick and uncomplicated delivery!!! jia you jia you!
Coraine: lol no I work at changi area then today hubby off so come and fetch me so we went thr to eat. Hehe i stay woodlands...

Pink : yeah lucky I nv rem wrongly haha! And pink one shot repy alot also hahaha....
Mummies with MS, jiayou! Hope it goes away soon... Hang on there!

You the oldest? Wow, is #4 accident kid? 17 yrs apart! so far I have friends with siblings 13 yrs younger! So he/she must be still schooling?
Well, Jack &amp; the Beanstalk was quite entertaining, both my kids 2 &amp; 4 yrs old like it a lot. They din fidget as much as the Rainbow Fish. Am also considering which one to take them next. But definitely will be going for Three Little Pigs starting on 1 Mar hahaha...

U intend to bring bb along for the babymoon? kekeke I have not tried that for both kids coz also want to concentrate on establishing the milk supply. My next holiday will prob be when the bb is nearing 1? Wow, still long way to go man...

Ms Tan,
I also ate steamed crabs cooked by MIL. very yummy... I'm a seafood person. Love prawns and crabs. Trying to control coz scared seafood will cause allergy. Yes, the Master Crab at Ghim Moh is very good! I love Melben crab Bee Hoon soup too at Toa Payoh... have not had that for very long!!

Wow, your hubby drive you to work everyday? So xinfu... Woodlands to Changi is quite far ya...
Coraine : no la take bus lor 168 then sometimes shuttle...if miss take bus 29...

Odiey : no la oli sometimes...he work yishun le I at changi... So no otw also... Sianz....
haha 3 out of 4 were accidents! my parents had me very young so we're like friends, and they're very open minded. when they go on holiday we always ask them 'got pack protection or not? you know ah, your "accident" rate is very high hor'. hahahahha

ohhhhh melben i likey!!!! i sitll prefer the toa payoh branch over the AMK branch. there is also one at simpang bedok side. forgot the name liao. big eater? and also you know don pie at far east square? they serve individual portions at $19. shhhhhhiok! if there are alot of mummies who work in that area (or raffles place), maybe one day we can meet there for lunch. someone pass me a bib please!

do you happen to work at hendon? "for honour and glory" ah? keke
*Hi 5* pinkbunny... I also prefer the TPY branch to the AMK one... Heard abt Big Eater but yet to try. My SIL did say it's very good too...U mean Don pie sell crabs pie?
Just now baby stretch out and glided on my tummy inside really long stretch. Not sure if shifting into head down position. My no.1 did head stand for at least 5 mths and lucky he never shifted which enable me to have natural birth. No.2 so far been feeling downward kick just now was side kick with shift. the feeling was like tearing up my tummy. Wonder how are you all feeling your baby now.

Recent thread missing a lot of regular mummies like cheekyduckie hor. Wonder when can meet you all again soon. Trying to find Chance to eat good food again. haha.
Wow, you can feel what your bb is doing! So far the movements for mine has been quite gentle, no strong kicks as yet. Think i really accumulated too much fats there. 7+kg already and bb is hardly a few hundred grams??

Think Cheekieduckie is busy shopping and feasting in HK!
Ms Tan I think birth experience smooth or not largely depend on gyenea, not much on hospital . I didn't hv a choice cos my gyenea only deliver at TMC. He is very good w stiching, I didn't feel pain at all. But i was happy w the nurses at TMC too, food was good. Overall quite pleasant stay.

El, I made my girl twisted her elbow once, really heartpain. Hope ur lil girl ok by noe.

Melben crab beehoon!! My favorite too !!!

I have quite alot of maternity and breastfeeding clothings to let go at low price. i'm located in Sengkang. Any mommies interested, can drop by to try out and take your pick. Baby stuffs like accesories, sterilizer, playpen, pram, stroller toys, swing etc... are available too.
Interested, pls cal or sms 91451454 to arrange
