(2012/04) Apr 2012

pink: do u know how much she charge? omg it seems that i might need a 2 day makeup and hair... but because its wearing thai wedding gowns(my MIL say she loan the 2 gowns + my hubby suit 5000baht! i was like WTH!!!) i might need to get a lady who knows how to do the traditional hair and make up(guess hv to ask my MIL again duhz~)

Annah, My due date is 26 apr, have been silent reader of this thread as feeling down by hubby and feel like nothing much to look forward to..
U sure wanna exchange heh? Seek ur wife permission already or not wait ur wife chase u out of d hse. My hubby is really extreme, I think nothing can be happier for him than having a son and of course the reverse. I was angry w him cos having terrible ms, but seeing his sad face I also feel sad cos I can't make him happy. So Anhna, try to overcome ur sadness dun let ur wife feel it, she will be devastated.
Not sure Aisu. But I'll dig up her number and PM to you later. Er let me get it straight - ur MIL wants you to wear specific things and wants to rent them to you? Wow.
Hey anyone of u can feel a lump in the tummy when u wake up every morning or when bladder is very full? I always feel this lump in the morning..sometimes, left, right and middle! haha~
i think it's baby?
Coraine, yes I feel that every morning. Though mine's always in the centre. I think it's the uterus and it only feels like a lump in the morning cos that's when our tummy is least bloated and is smallest so u can actually feel the uterus and not just gas or fats haha.

17 weeks today! Yay!
Oh tangerinez! u mean our uterus is like only palm size now? hahaha..i thought it's the waterbag with baby~ wahahahahaha...
Tangerinez, high five! I am 17 weeks today too! Please let this week breezed by faster! So that I can visit baby2 at the gynae next week!

This morning, I felt movements! Like Bubbles popping! I read in baby centre that bubbles popping may be baby kicking!! So exciting isnt it! Thou I am a second time mummy already!

Oh yes, the kan cheong me has bought maxi cosi for the lil one too. From baby hyper store sale yesterday. So many preggers there! Haha! Quite alot of things there but hub nursing a headache so we chop chop buy!
I'm only 15 weeks but I feel like there is a weight pushing downwards when I was walking towards my car. If almost feels like something is going to fall out. Is it of early to even feel this?
Ahnah/miumiu, dun be sad about having the same gender for #2! As long as baby is healthy, that's the most impt! U can always have the 3rd one! Hahaha! As for me, most likely I am also having another boy (#1 is a boy too!) so I "ren Ming" Loh! I can save $$$ by recycling my elder's clothes! And I have already started shopping for bb boys clothes! So if detailed scan shows that I m wrong, I have a few sets of brand new prl to give away!
Ni, envy u get to see bb soon! My next appt is end of nov.

Try spending 15 to 20 min lying down each night and stare at ur tummy. Can see baby moving! I've seen it everynight since mid last week!

Which maxi cosi model did u get? Car seat or stroller? We are thinking of getting maxi cosi opal but very ex wor!
Miumiu, please let your HB knows the fact of conception, you are NOT the one that decide the gender, it's his swimmer. He needs to be upset with himself, not you.

As long as they are healthy, that will do.

I go a girl, my hb wants another girl, he was a little disappointed when gynae said high chance is boy.

AhNah, my boss got 2 boys, he was sharing so much fun to play with them. Do double-up their insurance coverage though, recently he has spent $14k for fractured elbow! Boy tends to be more playful. Try for no.3, good luck.
Thanks Ni.. We only plan and can only afford two kids so that's why. Anyway guess hv to accept my fate. Just that now I alrdy 15 weeks plus but still vomit so worsen my mood. No time to sPend w no 1 also.

Any mummies here still got ms?
Tangerinez, I got Maxi cosi car seat. My son is using quinny zapp extra so we just get maxi cosi car seat. Can be fixed on the quinny. But I am toying with the idea of a peg pegro p3, cos I scared my selfish son will not let baby2 sit on his quinny zapp. See how la

Miumiu I will love to have a gal to doll up! But I am already spending tonnes of $$ on my son's clothes already! My maternal nesting instinct just kicked in, I packed and rearranged my son clothes and son, and I discovered he has lots of unworn 2T clothes (he is turning 3 yo in 2 months!) gosh! The maid just chuck things in corners!
Pink : the outfits are loan from Thailand already with the accessories....it's the hair and make up I'm not so sure shld I get a Thai lady to do or just a makeup artist will do...

I'm in my 15 wk too! Lol but still quite ok... MS has finally cease abit... Lol... I realize this baby love spicy food just like me... Devil from hell (SIL) has came back... Today she gif me attitude sia... Try to push me... I can't be bother and push back...and she drop an ice on the floor and nv bother to clean it up and I step on the water and I say who so stupid and idiotic not to clean up....
Hi ni, very excited right? I also feel much bb movement starting frm last week. I even dream of feeling it kicking when I place my palm on my tummy hehehe.. Guess hav to wait for another mth or so to feel such strong movement bah?
hi tangerinez: thanks for your reply!
am looking for cheaper alternatives cos in another thread a few yrs back, the lowest price a mummy paid was $46 per box. hehe am trying to check if i can buy direct fr distributor!
Happy holidays mummies! Hopefully your Monday was a well-rested one!

Coraine: I found myself thinking the same thing as you in the morning when I see and feel the lump
every little detail gets us really excited I guess

The kiasu grandma of my twins decided to buy the city select baby jogger stroller along with two maxi cosi car seats
for her grand-daughters, personally find it funny that we are buying such stuff at such an early stage. Thankfully, the stroller can be delivered nearing the due date with the warranty starting from the day we deliver
as a first time parent, baby shopping is really intriguing and the thought of buying stuffs for our little precious-es really warms our heart

On a sidenote: jiayou for all mummies who are still experiencing some discomforts here and there. Hang in there!
this week is already 19 weeks for me but I still puked out my dinner yesterday. Think this baby really doesn't like peanuts cos I had a few yesterday as a pre-dinner snack.

I'm having another boy for #3. #1 is a boy, #2 is a girl. Really happy cos my in-laws are quite traditional and prefer boys. I personally like the fact that my girl will have two brothers to protect her too!
pebblestones..really!? Does the lump shift the position on different days?

Hi qiqi..sorry i can;t help u..but u can call ur gynae through the emergency line and ask?
Yest hubby and we went to see stroller...found 1 that can en and close single handled and weights about 6.7 kg only... Forget the brand thou arg!! $399 for a stroller ex or not?
Meinme my hubby didn't blame me he just keep quiet, n hv the disappointed face...

Sorry mummies if Ive spoilt ur mood, just wanted to vent it out.

Congrats El, ur daughter is indeed fortunate got 2 brothers to pamper her
Miumiu: u really should tell him, regardless of gender, it's a love crystal we had made...it's fated too...are you goin to just be disappointed for the rest of ur life?
Aishumei thanks for ur advice, I guess it takes time for him to accept cos also got pressure fr in law, friends who have son. I dun know if he gonna be disappointed for his whole life, I prepare to face it for the sake of my baby but the thought of it make me sad. Try not to think abt it now.

Re stroller, fr my experience w no 1, she didn't like it. She likes to be carried so we usually use baby carrier. More mobile also since dun hv car, easier to handle when take bus. And when she starts walking she prefer to walk, so we only hv a cheap light weight in case too long the walking distant.
Hi mummies,

I'm from May 2012 thread.

I'm doing a Pre-Order for some Maternity Wear. So kindly browse thru if you have any clothes that you like. You can email your orders to me at [email protected]

Prices are all inclusive of normal pastage fees..

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

Maternity Wear Sales 2.docx (24.1 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Lol... Like 1 of them say here(was it pinkbunny) one to hold on each side and got to hold hands summore that is more than enough liao... Lol...

Anyway! Good morning all!!! I hv nite sickness last nite hahaha...just had a v big packet of vegetarian beehoon :p 15 wks le!!!
welcome qiqi, hope u are feeling better!

i am a naughty pregnant lady! yday night ate ice jelly, and i gobbled up all the pineapple in the fruit cocktail! and now i am drinking toffee nut latte from starbucks!

i hope i am doing in moderation, wont hurt my little beanie, hor?
haha, ur hubby is like mine. Hoping for another girl although we are mentally prepared it may be a boy this time from e previous scan. =P

i still have my nausea in the evenings. its not as bad as few weeks before but it still bothers me as i have no mood for anything except to lie on the couch and watch tv or sleep! bleh...

wow, your girl will have 2 "bodyguards", she will definitely be the princess of the family. happy for you!

i have been very keen on eating bee hoon for this pregnancy too! and i love veg bee hoon! in fact i was planning to have them tom morning. I had cereal this morning to help get my dose of milk and healthy grains. in the past 3 months, i was eating fried bee hoon for breakfast every morning. =P

dun feel bad..i had a bowl of ice kachang last night too! so yum!! as long as in moderation is fine. i even take the occasional sip of caramel latte or kopi-o from my hubby's cuppa. hee...
I'm back! Survived the road trip. I think MS gave me a short holiday... I only puke when i got home!!!

I take panadol too. Just in moderate k.

Cheer up. Such matters aren't in our hands. I have many friends who are trying for #2. Try so long till which gender also doesn't matter. Baby healthy most impt

I also eat sinful stuff once in a while. As long all in moderation.

17 weeks for me! Hope MS stays away.
Hi Elizt, me too 17 weeks today.

Hi mummies, my sis n in law keep telling me not to take cold drinks so much. So much so that sometimes when I do drink it once awhile..i feel so guilty . . Anyone knw wats the cos of effect for drinkin cold drinks? Baby too cold?
Ms Tan
High 5!
I think no good for baby. But i still drink.. #1 also no problem. hahaha.

I do control my intake of caffeine as that will affect absorbtion of calicum.
Ms Tan - im not sure but i drink cold drinks almost everyday. Gynae said its ok as long as not too much.

For caffeine issues, i only limit one ice lemon tea or hot te (if im outside, if at home i drink decaffeinated tea) per day.

Those mummies/tobes who are in the 17-19 weeks range --> have your tummy feel hard already? Mine havent, if i sit down can feel hard. If I lie down, so squishy lol! Hub pressed my tummy to feel baby's movement yesterday, cos I was paranoid that i can't feel any real movements yet, and he said our baby might still be low down on my hips since im a plus size.
andreanie, i read from websites that underweight or 2nd time and above mummies will feel movements first. So do not be alarmed. For my first child, i felt the actual movements at 20weeks+ (i am not underweight)
Elizt, andrenie: ya lo gynea say as long not so much is ok. But better don drink everyday.. Like too much :p

Then..my in law mention don take crab as nextime baby will be itchy hands..love touch stuff..cant sit still. U all believe eat crab will leads to this? I m meeting my frens..gng to eat salted egg yolk crab tonight ley !
ladies, me 2nd time but I have never feel the movement for no.1 at all!!! Last nite, I wore those 2pc PJ, I've tried Tangerinez (post no. 570) method and we can see the movement.

Oh shit, I didnt realised those ice lemon tea made at coffeeshop has tea!!! blur me.

So nice, many of you already 17 weeks, I'm still stuck at 15 weeks, 18 weeks then see gynae.
Adreanie, my tummy feels hard since last month. Very firm. Sometimes itchy. My hubby say itchy maybe tummy expanding. I start to apply cream already after bath at night.
Hi mummies,

I'm from May 2012 thread.

I'm doing a Pre-Order for some Maternity Wear. So kindly browse thru if you have any clothes that you like. You can email your orders to me at [email protected]

Prices are all inclusive of normal pastage fees..

Realised tat be previous doc cant be open...

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

Maternity Wear Sales.doc (76.3 k)</td></tr></table></center>
meinme, i cannot see the movements, maybe i too fat, too many layers of fats! haha. but i can always feel pop pop in my tummy... feels like some subtle kicking. thats an amazing feeling. esp for me, going to "close factory" so i must treasure this feeling! hee
Meinme : I also 15 wks la... Don't worry, we just slowly count down lo... Lol... I also drink cold drink almost every day... Oops... Anyway, sometimes really just feel like drinking tea... My FIL v cute... Ask me got craving for durians or not hahaha!
hello mummies,

I hadn't been contributing much to the forum due to bedrest.

Going to gyne for checks this afternoon.. pray hard that the leak had reduced or the tear is healed!

But going back to work will be a torture..
As my office is moving soon and ghesss there's tons to move.. sigh..
freshly brewed iced lemon tea is one of my fav at the moment too. if i take ice teh-o i try to limit to one cup a day. same for ice lemon tea. i ate crabs for my first pregnancy and no problem. i also ate some during the early stages of my 1st tri this pregnancy. (didnt know i was preggie then).

make sure u do not over exert urself during office move. leave it to the movers/guys in the office. take it easy ya??
hi mummies

Hope everyone had a good long weekend! Full of activities for me coz Sat was my gal's 2nd birthday and we had a party at home. And yesterday we went for Jack &amp; the Beanstalk play followed by a sumptuous buffet at Carlton where the kids were being entertained with activities while we dug in. Ate so much that I feel so fat now... In my 19 weeks now and detailed scan next week! Can't wait to see the lil one...

haha, i like the way you describe your 2 boys, bodyguards =) I'm also have a boy, then girl and now boy. But my girl is the gan-ho bossy type, so not sure if she will be the one protecting the 2 brothers hahaha!

My tummy still feels a lil soft at times. think i have built up too much fats around the stomach. But I started to experience Braxton Hicks over the weekend. This time it started much earlier than my first 2. Not sure if it's becoz I over-exerted myself. It was tense for quite a while and many times and I gotta sit down and rest before it goes away. Shall ask gynae why next week.

Re cold drinks, I also never abstain from it, but take in moderation. Think i had too much sweet stuff over the weekend, so will cut down this week. coz gotta test urine next week kekekee...

Starting to feel the movements more frequently now as the bb grows bigger. 2 nites ago, i even felt something hard pop out of the stomach and was there for a while. I even got my girl to touch and sayang it. Prob it's the leg poking. After we rub it, it went down. So cute!

As for gender, we should not let it bother us too much. Else a bit unfair for the bb. We are lucky that we have no problem conceiving. I had friends who have been trying for # 2 for alomst 5 yrs and still no success! Some tried 7 yrs before they finally have it. So long bb is healthy! So cheer up mummies...
Sunsweet, take care, you'll be fine. If colleagues know that you are preggy, they will help you.

Haru, I saw in WTS thread, someone selling the Playtex liners at $12.50, retail is $16.50, you may consider to stock up now. kekeke

How many kg have u all put on? Didnt really eat alot ley. So far I put on 3kg. Cant believe I m reach 60kg soon.. I m medium build b4 pregnant.
