(2012/04) Apr 2012

Odiey: You are having #3? Mine is #3 too! Still worried on child care issue cos nobody looking after. I have to choose infant care, maid or full time looking after. How are u managing?

Twoormore: thanks for advice. I'm also thinking of forego amnio test as I heard it was real painful too. But whatif...

Sorry abt the loss. Do a mini confinement yah.

Glad that it was just a scare. Take care of yourself n rest well!

I just enrolled both no 1&2 into childcare. Starting in Jan. Hopefully they can adapt. Ever sent no 1 to cc too when no 2 was born but he hated it. Pulled him out after 6 mths. Am hoping this time it wld b easier with the sister going together. My mum will look after the bb n maid will help with housework. Who's looking after your first 2 kids now?
1st one at cc (N1).
2nd one my mom looking after.
Currently no maid.
Age gap: 2 years apart.
How about yours?
Hi amiang & odiey,
I m Hving no. 3 too. Just went for first gynae appt last sat. Edd 30 apr. My no. 1 was pulled out of cc to attend 4 hr kindergarten, no.2 joining her sis in Jan next yr. Mil doesn't like maid and she definitely can't cope with additional one. So till now still Dare not tell my in law's abt the pregnancy yet.
Hi Mummies

I have a brand new tube of Elancyl Stretchmark cream (150ml, just bought, expiry dated Jan-2015), willing to let go at S$30. Self collect around Dover-Queenstown area. If keen, pls PM me. Thanks much!
Hi Mummies

Interested in getting beautiful NARAYA Bags as Diaper bags?

Im organising a bulk Purchase on NARAYA Bags. Interested, pls email me at [email protected] for more information
Thanks ^_^
morning mmommies, so lazy today coz it's so cold and gloomy. arrived work almost 11 already.

i didn't opt for the oscar screening as don't want to worry myself unnecessarily. didn't had it also during my 1st.

summer: my tummy is also flatter in the morning and gets bigger in the afternoon to evening, almost like 5 mos! lol

gina: thanks for your tips, i will try the apple juice and pomelo coz water also triggers my nausea/sour taste in my mouth and my skin is getting really dry already. face is flaking now
i might also get cetaphil or physiogel soon..
Morning Mummies!
Looks like i am the only few persons who are still drinking water. haha. In fact, i love water. I have no choice actually. No water, I will feel dehydrated and get real dizzy. So water is a must for me now. i am trying very hard to limit the sugary drinks intake now. Cos now starting to put on weight liao. too fast already. I have also made a resolution to eat NO fast food this week! hahaha... Too much fast food last week already. My hb is challenging me to keep to my resolution.

Mummies who are getting sick of water, wanna try putting lemon slice into water? A little bit of taste. Too much sugary drinks is not good yah.

Can't wait for Thursday to come! 2nd Gynae visit! So looking forward to seeing the little one!
good morning mummies. such a cold weather. how i wish i am lazing on the bed instead of infront of the laptop!

cheekyduckie, i dun mind plain water too. but i try to restrict myself to ice water. cos i get cough easily after pregnancy leh, dunno why. this body seems to be weaker. perhaps i didnt do a good confinement 2 years ago.

my next gynae visit is still long way to go. 11 days more to seeing the lil bud and oscars test
Cyanlily, very sorry to hear. Take care and God bless. He has a plan for you already, don't worry too much.

My gastric is OVERWHELMING and horrible.

Next visit in Oct where I'd be about up for 1st trim. and will be doing the various tests.

Could someone enlighten me on what exactly are the procedures for the test? Are they invasive?
Hi amiang
Which CC is your 1st one at? Is it good? are you putting your no 2 there as well? My elder will be in N2 and the 2nd one in N1. They are 21 mths apart =) Original plan was to put both of them in 3 hrs kindergarten but with the surprised pregnancy, no choice but to make alternative arrangements. Else my parents will go crazy. Good thing is there's a new CC (Agape Little Uni) opening just within walking distance to my home, so easier to get space. Else waiting list is usually very long at this time to enrol for Jan. Just hoping that they will adjust to the long hrs away from home.

Hi Sharon
Seems like you may need to have some help at home since both of them are in kindergarten. How old are both of them? Are they the independent type?

I'm also one of the those who need to drink lotsa water. Good thing is i dun experience MS (*touchwood*) so still able to take in water. I'm the type who fall sick easily if not enuff water intake!

I'm entering my 12th week this week! When does 1st trimester end? 14 weeks is it? can't recall already...
Dear Cyanlily,
Sorry to hear about it. Take care and rest up well.

My MS was so bad on Sat after I woke up from my afternoon nap. Threw up milo and biscuits that I ate for tea. Was nauseous throughout dinner and puked again after I came back from dinner and this was despite having a cup and a half of boiled ginger water!

2nd gynae visit next Monday together with OSCAR test. Hope that everything goes well.

LittleDd: Not sure what tests you are doing. Normally the most invasive test is the blood test which is part of OSCAR.
hmm.. what is this oscar test testing for and what happens besides getting our blood? How long does it take for the result to surface?
Hi all mummies

My clothes are getting tight too and the bump is pretty obvious. Many colleagues already stare but haven't asked yet haha.

My MS seems to be subsiding although I still have headache once in a while.

ANother symptom i have is i need to pee very often. I thought this happens when the uterus gets bigger and it press against the bladder. Now at this early stage I already have to go ladies very often.

Btw for oscar test there is a reading that we can gauge whether baby is good or not.. some ratio right? like 1:3000 or something. What is the safe range anyone can recall?
Hi Butter Panda, mi too having to pee very often. Esp during slp. Throughout the night, i need to wake up at least 5 times. Making me feeling tired and giddy in day time.
Haha, feel so irritating. Cos 6 plus when i wake up, i also feel hungry.
Previous weeks I wake up about 1 time to pee although previously before pregnant I don't need to. Last night was a record, like 4 times, and each tme bladder was sooo full. I wonder where all the water comes from! haha..

Yeah about hungry, I have to take breakfast every morning now. I don't used to eat breakfast on weekdays. Now if I dun eat, it will be very xin ku. Last month I put on 1.3kg and my gynae already tell me to slow down!
hi odiey,

they are currently 4.5yrs and 2 yrs old. i would say they are used to be taken care by their granny. I dun have much options except nanny, infant care or quit my job which will be the last resort.

Sending 2 to cc will not be a good solution cos mil would not even want to start all over again with looking after an infant.
Oscar test involves taking your blood and doing a ultrasound scan to take measurements of the baby especially the thickness between the neck. I got my results the next day which was pretty fast as they initially told me that it takes abt 2 days. As for the ratio, i'm not too sure - they just told me that I belong to low risk. Guess only if it's high risk, then they will actually arrange for you to talk to the gynae.

you are not the only one. I'm also waking up at least 3 times to pee in the middle of the nite. Hated it, disrupt my sleep!
Butter Panda: Your oscar result sheet should show the average and your reading. Don't go search online, cos they might use different units of measurement. Plus there's other factors like family history, lifestyle which might affect. I scare myself to death when i did the test and did my own research online. I did mine @ TMC. They gave me a copy of the full report. If you are interested, I can extract the norm results when i did for #1 and share with you lar. Let me know if you need it.

Pee-ing often: yes. I am facing the same prob. To make it worse... sneezing will sometimes cause undesirable leaks for me too. argg... back to liners all day long. Like #1, this started early too. I was carrying #1 very low since the beginning, so i suspect everything just pressing on my bladder. Think this time also same again.

LittleDd, oscar is to test for Trisomy 21 (aka Downs Syndrome). Combination of blood test and ultrasound scan. Shouldn't be invasive, other than the needles for the blood test. 3 tubes i remember.
My hb also got to draw blood for #1. to test for blood type compatibility, HIV, etc.
Cheekyduckie! Thanks for your advice.. i think I don't trouble you to take out your past report bah. Too mafan le. Odiey was saying the result is out in one or two days including blood test result? If so that is really fast and I can wait till the result is out. Having jitters thinking about the test we need to go for..
Oh my gosh.. THREE tubes of blood? That is quite scary isn't it?!

And hubby also 3 tubes?

I wonder why some won't want to take the Oscar test when it's better to know in advance should you baby have potential issues so parents can prep themselves better before the arrival of the kid..
LittleDd, the results is only an indication. Have seen some with less than ideal results but child is perfectly normal, and some with normal results, but somehow, the child isn't alright. There are also some parents who would opt to keep the kid no matter what, so no point scaring themselves. Some who will scare themselves to death (myself included) at the test results, so choose to not take the test (i still take. ha!)
Anyway, it's a personal choice lar. My gynae ask me take, so i take lar.

No lar. Think hb not 3 tubes. i think maybe 2 lar. Forgot already.
I think my 3 tubes might be inclusive of other tests. Cos i remember i got tested for HIV, blood cells, chicken pox, hep b, and a lot of other stuff. My gynae is very kiasu one. She sent me for almost every possible test lor.

Remember to eat breakfast before you go lar. Stand by milo if required.

Tests are all indicative. And a very personal choice. I passed the pre-eclamsia test with flying colors in 2nd tri also lor. But gynae labelled me pre-eclamsia @ 37 weeks. Induced at 37 weeks.
Thanks Cheeky.

I was telling hb that he also needs to donate some blood and he was like "what for?!".. hahaha! Finally he gets some action on him.

My gynae did not mention any test names at my last visit, just told me next visit she'd conduct "routine tests".

A colleague commented that I put on weight this morning, was a bit fed up cos' I was thinking no matter how much weight I put on I wouldnt be her size. Hmph.. and sides, I am preggy so I have the credit to put on weight mah. Have not told anyone at the office yet.

Am comtemplating when I should do it, kinda not looking forward to the aunty gossipers yakking away again. Sigh
hi mommies,
been feeling nauseous all day..=Z snackin on kaya toast now. hubby's bought a digital scale so that I can watch my weight as i have been eating a lot...to curb the nausea. so afraid that my gynae will scold me for drastic weight gain if i continue to binge the rest of the week before i see him.

yes yes me too eat to "cure" nausea & end up the weight like stock market, keep shooting up, that is why i end up est 20Kg increase for my 1st preg ... hahahaha
ya, same to me..i put on abt 20kg in my 1st pregnantcy.. so this time..i will control and will watch out the wheight increase
Hi mummies
The 3 tubes of blood for oscar is actually one big tube divide out into 3 smaller tubes for different tests. So you only get poked once, not thrice! ;p

BTW, my hubby din have to draw blood le. Wonder what test they do with their blood...
Odiey: What my gynae told me was the hb test to test for blood type make sure doesn't clash with mine (negative type vs positive type) and cause bb problem. That's the most important. Also, test other standard stuff like HIV, Hep B, etc.

Weight increase: yeah yeah... i'm trying to watch mine too! Let's all work hard together in the Pregger Weight Watchers Club!
how come u all have already gained weight? I have been loosing weight!

Is this normal? But its been at this weight eversince i was positive, never go up.
Hello all!

CheekyDuckie & Leobaby : wish I can join u all for lunch! hahah... but I'm too far away in perth le... maybe when I return next time.. can met up with bbs...

I'm also doing my first trimester screening probably the same as Oscar.. but over here I drew 3 tubes of blood during week 10 and then will go for scan in week 12 which is next week! Yippee! Cant wait to see the little 1!

Regards to further testing, the dr advice us tt if we are determined to have the bb irregardless of the results then no point to do further testing like the CVS or amniocentesis..

Andreanie : Dun worry, Im also losing weight.. mine has been like yo-yo up and down.. think its ok coz probably will gain back when we reach 2nd tri...
Talk about weight.. I don't know is it a trend.. seeing friends and colleagues around me - after having second child, it seems harder to lose weight. They usually expand permanently. So scary. Wonder anyone see examples that are otherwise, or mostly like this?
Hi Mummies,

on outbreaks, that's the saddest thing for me. I have not had much MS, cravings, 'cept need to pee more at night, so can't sleep well.

But the outbreak really uncontrollable and colleagues have been making comments on it. Tot we supposed to have the pregnancy glow, sigh, and now in my 1st trim, I prefer not to let colleagues all know. So have to put up with qns like "recently very stress?", "what happened to your face?". omg.
Hi Mummies,
Having a terrible day today. Puke all my lunch out. Luckily it happened after my lesson. If not, cannot imagine running out of the classroom, halfway through teaching to puke. Now, having high fever. Whole body aching. Now only 9th week. Really hope for 1st trimester to pass soon.

How's everyone? Seems like the topic is on OSCAR. Dun worry about the test itself and the results. Jia You everyone!
oh dear, did you see a doc? hope you will get well soon.

i was so hungry before dinner but the moment i start eating, appetite gone le. so i end up packing some dinner home, and hopefully i will have some appetite to eat later. =(

butter panda,
i have seem some mommies who have 3 kids and really look as slim as before kids. so i guess it depends on individual.
Enidmummy, today also not so good day for me. The nausea feeling lingers around the whole day. Feels so disgusting. Never really Puke out though...

Watch weight club, I want join too! Gained 16kg for my #1, and gosh it was hard to lose man! Breastfeeding did help bring the weight down thou...

Baby bump: Mummies, have ur baby bump started to show? Mine is pretty obvious like 4-5 months preggie!
tokkie - u too? ok now i feel normal! hey, ure in perth? u stay there or? im craving for corica apple strudel now! hahahaha....

oh something i just realize this week (11th week), I have been peeing alot! Especially when I go out, sure will pee at every stop!
Hi odiey
Seems like your kids age close to mine. And my pregnancy also came unexpected. #1 currently at Sheffield KidsWorld which is near my mom's house. Still undecided how to care for #2 when #3 comes along. My mom can't cope with both.

Hi Sharon
We sure have one thing in common. My mom also not able to look after the new baby. I also took sometime before I announce to her my pregnancy.
I hate water. Makes me nauseous. Also like to chew on mint candy to cover that awful taste in my tongue. Just hope I won't get tooth decay by the time MS is over.
andreanie : hahaha! Yah! Am in perth... hb is here to do masters... so i just tagged along... will be back end of next year...
Hi all daddy and mummy,

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Cheeyduckie, what does the pre-eclampsia test consist of? I measured high bp at last gynae visit but when I monitor bp at home it's normal. Hope bp ok at next gynae visit.
ni, mine still not show yet.. cos this time round, i dun have appetite at night.. scare of rice.. so i just take noodle soup for the past 2 weeks.

Ya, breastfeed can help to reduce wheight.
perhaps we all can control our wheight from increase too much this time
Seems like all the mummies here are talking abt weight gain. For my #1, I gained 18 kg. For #2, I controlled my diet and gained only 11 kg.

For #1, I was hungry all the time and my boy is also quite good at eating. For #2, I wasn't hungry all the time and my girl is quite picky.

So I think a lot will depend on whether your baby is a hungry one or not! But of course, you can try to control with diet and exercise. For #2, I consciously laid off eating too much durians and I exercised throughout.
Jojay - I have the same phobia of rice now! Somehow rice tastes sour but noodles or bread is ok!
EI, my #1 is a boy too and i also eat alot due to hungry every 2-3 hours. So, i gained almost 20kg.. my body looks giant that time..

I also hope i can control my wheight this time to be around 10kg if possible.. hoping i will be like you, #2 will be a baby girl
Hi enidmummy,you are a teacher also? me too. I can understand. Now I am having backache. I cant stand too long in class. I am always looking for opportunity to sit down. haix
Gina: Pre-eclampsia test = draw more blood. hahaha. I can hardly remember. I only remember drawing tubes of blood. arggg... can't they just do all the tests at one shot. draw so much blood from me for what. *pouts* don't worry too much now. 1 high reading doesn't mean u have it. i was consistently high, at about 130/100. and a few times at 150. hahahaha. that's why doc sent me for the test.

El: for #1 i was also on good diet control, and yes, my ger is extremely picky at her food now. arggg.... gain only abt 10kg. i think this round, i will exceed 10kg. cos already putting on weight now.

Tangerinez, don't worry too much about the weight loss. Try to eat whenever possible. Good balance meal is the best. I was yo-yo-ing up and down for #1 also. No real gain until 5th month. As long as bb growing can already. We are not supposed to gain a lot in 1st tri everyday either. the extra amount of food we need is at most 1 muffin to support the baby now. I think a lot of us are eating more than that.

Ni: my baby bump only gets obvious after a heavy meal most of the time. In the morning when i go to work, it's more or less flat. But evening time when i go home, it's scary fatter! hahaha... From flat to fat.

Hi lemon,
Yup, I teach in a neighbourhood sec sch. What abt u?
Now gearing towards exams. Workload also increases. Struggling to stay alert and efficient the whole day. We are starting our evening study soon. So will hv to stay for some nights too. Trying to use my weekends to rest as much as possible.
