(2012/04) Apr 2012

My tummy is already bulging out like I'm 4 mths preggy even though only 9 weeks. Sigh...

Going to try to keep total weight gain to 10 kg but already gained 2 kg! It's going to be tough!

El, same here i had mee siam for bfast, after reading the mee rebus talk yesterday! but wasnt nice, so threw away half of it. my tummy also very big for a 9 week+

cheekyduckie, ur daughter v cute
Hi everyone,
Has been a silent reader so far.
I'm also a Apr 2012 MTB. Expecting my #3. In my 8th week now. Would like to join you gals.
Cheekyduckie> thanks for initiaing the FB I was still chking with my previous forum mummy how to create that FB but had yet to get down to coordinate with all of u. Good job. Apparently this is the only way to do this add.

Tangerine> BB in 10.5 wks and very active. I always feel the tiny kick in my tummy these days but have to be very sensitive to feel bb.
Hi there mummies,

I'm an April 2012 mummy too. Can't remember my exact EDD but i think its 11 April 2012. This is my #2. My son is 24 months now. I breasfed him for 2 1/2 years.

I've had 2 scans so far and heard the bb's heartbeat already. My gynae is Paul Tseng at TMC and i like him very much.

Same as most of you. I'm having terrible MS - not vomitting but feel nauseous the whole day. Also suffering from extreme tiredness but have difficulty sleeping properly at night. I can't wait for these 12 weeks to pass. I think i'm in my 10 or 11 week now.

My gynae also never prescribe me any vitamins and said to wait till after 1st trimester. So I'm just taking folic acid at this point.

My stomach is also showing already and i think its becos its my second child as stomach muscles are weaker.

My second pregnancy is very diff from my first one so am hoping its a gal this time.

Fingers crossed!!

Am also craving lots of fast food and can't seem to stomach chinese food.

Enidmummy: Welcome!

Ni: Thanks! All kids are cute! haha... I am sure you will have a cute one too!

Dellise: I didn't get any PM from you.

OmG... The internet connection here is really slow. Have added almost all who have requested. Too slow to do any more. I think I will continue tonight when i get home.

Mummies who are already in the group, please intro yourself ok! I have started an intro post, just add comment and put in your nick. Otherwise, no one is going to know who is who. =)
You should be able to access this site if you are added already.
hi all! much has progressed here! hahaha!! am loving the camaraderie tat is slowly being formed in this thread. =D

i went for my 10-week chk up today..n bb has grown by q a fair bit..not much weight gain but theres a slight baby bump already..gynae complained abt my low blood count n urged mothers with low blood to eat more red meat n leafy vegetables.. she said we shld all start to feel n eat better by week 12. i. cant. wait. =P
I'm back from my check up!!
EDD push back to 14/4 =( BB currently 2.93cm only... But doctor say bb doing good!!
N bb so active just now... Kicking n waving hands!! So happy!!

N my yellow discharge... Haizzz... Dr also said I got too much of yellow discharge... He need to bring it to do some test den know wat happen!
But he said most likely bcoz of my sugar & carbo intake!! I told him yesterday I ate potato chips & bubble tea at night... LOL!! So now..... No more snacks & bubble tea for me!! Miserable.......
Hi Mel
Welcome! I'm with Paul Tseng as well. He's a very nice gynae rite? This is my #3. My EDD is 2 Apr. Going for my oscar test tmrw! Are you going for that as well?
Hi Cheekyduckie, just pm u.

I tried eating the best seller prunes from "prune house". It does wonders to stopping MS for me. But guess must drink lots of water. Does wonders to stop weird taste lingering in mouth too.

Going for oscar 22 sep, shd be exactly week 12 by then. Can't wait to see the detailed scan. Hope MS stop by then so that I don't need to keep eating fast food. Hehe.
Hi all, I'm a 2012 Apr mum too. EDD on 12 Apr. Should be going on to my 10th week tomorrow. MS is much better alr, have not vomitted so far but feeling really really tired everyday during and after work.
Hi mommies!
I'm back after settling my wedding over the weekend. It's been a hectic time.

Visited my gynae for the 2nd appointment today. Baby is 8w3d at 18mm and my due date has been pushed forward by 2 days to 24th apr.
Was prescribed quite a number of medication though - the usual folic acid, fish oil, calcium tablets, multivitamins, gaviscone liquid for acid reflux! Quite a number compared to most of u. Wondering if my baby is ok? My gynae said the baby is perfectly healthy. So why so many supplements at week 8?!

Next appointment on 8th oct and we'd be doing the respective tests required.

LittleDd, your list of pills looks normal to me. Is the peak of what i get when i was with #1. But i didn't get the gaviscone though. Different gynaes got different pref on when to start the diff pills. So it's ok one lar. Did you ask the gynae which pills to take @ which times of the day.
I think some pills shd not be taken together if possible. But I forgot. Last time the clinic assistant told me. But I don't care lar. I eat all in the morning. Too tedious to bring ard. Worse is I will forget.

Jasmine: HELLO! and Welcome!

Summer: Hello and Welcome too! I am going for my 2nd visit on 22 sept. Haha... Only 9.5 weeks then. Long way to go before 12weeks.
Finally assured that I can join this thread after gynae visit yesterday..I'm at week 8 and this is my number 2. My boy is 18 months now...edd 28th April 2012
Similar to first one where I had really bad ms till Week 20, I'm having bad ms too this time...gynae has prescribed me all medicine available in clinic n I need to try to see which suits me most...
Summer> what prune from prune house? Is there a special plc for prune? Did you say detail scan on wk 12? Detail scan are usually done on wk 20. Oscar only measure the neck zone.

LittleDd> Ur vitamins list are the usual. fish oil for brain, Calcium for bones and teeth and I stress that one must really take your calcium as mummies will get a lot of calcium lost in preganancy. I have friends who get very bad teeth and also heard a story of a mummy who broke her leg after pregnancy all due to calcium lost.

Thanks to all the mummies that had voted for my boy in the mothercare casting call.
good morning mummies, its finally fri!

cheekyduckie, i am 9 weeks plus too! such a long way to the end of 1st trimester! look forward!

hello Jasmine, Summer, and Ethan!

oh btw my hub was packing the house and i found the ultrasound pics of my #1.
haha. so amazing. I shall post on our FB group later.
#1 is on the left side of the uterus and #2 is on the right side
so maybe i have chance of opposite gender? haha. just my guess! haha :p
Calcium: Yes! Please eat your calcium and whatever calcium rich food. I was one 1 of the sufferers of bad teeth. I felt that my teeth were all going to fall out during my 3rd tri. Yet, when i went to the dentist, there was no decay or anything, and there is nothing, nothing that the dentist could do. Very miserable!

I love Fridays! Weekend is finally coming! Woooo Hoooooooo....
Hi Odiey,

Yes, i like him very much he was my gynae for my first one too.

I'm not going for the Oscar. We chickened out. Same for the first one, we did not do the oscar.

Basically, we feel that we would not do anything even with the results and am afraid that the test results will cause us lots of stress.


Good Luck for your oscar test!! I'm too chicken to do it.
Hi all, I am into my 11th week. EDD 2 Apr . M a second time mummy, glad to know more mummies here. Kept feeling giddy , can't wait to step into second trimster. Btw can add me into fb pls.

My #1 is a boy. He is coming 44 months. He is in N1 now. He loves the baby in my tummy. He will kiss and sayang it when I come home from work and before we sleep. He also wanted to help Daddy with applying lotion on my tummy. :p

Mel & El,
We share the same EDD on 11th April 2011.
My #2.

Is Oscar a routine test for Mummies above 35? I remembered not doing that when I had #1.
Talking about teeth, I dreamt last night that my teeth are coming off...haha...wonder if it's a sign..haha

My Oscar hAve been scheduled on 18 oct at tmc...hope the results turn out fine..

I am feeling giddy too, more than normal pple cos I have thalassamia...gynae prescribed me iron melts to help
twinkystar, i also did not do oscars for #1, only did triple blood test, but its 70% accuracy. but i m below 35 now too. my gynae said oscars is the norm now. must do. hub wants me to go thru oscars too, to have a peace of mind.
Yup, agree with Ni.
I'm below 35, but still advised by doc to do oscar for both pregnancies together with the blood tests...seemed like it has became the norm now... I do hear cases of mummies below 35 having less than ideal test results n opted to go for the amniocentesis...and everything turns out fine...
Thus I think all these tests are just to put our mind at ease
Hi all,

Had been rather quiet lately esp after a bleeding scare last fri... thank God everything was alrite... did an U/s to confirm tt the little 1 is alrite but abit on the small side.. wonder if its due to my loss of appetite... have been losing weight since preggie... well will be reaching my 11weeks this sun.. hope to get to the 2nd tri soon!

Can I join the fb group as well?

Every1 has a good weekend ahead!
andreanie, Tokkie: can u PM me your FB email account. I will add u as my friend first, after u approve, i will add u to the group.

Tangerinez: Added u to the group liao. Paisei, flooded by too many requests ytd.

FB Group: For the time being, we will restrict to the female chatters here first ok. As some mummies have feedback that they might want to post pictures on the group page and would like the privacy to be kept within the ladies.

Mummies who are in the group already, please intro yourself. If I don't see your intro in the intro post, I will remove you from the group ok. This is to prevent spammers from lingering in the group.

Twinkystar: the tests aren't compulsory. But depending on your age, gynae will advise lar. I was also below 30 for #1, but gynae ask me to test. So ok lor. Just test. Scare myself quite a bit. Will be testing for #2 too.
ladies, do book your oscars test early. i tried to call in to book for end of the month, they are fully booked. they ask me to walk in and wait

hv not log in for a long time as hv been dealing with bad ms. so glad to see many mummies joining in. Yeah!! super happy it is Friday!!

tokkie, u take care :)

can i ask whether anyone feel sudden chills? I do face it and especially in the night. Just last nite, I have to wrap myself in blanket. Is this anything serious?
Ni: yes... for #1, i just walk in for my oscar. I went @ 8am! 1st in the queue! haha! But still i only left the centre @ 1pm. Zzz... baby not cooperative, refuse to lie in correct position. I think i saw all the radiologists in the centre that day! Drank a lot of water, eat breakfast, walk up and down stairs, but bb just refuse to lie down. She can sit up, wave at me, smile, turn and show me her butt, but just simply refuse to lie down.

bbtwo: i do get chills in the middle of the night. dunno why. but not too concerned. maybe i ask my gynae when i go visit on thurs. =)
CheekyDuckie, same for me too. My #1 also didnt co-operate during oscar. I drank 2 cups of milo and walk up and down, bb refuse to wake up. End up I ate sweet then bb wake up and can do oscar. My oscar is scheduled for next thurs, I hope the results is ok , a bit worried as this pregnancy not smooth.

I was admitted to hospital on Sunday for allergy to diarrhea medi from GP. Whole body tremble and cannot breath, went to A&E and admitted for 2 days. Now on mc and everyday feel giddy. I don't know how i am going to work this coming Monday.

Hi ethan , my gynea prescribe iron for #1 and I end up with rather bad constipation. So now i don't dare take. Now I am on folic acid, duphaston and something call exsativa ( swiss oat) to give me energy boost as I have been feeling lerthagic and hubby say my face and lips pale as sheet of white paper. Saw improvement with exsativa just that the giddiness dont go away. Would like to ask if mummies here get headache. Anyone got any remedy beside popping panadol which I try to avoid.
Yeah the oscar test is really a personal choice. For me, i don't think i will do anything such as go for amnio or whatever even if the results are bad so might as well not go for it.

I've also heard of stories of friends who went for oscar and amnio and results were bad - And luckily they didn't do anything coz baby ended up being normal.

Also the results are so iffy - like if you have a 1 in 5 chance that baby has downs. I guess 1 in 5 is a really high statistic but still means that 4 in 5 means that baby is normal.

It will be excruciatingly hard to make any decision based on that.

What is everyone having for lunch? Any suggestions?

Hi mummies,
Just went for my Oscar test this am. Results will b out on mon! Hope everything goes well! It was nice to see that bb has grown so much in the last one mth. When we first scan, bb was doing a head stand. Luckily it managed to lie down n cooperate after a few shakes haha... So everything was done within 10 min. Yes, Oscar is not compulsory but just want to have peace of mind. Just pray hard that results will b fine. I was even asking gynae whether I belong to high risk group as I'm 35 next yr. Luckily he assured me I'm not.

r u doing the Oscar at tmc? It's recommended to even prebook the detailed scan now as their apptm r very packed. The nurse booked all the tests for me during my first visit. At least I get to choose the timing that is suitable.

We have the same edd! Guess we will be the first mummies to pop in this group! Based on my first, both arrived 1week b4 my edd. Am guessing this wld prob be the same.

when's ur next apptm with dr Paul? We might even bump into each other at the clinic one day!

I also experience chill one of the nites. The last time this happened was during my confinement. But this time it was not too bad. At least the teeth were not chattering n I din break out into cold sweat thereafter. Also not sure what caused it.
hi ladies,
i haven pop in for sometime becoa i had severre cough last week. the cough and headache are really killing me. After the GP gave me a cocktail of many medicine, my cough gets slightly better now (not totally cure though). i somehow feels worried becoz the medicine he gave are really strong ones, although i emphasise to him that i am pregnant. the bloating stomch is upseting me now, so i got a little panicky and went to another gynea just now (cheaper and nearer) to check. so i decide this will be my backup gynea, since subsequent check will only cost me $60. I had a friend who had 2 gynea too... she will always go to the cheaper one when she need an assurance and see the baby in the scans. kekeke..

since we at at oscar test, i decide i will go for my oscar test. i prefer to check thoroughly for my baby sake.

CheekyDuckie, i sent you a pm yesterday. Pls add me to the fb group too.
amiang, i told my boss when i was allocated for overseas assignment. my initial intention was wait for first trimester over. but decided not to, cause i dint wana cause disruption for her if i were to inform her so last min .
so i tink u can tell her at a time comfortable for ur work place to cause less disruption. so that she can make the necessary changes/arrangement.

my boss is not those pro-family type. so i dint wana make tings worse for myself if i tell her last min. but i told her not to announce to dpt, cause havent first trimester over.

of coz gota be prepared for repuccussion if ur boss is not pro-family kind... but i guess thats not the priority now
Mossie: I never receive you PM. can you try again?

amiang: for #1, my boss discovered from the MC that I submitted. haha... #2 i haven't tell. But i think getting obvious. Latest I will tell if they nv discover before that is after 1st tri. which is like... in a month's time.
mel, lunch was good for me! had peking duck! and fish maw soup! now i am so full that i wanna sleep.

amiang, i nv kept it from anyone about the pregnancy, but also never publicise. if pple ask then i admit. if nv ask, i wont say lo..
Tomorrow morning will be going to see my gynae, now already 11 weeks+... so excited, can't wait to see the little 1 after hearing that some of you manage to see the baby's active movement...
According to nurse, maybe will arrange for Oscar test on tomorrow if possible, depends on gynae's assessment...

I've let my boss knew earlier and 2 days ago she told me there are male colleague from other dept asking her whether i'm preggie. To my surprise that guys nowadays are really kehpoh...
I think most of my office knows I'm pregnant, I told my close buddies n boss almost immediately after i found out at week 4... Not that I'm not pan tang but I believe they could look out for me during the critical first trimester with my constant ms... When other colleagues asked due to my bulging tummy n nausea...I admitted as well.. My impending promotion could be at risk but I've decided the baby is more impt...
Regarding bb announcement> Really individual. Had a mummy from previous forum annouce before she was cfm as permanent staff and was axed immediately as co. don't want to pay 4 mths leave mah. For me I will wait till after oscar test result as I am old age grp liao. Luckily I don't need to go office as my tummy really huge.

Cheekyduckie and mummies> Also be mindful of your dental care. Although I take a lot of calcium towards the 30+ wks my teeth started aching and I dont want to go see the dentist for fear of trigger contraction for birth. Immediately after then I went. This round I smart liao before plan for this bb I visited my hairstylist for colour, go facial and see dentist. During the whole nine mths I will not do facial as had once the beautician pick and I felt pain down in tummy. so very cautious now.
Oh yah mummies> This is a note from my Dr. As iron and calcium cannot be absorb if you eat them together it is recommended that you eat them at different time of the day like lunch calcium dinner iron. Also to prevent constipation must drink a lot of water with all these vitamins. For me I have fruits every evening after dinner. Now water taste so bad and after water always wanna throw out.
leo baby, i just had facial yday. cannot tahan my breakouts anymore. but of cos i told the therapist not to do any treatments that involve machines for me. so it was a basic cleanse, scrub, exfoliate, mask session! for me, i got the therapist to tilt the bed higher so that my back will feel not as ache.
