(2012/04) Apr 2012

LeoBaby: Yah... I think my teeth gonna ache again this time. haha. nvm lar. i think i will still go see dentist lor. after 1st tri. at least do some cleaning.
i too slow to color my hair this time liao. think i just have to live with the white hair sticking out for CNY. ARGGGGG
Facial is a must! These 2 months must be the highest rate pimples are popping out of my face my entire life i tell u. i am never a pimple person, at most like 2 months tio 1... now.... ARGGGGG... it's like, 2 days 1! faintz...

Lunch: I just had super yummy (aka SALTY) beef udon soup at ichiban boshi! Super duper yummy! I am so into salty food. Doomed. Bad for my blood pressure. Arggg... and i got history of pre-eclamsia. I think i gonna be induced at 37 weeks again. =S
Cheekieduckie> ppl say that those that have bb gal will get a lot of out break as the female hormone increase in you. ur first one gal right? are u wanting a boy this time?

My skin has always been good type so I still didn't see any sign of bb gal yet. My first was boy and overall still good looking till towards the T3 nose bigger. that what happen when have boys that what they say and was true for me.
Shall we arrange for a meet up session soon? I have been home a lot and hearing you all with all the good food makes me go crazy. My helper is not a very good cook I think she like me eat to live only but I cannot tahan liao.
Leo Baby. my #1 is ger. But hor, all tales do not work for me. haha. Nose also got bigger. Can't remember abt the pimple.

I hoping for boy this time lar. To complete the loop. And... GIVE MYSELF EXCUSE BUY NEW BB CLOTHES! hahahahaha... if ger, then i will still be very happy, cos got another doll to dress up mah.

Anyway, i am secretly aiming for 3. but hb only wants 2. so need to work hard at convincing him. i think i am addicted to being preggers. =P

Meetup Meetup! I love meetups! Maybe we can do a lunch time meet up for those working in the same area. I am located at Novena. I have quite flexible lunch time, so i can travel up to Toa Payoh or Orchard area.
Me also got outbreaks now!! my outbreak start when i take clomid 2 months ago.. the pimples never stops. i have a strong feeling that my baby is a gal this time. I have nice glowing skin when i had my boy.

cheekyduckie, i had pm you already. But just in case u don't receive it, u can add me in fb [email protected]

my post keeps disappearing in this forum so i think my pm may be lose too.
I had a nice bento lunch set at Akashi for lunch followed by a chocolate milkshake. yum! I always try to give myself a nice lunch on Fridays as a reward for surviving the workweek!

Summer - The only cure I have for headache is to lie down and rest if you are tired. If it is due to stomach discomfort, I drink boiled ginger water. Maybe you can ask your hubby for head massage too.
Hi everybody,

I am new to the thread!

Expecting my #1, into my 10th week now.
EDD is 9th Apr.

Experiencing bad MS too cos the little one is extremely choosy on food.
Mossie> u believe in the description of symptoms too huh. So far so good for most. I am still awaiting for outbreaks....

I think there should be a few mummies already at their 12 wks now right? those with EDD 1 Apr? Let us know how you feeling ok?

Anyone for meetup?
Proposing 23 Sept (Fri) (Orchard or UE Squ?)
1) Leo baby (Lunch or dinner both OK )
2) CheekyDuckie OK?

Pls add ur self to list if any gals are ok.

Leo baby: i'm into 12 weeks this Sunday (based on last scanning). So far still ok coz I dun have lots of problems on MS, but recently got headache and feel very tired. Can't sleep well at night. Will not feel hungry so often, but appetite not so good also. The little one appears to start choosy on food.
Leo Baby: 23 Sept Lunch Orchard i'm ok. UE Sq too far liao lor! Dinner i need to dbl check. Think hubby will be having function that night. I need to do babysitting duty. =P

mossie: i PM u. ur fb is secret too... can't add u. =S
Have a great weekend mummies!! We're all counting down to our next trimester and hopefully goodbye MS and tiredness...

My next gynae appt is on Friday so will update more after that.

Cheekieduckie> I mean United squ at novena not UE Square. I blur sotong. Do you prefer to be nearer to ur office as I am at KKH that day so very nearby. Any other mummies wanna join.
Hi Amiang, just to share with u, I told my boss when I am into my 6th week and still under probation at work. My mentality is whatever the co decision, baby comes first. If they really want to axe becoz of that, they will do it sooner or later. I guess diff co hav diff practice. Btw, I got verbal confirm that I will b converted to perm.

Realized that there r 2 Summers here, with the same edd 2nd apr 2012 after my 2nd gynae visit. Hehe. This is my #1 though.
All e old wives' tales were also not accurate on me..

For my boy, my skin was beyond horrible..it was horribly dry n it peeled thru out. I even had dark patches (chloasma). Depressing.

For my girl, also horrible but not as bad as boy's.

I nvr had e pregnancy glow tat books mentioned. Dun evn talk abt looking radiant...;(

This time around, my skin is blotchy n dry. How la like tt?
hello mummies,
TGIF! i have been eating so much to curb my nausea (that means eating when not hungry) that my tummy really looks like 4 mths preggie. Sigh...i really need to stop this crazy bingeing. i'm constantly feeling exhausted but my daughter seems to avoid her nap or take ages to nap in the day which then i get totally agitated and start snapping at her. not great, i know but can't control my temper. feels terrible after that cause don't want my mood to affect baby as well as i know i shouldn't vent it out on my daughter. can't wait to be my normal self again soon....
twoormore. dun be sad. be happy. use lotsa moisturizer to better the situation. cetaphil and physiogel works wonders for me. i suffer from some skin condition which causes my skin to be flaky and dry. these 2 really works for me. Eat more fruits with anti oxidants will also help. most berries are high in that.

Secret FB
OMG! All the PMs are getting delivered to the SPAM folder. No wonder I can't find them. I have added as many as i can dig out. If I i have still not sent you the friend request, i think the mail is really lost. Please please let me know and PM me again ok. I am trying real hard to keep up with this "job". hahahahaha...

Leobaby: United Square is good for me! Novena Square also can lar.
Thanks cheekyDuckie for ur suggestions. i'll def b chkg them out.. =)) i was actually hoping for e skin to stabilise aft 1st trimester since it has to deal wif e sudden surge in hormones..

tonite, i had some ginger drink n i must say it did a gd job in expelling all the unwanted gas in my system! Q shiok after all e belching..keke..

secret FB

i'll let u settle everyone in before sendg u my request k..
Morning all,
Could not sleep well again...so up I am..

For those taking oscars n intending to stay at tmc, can consider subscribing for the SBI card .. Total savings from Oscar, detailed scan at week 20 n stay would be more than $128
Leo baby, almost missed ur message, paiseh. Prune house as in "梅屋in chinese. Got abit mixed up with prune or plum. Sour plum really works for ms cure for mi. I asked the shop assistant, they say its fine for preggies, so I tried those that r not too sour. Guess everything in moderation is fine.

Didnt know it was not detail scan for oscar. pardon my ignorance s a first timer. I haven got to see the baby waving at me yet. always sleeping. very excited to see whether babe does that this coming thurs.
Btw, i did a little observation among my frens who r mothers or mothers to be. Seems that those who have the habit of drinking lots of water have gd skin no matter baby girl or boy.

With fast food n little water input, difficult for me to have gd skin now. haha.
Yes Summer, I agree with you...plain water is repulsive to me now! I've only drunk ginger tea n when ms not bad, soya bean milk. I read from a tcm website that to alleviate nausea in first tri can drink sugar cane juice, apple juice, honey water n try eating pomelo. I find pomelo stays down. So does pear n guava. It's all trial n error but at least get some fibre in to lessen constipation.

my son has the same habits as your gal.this makes me even exhautsed man no wonder they say number 2 makes mummy more tired cos number 1 always want mummy's attention
Hi bubuya,
I read at babycenter app that headache is due to the upheaval of hormones. I get bad headaches at times n panadol seem to be the only cure. The previous cure of sugar w ice cold water doesnt work for me now. M still looking around for a natural remedy.

Bubuya n ethan : My sleep is also disturbed, most days i will wake up at 4 plus or 5 am n can't sleep. When i reach home, i will be so tired in the evening. Haiz.

Btw i have great skin when i was expecting my # 1( gal). A lot of colleagues said so abt my skin. When they have boys, they have lots of break out. I guess it depends on which way our hormones goes ?
hi mommies,
had a long day out since morning and am exhausted! nausea is not too bad today but i find myself having to sit down to rest often. so tired that I am contemplating skipping dinner to go to bed. haha..

i had cravings for sugar cane last week but i read somewhere that sugar cane juice has pretty high sugar content so best not to take too much for preggie mommies. so now i settle for cold coconut water.
Hi to all. Thanks for advice on when to break preggie news. I'm 8weeks now so I probably will break news to my boss next week or so. MS seems to be getting worse. Feeling nausea when the mouth is empty. And hate drinking water. My EDD on 26apr. As I'm above 35, doc ask me to consider amniocentesis. Still undecided.
Gina, haru, thanks for the advice. honey water and apples seem to work for me. heard frm gynae ginger is ok but not too much as it may cause jaundice.

Have a bad sneeze day, experiencing pain. abit worried.

Summerbliss: so coincidence. i doing oscar on thurs too and delivering at mt a. so we may b able to see each other then. ;)
Hi mummies
I cleared my Oscar n blood test! Can heave a sigh of relief as I'm not exactly very young.

Re outbreak, I'm also having a bad outbreak. One pimple will pop out every other few days and mostly on the chin area. I'm hoping it's a sign that it's a girl ;p but I never had the pregnancy glow despite boy or girl for my no 1&2. But I developed bad rashes on my face before I was pregnant with no 2 once I stopped breastfeeding n doc says it's due to hormonal change. The rashes continued even after I was pregnant. N I can only apply aloe Vera gel n qv cream on my face. It only stopped at third tri.

SBI card is for ppl who deliver in tmc. It offers disc for the Oscar, detailed scan n hospital stays.

My main activities daiily include eatg n sleeping. Reminds me of a certain animal. X_x

I'm not taking well to water too so I add a little ribena to douse the horrible taste in my mouth.. N yes I worry alot abt e sugar level..

Amiang, I heard tt instead of amnio, some mothers are opting for genetic scanning instead.. Less invasive than amnio. I may consider tt to get a piece of mind later on..
Odie, congrats on positiv results.. My Oscar is 2 weeks fr now n I'm already feelg e jitters. ;(

U r not alone regardg ur outbreak. I think during tis period of time, it's good to test my hb's love for me cz I'm sooooooooooo ugly! If I were a man, I'll puke at e sight of myself..
Hi summerbliss,
Sbi is subsequent birth incentive card by tmc. Not worth it if u are giving birth out of tmc, it mainly offers 10% off scans like Oscar and week 20 detailed scan plus $100 off hospital bill for birth at tmc.
On outbreaks, I had bad outbreak for my 1st which is a boy...the pimply face ESP forehead only disappeared after birth...

This time round, I dun have that kind of outbreak but skin is not glowing either..just normal...thus hoping it's a ger..
Had q a scare in e wee hrs of tis morning when I woke up to a wet undies n shorts. I thot oh gosh it must b blood n tts it..went to chk n saw brown watery discharge.. Quickly googled n found out tt it cld b 'old blood' n usu q common in 1st trimester..

Decided to get a scan quickly at kkh where they did a v-scan n tummy scan..thkfully there's no more bleedg n cervix was closed. Bb's heartbeat was doing well too.

I think at our stage, it really pays to b extra careful. Do not do anythg tt may exert ourselves..take care, moms..
hi ladies sigh.. not meant to be in this thread afterall. Had my 3rd appt and found out that the baby has stopped growing after 6th week. Heartbeat can no longer be detected. Will be going back on Tuesday to do a final scan and if natural miscarriage does not come by then will go for D&C. I pray for all of you that your pregnancy will be smooth and all babies be delivered healthy, chubby and cute.
Bye for now.
Twoormore, glad to hear you n baby r well! Did doc advise more bed rest?

Btw, mummies with gynaes at TMC, where wd u go in case of emergency eg. middle of the night or Sunday clinic closed. Cos I just realized TMC has no AnE dept right? So head straight to KKH?
Hi odiey n ethan, tks for explaining wat is SBI? Cant get the savings since not delivering at tmc

Summer: so coincidental, my oscar appt on this thurs at 1:30pm , i will keep a look out for u. Cross my finger on the results.

Twoormore : glad bb is fine. I had brown discharge for my #1, mine over some time though so was given bed rest. Rest well k.

Butter panda: I am wearing maternity skirts now as although current skirts can fit, I feel it getting a bit tight by noon. My tummy seem to get bigger in the evening compared to morning. I ask gynea why, he said gas as duphaston can sometimes cause it. Not sure if any mummies here have similar experience ?
Gina: thanks. yes, doc said not to walk too much.. Also I faced e situation of no gynaes avail in times of emergency last night! Every clinic seems to b closed on Sunday. I decided on kkh becz they hv ready gynaes 24/7 n they even provide a hotline svc fr 8am - 12mn.. No harm takg tis no. Down: 1900-55-68773. Calls r chargeable at 80c per min tho.

Summer: thanks..
it was indeed a scare. I'm pregnant but I feel like an invalid.

Cyanlily: impt to nurse ur body back to health n try again. Take care.
i am so sorry to hear about it. Do take care above all things ya?

my tummy still looks pretty flat in the morning but come afternoon and evening it really looks bloated up!

A&E for preggers: I am sure anyone can just go straight to KKH A&E if required. So choosing gynae from anywhere is fine. My gynae @ TMC gave me an emergency number to call too. But I think will be super ex. Never called before.

Maternity wear: I think I might start on the jeans and pants first. My current clothes getting a little tight. Esp later in the day. No idea why also lar. I do have a few pcs of work pants which are big for me, and they fit better now. So I am trying to wear them as long as possible. haha...

Yen: PM me your fb email address and name. I will add u as pte friend first den after u acknowledge, will add u to grp.
