(2012/04) Apr 2012

I'm in 12 weeks and will be going for Oscar test next Monday...a bit nervous.

So happy that 1st tri over soon, but recently dizziness have been bugging me the moment i step in my office... wondering whether any mummy also facing the same problem of feeling dizzy/headache?

I just asked my gynae abt dizzy and he told me its normal

My complexion also no good
CheekyDuckie, thanks, will take note of disposable undies and maternity pads. Am excited for your gynae visit this afternoon

El, I do pee before going to bed. I would lie down for a while, then feel like going again. Sian. I've been taking soya milk (don't know why I don't like the smell of fresh milk now). Hope I'm getting enough calcium from soya milk.

bubuya, I'm also seeing my gynae on Monday. Will let her know my decision to take the tests (she calls it First Trimester Pregnancy Screen but the components similar to Oscar). Don't know if the tests will be done on the same day. All the best to you
Anxious: Thanks!

Eliz: Glad to hear it's normal. Now everyday face the same problem and feel very tired, really unbearable...

My complexion has not been good also
i also mentioned dizziness to my gynae. he also told me is normal n is good to feel dizzy...
i was like huh??!! but according to him, at least this shows baby is growing healthy....

i everyday feel tired n sleepy...
Hi Anxious,

I've been having 1 bottle of soya milk daily and a glass of Similac formula milk for expecting mommies. Agree that soya milk so much more appealing than regular milk!
i also encountered dizziness esp when i am feeling hungry, can feel faint. and headaches seem to haunt me more now. esp around 5pm. i feel really sucky in the evening. headache, gassy, and nausea. So i try to leave office around 4.30pm, if not sure faint in the peak hour train.
littledd, i read somewhere that if you are expecting a boy, better not to drink too much soya bean milk. cos it contains an ingredient that will affect the boy's sperms in future. But drinking in moderation should be fine
same here!! morning seems better for me nowadays which is good, at least i can work..
so i end up taking cab everyday.. luckily i stay nearby!

see u all so hardworking makes me feel so bad.. i'm just eating my folic acid.. hasn't start on milk/soya yet.. just cannot stand the after taste.
hi ladies, jus curious, does soya milk has the calcium in it like milk? i went to see teh nutrients of it.. seems like it has more of proteins.. and not so much of calcium
my gynae encouraged me to take soy milk instead during my 1st pregnancy as i was gaining weight too quickly. so i will do the same this time round. except that i have not been able to bring myself to drink any milk lately.

you are not alone on the milk. i normally love milk but somehow it has lost its appeal to me since preggy..moo....
littledd, you are so disciplined! even for soya milk, i'm not taking a glass every day. I'm thinking of taking chocolate milk, they are yummier.

Eliz, you are not alone lah. I'm also diligent only on folic acid. I forgot one yesterday and I felt so bad
Let's jia you together.

silvery_gal, I read somewhere that having symptoms is good, like your doctor says, the baby is developing well. For a while, I was quite concerned as I do not have much symptoms, other than feeling hungry and tired all the time.
gingerbreadger, soya milk does not contain as much calcium as milk from the 2 brands I compared previously. But it is easier for me to down soya milk than milk (choco milk is ok though). So some calcium is better than none for me haha.

haru, that's some relief for me as I'm also putting on quite some weight already. So it's going to be soya milk still. Thanks!
Hi all, thanks for all the comfort. I just admit myself to tmc today for drips n gastric pain. I had this horrible pain since last night. Think have to stay for 2 day. Nowadays I vomit all the gastric juice with traces of blood. Felt like I'm dying. Now I'm on drip for the past 1 hr, I felt slightly better but they still haven give me my gastric medicine. Tmc service is quite slow
omg mossie... please take care of yourself and get well soon! i have very bad gastric juice as well. my gynae told me it is acid reflux and gave me some gaviscone. somehow everyday at 12-1pm, it gets exceptionally bad. and i heard that when we have acid reflux, we should not drink milk until the acid milds down..

my mum took soya bean milk when she was pregnant with my elder brother cos' she could not down regular milk at all so i guess soya milk does have sufficient calcium. then again, everything in moderation would be best cos' soya milk tastes sweeter somehow!

ladies, i was 47.5kgs pre-pregnancy days. am now 53kgs at 9.5 weeks ONLY. and i keep wanting to eat mee pok every morning and somtimes night as wel! ytd i had one serving of mee pok for breakfast and another at 12am though i did not finish the entire bowl but still!

what are your weight gains like?
i'm so sad.. from a size 8 to now 10 or possibly 12 maybe.. this is depressing!
Hi all,
I had dizzy spells too and after my blood test, turns out that I have low blood count. Doc gave me iron supplements. So for those who have dizzy spells, pls check with your gynae if you have the same condition?

Mossie: Sorry to hear that you are sick. I had stomach cramps and diarrhea for the past two days too but was better after taking medicine. So take care and hang on!

Just took a packet of chocolate milk this morning and gosh, I couldn't take it. :-(
Mossie- pls take care! Gastric juices with traces of blood? Yeeks!

LittleDd - For me weight gain has been abt 2.5 kg so far. Wah, you were so slim before, 10 kg lighter than me!

For me, only fresh milk can settle my tummy if I get gastric. Luckily my taste for milk hasn't changed with MS. On average I've been drinking abt 2 cups per day since MS started. 1 cup in the morning together with my folic acid and 1 cup just before bed.
Mossie, hope u get well soon.. E journey ahead is longggg.

Mine is possibly e worst.. Inside oily, outside vvvvvvvvvvv dry..so my skin flakes everyday. V upsettg.

Seems to b improving (fingers n toes crossed) n I'm eatg a little more than b4.. Still craving for salty n spicy stuff..

Baby bump:
Def startg to show!! Started applyg e Clarins oil today cz I cldnt stand e itch.. Gosh!

Weight gain:
Rather stagnant this trimester but sure to rocket soon.
That's cos I'm short lah.. 1.6m only. Hahaha! So 47.5kg not that slim lah.

Abit shy to ask here but does any of you find a sudden pause in your sex lives since you and your hb found out about the pregnancy? Mine is rather depressing. Sometimes makes me wonder if he is cheating on me since his job has to move about all the time type and he is his own boss so I won't know what he's doing.
Complexion: my skin definitely flaking and bumpy. Think it's the hormones and not enough water. Even my hands and feet look wrinkly. Yikes.

Milk: didn't drink milk before pregnancy and definitely don't feel like it now. So relying on a cup of soya milk every other day and from 2nd tri, guess gynae will prescribe calcium pill, which may cause constipation. Then have to solve that with prune juice. What to do?

Appetite and MS: yesterday I puked 3x, worst in 2 weeks! I think it's cos I left the time between meals to too long (4hrs instead of 2) so couldn't keep in tea, dinner, even 9pm just throw up gastric juice. Acidic, felt like throat burnt! So today, learn my lesson, eat small meals every 2-2.5hrs. Don't feel like also must eat! On the teatime menu today, peanut butter with bread.

CL: those thinking of hiring, do so soon! Popular ones get booked fast! My first two CLs were booked by others even tho I called them the moment I tested +ve on pregnancy kit!?

Next gynae visit: counting down to 5 Oct. Will do the OSCAR then as well. Wonder if will be able to tell baby's gender by then, wk12.
Eliz, I just realised why your nick so familar. I attended one of your baking classes with my son before! Congrats! Is your daughter looking forward to a didi or mei mei?
Do rest more.. Take care!

Hihi! No more workshops for me till after MS goes away.
Yesyes, my gal sure is looking forward.. she's really sweet nowadays. Yty even helped me apply the stretchmark cream.
amiang: i havent went for my OSCAR scan but have already booked an appt with NUH. i think is lesser than $250.

Mossie: hi gal, take care! have a good rest...
hey ladies, if you gals are intending to attend the antenatal class from mrs wong boh boi from tcm, should go n register now already. it sounds a bit kiasu, but beta do it quick, cause she's very popular. jus now i went to register online, she doesnt have classes commencing from december to january. so our option will be in november, if not the nex one available will be feb, which will be too late.
u dont have to make payment now, jus register. then can pay later. 2 wks prior to class commencement. hope it helps.
mossie: take good care! hope the drips will make you feel better soon. hang on, 1st trimester should be ending soon.

littledd: me too! almost zero sex life lol. even though gynae told HB sex once a week is fine, i think we've only done it 3 times in all of 10 weeks. and i'm shy to initiate, so... i guess no more sex for a long time! lol.

but you don't think about him being unfaithful. why don't you talk to him about it nicely? mostly likely he is just worried about the little one, or he see you suffering with MS and don't want to make you uncomfortable?
mossie, take good care and hope you get well soon.

another day is almost over and we are inching nearer to happy weekend! gambatte!
Did my oscar today. relief is positive result.

Gynae warned abt dizzy spells becoz of expanding blood vessels at 2nd tri. recommend to drink lots of water n no sudden movements when get up frm chairs. can try flexing cslf muscles or raise ur legs to get blood circulate to rest of body for Remedy.
Complexion: Im having breakouts! so much of ppl telling me i will have the pregnancy glow!
Its more to being oily and having breakouts...
Mossie: Take care! Get well soon!

Weight gain: 0.3kg at 9w4d. Phew... I need to keep within 10kg for the entire period. Was too heavy to start off with.

Oscar: My oscar is 10 Oct... Back to gynae a week later. Cos blood test results won't be out so fast. Oscar alone results usu out next day @ TMC. Blood test to test for the palettes, blood cell count, etc. Yawnz... Think includes hep B, pox, etc too. my 3 tubes of blooddddd...

LittleDd: Sex Life = 0. Very scared will hurt bb. Even though gynae says it ok. Aiya... See how lar. I have some friends who's drive goes up like crazy in 2nd tri. Let's see who has such luck here. I rather not. Poor hb. No action for 9 months during pregnancy, after that, BF-ing also no action. hahahahahahahaha....

Antenatal class: Good luck trying to register. Mrs Wong's class really very popular. She is really good. I had some makeup classes prev by her colleagues. Also good lar, but not as exciting as Mrs Wong herself. My friend called recently to book, but they didn't allow to book so early. Ask her to book after oscar scan results out. So prob can only book at start of 2nd tri.
Hi Butter Panda,

I did my blood test on 08 Sep 2011 (week 10), so the blood test result was out in the clinic by today when I did the scan. Lucky for me, My baby was cooperative during the scan, took about at most 25 min when I was out of the scanning room. The scan result is entered and gone through with me during the scan and summarised after the whole scan.

Scan results is printed out immediately to be analysed by the doctor with the blood test result after my scan. Went at about 2pm and went off around 4pm. This is my #1 and base on what I experience today. =)
Hi summer, i reach at 130 pm n left at 445pm. Was looking out for you but can't find you tho. I was only successful to get bb's reading after 5th attempt. Bb just rest on the wrong side n simply can't take the neck measurement. Drank so much water till i think i gonna burst. Hahaha. The scan result went well for me, now waiting for blood test results as I took it on the same day. Crossing my finger still.
Mossie gal, take care. I was hospitalised last week due diarrhea. Was also put on drip as well as oxygen mask as I can't breath probably. It's a horrible feeling but keep your mind focus on the little one. It will be worth it all. 妈妈是伟大的。

Amiang : I paid $437.65 for the package which includes oscar + FA scan @ 20 weeks at TMC. If u are a TMC member, you get 10% discount

Pre-natal : I love Ms Wong's class. My friends who can't attend, borrowed Mrs wong's books from me ( 3 in total: pregnancy, breast feeding n childcare ) and said they benefitted alot. These 3 books are not included in her course fee , must buy seperately. If you can, do try to go for her class. She is good.
cheekieduck> can book now. i already did. jus go to tcm online, then go to parent craft. then go n register can le.. she got quite little classes available in november. so beta to be kiasu a bit.
Gingerbreadger: OK! I go tell my friend! in case she haven't book! She already 20weeks liao.
What you book so early ah. Last time I went closer to like end of 2nd tri, if not later will forget everything. Actually, even liddat, I also forgot a lot. Just bring bb home and trial and error.

Summerbliss: Haha... Looks like I have competition for the longest Oscar Scan. For #1, I went in and out like 6 times or more. Lost count after a while. Was there at 8am, left at 12.30pm. 1st in, last out. Hopefully #2 will be more cooperative.

Oscar: Mummies who haven't go, try not to empty your bladder before the scan. Water is good. Helps to pin the bb down.
Hope you are feeling better. Take care and rest well!

Congrats to clearing your Oscar test!

Was there a package for Oscar and Detailed scan at TMC? How come I pay individually? The nurse din inform me that there's such a package. Moreoever both my oscar and detailed scan are booked at the same time. Wonder if I pay more as such even with the 10% disc...
Wow I thought I was the only one with 0 sex life since finding out I'm prenant 1 month ago. He is constantly worried about affecting the little one. I know it's wrong to think he is cheating but I can't help it knowing he was rather flambouyant pre-marriage and he does still go for late night drinks to "entertain" potential clients. Would you feel the same if you were me? Sigh...

Anyway, I had the new Mc's muffin supreme this morning and it's superb! It's my first time having their new turkey bacon. Mommies should try it! It's a good substitute to my mee pok in the morning. Hahaha

How do I go about registering for Mrs Wong's class? I've yet to do my oscar test, am at 9.5weeks.. can I register now?
I never went for any parentcraft classes for #1 and #2! Just read up on the internet e.g. babycentre.com

As for sex life, actually we never stopped throughout any of my pregnancies (even this one)! Cannot tahan without!:p
Does anyone know if there is any antenatal classes at mount e? Does it matter where I attend such classes? Meaning I deliver in mount e but attend classes at tmc?

I think I'll have a challenging time at the scan coz I cannot hold my bladder well. I feel the urge to go when I'm nervous and not able to go toilet makes me even more nervous...
cheekieduckie & littleDD> actually its jus registeration. i register now but its for 26 november class. you can go to tmc website, then click on parentcraft. then got childbirth education. its online registration. dont have to make payment, as long as you pay 2 wks before class commence can le. to chop a place first. cause i heard from my fren mrs wong class quite popular..
Littledd, dun worry! Same here! Zero sex life frm conceive till now. For my #1, we didn't do it in the first tri, only started in the 2nd tri. And stopped in the 3rd tri, cos sEx induces birth. I dun wan a premature Bb! Heee

El, u r hot! Sex life never stops?! No wonder this is ur #3. haha

Cheekduckie, I went for mount a parentcraft in my 2nd tri, but unfortunately, during birth time, too panicky, forgot everything!

I m looking forward to the 28, for my 4th gynae visit.
anxious> there is antenatal class at mt E. jus go to their website and see. delivery and class doesnt have to be the same place. but maybe you can go see the review before you sign up, cause i read that some classes, they are not very hands on. they will tell u a lot of tings like how the husband have to be supportive, stories, why isit important for husband to be there etc.

i read that this mrs wong class is more hands on. tats y more popular.
i entered my EDD as 24th Apr and it says error cos i need to be at least 20 weeks preggy at the start of class. so thinking of joing the 4th feb, sat one! will that be too late??

my EDD is on 22 April, i calculated on 26th Nov, i'll be in wk 20, i preusme u aso rite. so i jus keyed in my EDD as 1st Apr.

i'm not sure whether 4th feb is too late for your.. personally i feel tat its late for myself..
