(2012/04) Apr 2012

twoormore: u want to try to take 1 or 2 pre natal vits? cos unlikely all making u sick. folic is really important. Helps to prevent neural tube defect (a birth defect involving incomplete development of the brain and spinal cord) during early pregnancy. By right need to start taking before pregnancy, when TTCing.
The first 12 weeks of your pregnancy are when your baby's brain and nerve system are forming and growing fast. That's why it's important to take daily folic acid supplements then (NCCWCH 2008).

If it really makes u sick, read this site for some food which contain folate!

Cheekyduckie, I know!!! I feel sooooooo horrible but at e same time I get e shivers when I c those pills.. ;(( but u rite, I shld at least take e folic pills... Thks for e push.. Really...I'll def start today.. Sobbbbbb!
twoormore: dun feel horrible. I also having the same situation. the pills make me feel bad, but if i dun eat, i feel even worse.
so i just try to eat them lar.
somemore the foods rich in folate are things which i don't like. let's help to encourage each other! 1st tri will be over soon. a few more weeks to go only!

thanks for your words of encourgement.Really felt sick with the MS.my #1 was not like that this preg process is tough but i hope that i will breeze thr.hope it ends fast. i didnt take folic acid,it makes me constipated must i really eat that daily?
How did you manage to lose all your weight within the 1st mth? I still had a lot on me after delivering the bb and losing the water. I think i tend to gain most of the weight instead of the bb as 2 of my kids are very small when born (< 3kg). Even with full breast-feeding, it took me 3 mths to lose all for #2. Am really cautious with what i'm snacking on now as for the past 3 weeks, I have been taking all the unhealthy food like Mac, Old chang kee, potato chips, ice-cream, anything fried and oily! Gonna steer away now. Else will balloon too fast! I finally bought fresh walnuts to take as snacks but it doesn't taste good le, a bit bitter. Just eating coz it's good for bb's brains and keep my mouth busy.

lucky you that you have not gained any weight despite all the eating!

You can get folic acid from any guardian pharmacy, over the counter.

folic acid is very impt for the 1st tri as bb is still developing. It helps to prevent birth defects. Do try to take it and eat more veg and fruits if it makes you constipated. For multi-vits, it's ok to start in 2nd tri. that's what my gynae practise.
Odiey: i gained abt 10kg only starting from month 4.5. no weight gain or loss in the 1st 4 months. i do not have bad MS, no vomitting. But my appetite each meal is small, so need a lot of meals each day. Same as now.

I am not exactly small sized. UK10-12 kinda size. Baby was also born <3kg. Full breast feed too. I think after delivery i was like 5kg down already. Then with the post natal massage, and sleepless nights, all the weight dissappeared. I think my appetite after delivery was still quite bad. Prob due to lack of sleep, so weight loss was very fast. I could comfortably get into my normal jeans during bb's 1 month party.

At 3 months i think i lost a few kgs more to around UK8-10. But sad to say, once i stop bf-ing, i was put on the weight back to normal again! hahaha...

This time round, I am determined to lose back to UK8-10 and stay there after delivery.
Yes, I am also eating a lot of fried stuff, but i dun really eat potato chips (no craving).
i think you will do well this round! Cos you have an improving track record. =)

Kirsten, u can try fybogel if the constipation is bad. Otherwise, try eat more spinach, papaya? good fibre and folic acid source. Check out the site i posted earlier for foods rich in folate.

i think i better go weigh myself tonight.
Hi MTBs, for those who need to intake more fibre and prevent constipation, other than the usual fruits I suggest eating oats as part of a meal (prob bf). Can interchange with wholegrain cereals and milk so as to have a variety.

Can drink more water will be the best. I love plain water but recently they taste v 'siap' so what I did was to add a very little bit of ribena conc so the water has some taste- I find it really helps a lot! Also, drink prune juice (one cup first thing in the morn, few hrs later it will work) and cranberry juice (prevents UTI) on and off to increase liquid intake. Dilute with water if u can (I v scared I consume too sweet stuff) should u find them sweet.

All these helped me a lot, went toilet almost everyday for the past few days. Try these methods before going for laxatives, I read from books that might be harmful unless recommended by gynae. Hope the tips above help!
Ladies, yesterday I went to get the Clarins Oil and Stretchmark Lotion. If you intend to get them, its going on an offer of $164 for a set of the oil and the lotion in retail size and u'll get 2 extra stuff too. Worth it cos each Oil and Lotion cost $82!

Also my nips are starting to itch already! Everyday must put Medela Nipple Cream to ease the itch, though I must say it doesnt really help much. Nips tend to be dry nowadays.
Hi everyone! Anyone taken the prenatal package yet? Just wondering how much is tmc's ?
Im currently abt 10weeks, craving for fast foods, especially BK &amp; baby lurrrrves coca-cola.. *sigh*.. I dont seem to like eating any other food besides this.. Worried tht baby dun get proper nutrition.
Had an ultrasound scan on the 10th sept. Baby is growing well &amp; edd date is confirmed 8th apr 2012. Baby is now constantly moving =) sooo cute &amp; exciting as this is our 1st.
And so if anyone has any info on tmc's prenatal package do comment ya. Thx! And good luck to all u mummies! =)
I (9 week) went for my check up today, only to my horror that I was told there was glucose detected in my urine. I was told to do a glucose tolerence test on Wed, as blood test is more accurate.

After some reading on the web, I felt better as I found that those urine test strips are outdated and not widely practice due to its accuracy. But still, I can't have a relief mind thinking if I have diabetes. (i do not have sweet tooth, drink minimum soft drinks, occassional choc, cake &amp; ice-cream treat) Maybe it's time to sacrifice those white flour product, white rice, etc....

Anyone has any advice?
ladies here

thanks for the wonderful advices.Was really glad to have this channel for all of us to communicate.I think i am 8 weeks already i be seeing gyn coming wed finally. Still having bloated tummy and feeling nausea but knwing that i am not alone i hope to brave thr smoothly. i just lost 500g i will try to eat folic acid,any particular time of eating it?
thanks gina for the advice on MS.

i think i have definitely put on weight. I am somehow using food to curb the nausea. Sigh...in the morning my tummy would b pretty flat, by afternoon it would look like my tummy at 4 months in my first pregnancy. yikes!
Chickieduckie! I ate my folic acid tonite! Tx for ur advice.. I really appreciate all e chat n encouragement here.. ;) so far, no signs of nausea.. Hai, shld hv jus taken it earlier..

Constipation - I eat oats every morning..drink fruit juice daily, in between fruits.. Also no help.. I feel gross eatg so much n not lettg out as much.. Grr.. Ok tmr i will get prunes already..
Becareful of gluccose in urine. Might be Gestational diabetes. if very bad, will need insulin jabs. Painful. I had a friend who had to do that. Baby tends to be bigger too. So please take care. Some mummies can control with diet, some can't. Pregnancy causes our body to change a lot, so sometimes very hard to control too. Quite a bit of potential complications. But don't worry too much now, go take the test first.

Just like my crazy blood pressure which shoots sky high with pregnancy. Pre-eclamsia is the medical term for that. I suspect I am down with that again. Blood pressure was at a high of 152 at my 1st visit. I am trying to sleep a lot more to try correct the situation.

I dun think got a good time. I just try to eat it in the morning before i go work. Same time everyday. So that I dun forget.

GOOD MUMMY! Keep up the good work ok. I just replenished my folic tablets supply. Shall resume tmr. hahaha... if possible, try to take the other vits at different times. den u will know what is causing the nausea, tell ur gynae so that she can advice.

TMC prenatal package? U referring to gynae package? It depends on the gynae u are going to. TMC don't have in house gynaes unlike KKH.

Maternity Shopping
I tried my ASOS loot! The material is a little thin, but acceptable i think, for the price. I went for the cheap ASOS housebrand. Sizing is a little big now, but i think shd be alright when I move into the 5th month onwards. I had always been a between sizes person, so can't complain too much. Inverted triangle structure, wide shoulders, narrow hips.
BabySeetoh, I had gestational diabetes in my first two pregnancies. Sometimes it's hereditary despite watching your diet. But u can still watch what you eat n be careful with portion size so it goes away after pregnancy. Read up on foods with low GI eg. Brown rice n whole grains.

The glucose tolerance test itself is quite straightforward. You drink a can's worth of sweet drink (mine at TMC tasted like Fanta Orange!) and blood n urine sample taken 3x at intervals after. Can't remember if interval is every 30 or 45 min.

I didn't need insulin jabs but needed to prick finger for blood to test sugar level after every meal. Once gynae checked levels n saw tt I could manage diet, the blood test monitoring reduced to once a day.

It's manageable with a little bit of effort n sacrifice (portion control n type of food) on your part. Not to worry
Hmm, all this talk abt gestational diabetes is reminding me that I shouldn't be taking so much sweet stuff but this baby has a sweet tooth!

Sometimes sweet stuff/drinks is the only thing that helps curb the nausea.

BTW, I bought GoldKili Instant Ginger drink. Quite nice but too sweet! Maybe I really should be making my own ginger drink instead!
El: Not everyone who eats a lot of sweet stuff will get GD lar. u only get GD when your body can't produce enough insulin to process the glucose. But of course, self control on sweet stuff is good for everyone in general. Such "empty" sugars does no good for the body in the first place and causes a lot of weight gain. =)
Hi mummies
Will you be keen on this romper set?
Brand new in box. its a very cute gift. comes with 3 piece romper, 3 piece wash cloth, 3 piece bibs

It retails at TMC retail shop for $59.90 I am letting go at very good discount. Pls email me at [email protected]
Glucose in urine> if you know you are seeing the gynae, make sure that your intake of food and drinks does not contain high sugar else the urine is going to reflect high sugar which is inaccurate. But if you had refrain from the sugar stuff and still show high glucose then somethings has to be done(follow dr recommendation). Once I had a kuek kuek which doesn't taste very sweet but my urine test that day fail so had to be mindful esp with snacks.
Hi mummies,

I've 3 tins of Similac Mum to let go.

Similac Mum (700g)
Expiry Oct 2013
Selling at $20 (3 tins at $50)

Self collection at Eunos.

PM me if keen.

Thank you!!
Hi mummies,
saw my gynea (Dr Heng) last Sat. Very happy to see my baby at 9 weeks and hear her heartbeat.
Total cost: 60(consultation) + 80 (scan)+ 10 (Calcium pills)+ 7% gst.
EDD is 8 Apr 2012

I will be doing my Oscar test on 30th Sept.
Wah Oscar not cheap lor - will cost me 350.
By 12 weeks, my gynea will ask me to take package. Last time package was 600. Now become 700 liao.
So my next visit to the gynea will burn a big hole in my pocket. =(
But i can't wait cos by then bb will be 12 weeks!
Hope all the MS will go away by then!

Yesterday, due to very bad blocked nose at night, din sleep well so i took urgent leave and rested at home.
good morning mummies. feeling very tired despite having a 12 hour sleep last night! from 830am to 830pm! reached home, bathed changed and decided to sleep.

guess the fatigue starts to kick in now? at week 9?!
cant wait for the honeymoon trimester to come! 3 more weeks!
Mummies can start planning for BabyMoon if you haven't started! Good way to pass time if u r bored at work, or too sick to work!
Shopping, Eating, Having FUN!
Any one interested in Prenatal Yoga classes?

Thanks for sharing. I understand that gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia may happened during pregnancy but I don't expect it to happen so fast. I was caught off-guarded.
Yes, I'm interested in Prenatal yoga, I used to do yoga before. But at this stage, I'm still very lethargy.


Thanks for your tips. Yes, I will start to watch my diet and be extra careful of what I eat. First thing first is for me to cut down on starch
Doctor said it's no good to develop diabetes at this early stage as bb's vital organs are developing. That's my main concern.


I only had a cup of milo and a bowl of kuay teow soup in the morning before check up. Dr said it shouldn't caused so much glucose (+4). Let's see how is the blood test result on next Mon.

My case served me as a wake up call. Pre-caution is better than cure. Can avoid lots of unnecessary stress like what I'm experiencing now. I know, it's not easy to totally cut out our favourite food &amp; drinks but we can try small baby steps one at a time, ie instead of drinking a whole can of soft drink, why not limit to half a can a day? It's just my 2cents worth. hehehe...
For me too much sugar in my diet always causes me some problems. Either UTI or yeast infection! Sigh. Think I have gotten UTI again. Will go buy cranberry juice at lunchtime and see whether I can avoid seeing the doctor this evening.

Prenatal Yoga- I'm still practising Ashtanga yoga with modified poses. I generally feel better after the sessions so I decided to continue even in the first tri.
MS is really horrible...

My friend yesterday told me her MS lasted until 16th week.. Die lah..

i'm in the 10th week so it the begining of the peak of MS.. (as whats written on website) I hope i can tahan...
Jia you all mummies with MS! Keep your focus on the end: a beautiful newborn

Can I ask all mummies what's been your experience w confinement period? And what's your plan with April baby?

I had two lovely confinement periods w my first two but can't hire the same nanny back n the ones recommended by friends booked already. Dunno whether to handle this 3rd one myself or take risk w stranger.

Any thoughts on day nannies? TMC website says their day nanny working hours are 7am to evening I think. But at $1900, not cheap right?
El, yeah more worth it to boil your own ginger tea. And can control sugar level on your own. I boil abt 4 cups' worth in the morning n put in thermos flask to sip from throughout the day.
Gina: I had a friend who managed her 3rd confinement with no stay in confinement nanny. She had a maid to help around with the chores though. meals wise, was confinement food delivery service. She said was good.
I am assuming my MIL will help with my confinement. Else I will just order confinement food and deal with the rest myself.

Sunsweet: MS in 1st tri only might not be the truth for all. I know ppl who were puking all the way till the baby was delivered. But just very small minority. Everyone is different. Some who didn't have MS in 1st Tri, started having in 2nd tri onwards.
Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I have a brand new baby cot mattress Fibrelux to let go. Bought from Takashimaya at $159 but bought the wrong dimensions and could not fit in my baby cot. Material is made of coconut husks which is more airy as compared to foam or latex material.

Dimensions: 130cm (length) by 70cm (width) by 8.5cm (thickness)

Willing to let go at $139. Provides free delivery to your house.


If you are interested, please email me at [email protected]
Hi, I am new here. Expecting my 1st baby... I am in my 9th wk. EDD is 12/4/12.
For me, my MS would be heartburn, making me having to eat frequently n also nausea feeling.
Hey thanks Cheekyduckie! Catered confinement meals sounds like a good idea.

Mummies, any to recommend? How's taste and portions? I assume they don't use too much salt and NO MSG right?
Hi Gina,sorry can't help you on your question on catered confinement meals. My mum did confinement for me both times so I didn't have any special confinement food.

The 15,000MG cranberry tablets from 21st Century have worked wonders for my UTI! But I think I'll have to hold off on the Goldkili Ginger drink till at least tomorrow as it is really too sweet! Will brew my own from ginger drink tonight!
hi hi

wow the thread is moving fast

just to share, my first one i have MS till week 22, vomit like hell, mostly are yellow water *yuck* .. &amp; appetite so so only ... but i gain about 20kg :p *laugh*

this is mine 2nd one, hope it does not have that bad MS ...

Oh yes i rem pauline mentioned about Anlene milk? My gynea told me is good enough to drink Anlene, dont need to go to the extend of mummy's preg milk ... he said too fattening :p *laugh*
Hi all,

Can share what kinD of milk u r drinking? I hv been takg fresh milk instead of e usual powdered ones.. Jus wondering if tts sufficient..
i am currently taking mamil for pregnant woman.
but i m not drinking on every day basis as i dun feel gd drinking milk... drinking milk in my pregnancy stage feel disgusting...
I drink fresh milk too but I will supplement with calcium tablets from second trimester onwards. Without extra calcium tablets, I tend to get leg cramps.
My gynae also told me no need purposely drink mummy's milk. Just normal milk is fine. Cos mummy's milk got other vits, which gynae would have already prescribed for us. So just need to top up the calcium. Else will have too much weight gain.
hey all! disappeared for a while as too tired with MS.

went to gynae for 2nd check up yesterday! little one measures 22.5mm and has a heartbeat of 177bpm! looks like a baby now! hahaaa... so amazing.
and it was hanging upside down hahahaha...

next visit in 3 weeks. hopefully by then can see little one moving around!

re: milk
i have not been drinking milk or taking calcium supplements too. worried and asked gynae about it and she said not to worry. baby doesn't absorb any nutrients from our food/supplement intake in first trimester, so it's ok to start only from 2nd trimester.
My gynae said calcium pills usually will start prescribing me in 2nd trimester.. I am eating a piece of cheese every morning with bread so that's some calcium too haha..

I hate warm milk.. only drink cold milk but I kept being discouraged to take cold drinks by others. It's so hard not to take cold drinks. And also spicy food which is said not to be good for preg mums. Haiz!
Tx moms! I'll prob w fresh milk then, supplementing w e calcium pills..

Sidetrack: I had one of e best mei cai kou rou for dinner! E saltiness totally satiated my palatte!

On confinement food, NE was used by a few of my frens previously n ya, feedback were all positive..

Tis time ard, my mil again doesn't want to hire a CL..as our helper is able to cook all e confinement food n she says tt hiring one will b a waste of money since I'll b bfg anyway... I told my hb tt I can't b working round e clock wat..i still hv 2 kids leh.. I dread to think of wat I hv to go thru nx yr..
I'm on my 7th wk pregnancy and already feeling nausea n lethargic! How to survive till 12th week or beyond? Even brushing teeth makes me want to puke. :-(

I did prenatal yoga when I was preggie w #1 and I do hope to do it again this time round when my MS is over and in the 2nd tri.

i did not have a confinement lady with my #1. hubby did take 3 weeks leave to help out. Even though we were both very tired from caring for a NB, it was a lovely time bonding with our little one. It would be good if you have family who are ready and willing to help whenever. My parents helped with my meals and mom helped me lots with laundry, etc which was a lifesaver.

Re: milk
i took lots of milk in my first pregnancy and my weight gain was so much that my gynae made me switch to soy milk. So i plan to do the same time round. Have not been able to stomach milk lately due to terrible nausea but I hope to start soon!

Nausea improved today and was able to eat a little more for dinner and had energy to actually play more with my daughter. Been feeling so guilty of not spending enough time w her due to terrible nausea and exhaustion. hope it will only get better!
