(2012/04) Apr 2012

Talk about delivery experience. Mine was decided to go for caesarean last minute. cos' my baby had umbilical cord around the neck on the 39th week 6 days!! Quite sudden. Took a while to accept it.

Then next day c-sect with epidural. But very sleepy. By the time the baby was carried out, I was half asleep. Awaken by husband to take a look at my baby before i fall back to sleep

For both of my deliveries, I did it (3 weeks early) without epi cz no time.. I dilated too quickly..both were out within 30 mins.. =_="".. tis time round, gynae joked n told me not to give her heart attack..

Honestly, giving birth naturally is no laughing matter..I think every part of me hurt except my hair.. Thinking abt it now gives me e shivers.. But it's do-able la..
Morning everyone. My ms is getting worse. These 2 days my car trip to work is quite unbearable.. feel like puking after that.. sigh!!!
I agree with twoormore. Fast delivery with no epi is ok. Cos the pain is over in a flash... Some mummies not so lucky, can take like 12 hours and still see no light, then can't sleep, can't do anything. Mine was ok. Induced @ 8am, epidural at 3pm, baby was out at 345pm. Between 8am to 3pm, I had light snack, played games on my iphone until batt flat, took a 2 hour nap, curse the other mummies who were making damn a lot of noise in the bed next door, listen the the nurses gossip, etc. Hahahahaha. Basically I just transferred my discomfort from the contractions to other means lar.

I don't think got any side effects from epi. In fact, i think it's the greatest invention ever! haha... I do suffer from backache, but i guess that's cos i never take care. I don't blame the epi. All mummies will suffer from backache, carrying a x kg load with u for 9 months, followed by night duty, more carrying of a baby/toddler on a daily basis, etc...
Wah, twoormore, I really envy your fast deliveries!

Hope that this time it will be faster for me!

For my first, epi had two negative effects. First, slowed down dilation and I ended having to go for emergency c-section. Second, I had uncontrolled shivering after delivery and couldn't hold my baby after he was born. This shaking went on for 2 hours and I was super tired out by it!

That's why I decided to go without epi for No.2.
Morning Mummies!!

Birth story,
Would like to share my birth story but hope it wun scare u gals.
But I really envy those mummies that can go by natural birth.
Few hours before my boy was born, I was having a mahjong session at my friend house till around 12am. I was back home around 1am. By 1.30am, I feel like having contractions. So I got myself ready and bath before i go to the hospital. As I was showering, black discharge started gushing out of my vaginal. I then quickly finish off my shower n proceed to hospital.
Wen I was in hospital, the nurse checked me. Indeed, my blood pressure was extremely high leading to placenta fail cos baby in distress n ate his poo poo. So there is no choice but to c sect.
At the OT, I was stil asking my gynae a few times that can i go by natural birth? He sad its better to safe cos baby distress liao. I said ok lo. It was the first time in my life tat I haf got high blood pressure.
After the opt, I woke up a briefly wen out of the OT, saw my son in my room, and went back to sleep again as the anesethic is not worn off yet. But I rem I was shocked to see my son cos its so dark! As both hubby n I are fair. I was thinking could the nurses made a mistake by bringing the wrong baby?! LOL!
Everything was done in 20mins. Whole process from contraction to delivery is about 1hour. Chop chop! But its the recovery of c-sect is long n painful.
So I was hoping tat i can deliver naturally tis time round cos I heard healing is faster. But then again, it stil haf to depend on the point of time of delivery. :)
Leebabytwo, my blood pressure was also very high when i was pregnant. the medical term is Pre-eclampsia. that's 1 of the reasons why my gynae advised me to induce @ 37weeks 1 day when i was 3cm dilated, and i was also spotting. to make it worse, i couldn't tell that i was having contractions. Just felt like baby kicking, even when the CTG scan showed a big contraction. it would have been dangerous if i waited. so my gynae sent me home to pack and rest, and to return the next morning to induce.

within mins of the baby being delivered, my blood pressure dropped back to normal.

And coincidentally, I was also playing MJ the night before. Won lotsa man tai, and zhi mo... my sister was still laffing at me, tell me dun so excited else i will make it to headlines... "pregnant woman play MJ until baby was born"
morning mummies!

a question: do u all feel breathless? i get that sometimes but after a while im usually ok. this morning, my breathlessness was so bad that i actually broke out in cold sweat. is this normal?
breathlessness, yes. it's normal. cos our heart needs to pump harder. but if it gets really bad, must tell gynae. might blood pressure too high or something.
Lily lynn: what were u doing when u broke out in cold sweat? climbing stars?

i was woken up in the middle of the night yesterday shivering very badly. no idea why also. first time liddat. anyone know?
cheekyduckie, lol. was doing big biz earlier this morning... not that i was having any difficulty, pass motion as per normal but halfway thru i find myself being out of breath and i could feel beads of perspiration running down my face!
thanks leebabytwo. not sure if this is supposed to be ok, but yeah, will see doc if my breathing doesnt get back to normal soon....
Hi Lilylynn, no it is not normal to be out of breath and in cold sweat. You should definitely see a doctor.
Hi, my birth story.

That night when I was watching tv suddenly feel that wet from the bottom. When to toliet check, it red blood. Call my mother, she say I going to birth. 10pm, contraction and get more pain. Bath myself, took all the belonging and went to kkh. At first still can hold the pain, slp and wake up due to pain. 7am cannot stand anymore, tell doc I need epi. Dilated to slow, have to induce, and burst water bag. 1pm I can feel bb going to come out, doc check and say ready to push. 10 min later my bb came out. My whole labour was 15 hour. Vv tired.

After epi, I do not have any side effect. But maybe now pregnant again, I can feel some backache recently.

Lily, you may want to go to hospital to see the doc? I got heart palpitation which my heart sometimes pump vv fast and on medication but due to pregnancy I cannot take? My doc day if have this problem, I need to go hospital immediate for injection as heart pumP to fast not good for bb. Hope it help. Take good care.
leebabytwo: cannot lar. i like to play mj. good weekend night entertainment after #1 goes to sleep! hahahaha... cos i can't go out mah. so invite friends over to play lor.

I agree with pinky lar. long labour need epi to keep sanity and get enough rest. else no strength for the finals leh. So really depend on individual.
I was thinking i might need a long time, so opt for epi. But then, who knows the bb just decided to pop out right after epi was given. =X
cheekyduckie, i agree with you too! for my #1, i had a long 16 hours labour! when i was just admitted, the midwife told me that i am dilating too slowly, might not be able to give birth naturally, gotta go for c-sec. I dun wan to c-sec! So i asked for epidural! it helped me to relax, had a nap in the labour ward while waiting for the full 10cm dilation. and after epi, it took me like few hours to dilate from 0cm-10cm! so it is called happy-dural to me! and ended up i was able to give birth naturally

and i dun have any side effects after taking epidural.
my gosh... it's about lunch time but i'm still super sleepy. Last night sleep well but still no energy. Half way look at the laptop and clicking the mouse also can fall asleep. How to endure till 5.30pm?
bubuya, try to walk ard more. make more visits to the toilet, pantry. also try to arrange for discussions, meetings lor. helps to keep me awake.
excessive eating makes me real sleepy, so i try to not over eat. =)
drink more water! den you have more reason to walk to toilet. water is good for us!
Hi ladies
I am joing this thread. Now it's 8wk, edd 19 Apr. Can't wait for 1st trim to end. Like my last 2 pregnancies, the 1st trimester is killing me...
Hi hi I'm new here and realised there are also alot of Apr EDD mommies

I'm a first time mommy and my EDD is on 4 Apr and it's now about 10 weeks. So far not much MS but always feel hungry. Had my first scan on 3 Sep...I'm with TPS as well and my gynae is Dr KT Tan...recommended by my fren.

A little regret to go straight without doc's referral cos it seems expensive but lucky my hubby assured me that it's ok to spend a little more for more assurance and care by the experienced gynae in view that I'm in the high risk age group.

Hope to learn more from experienced mommies here!
Hi Tangerinez, my MS come back and it is even worst than before... it really kills me ... this morning cant hold and puke out acid fluid at the mrt station.. luckily i brought the plastic with me ...

Really pray hard and hope the MS will get over..
i dun have appetite although i feel hungry ....

I even felt giddy this morning, and was hoping to have a seat. too bad, my stomach not show yet, so have to stand from yishun to raffles place...

Hi Mossie, same here. that day i took lots of chillies during lunch and dinner, the next day my throat pain and now having cough for few days liao..

tried not to take more chillies, but this pregnancy i really like chillies and spicy food..
Thanks mummies for all the birth stories. It was so interesting to read through them.

CocoMama, you are not alone. Doc pushed back one week when he saw my baby's size and after calculation i conceived after tested positive on preg test! Hee... I went through abit of a panic thinking that my baby is not growing that well. But my gynae is not too concerned saying that he will only evaluate on my baby growth in the next visit. So now everyday I tell my baby to grow fast fast!

I don't have any MS, hunger pang waned off already, and sometime my breasts don't even feel too sore. The only consistent symptom i have is constant tiredness. Even after 8 hours of good sleep at night, i am still forever tired!! I was lamenting to my hubby that I don't want to work anymore!! But only complaining lah.. won't give up on the 16 weeks maternity leave!!
hi dellise and sunny, welcome!

dellise - my edd is april 2 so im also on week 10! you're so lucky not much MS.. me i always vomit and feel so dizzy in the afternoon to evening..

jojay - i always bring plastic with me in case really need to vomit in the mrt but so far can still hold it until i get home..
Shopping for Maternity Clothes,
I finally able to get the appt to go down to their warehouse showroom. Anyone wanna join me this Sat morning? Hope they wun stood me up by cancelling the appt again as I saw a few designs that I really liked.
10 Admiralty Street #01-82 Northlink Building (S)757695
LeeBabytwo: the clothes look pretty nice but too far for me to go there leh... Do check it out and let me know abt the quality of the material ok? Might order online.
Yar, understand wat you meant, will check it out. I ever ordered from online. Size either wrong or material not good. So i tot its good can visit there n see on the spot. :)
BTW, recently ordered from ASOS online (took 1 mth to arrive). The French Connection maternity clothes had very nice material (soft and quality good) and the sizing was consistent with their usual clothes so the sizes I ordered fit well. The ASOS maternity material not so good and the sizing a bit smaller than the usual UK sizing. Will be sending back one ASOS dress for a refund!

But no wonder since ASOS is housebrand and cheaper!

But French Connection quality is as good as MothersEnVogue and since the British pound has fallen, it is abt half the price of MEV. Worth it for mummy's who are willing to wait and can splurge.
El: French connection good? Cool, if the ASOS maternity sizing a bit smaller than uk size, sounds good for me. Cos i am in between sizes and my recent orders is the bigger size. hopefully it will be good.
my delivery is currently on the way to be transferred. should be able to get on Monday! I give more updates on monday too!
EL: by the way, is it worth it to send back for refund? last i chk the postal rates, not very worth it. unless the item you bought is quite ex.
French connection was good for me. I found the ASOS dress too tight on the ribs although the pants were ok!

Well, its costs $8.80 to send the dress back but the dress cost me ard $22 so I still think it is worth it.
my MS is really bad today. i have been gagging since morning, no appetite at all.

Jojay, u take care too. I felt horrible with cough and headache today plus all the gagging.

Leebabytwo, thanks for the website. I like quite a few items. Maybe i will buy from them online soon as my pants are getting tight.

I saw that a few of you are sharing your birth story. I wrote my #1 in another forum which is banned here... lemme go and cut and paste next time.
Leebabytwo, I also like some of the maternity wear, but sat morning can't make it, how abt evening, any idea what is the operating hours?
enjoy shopping!
Y is your birth story being banned leh? Weird. Its so individual mah.

I tink Sat evening is not available. Do call 9847 7337 (Claire) for appt. :)
Hihi... i now ard 7th week & edd 21 Apr..

I having light brown spotting today, is it normal? I read from earlier thread that some brown spotting is not that serious, but if it happen again, what should I do? My next appt is 2 more week from now, anything I should take note from now?
Morning Mummies! Finally It's FRIDAYYYYYYYYY

Yeo: Some light brown spotting usually it's ok. Could be due to uterus expanding. If the spotting lasts for a few days, and gets heavier or becomes fresh blood, please go to your gynae. If you are cramping unusually bad, please also go to your gynae. No need to wait for appointment.
Hi mummies> Morning, I was shopping groceries at cold storage and recalled that I bought cranberries juice (the expensive pure type) for treating UTI in my previous preganancy so if you ladies need to get for UTI can do so.
Hello again ahnah! Glad to hear that your wife pregnancy is alright! Great!!! My EDD is also 18 April 2012. So that makes us 8 weeks 3 days!

Visited my gynae today!!! V glad to be able to sEe the lil beanie again! She is 17.5mm, growing sturdily! Next visit is 3 weeks from now, such a long time!
Wow so few posts on friday today. I think all mummies on leave go gai gai is it? hehehe...

Would like to just provide advice base on my experience that on link given by leebabytwo - http://www.mummysecret.com/info2.asp?id=169
They are nice and I ordered before in my first pregnancy. But if your height is more than 160cm do be careful to try it out first. I am 166cm and that series of dresses was really too short for me.. hehehee...

Ahnah! Welcome back! It really sounded like a miracle! What happened during this period?
Hi mummies, I just saw gynae yesterday. Baby measured at 35.3mm at 10 weeks. My edd shifted from 5th to 2nd apr 2012. Did my blood test (3 tubes) for OSCAR and going for detailed scan 2 weeks later.

Did anyone experience leg cramps during the night? I got one last night. Lucky hubby massage for me. Still a little sore now.
Hi mummies, I am having cough, running nose and fever at 38 on thur. Saw the doctor on thur nite. My fever up and down from 37.5-38... I took all medicine ( didn't take antibiotic as doctor nv give). Last nite, my fever still not down and i felt discomfort, so went back to the doctor again. This time he gave me the antibiotic, he mentioned safe for baby..just now, my fever still abt 37.6...

Need mummies advise, is it safe to take the antibiotic (augmentin 625 mg) ? and how to bring down the fever faster ? I am using the fever patch that I bought for my son.. Used the wet cloth also, it came down but after awhile, the fever go up again...
Really worry if my fever will hv any impact to my baby...
Hi Jojay

If you are not comfy with what the GP told you, probably you shld ring up your gynae and checked whether the medicine is safe? Most important is to bring down the fever asap. Do take care ya and hope you recover soon.
Hi mummies
So glad for weekend! It has been a crazy week for me at work. Gonna sleep a lot this 2 days hahaa... My next apptm is Oscar test this Fri... can't wait to see how bb has grown!

Any mummies currently putting their kids in Childcare? There's a new Agape little uni opening near my place and I'm checking it out later. Wanted to see if there's any feedback abt the school. Trying to make plans for my 2 kids next yr before bb arrives...

Morning everyone!

Hi El - I sent one Asos top back too and got refund within 2 weeks after posting. Hehe. Now looking at FC. Waiting for sale code leh...if I order ahead in UK12, think should be fine?

Hi jojay - what I understand from both my gynae is panadol is okay to take when we r pregnant. U may wanna call up yr gynae just to check. I know docs try to avoid giving us antibiotics when we are preggy then again I'm not sure if the one u were prescribe is meant for preggy ladies.

Happy weekend everyone!
