(2012/04) Apr 2012

Summer - I don't have cramp legs yet but I do have backaches! Especially before sleeping, the backache is the kind where I need to stretch my back and hear a clicking sound. Only after doing that then I feel so much better!

Today i turn 10 weeks!

Good sat everyone! And welcome dolphin!

Today baby turns 9 weeks. Seeing Gynae on Monday. Yay!

Andreanie: are you still having MS? I'm bracing myself for week 9 as Gynae says it's the peak
very scared of nighttimes!!
welcome back!! Great to see ya again!

better check wif doc/gynae again.

welcome. Many mummies here are second time mummies like u n I. :)

Gynae check,
hoe come all you got visit to gynae so often. Me envy leh. The last time I went was wen my bb is 6.5weeks. My gynae asked me to 15th Sept. Which is about 6 weeks apart. Is it like that? The wait seems so long. :-(

Does anyone know e exact name of e Clarins body oil for stretch marks? I felt itchiness already on belly n breasts..I intend to order online ASAP..
Hi mummies, my fever finally came down to 36.9.. Thanks foe all advise.. At least rest assured now...

Welcome dolphin, I am having #2 too..
Thanks everyone,

Last Monday evening my wife cough and she discover got 2 drop of blood coming out from there, so we went to A&E to check up. Discover the baby heartbeat is not so strong.

Then 4 days later, my wife went back again to check with her Gynae in charge also say the same thing... "heartbeat not strong, come back and see me 1 weeks later"

Cause my wife got MC before for #1, so we quite worry the same case happen again.

Yesterday waited for 6-7 hours at Gynae clinic and finally he say heartbeat is back to normal liao.

Hope my this one can be smoothly.
Hi andreanie, I have the same backache too. Cracking doenst work for me though. envy u dont have MS.

AhNah, Very glad to hear that babe is fine now.

Looking forward to seeing babe in 2 weeks. Its my #1. looking at the scan always makes me feel touched. They are so beautiful.
Hi ladies....

Went orchard shopping just now!! But seriously I can't shop for too long anymore... Just a few hrs of walking... I feel tat my body dun belongs to me anymore!! I'm feeling so so so tired... Especially my back!! Argghhzz....
AhNah - glad that everything has turned out alright. Why did you have to wait so long at the gynae clinic?

This is starting week 9 for me. Think that MS is getting worse. Really can't eat much for dinner or feel like vomitting but if eat too little also feel nauseous. Sigh. My best meal of the day is lunch so I try to eat my best meal then.

Kimmy: Usually I haven't ordered in larger sizes. I just try to buy clothes in more stretchy material. My experience has been that buying larger size sometimes doesn't work out. Ends up too big cos most maternity wear will have some leeway for expansion. But problem with stretchy material is that they tend to get holes in them faster too! I'm going to wait for a sale code too cos its so much more worth it. The last time I missed the extra 20%+20% discount by a few days. So heartpain!
Hi! I'll like to join in with all of you here. I just visited my gynae yesterday and my EDD is 20 Apr 2012. This is my third bundle of joy and hope everything will go well!

Just wondering if any of the mummies here drink Anlene Concentrate? Is it safe for pregnancy?
El - I know what you mean! I'm also waiting for sales code. Hehehe

Pauline - are you referring to the 4x concentrate Anlene small packet? My friend's gynae recommended to her to drink because her calcium seemed rather low and she said she drink 1 packet of that can already...but understand that one packet quite costly..like near $2?

Mommies - I'm also using Clarins Stretch Mark cream ( that's for day) cleared by my gynae. I brought it to him to check for any unsafe ingredients and he said all pass. So some sisters may want to start that. Its non-greasy and non-oily so you can wear your clothes in comfort after that
Hi Mummies,

Sorry for the interruption. I am a Jan '11 mommy who is letting go of a brand new lucky baby playmate (with pictures of animals printed on it)at $25. Orginal price was $30.

Also letting a baby swimming tub( used only 3 times) at $45. Bought in March '11 at $70. Self collect at CCK MRT or delivery can be arranged at $5.

Do PM me if interested. Price still negotiable. Thanks for reading.
Hi all, today is mine 10 weeks. Hope first trimester pass faster.

Sunsweet, ya no.2 now

Jojay, normal pandadol is ok. Those round flat type. The antibotic 625mg is consider strong type. Usually gp will give those normal 1 250mg. U may want to call your gynae to check first before taking?

i am ard 8weeks preg,seriously the morning sickness,nausea is killing me. No appetite at all.scared it affects the bb growth.am venting my frustration here,sob.....
i loved the clarins oil smell a lot when i was preggie with #1 but now i have to hold my breath when i apply it. super sensitive to any scent now. makes me wanna gag..=(

i feel the same too. no vomiting but the constant nausea is really disturbing. i feel so bad towards my #1 as I am always telling her that mama is really tired and not feeling good. thank God hubby is understanding and helps out wherever he can. this pregnancy is definitely different from my first. hoping that this phase will pass soon.
Hi Kirsten n all those experiencing bad nausea n vomiting, thought i'd share my experience so u know you're not alone and be assured you'll make it through.

I'm now in Wk 8 of my 3rd pregnancy n not spared the bad first trimester I had with my first 2 pregnancies (both boys so that myth is debunked!)

With my first two, I lost 8kg in the first tri n felt so physically n emotionally low n weak at one point I begged my gynae to hospitalise me! She didn't. She urged me to eat n drink whatever little I could, in 2-3 hr intervals.

This pregnancy I'm forcing myself to do just that. Even tho I've already lost 5kg (same pattern, no escape!) n sometimes hv pounding headache after throwing up, I really force myself to take small bites of cream crackers. Portion-wise, I think nothing bigger than a fistful works for me.

At my most intense, throwing up 5-6 times a day n drifting in n out of consciousness, I told myself to hang on, this too shall pass, stay positive, it's a sign the hcg hormones are present n helping baby grow.

Now I throw up 0-2 times a day, am in bed by 7.30pm thanks to a supportive hubby n my parents. I'm totally off water n carbonated drinks still seem to unsettle my stomach altho it seems to work for most mummies. So for liquid intake I drink ginger tea. The ratio is one cup of water boiled with 4-6 slices of ginger, for 10-20 minutes, depending on how spicy/hot u can take it. Then add brown sugar to taste. My aunt says Chinese believe that brown sugar can help drive out wind.

Hah! That's a long story for a first post! Just thought I'd share my experience. The nausea can really make u feel physically n emotionally down but figure out ways to manage it n get support so that you'll get through this first tri n enjoy the honeymoon 2nd tri.
good morning mummies and MTBs! its a blue monday! lets sail thru this week fast!

I am in week 9 this week. MS is still on and off! nearly puke on the way to work. Thank God for mint sweets, managed to curb down the nausea feeling!

hope everyone is feeling good! jia you! it will not be long before its the 2nd trimester! honeymoon trimester
Morning mummies! This morning I'm also feeling the ms bad! Got headache and nausea and wanted to throw up on the bus to work.

Gina- I kowtow to you! Your MS is really really bad. Thanks for sharing your methods to counter it. I think I'll try to make ginger tea tonight.

Mummies, what are your experiences with courtesy on buses?
This morning, I told a girl in her early 20s to give up her seat to a pregnant mummy who had boarded the bus. The girl was seated next to me on the row of reserve seats. Next to her were another two ladies that looked perfectly alright! I felt paisay that I couldn't give up my seat cos I felt so nauseous but at least the girl responded well to my request!

Actually I don't know why so many people cannot be more "automatic" in giving up seats to people who need it, but then again, given that I couldn't give up my seat today because I wasn't feeling well (but may not have looked it), sometimes I guess we have to give pp the benefit of the doubt?
Ni, I'm entering wk 9 too! Yes, sucking on a sweet on journeys helps me too. Never taken so many sweets in my life :p

EL, hope the ginger tea works for you! It's supposed to aid digestion and get rid of some wind.

As for courtesy on buses, with my previous two pregnancies, people usually gave up their seats to me when I was more obviously pregnant. Maybe cos I purposely stick my tummy in front of them? Hahah
Hi all

I'm back at work. Spotting stopped but ms is still bad. Should have taken up Gynae's offer of 2 weeks mc instead of just 4 days

Hang in there!! I'm curbing my puking with lots of mint sweets.
Morning mummies!
I figured out my cause of feeling pukey too... Obimin. I stopped taking it (i forgot to eat) and realised i didn't feel pukey that day. So i stopped another 3 days, and i was freeee!!!. When i retook it on Sat, the lousy feeling was bad. I think too early to eat that, so i think i will just stop until 2nd tri. Just stick to calcium and plain old folic acid.

I'm having craving for Mac again! haha... Fries! Cheeseburger. So gonna grow fat. =S

i am curbing my on and off queasy-ness with lotsa water. Think that's another cause of my discomfort. Dehydration.
Hi, I am selling away the Haenim play yard to clear space
1) 6 panels Haenim Normal Play Yards (Blue and Red design) to let go at $65*
Consist of the following :
• 1 Activity (Normal) panel
• 2 Doors
• 3 Plain panels

Condition is 6.5/10

* Buyer may want to buy replacement parts+:
• Suction pads (A few have dropped off due to wear and tear )
• Bear stickers (Decorative purposes only, buyer can leave out if there is a budget) Optional
• Mirror sticker (Not reflective, buyer can leave out if there is a budget) Optional

Self collect. Interested buyers may email to [email protected] for viewing.

+Replacement parts can be purchased from SMH Bulk purchase spree:
I agree with Butter Panda that taller ladies need to be more careful when buying maternity clothes, especially those online kind. Cos always end up short. Don't waste money buy already den can't wear after 6th month.
Maxidresses usu can last, but do becareful of tripping over the length. Cos by then u can't see ur toes.

I can't wait to go collect my ASOS Loot from postoffice later! Shall update them tonight or tmr morning. I hope i get squeeze into the UK12. haha... Else I lelong lelong here...

by the way, anyone looking for prenatal massage? or got any contacts of good prenatal massage? i am dying from my backache. i think once i finish 1st tri i going for it.
EL : her MS .. not so good. Now ever got the feeling in the morning .. she sensitive to toothpaste and any shampoo now.
CheekyDuckie> I ask my gynae abt vitamins during my 7 wks visit and he said no point giving as we will vomit it all out so i am surprise why your gynae give you so early. Mine will give at 2nd trimester just like last time just that I had forgotten and went to ask him.

All ladies> 1st trimester worst stage should be 9 to 12 wks. I am going thru it now that why I disappeared since last wk. I had the same issue last pregnancy onlt vomit between 9 to 12 wks so be more prepared for it coming.
Hi cheekyduckie n Leo baby, my gynae gave me obimin cos I was retaining so little n losing weight she was concerned abt my nutritional needs. I can only take that n folic acid in the middle of the night when I know I won't throw up. Swallow it in gulps with yoghurt, wh gynae recommended for gd bacteria to line the intestines after all that throwing up.

Funnily for me,, yoghurt n the pills only stay in when I take it late at night. They r like my midnight snack.

For those who can't take milk, yoghurt is a gd alternative. Yoplait brand has a low fat low sugar version that doesn't taste too bad
my nose has also become more sensitive during pregnancy. But luckily am ok with Clarins Oil smell and I'm definitely sticking with it as I din have any stretch mark from the 1st 2 pregnancies. Maybe you wanna consider switching to sthg else first and try out during 2nd tri again?

Has any mummies gained a lot of weight? I'm so afraid to weigh myself these days n yesterday I finally decided to weigh and am shocked that I've put on 3kg in the last 3.5 weeks! I think I'm eating too much. Really need to control my food intake and the choice of food. Sigh... But hard when I'm constantly hungry. Really hope not to gain more than 13kg this time round. For #1, I gained 17kg and took me 5 mths to lose all the weight. For #2, I put on 13kg and took me 3 mths.
Gina, Leo_Baby: I don't vomit. But the obimin makes me feel like vomitting. So just stop for now lar. Only left a few tablets. i bought the Obimin myself, before I went to the gynae cos I can't find normal folic acid. Haha...

Odiey: My last weighing didn't show any weight gain. Tonight weigh again. Think shd be gaining weight from all the Mac I have eaten last week. =P Do agree that gaining too much weight early tends to accumulate on self. I put on about 10kg for #1, and lost it after 1 month. Am trying to maintain around there.
Reading all the posts really helps as I realised I am not alone here

I had terrible constipation this morning...I think I need to eat more fruits and prunes!

As for MS, only feel nauseous on just a few occasions. I relied on sour sweets to curb nauseous. My other big issue is that I always feel so hungry after 2-3 hrs having the last meal. I am also scared to put on too much weight having read the NewPaper on the downside of having big babies.

Having my OSCAR scan next Friday...feeling apprehensive.
I was craving for yoghurt while shopping for grocery on Sat. I tot pregnant woman cannot take so I din buy. Hehehhe! Now I know can take will go buy some later!! Tnx.

Folic acid,
i was looking high n low last weekend for folic acid as mine was depleted. Can ask is it necessary to take throughout pregnancy? I tot I took throughout my first pregnancy but my friend told me that its not necessary. ????

I was shopping on Fri evening in Taka for baby stuff. Pregnancy is really not the same. I jus walk for about 2 hours and my back n legs are breaking. Goodness!!
Luckily, I was able to buy 7 pieces of maternity/nursing wear from Secret Mummy warehouse showroom on Sat. Else, I cannot imagine if I need to shop around again for my clothes.

u r rite abt Secret Mummy. I m 1.6m n Claire ( the owner of Secret Mummy ) already told me the supposedly dress is my top. :p
Happy that I will haf enough clothes to last for my entire pregnancy.
Leebabytwo: yes. will need folic acid throughout. but sometimes the gynae will give other multivits which already contain colic. so no need seperately take. It really depends on what gynae gives. Folic will also continue to be taken if breastfeeding.
Need to continue hunting for folic acid later.

Dellise: The hunger is quite normal. I am also feeling hungrier than usual. But can't seem to eat much at each meal. Am currently breaking my meals into little portions. Feeding exactly like a baby now, every 3 hourly.
Leebabytwo> Folic is good for bb growth thru out pregnancy required. my gynae only gave me that for 1st trimester. its essential for the nueral tube growth of bb. Just Wondering why you need so many more maternity clothes since this is already youe second pregnancy. I cannot find reason to buy and shop. Also am too lazy and tired to do so. Was the clothes at the plc you went very nice?
Cheekyduckie- For me, folic acid tablets help to reduce MS. I missed taking this morning and felt really terrible. I bought the Blackmores version which is called "Folate". Its supposed to be equiv to the folic acid from 12 cups of beans!

The Guardian near my office had 20% off for all Blackmores vitamins today. Maybe you may want to check there?
odiey, i am surprised i didnt gain any weight at all (i am week 9 now). somemore i went HKG for a eating spree last week. for my #1, i gained alot! gained 5kg for my first trimester, that my gynae told me to watch my weight gain. hahhaa. so this time i am determined to keep weight gain under 10kg. dunno if its possible! haha

i haven started wearing maternity clothes, still squeezing in my normal clothes, with a bulge on the tummy! haha.
hi mummies, would like to check if any mummies here has banked your baby's cord blood or intend to bank for this pregnancy?

I never kept for my 1st one, and now was considering to keep.. but would like to have some experience or sharing from mummies here
Hi guys, allow me to post and participate on here?? This is my #1 and EDD 6 April, this should be my 11th week.

Currently on 2 weeks leave (had planned to go overseas b4 the unexpected news came) to stay home to rest cos' the previous weeks were terrible! Nauseous after bus trips from work to home, worst appetite during dinner time, vomit before bedtime and VS shampoos turn me off now etc!

Hope to share my experiences with all MTBs and to graduate from 1st trim with flying colours! Cheers!
Folic acid,
ok. I tink hor maternal instinct is stil the best la. Better to be kiasu for the good of baby than sorry lo.

Aiya, pregnant woman has the best excuse to shop mah! Anyway, tis pregnancy was not within plans. I happily gave away all my things. So now haf to get all over again lor.

Clothes at Mummy Secret,
I tink its the best I gotten. Firstly, 7 pieces for $150 is really worth buy i felt as my first pregnancy i bot dresses n pants for almost $40. Secondly, the sizes are more petite and it suits me. Thirdly, I got to try on before buying cos most of the clothes I bot online either size, color or quality not satisfactory. So on the whole, its a nice experience. But nevertheless, taste is very individual. :)

I feel horribly guilty too.. I've been off all my pre natal vits because they make me sick to the bone.. I hope it's ok to start in 2nd tri..

I doubt I've gained any weight yet but I'm sure I'll catch up once my appetite returns. Ive 2 more wks to go before e end of my 1st tri n I can't wait.. I still sleep more than a baby n wake up feeling like I didn't zz at all..speaking of zzz, it's time for my nap now..it's going to b a long nite for me later since e hb is overseas for a week.

Gina, u make my MS seem like child's play... How in e world did u manage to go thru it!!? Amazing!
