(2012/03) Mar 2012

Turquoise : we really can't eat raw egg? How abt those ah kun bread selling raw egg? My mum said is good for bb n my hub said spore egg is safe?? Keke bt I read smwhere we can't eat raw egg even tiramisu...

Ok will go for medium well at least ba.. They said it's good to eat beef during preg.. Baby will b stronger bt so far I didn't reali eat beef not even burger. Tot of once my ms gone will start a cheeseburger everyday as snack !
BB - wow !! i started giving away once they outgrown of the clothes , so boy's clothes did u keep any?

i didnt really keep cos i cant find any nice boy's clothes to keep LOL ! but my mom keep until they abt 4yrs old n i give away alrdy cos i say i wont be having the #3 anymore ..
Sarah, i too love steaks and always eat it in medium rare. my mil ask me not to eat too much steaks dunno y also but steak is my favouriate food. anyway if really concern got bacteria den better to eat it well done. my last steak is well done abit tought but still get to enjoy the taste.. Ah kun's runny eggs also dun eat for now my gf who jus gave birth say in 3rd trimester den can eat runny eggs, cos of this i have to give up eating tiramisu too and tiramisu contains coffee n wine so better dun touch too.
the thing is I didn't keep much of my boy's clothes cos all look the same to me, tops and bottoms. :p Gave most of them away once he outgrew. Only the gal ones, those vv nice dresses, bu she de, haha!

So good thing this is a gal. hehe.
i got not much craving on some days like today. Din even know what to eat for dinner. Headache...

Scare i anyhow tabao hm, reach hm bb dont want eat, then i will feel hungry...hahaha
BB - true true !! boy's clothes almost the same haha , good that ur #3 will be a girl too ! can wear those nice dresses again , lol ...

haven really shop for any yet since i'm keep having bleeding on n off so far, will go shop when i get better in late 2nd trim .. =D
yes, this is the updated list.
Hmmm ... but I realised JanJan's name is missing from it.
Wow, I realised mummies will start talking about food around this time of the day haha.

For beef, so far, I quite like the dry beef noodles at Causeway Point's 5th level food court. At least the sauce cover the smell of the beef. = )

I like runny eggs. Sob, so long don't get to eat it. Yums...

What should I eat for dinner? Hmm... So far, beef hor fan still haven't get to eat it haha. Should I???
GG : I not young already my mil is super old fashion or maybe she really that old ba..... my hubby also cannot do anything.... i mean he wont do anything de... ask me to bear bear bear saying cause is his mum....

wenwen : ya if my baby cannot call me mummy i sure cry de.... no way to take away my baby.....

sarah : i will try....

zelda : call police got use meh..... i dont trust police anymore.....

drypantz : i pray hard.... i thinking how to ask my hubby that i dont want to see my pil after give birth... i know it hard for him to do that.....

Starr : I also got weird taste... when have i got this i keep want to vomit....

Sarah, Wenwen : I love steak also.... how can cannot eat steak lei..... for us steak good for iron de lei... i check the detail then pass to u.....
Usually edd date we count as 1st day of our last menses ? But smtimes I went scanning my edd always different seems base on bb size.
How to add in the list?
mich: have a talk to ur hubby..try to ask him stand by u..even though they are his parents..but smtimes too much..must show that you both are not happy...
since i knw my NT scan no good..i alrdy asked my hubby to call my pil stop calling me. Mayb is easier to say lah coz my pil lives in msia..so i dun get to see them infact for 3yrs liao..keke
Sarah hard lor... that time when i give birth i got tell my hubby mil is too much already then my hubby only say this.... u care ur feeling but do u care my feeling when mil say him.... so how i going to do... bear all the way lor.... unless i really got a place to go that pil no need to come.... cause i not at home....
Mich: wats wrong with his mum say him?? shld b use to it liao since he is young is his mum is the naggy type..keke..u staying with ur pil ah?
michelle: Don't stress too much. Will affect baby too. I think I will go crazy if my PIL is like that. Very very stressful to have baby, to carry the baby in the womb, to give birth, still got so much external factor that is not within our control. I hope they will cut you some slack. Stay strong for baby. Jia You.

Cool down first, and don't think about it now. Most important, care for yourself, your baby now. Any other factors, just clear it off your mind. The best is to give them "bo chap" answers when they ask u boy or girl.
mich: anyway diff family got diff problems..i just hope u can be a happy mummy throughout this pregnancy..take care

for the mar 12 mummies sheet..what does status mean? FTWM?
Sarah : no he cannot tanhan his mum nagging de when his mum nagging he will leave home de... but when i give birth pil come... so when his mum nag him he need to go where no place to go liao ma.... got a time i say ma.. baby need to sleep de.... why u keep want to wake baby up... then mil complaint to my hubby lor.... then i tell my hubby ur mum really no brain lei... baby need lots of sleep lei... why want to wake baby up de.... dont understant ur mum thinking..... then my hubby say what she want to do let her do ba.... wow lao lei.... can like that meh....
so after that what mil doing i only bear to my heart pity my princess... till a day my hubby no choice liar to them i not at home..... but i think mil know why too... cause i tell my mum to tell mil that i want to go my nanny place to stay cause i cannot tanhan her......
Twins Happiness : ya i try not to stress... as gynea also tell me try to be happy then i wont feel ms so easy...... when i was down suddenly my hubby say want boy.... har..... it ok.... i do my best and pray hard.... even i know is girl or boy i wont let my pil know maybe even my hubby i also dont let him know.... har... do this way ok de ba... feel bad to do also....
Sarah ya not staying with them... but they wont let us know when they come de... reach liao call ask us to open the door.... got a time she call then i bf with princess she cannot wait... she nagging outside the door till the neighbour call me too... wow phengz.......
Michelle: your Hubby want boy ar? Ask him to ask himself Loh. Sperm from him, u can't control too. Give him a book on the XX and XY chromosome. Must counsel him and his parents. Very ignorant leh...
Mich: realli ah?? too much leh..if me..i dun open the door..dun care! keke..i knw is bad to treat old ppl like dat but we are human aso loh..doesnt mean old ppl are wiser...u still got a long way to go...u must hang on..jia you!
Twin: ya u r right! we only contribute the egg loh..their sperms is the one to decide boy or gal!
My mum also having 3 gals..im #3 and duno y last time ppl like to give away if they had too many gals..what's wrong with gal?
Last time my uncle (dad's younger brother) also ask me to have more kids then let my sister take care coz my sis got no kids...siao lor...i told my mom if like that i rather have just 1 kid to myself.
yes i want to jia you.... sarah u chinese..... dont know why still got this old fashion people lei.... i tot my friend mil is worse de... now mine even more worse than her... har....

Twins Happiness : at first he say no matter girl or boy he ok... suddenly he say this to me i also shocked but i got tell him anyway i feel this is a girl lor... then he keep quiet....
mich: yes mich im chinese..my hub aso chinese but msian..so i dun get to see my PIL and i dun get to see them 3yrs liao..keke coz i gave a reason to them..their house is dirty..i got skin allergy..haha..me so bad.
My PIL nv say anything aso..mayb they rely on my hub monthly allowances keke..both them are much younger than my parents but not working..but my dad alrdy 70yrs old and stil mending his hardware shop..i heartpain for him. Overall i can say my both sides of parents are those bo chup and nice parents lah.
Sarah: Last time, olden days many people got traditional thinking. Boys will help carry their ashes and tablets when they die. But they never think for the next few decades, is their son doing their duty or their daughter give them pocket$? My mum also gave birth to 3 girls. And my younger sis almost given to my Gugu. Luckily my mum stay firm and we are glad that she stay strong. Daughters now can support themselves, give parents allowance, help their spouse and even take care of their kids. Dun underestimate us hor...
haha i agree.... twins happiness cause even mil also say my hubby no use de..... then my hubby still blur blur respect her.... no choice he say no matter what she is his mum... then i just keep quiet dont want to give much comment.... i will jia you.... i dont care girl or boy i wont give..... if they want ask their daughter give birth give big brother ba..... see how their daughter feel.....
Twin: u r right...my sisters n i stay strong with our parents..whereas my bro in law and even my husband like nv reali go see their parents one de leh..i always see my bro in law ard in my parents hse..keke..i dun wan go misa then my hub aso lazy to go himslf so he aso nv see his parents for 3yrs liao...keke
mich: when is ur edd? if u need support aft u give birth to prevent ur mil nag or take away..call me lah, i go hosp find u..my edd is 20 mar 2012..if u give birth b4 me.
Thank u, Zelda, daisy, Chinny. My husband is v worried. Since I pregnant, I've been taking taxi almost all the time. It costs me a bomb as always fall in peak hr rate to & from office. Now I thought I could try public transport as I am now in second trimester. Then, the doc said very low placenta n makes my husband to b more worried. My hubby asked me to go bac straight home n take taxi.
hopefully, placenta mov up in next month check. Btw, u guys wear lipstick & lotion? I wanted to but I'm afraid the chemical inside. Didnt wear any lotion Nor lipstick since I'm pregnant. Go to office with plane & pale face. Do you Know or wear any lipstick which is ok for preg mom? Can u share me the band name?
mich: bukit batok so far ah..u wrking ? 21 mar ah..keke then mayb i give birth 1st le..unless we same hosp..mine mt e and i doubt urs is the same..seldom see any1 mt e.

mable: u still can wear lipstick and i think any brand is fine..dun worry all are quite safe..as for lotion..what u mean? lotion to apply where?
mabel - i also always take taxi if i'm going out cos hubby worry the knock n push in public transport ..

dont worry too much , just rest as much as u can and dont lift heavy things will do ..

i still apply lotion as my skin is very dry so to keep abit moist but i donno whether is ok for preg not.. tink is fine? maybe can ask gynae next time wen u visit ?

rest well !! =)
mabel: for face lotion i guess shld b fine as long as no retinol A contain..anything with retinol A is best to avoid even my gynae told me that. During preg, we are very prompt to get dark pigmentations or freckles...u can start using whitening ptds and sunblock is a must.
mich: u mean today? today cannot but other day can arr..marine sq very near me ah..my hse dwnstair mrt station mountbatten...4th stop only.hehe
