(2012/03) Mar 2012

Sarah: what is whitening ptd? Before pregnant, I use estee lauder. As for SPF, I don't know which one I should use. I got H2O SPF. Don't know can mix on the face or not with two different especially while I'm pregnant. Which lipstick u use? I'm afraid there will be some lead inside. Sarah: I mean face lotion
. I am a lazy girl to apply lotion other than face
. Only when my mood is good, then I apply body lotion. Now being pregnant, all my body becomes natural smell I can't wear any perfume . Sensitive nose. Daisy: this is my first pregnancy and very expensive pregnancy. Unpaid leaves&taxi fares left only half of my pay
Mich: added liao..u go see..marina sq where the beef place? not all beef i eat..some got smell one leh..keke but steak is fine and i aso like sukiyaki beef, beef hofun but this time sukiyaki beef cant dip in raw egg..keke. drooling liao..and i still waiting for my hub go eat but kallang leisure park no steak..zzz..going to catch Johnny English later coz they said very funny..hope can cheer me up..was crying n crying these few days liao..abit abit will upset..
mabel: those whitening face lotion..like olay they have a good one now in green colour. currently im using skII whitening ptds like serum n cream for night time and daytime i use those light weight moisturiser..any sunblock is fine depend ur skin type..if u very oily skin go for oil free ptds..anything u can ask me..i used to wrk beautyline for many years..keke..i love to explore diff types of brand.
Michelle : ai ya ... u edd might early ah ... i thought we can say hi to each other .... LOL ... mine so far no change yet ... not sure further down the road ...

Ladies : ur stomach side have any mild cramps like expanding (type of feeling) ? today my right side abit (dont know cramps or aching lei) ... just feel like muscles pulling .... sorry dont really know how to describe the feeling ....
carice, so far i dont have any stomach cramp or leg cramp. just that my stomach feels like when ur trying to blow a balloon that is already huge. like going to explode.
bc : hahaha ... i only today have this feeling ... on the right like muscle is pulling ... i suspect is exploding any time ... so better ask around lor ... i v blur de ... like my big business problem ... i can tell gynae cramp ... end up intestine problem ... think back also quite silly ...lol
Carice : maybe i know what u trying to say it normal de... unless super pain then u go to see ur gynea or below got red red then better see liao..... haha... Carice cause my #1 i early for 9days.... this gynea say see how..... might be early than 21 mar lor need to see baby when want to come out... plus if too big sure must early liao..... i hope not that early like 38 haha.... cause my #1 false alarm at 8 mar lor.... but end up is food poisioning..... that y i say i stay TMC before..... but give birth at MA at end Apr cause dont like TMC service lor.......
My cramps is those pulling types like gastric pain but was lower abdomen. Went to scan so far nothing but now on hormones pills to stable my uterus.
Mich: let's go one day. No movie for me tonite Coz fully booked.
Bc: me too everyday nutin to do at Hm so I mop floor loh even though doc said dun but I stil slowly mop.
i stay in bedok. i don't eat steak coz quite scared of the taste. i'm more of a seafood person. i miss eating chilli crab.
SarahK: I oso stay in Old Airport Rd! So coincidental! We shall meet one day!

Carice: normal to feel ur tummy exploding for 1st time mummies as ur tummy is expanded. For non-1st time mummies, our tummies oredi expanded ie saggy so don't hv such sensation ;p
bc : wow seh... when u wanna eat chilli crab but not sure town have or not.....

Carice : let see n inform each other ba.... hee hee.....

zelda : har i still got this feeling de lei..... even below feel abit pain too... but still can tanhan......
ya see who want to eat... unless those peng tang then maybe they cannot join liao... i got #1 i also got eat, i eat whatever i crave lor..... haha.....
mabel - no choice , play safe for baby ma , for my #1 & #2 , i was quite ok with everything other den last trim den i start having swollen legs and hardly can walk so i cab to work n cab home , tat time i stay hougang n working at bukit timah =.=''

bc - stay at home boring ah? i tink its more on those 'i see u good , u see me good' i bet some working mummies hope they can stay home and rest more also lol ..

watch dramas? i pass my time by watching dramas =)
daisy, ya it's like that one...coz i kena locked up at home for too many years liao ma...lol...

i will watch online drama but it simply won't load in the evening
bc - how long u been home? i've been sahm for 6yrs+ , other den money wise not able to spend like when i'm working .. still enjoy every moment of slacking haha ..

michelle - ok , heading to msn now =)
mich, my girl is already 4+...no need much attention. she can entertain herself.

daisy, i've been a SAHM ever since i was 1 mth preg with my girl more than 5 yrs ago..i'm growing mould already...with #2 coming along, another 7 years to go before i can go back to work.
bc: yes im SAHM...very free...
mabel: u try MAC lipstick..if i not wrong..no lead contain but its better to ask the consultant. Makeup wise i hardly can advise coz im more on skincare..i was with skII last time.
i shld b "sit at home mother to be" coz this is my 1st preg...i stopped wrking ever since im married 3yrs+ ago...no particular reason..just lazy and tot can have baby to look after..til 3rd yr finally im having a baby and i hope will b a smooth one..
bc - lol , i was working previously , stopped when my mom said she cant handle my 2 devils and wanted to go work , so we changed , i quit and stay home while she work .. lol

for the dramas , i always let it load at midnight which is very smooth den watch it on the next day .. lol u can try this out so u wont be bored during the day =)
daisy, that particular drama i want to watch is only available on pptv which is load n watch type coz it won't load the file onto the pc. or else i have to watch 1 epi a day on scv...
sarah - lol good also ma , rest more while pregnant also good !

bc - wat show u watching ? nice not? lol

maybe u wan try funshion? i'm using tat and the dramas and shows are quite new , and can load and save in the player den play the next day .. my line works bad for uploading drama , i usually let it load midnight den next day i den watch

scv ? now showing de? the sushi show?
yes accepted liao.
im using funshion aso..for hk series n movies..very fast leh..watch while loading..smore my hse is singnet those normal speed.
daisy, im watching 蔷花与红莲 (korean drama) at 7pm on channel 825. funshion don't have this show. i can't tell u nice or not...lol...coz if u start watching from the beginning then u will want to follow the story. it's abt 2 best friends from sch and alot of things that happened in their life.
bc - oh , maybe i wait till funshion have n i go dl =) i watch any types of dramas as long as the first episode is interesting to let me continue to watch lol ..
it's not a new show. it's a 2009 show...dunno y funshion don't have it. i stop watching hk drama for the time being coz of this show coz it's gets a little more exciting after ard the 20th api...
Hahaa just had Jumbo again. Crave for MOS burger non stop, can almost taste corn soup. Prob is ytd just ate
Mabel: I'm using Estee too no change in skin care but still a lot of breakouts.
Hi there, i've got a few stuffs to let go asap as i'm clearing space.

1. Tollyjoy Disposable Breast pads (63pcs, so its 1box and some leftovers) - Selling @ $10

2. Farlin Milk Storage Bag (20 + 2pcs) - Selling @ $10

3. Preloved Blue Anti Slip Mat - Selling @ $3

4. Left over 3/4 of Sacred tea (RP: $38) - Selling off @ $28

5. Chicco Carrier - Selling @ $35

6. Similac Mum satchets ( 2x 36.5g Expiry: 091012) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet wipes

7. Similac Mum satchets ( 2x 50g Expiry: 031012 & 021212) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet wipes

8. Mamil MAMA ( 2x 48g Expiry: 060112 & 060612) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet wipes

9. Abbott Discount Voucher (2x Similac Mum Expiry: 311211 2x Similac Expiry: 300612) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet Wipes

10. Mamil MAMA Discount Voucher (1x Expiry: 311211) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet Wipes

Interedted parties, pls PM.

SarahK: wah u tai-tai woh! ;p I prefer working anytime. I can't be SAHM, will go siao ;p Think I 劳逯命

In online drama, funshion is good
I'm watching HK drama show called 潜行粗机 (smtg like that).
Good morning mummies, I've finally placed my deposit for my confinement nanny last night. Yeah... One more thing settled.
Just hope she is a good nanny.
I dont like Tollyjoy Disposable Breast pads waste my money to buy this brand when i got #1..

Chicco Carrier only able to use up to 8kg only...
end up i but another one to use up to 5yr old.... so Chicco Carrier i can give away if someone need.......
Good morning mummies

Zelda: wheregot taitai, taitai pocket alot $. I empty one . U mentioned the show I watched Liao. Nw watch the olden days make wine one. Hk stil showing haven't fin yet.

Yday forced myslf ate 3 yellow kiwi, tis morning toilet 2 times Liao. Very good for constipation. Keke
Sarah : really hmm... later i go to eat kiwi.... really hard to make cake when pregnant lor... i got this problem with #1 also.... har....

Zelda : i agree with sarah where got tai tai.. tai tai is rich de lei..... i also empty one... har.... how i wish going back to work soon....
