(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB

fern - u cn jus google for it... for bbshop she posted above... for tiny shop u jus search for tiny shop can liao...

piyo - red dates drink is good for warming the womb... becos they say too cool is not good for getting pregs? something like that... hee hee... essence i dont knw the reason for that...

maybe cn try what the other thread ppl do.. buy a bowl... bring home... dont tell anyone the purpose... hehe... cn read more abt it in the other ttc thread... quite interesting...


Hi gals...

been bz with work and kate spade sample sale...

so many things to buy... :p

any good news??

welcome to all new mummies trying for #2...

like many mummies, #1 came very easy... #2 seems v stressful... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

same samwe feeling.. my no 1 was not really planned it came faster so i really no stress no oulation kit and so fast and smooth,

this time conceive no 2 really so stress and so hard .. dun know why and its been 5 mths. worried me

same samwe feeling.. my no 1 was not really planned it came faster so i really no stress no oulation kit and so fast and smooth,

this time conceive no 2 really so stress and so hard .. dun know why and its been 5 mths. worried me

missy....thx for the advise...red date drinks means red dates only rite...any diff between the pitless or full red dates? perhaps essence is to strengthen the body?

buying a normal bowl to be kept at home?? sound interesting...will go kaypoh when I have the time...

Seedless red dates less heaty.

I usually put red dates in boiled soup, abt 5 pieces.... enough anot?

Hi all, l'm newbie here trying for #2 but my AF super 乱.

The pattern goes on, off, on, on, off 烦死了

red dates longan... hee like the one we drink during confinement... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just when I thought this time the chance is high, my menses is here today after late for 2 weeks! I even have a faint line on the clearblue test kit 2 day ago! Very upset & disappointed . [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

morning ladies.. few days nv come in here.. my AF report full force today.. was cramping yesterday whole aftn but no sign at all.. oni a teeny weeny drop of red.. like pricked by needle.. else nothing. tis AF is 3mths after my last AF.. like dat i dunno how to TTC liao.. coz my sis's gynea told her before, u can have AF but sometimes no Ovulation occurs.. haiz..

hi mummies, sorrry i didn manage to catch up the older posts. not sure if this question has been asked before.

my 1st baby is 3months old now. i wish to have another bb when she is 5months old. may i how to try to conceive for No.2 while breastfeeding since i don have period now?? can i use the ovulation kit?

i want to choose gender for baby, can this ovulation kit help in choosing the gender?


Hi ladies..

Guess we are all v stressed TTC for no 2.

After having no 1, got a misperception that no 2 will b easier but not at all. Have been trying for coming 1 yr still no news am quite disappointed.

Recently my mom made me some black chicken tonic soup and dunno if it's too "bu" that my AF is delayed but few days ago just chk and was negative.. So now can only wait for few more days before testing again to avoid disappointment again. Any advice if black chicken soup will affect AF cycle?

Hmmm there was once i had menses super heavy flow for 2wks! Its the kind where i stand cn feel the bld gush out. Then keep staining my pants n skirts -.-". Saw the gynae, he said chinese herbs affect the hormones n too mych no good... That time i evryday drink herbal soup...

So can indirectly say chinese herbs affects cycle ?

missycandy, it seems like everybody is very busy after CNY or too stress up with TTC liao...where's everybody? piggy, piglet,lynzi, starzz n rabbit? nowadays can only see missycandy n donkeymami n sometimes Awbb....feel so lonely[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

miss candy thanks .Guess I think too much hoping to tio but seems like the soup is delaying my AF. Sigh.. Every now and them when feel sth flowing out will rush to see if it's just discharge or blood. So stressful..

Was telling hubby that if I dun tio a baby rabbit I will stop trying cos din wana have a dragon where competition so high and age gap with 1 n 2 will be wider also.. Guess the window is closing soon too.. Or shld I not think so much and just keep on trying? Dilemma man

gwen - dont limit yrself. jus try. dun give up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dont stress yrself too! dun becos dun wan dragon then dont do it... actually dragon life is quite good... competition then bo pian... in time to come, their life shld be quite good de.. so dont worry too much k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] for me i wil also try... though see red every mth. hahaha! i wun give up! i dun wish to push longer n further away... wait gap wide... then get older... best to have it now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

charlotte - yalor.. all mia.. i think they all wana take a break as well... sometimes honestly, come to forum also feel sad n stressed when see others tio... of cos happy for them! but sad for myself lor... hahaha...

missy...got it..will prepare on & off to drink...thanks ya

bluberi....wat I understand is dat it's true can have AF every mth and not nec will O every mth...mayb u wish to seek gynae's advise in ur case..

gwen...im too in a dilemma just like yourself...cos bb born in the year of dragon is indeed very stressful and competitive & further more im not very keen in yr end baby. then again think again, TTC is as it is not easy so why putting on more restriction which make the process worst....

search for bridal closet.... she does rental... she stays punggol or seng kang ard there.. i remember renting bridesmaids dresses from her for my wedding in 08 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hihi ladies!!!

Im back at work. So sian after such a nice trip. Was continuously eating the past few days and enjoyed myself.

Alas, i only got home yesterday to only get bad news for me. My sil..the one i have been telling u gerls..has gave birth yesterday morning. I reached my mil house to see everyone so excited. I was so upset. Its like a huge, huge needle pierced thru my heart. It would have been me if not for what happened.

My pils were asking me and dh if we wana follow them go visit her at hosp. I told dh, im not going..he can go ahead if he wants to..im not stopping him. At first dh was a bit annoyed cos he said thats his brother's bb but when he looked at my face, he shut up the whole day. Though i didnt cry and only kept quiet i think he can see how upset i was.

My mil was telling me that my sil said it was an accident..didnt plan at all. The bb is a boy. Now sil has got 1 girl adn 1 boy. How come some ppl can be so lucky??? Can get preggy and even get the gender they want. I dont ask God for much. I only want more kids..i dont care what gender they are. Is that really too much to ask for?!

My bil and sil still got the cheek to ask me if i got my boy's clothes, shoes, toys etc to give away to them. Really so shameless and insensitive.

At nite as me and dh were lying in bed, dh said softly to me "u know rite sooner or later we have to go see them and the bb? we cannot avoid them for long." i told him yah i know but im not ready yet. i dont know when i will be ready. i kept crying on and off since yesterday. Its as if the whole pain of losing the first angel is back. I hope God will give me strength.


Im still here..sometimes just being silent reader cos got no time to comment.

Really feeling the ttc blues nowadays.

Im just so very tired of it all.

To the newbies who are asking, can take herbal soup but not too often.

Maybe once a week will do.

Red date longan is to make your womb warm so will be conducive for fertilisation and implantation to happen. Dont take too often if your womb is already warm.

Chicken essence is to bu your body and also keep womb warm.

It is also good to take egg whites and food high in protein before 2ww as this helps in the production and quality of eggs.

lynzi, feel like hugging u when I saw yr post...can understand how u feel although I have not been thru what u gone thru but when I think of losing my gal one day....that kind of feeling, think its the same so I also feel like crying.....dun give yrself pressure, one day we will all graduate. All of us here also feel depressed over this TTC thing so we are here to give support to one another....lots of hugs to u

Lynzi....*hugz*...been thru m/c b4 my #1 which is our first pregnancy & it is a very trying period. Cant say i know hw you feel but pls dun bottle up your feelings....cry if u need to....talk about it if you have to....take your time....*hugz*

thanks for the information!

Lynzi,*Hugs* feel like crying when i saw ur post...life still goes on so cheers!


My colig jz share wif me she is 6wks preggy & she tried for 2mths. *envy*




I'm still here. Just feeling really sian lor. Am keeping myself busy to distract myself. Even cooking or doing housework can keep my mind off ttc-ing issues. I dun wanna give up yet but can see my hubby like wanting to give up liao..cos he has been so busy and stressed up at work that he doesn't want to burden himself with other things..sigh sigh sigh. I'm still enjoying my time with my gal at home. I tell myself, at least at least at least, I still have my gal to keep me company.

just to share... if u all keen to buy preseed, the bbshop n other shop is selling at $40 and $42... but tiny shop is selling at 34.90 only... so if want to buy online, can buy from tiny shop.. save $... ive ordered... waiting for her to confirm... i think this time round im goin to spend a bit more... il get preseed... and the digital ovulation kit as well... also getting the cheap ones to test... when i see dark line then will use clearblue... hope this will be the final cycle for me ~ JY JY J J Y! =x

Missy Candy,

I am also lookibg for ovulation kit cheap ones and preseed. So is Tiny shop cheaper? Hw much if i get all these. If i get cheap ovulation stips, need get the digital ones for what?

fern - cheap ones will be from one spree... i ordered from here http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/4110970.html?1298387033

hers is the cheapest but need to wait prolly ard 2wks... these are the strips.... which cost ard 50-80cents.. depending who you buy from...

the clearblue digital set will show u a smiley face when you are going to O... its also supposed to be quite accurate...

the cheap sticks, depending also, sometimes can catch, sometimes cannot catch... so its up to you, what you wish to spend on...

for me i decided to get the clearblue becos i really want to catch my O this time round... the past few cycles, i use the cheap strips... the line darken a bit only... then like not sure O or not...

since this is the last time for me to tio labbit bb, i will pump in a bit more funds and be a bit more hardworking...

so decided to get clearblue ovulation test as well as preseed... also will be going to buy a bowl... wahahhahax!!!

the clearblue test is 45.90 for 7 strips... includin normal post...

pre seed is 34.90...

the cheap ovulation strips depending on how many u buy, ranges from 80 cents to 65 i think... u jus google for tiny shop ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Dun cry too much although it helps to vent frustrations. l've been thru all these, if not worse. But to be a mother, i told myself to be tough even though we are soft on the inside.

Time for shopping!

oh, what im going to do is test with the cheap strips 1st... then if i see the dark line.. then il use clearblue to confirm... i guess psychologically satisfying to see smiley face... for me la.. whaahahah!

hey whats this bowl shopping abut huh? can someone share but bowl only put where? plastic one can?

Maybe i try the cheap ones first and lubricant. the clear blue a little ex leh. was thiking if i try another 3 times with all these cannot i will consult dr benjamin tham for all these fertility issues liao cos i has no such issues when planning no 1 leh .. hiaz.

Hi mummies...

Aiyo I m so damn busy lately leh... I was expecting to get opk + only tomorrow. And as I m so busy, I dint really start my testing.. Then this afternoon then I noticed I hv quite alot of cm when I went to the toilet.. I just reach home Nia n did a opk test n got +. Midnight still can get super dark positive ..my god it's a day early which I book my dh only on Thursday leh..also hv no idea whether I m coming to the end of my surge wo!! Damn sianz nw.


for hIm he can drive over to S'pore lo. If I go I must take bus then how I return to work next day . N how to bring my gal by taking bus leh.. V Cham leh .. Then this mth unexpectly opk+ early for a day leh..

I only scare I caught my surge late n by tomolo even if dh can come over, already game over!!! Damn sianz now.. V fan leh!! Like that I wasting a mth taking clomid. I already suspect I miss to catch right timing last cycle Liao.. Nw again.. Too busy to watch my cycle lo.


I also think u may hv a c. Pregnancy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I'm here.. So sorry cos I m v tight up w work.. I can only relax after this wkend leh.. But I still try to read through the happenings when I m free but may hv no time to reply.. Seeing alot of newbies.. Hope we can also see more graduate too..

Don't kw why suddenly I see my opk+ I feel so stressed!! I guess becos I dint expect to see it reporting early.. Damn it lo, I hope my dh can come in tomolo to bd leh, another hand scare by tomolo already o by the time he come


same here leh. I worry if I hv a dragon bb he or she hv to face lots for difficulties getting into Sch.. They gan kor we also gan kor leh.. But if we don't continue ttc.. Can we affort to wait?? For me I can't leh.. Age catching up Liao.. Bo bian..

Oh dear linzi,,,

hugs"""" I teared while reading ur message lah.. Sayang sayang hor.. I really felt for u... I also feeling more n more sianz lately.. Despite some many hardwork we put in we still can't hv another bb..but others simply said preg by accident.. Damn sickening..why r they so lucky!!I was also wondering.

Like u I also feeling ttc blue Liao.. Damn bueh tahan Liao!! Exploding soon!!

Morning ladies.

Thanks for the comfort n encouragement.

Its only in places like here that i can vent out my feelings.


me been thru a lot. Its been one yr and 3 mths of ttc with 2 pregnancies within 6 mths n both ended in m/c.

It gets especially difficult as the supposed edd approached.

First angel on 12 march. Second angel edd on 15 july.


Yup its good to test with clearblue once u see tve on your cheap opk strips. Will help u pinpoint your O since last few mths so vague. U might be having shorter surge so hope u catch it.


yah if im sahm also i will make myself busy with hsework n kid. If not every day think of ttc very sian.


aiyoh..all is not lost yet.

Bd one day after o also can strike a boy. Dont give up k. Lets hope your surge is 2 days like last time. Then thurs will be just nice for u to bd.

Im dpo13 today. Dont think got much chance.

Af might report either today or tomoro. On dpo10 i got spotting but im not pinning high hopes cos been having brown discharge since yesterday.

Hi linzi,

thanks for the encouragement. U still remember I got 2 days opk+ ah.. So sweet of u. This morning I use clearblue n see smile. Atleast feeling more comfort. Just hoping dh can come over tonight leh.

pink piglet, no worries....u can still try n still be able to make it! At least u got BD, got hope rite? Same as u, I will test +ve on opk when I saw EWCM too but last mth I got not much EWCM when I test +ve on CD13, dunno why? is it bcos old liao, dun produce too much....I also get +ve earlier n earlier n AF from 30 days to 28days.

Rabbit, ya I understand yr feeling cos me too very sian abt this TTC thing. Today CD10, after O n BD this mth end then wait for my March holidays to come n go for a short holiday, go relax n dun think of TTC...enjoy 1st haha..... be it rabbit or dragon, can have 2nd baby I happy liao, cos not much time left for me, 10 more mths....

Hi mommies.. It's a bad day to start with.. AF just reported after 4 days late.. Still thinking I might have chance of tioing..

Medically proven that my black chicken soup has delayed my cycle sigh..

Think I realli need to get the ovulation kit cos I suspect I do not ovulate though AF still reports every month. So not in the mood to work.. Feel like taking leave to c gynae for remedy

Gwen, how many mths of trying for u? take it easy if u just started as many of us have been trying for mths! u may not necessary strike after only 1-2 cycles.


used your clearblue oredi ah?

Hehe..hope u can catch your o.


im also thinking of taking a break. So very tired of it all.

Good that u going on hols n can relax.

Ladies, my af is here..TMD!!

Hopes dashed again..sigh


looks like our cycle the same.

How long have u been trying?

Pink piglet, all the best n njoy ur BD tonight. Hope u hubby can cum today n tmr.

I'm waiting to O too! Hopefully to9 can see a +ve cos i gng bck to msia on fri liao. But will still BD tmr no matter wat.

A Big Hi to All!

High sensitive (20 mIU) OPKs for proper detection of LH surge (ovulation)

Ultra sensitive (10 mIU) HPTs for use as early as 4 days before missed period

Priced at $0.50 to $0.60 per strip. Free normal postage > 5 strips, fast delivery guaranteed.

Clearblue Fertility Monitor and 20 sticks @ $220

Clearblue box of 20 sticks @ $46.50 (with free HPTs)

Clearblue digital ovulation (smiley face) 7 sticks @ $45.90

Clearblue digital pregnancy with conception indicator (tells how many weeks pregnant) 2 sticks @ $27.90

Special packages incl Pre-seed, Basal Thermometer also available.

Please see my website at www.bbshop01.blogspot.com for more details or email [email protected]

Charlotte & lynzi- I been trying for coming 1 yr though in between slack a bit but it's quite long alr so I been pinning high hope for this mth cos BD more but still no result. That's y today I'm so not in the mood to work and even called my gynae for immediate appt for advice but she's fully booked for next few days sigh...

