(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB

Hi ladies...

duno i sld try to get OPK also...

but again, v lazy n bz to test every day...

any recommendations?

or sld i take temperature first...

Gwen (sweety_mudpie)

i also suspect, i might not ovulate...

lynzi (lynzi1606), piyobaby (piyobaby)

hugs... dont think so much... sometimes others will nv understand unless they got m/c before...


dpw - if u really want to have a bb... no shortcuts... and cant be lazy... have to be diligent lor... if not hard to catch...

actually, it can also work the other way... as in u dont have menses but you can stil ovulate... my friend didnt have menses and had 2 kids ! -_-"

everyone is different.. no 2 the same... how one feels, no one will be able to understand... but as friends, we can offer virtual hugs.. and comfort... some of us just are not able to verbalise our heart felt sympathies... some of us may say the wrong things... but im sure, those affected will know that though we have never experienced such, we feel for u... and we are here for u to just rant n vent... this is an output for most of us ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

everyone has their own story... some better, some worse... no point comparing as well... end of the day, we move on... time goes on... doesnt stop... everyone moves at their own pace... so move on when you feel you are able to... tomorrow is a brand new day! brand new start! shoo all the crap n worries away ~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies,

How have all of you been? I hope the old-timers still remember me, though I haven't posted for ages!

Firstly, here's lots and lots of baby dust for all on this thread:






Secondly, I'm here to sell off some of my "TTC tools":

(a) Item: Blackmores Conceive Well Gold

Expiry: August 2011

Qty available for sale: 2 boxes

Price per box: $30 (inclusive of postage charge)

(b) Item: Clearblue Pregnancy Test - With Colour Change Tip (2 tests per box)

Expiry: November 2012

Qty available for sale: 2 boxes

Price per box: $15 (inclusive of postage charge)

Please PM me if you are keen to purchase any of the above items. The above prices are inclusive of postage charges, and of course, I will "drown" the items in baby dust before sending them across! =)

Meanwhile, please take care of yourselves and continue to jia you! Good things are worth waiting for! =)

DPW....im totally over it when im expecting my boy. I chose d painful approach by speaking abt it over & over again. Dun wish for anyone to experience it, definitely!



i totally get u.

Yup i also chose the painful way of verbalising.

If i keep i will explode.

Yah has moved on but significant dates will still get to me.


thanks dear.


nice..i like your energy!



How are u n bb doing?

Can i have your hpt?

Will pm u later.

Lynzi>> Baby and I are fine. Done my oscar and blood tests and everything is fine =) However, I'm approaching 14 wks now, but still suffering from morning sickness. Actually, it's night sickness lah, cos' the naseau and puking usually happens only at night. Compared to when I was expecting #1, morning sickness is worse for this pregnancy..and this pregnancy also more delicate..got bleeding from around wk 7..so went on sick leave for about 2 weeks..but now everything ok already =)

Ok, I will reserve 1 box HPT for you. Wait for your PM.

Missycandy>> I reserve the other box of HPT for you. PM me k?

Hi, I am new here and been a silent reader in the TTC threads. Unlike others here, I am hoping to strike for a dragon baby so just getting ready to try and would appreciate any advice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have just been taking folic and prenatal vitamins so far but thinking of "investing" more.

missycandy, tks for all the helpful info you posted. I went to the BP thread you posted and am a little confused. Seems like after I have paid once, I have to "top up" again (i.e. pay more) once the items come in? As to digital ovulation, does tiny shop have ready stock as it is not clear and it says pre order. Just trying to avoid buying from too many places. =P

Btw, regarding taking temp, this is my first month taking it and my temp seems to fluctuating. It starts from 35.x and doesn't exceed 36.5. Is this normal? Also, I had a sudden dip in temp to 35.15 on CD19 (with a sharp rise on CD20) but only had EWCM from CD20 onwards? Is there something wrong?

i feel for the ladies in this thread who are trying for 2nd one...I'm just one of them.

Wondering what is the full name for Preseed? and how does it helps to improve pregnancy? how to use?

I'm trying for 2nd one but work stress is building up and my hubby find it difficult to look after one toddler already(so depresseing as although not supportive). Hai...so upset about this...

Ovluation shd be this or next week..

lynzi...cheer up!

throw the unhappiness out of d window...think positive....JY!

guess im oso stressed out by my biological clock ticking away LOUDLY.....+_+"


wow who knows went u return bk from holiday u strike just like hw u strike ur gal after a holiday. Mayb w relaxing mood easier to strike. Heehee

aiyo I v scare I m too late to catch the o again this mth leh.. My dh go find his friend still not back yet wait until I mad Liao!!! Bor mood!


Ya lo my new weapon for this cycle lol.. Wahaha...I also hope I hvnt o leh..


wah we any the same again this mth hor.. Kekeke let's pray for each other hor.. All the best for u!!

yehhh thanks!! anas i pm u le... hee u reply me with yr acct details k? then i do the tt.. thanks loads!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

newbie - the top up is for shipping costs.. becos ship from US... the shipping wil be spilt... but end of it, i see still cheaper la.. wahahaha.... for digital ovulation, she doesnt have ready stock... if u want, can get from the bbshop... hers is ready stock... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

calla - preseed lubricant lor.... u google for it... instructions they will also tell u... from what i knw, u insert the gel with this applicator... 30mins before u BD... its supposed to help the swimmers swim~ also creates a better environment for the spermies... becos sometimes, our cervical mucus quite hostile... think the others who are using it can also give some "ädvise" ... i havent used it yet... was contemplating... so now decided to buy and try... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning all!!


good to know both u n bb are well.

With my no 1 my ms also in the evening and only stopped at wk 16.


im getting preseed from my fren.

She selling at $33.90...she got sell other ttc tools too.

Can go to baby-desires.com

lynzi, thanks for the introduction, can have more choices now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pink piglet, dun dare to think too much, just hope that a holiday be good for both of us, too stressful with this TTC thing. I have changed my mindset, if I lucky I have 2 kids, if not I be contented to have only 1 kid, at least we have tried our best n do whatever we can, so leave it to Fate n God......be it rabbit or dragon, I will stop trying till dragon year.

Morning ladies..

Congrats anastasia.. Grabbing some baby dust fr ya..

Guess what.. I finally went to get ovulation kit.. So heart pain but no choice.. At a desperate stage now.. Sigh hopefully it will come in useful

Piyo.. R u Z's mommy?

Guess what

morning ladies, i seldom post here but been reading when i'm free. everytime want to post, then some work will come up. lol..

just to introduce myself. i have a boy in may 2008. started trying for another one since nov 2009.

now in my 2ww. DPO 5. went to see my gynae (john tee) on valentine's day. he just do ultrasound and said my uterus is normal. and give me 3 cycle of clomid. but cannot start yet cos menses was over already that time. now just waiting till 5 march. after this cycle, only left 1 more cycle for 2011 baby.

anyone took clomid before? any side effects ar? forgot to check with him.

my hubby and i a little disheartened after trying for 1 year+ cos my first boy, we didn't plan. i think it's like the more we plan, the more it doesn't happen. then seeing my hb's friends over CNY, one by one their wife all preggy with rabbit baby. can only envy =(

let's hope all of us also have good news soon..

Hi ladies,

I'm a bit confuse on the OPK, if CD17 is darken test line, CD18 with confirm dark line and CD19 with faint line, does that means CD17 start with OPK+, then CD18 is start with ovolation. Then CD19 consider as DPO1 and ovolation is over? I always test it in the morning after wake up.

Does that means on CD19 don't need to BD already since already ovolated? I try the themometer, it is 36.5 on CD18/19. Before that is around 36.1~36.3, not obvious too. Thks.

missycandy (missycandy)

i guess really muz go keep track when O le...

any advise which method to use...

piyobaby (piyobaby)

can understand... sometimes we just tend to think abt it over and over again...

i had a m/c before my #1...

Cheri (cherimoya)

jia you... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Evelyn (evelynmao)

i duno how to use opk...

any mummy can advise...


cd17 n 18 looks like u still got the surge.

Cd19 looks like u O on that day since the surge is gone.

To play safe bd on cd17, 18 n 19.

Which also means cd20 is your dpo1.


many here are taking clomid.

The side effects will differ from person to person.

Some got weight gain, bloatedness, lesser or drier cm, etc.

Dpw - no method diff frm d rest... Use opk test daily frm cd 10 onwards... Then they say if possible when see surge, bd evry day... For me i didnt manage to catch the surge... Sigh... My cycle so messy! Nw im hoping i cn catch it... Frm past 2 cycles im a 41 day cycle. So hope this mth also same... So i cn monitor properly... Last mth i tested early n didnt continue... According to ovulation calendar, i o-ed very latezzz cny wkend! Bleah...

If u have to read archives, i believe lynzi n piggy have given great advice! Im just a noob compared to them hee

I dont monitor temp... Some if them do...

This cycle il b using opks n pre seed... Nt sure what else to do... Starting drinking red date longan tea too... Lynzi, cn advise hw often to take? Thx! ;)

Oh yes also going to buy a bowl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


before 2ww..can drink maybe once or twice a week.

In 2ww, drink 3 to 4 times a week.

I think im also going to buy a bowl.

Will buy a nice Dora bowl in hopes of a girl..haha

err..just curious..if buy more bowls can tio twins or not??


missycandy, ya I have also try the bowl method, buy during CNY period, but I just bot 1 only, dunno if it works n I never tell anyone, hehe...

I have also use preseed n opks....not yet start the drink type, cos my body heaty n sick frequently so dun dare to start....maybe will buy chicken essence to start during 2WW....do we drink everyday?

missy, oic. after add the shipping, not that cheap liao. i compare to bbshop and seems like only $1+ diff and no need to wait so long. might try from other side first and see how coz sometime "urgent" cannot wait so long. hee...

lynzi, tks for the recommendation from your fren for preseed. ladies, i am also interested in preseed but will it be ok for those who get UTI easily coz i get that easily and scared of putting "something" else inside. tks!

Gwen....yes yes! We were in d same thread for #1?

dun feel dishearten okie...jiayou.... Who knows we might end up in d same thread together again...

Lynzi....u can try to buy 2 bowls...mayb really tio twins! Must make a point to rem buying one...

hi ladies!

Pink Piglet, I got a +veopk last9 & BD-ed.

This mrng i test opk still +ve gng to test again in the evening when i got home. Will BD again to9 too since tmr i gng back to msia attend my bro's wedding.

All the best to you too!


Anybody know when can test for result ah... Then will b quite cun one ah.... self test kit. Anybody has experience?? I'm abt 2 days late Liao....

missy, thank you! lolz!

Genesis, u can test anytime of the day with most of the HPT but for more accurate result use 1st urine in the mrng.

Good luck!

Lynzi, thks for the OPK advise, at least know how it works for OPK. Hee..shall try whether tonite can BD, hope able to tio follow the O day...

Good luck to everyone of us here..and patiently waiting any good news and hope hear more graduates to encouraging our mood..

Erm, later will be the 2ww period.. haiz.. a long time to go.. haha..

donkey, good luck to u....hope u got good news next mth!

Genesis, act u can test if yr AF is late n yr AF is zhun zhun....clearblue shd be more accurate n sensitive, good luck!

aiyer... the nov 2011 thread created olredi... *sweat* duno cn join or not... sigh... the wait for the O is si bei long lor... KNS!!!

TTC mates,

i m back from holiday!! and visit my gynae today. today is my CD15..and confirm not chance liao cos the egg not mature enough and not big enuf for O...accouding my CL 28 days, no chance liao..ask me to see gynae again next period to take clomid...

stress...no time left b4 i back sg....i think the more stress, less chances..anyway, is my fate so hav to accept it

missycandy, the more u see the more kei sim u become so dun go n look pls[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] more stress....

canopyhaze, so sorry to hear that, u must jis you too ok, dun be despair.....

Airy, I very scare I am like u too, egg not good enough n not mature to strike, how much u spend for the scanning?

Missycandy, wat's AF? I'm kind of confuse by all the short forms... Can someone enlighten me? Thks!

Think will go buy the clearblue brand later then...update u all again!

Hi gals, if egg not big and good enough will be no chance to strike, if like such kind of case, we can only take the clomid med. To improve our egg growing? Right?

Seems like really a lot of things to learn from TTC, just learn how to use the OPK..haiz..

Genesis, (on behalf of missycandy) AF means Auntie Flowing, which means yr period[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope u have good news for all of us here as we need babydust badly....

Evelyn, TTC is a very profound biological thing, many things can't explain....even we have 1 kid already but we still blur blur n learning here... haha....dun think u have many kids n u are an expert...NO! sometimes also confuse, hehe

I also thinking of going to a gynae to scan, maybe really did not ovulate like egg not mature n big or good enough for a baby...sigh....dunno ex or not? then if it is gynae can give clomid to try but heard got side effects....sigh...

Lol! Thx charlotte [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bd - baby dancing ( xxx )

Hpt - home pregnancy test

Opk - ovulation p kit ( forgot wad p standsfor ) lol!

O - ovulate

CD - cycle day

Dpo - day post ovulation

Today is cd 8 for me n im still bleeding!!! Actually, on d pad minimal but when i wipe, fresh blood.. Zzz... Then when bathe n wash, see blood clots.. Sigh... I didnt tk clomid this cycle... Dunno my egg will b swee enuf to attract spermies or not. Bummer. Shall leave it to pre seed, opks n bowl to help. Lol!!!

hi mikiko, pls look carefully at the title of the thread....thanks[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yah, I also confuse by all the short terms.

My cd 4 heavy bleeding still. usually mine last 7 days. After that , I tot of ordering those ovulation kit and pressed so how to use ah as my fkrst time. Isit just test everyday one ovulation stip till see postive then BD same night? Each time postive on kit mean must bd huh.. Just test once a day and when bd must apply the pre seed huh?

Pls advise if I am right can? thanks!


mikiko, u are always welcome to join in the thread to share abt yr TTC journey regardless of #2 or #3 but hope u dun mind cos I am a very straightforward person n sometimes ppl may ask very silly or stupid question on this thread, hahah......no offence ok?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fern, for the professional answer u have to wait for prof lynzi or piggy for more advise,

For my own self, usually when I saw EWCM then I will test my opk n it will be +ve, so I noe its my LH surge, usually will be +ve for 2 days then -ve will be my O day. You have to BD before yr O day in order for the sperm to reach the egg unless yr HB sperm is super-turbo type, can reach very fast....

For preseed, from what I noe u have to insert the preseed into yr vaginal 5-15mins before BD, pls correct me if I am wrong cos been using for 3 cycles only

