(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB

Morning ladies!!!!!!!!

Welcome to all the newbies. So many new faces liao.


Oh dear..sayang sayang..pat pat.

New cycle new hope..dont give up ok.

We will jia you together.


Will it be good if u go for a check and see your lining?

Wont be good for egg to latch onto old lining.

Pinkp, rabbit, missy, and those still in 2ww,

Wish u all the best!


Ehy we cycle buddies again leh.

Im either dpo3 or 4 today..not too sure cos not too bothered by it.

Seems like our cycle has been similar since that fateful oct yah.


Charlotte, i understand yr anxiety in this but it wont help when we are stressed up yeah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am here with u to try together!!! Baby late come better than dun come ya..

donkeymami - no le.. nvr detect at all.. I gave up anyway.. Just wait for menses to come.. very tired this days cos i training my son to sleep thru and i am using the control cry it out method.. So been up wee hrs for 1-2 hrs..

misscandy - all the best ya!!!!

rabbit - *hugs* and pls cheer up!!!

pink_piglet good luck too ya!!

Me also cant log in often cos my data plan is gone and my stupid E71 cant surf net as easily.. And i use office com to surf but cant surf too much....

All the best to everyone and hopes everyone grad in the next few mths!


yes good that u r able to take it warier now if not the stress will b too much for u to handle.. Aiya I think last cycle I bd too late Miss my o I guess.. Wt to do if only I can store my dh s in fridge n use them as and when I need i think chances may b higher.. Kekeke

same here I will b v busy this mth, that's why I hesitated whether to take clomid this mth... Good that u hv cover the impt days, hope to hear good news from u soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Why ur gynae dint give u clomid? U exceeded the usage already. Izzit becos clomid doesn't help u to o? Why not u try seeing another one for 2nd opt.


u sure u not wanna get ur dh to go check? Cos I m thinking too if I try 3 more rounds still don't strike I may wanna break awhile too.. N I m pretty sure my dh s r not perfect,,, so why r we working here so stress n hard n not getting the harvest at the end of the day. Sad lah!!!

Now I started reminding him not to drink too much Liao.

Wahaha... Hw come u guys starts wishing me... I af already came n ended.. Now I think cd 8 Liao.. Lost count ...cos normally in early cycle I hack to monitor.. I will wait to see cm then start testing opk lol..

pink piglet, he cfm won't check liao cos like what I said previously...he take it easy than me, will try but no test for him. I say I wan to go gynae this mth, he said I crazy to spend this money since we already have 1 kid, tell me to take it easy.....

I also suspect I BD late n my HB sperm swim like old man so can't reach the egg in time, sigh..... will try to relax n take it easy this cycle

Mrng ladies!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Missy, dun give up! well u was saying u wan to go for BT to chk if u preggy right? hope u really strike since u have symptoms.

hey donkey.. me no give up yet.. hee.. just leaving it alone for now.. since i have no more hpts to test also... lol!!! shall just wait lor... will test on wed...

pinkpig - ya... ive been ttcing since aug... he says cant be on clomid more than 6mths... so he dont wana continue le... but actually, ive taken for ard 5mths? becos my menses didnt report in oct... heh... i did consider seeing another gynae... but for now i just wait lor.. its all a waiting game man... sigh...

lynzi - thx for the advise... i dun tink its old lining... though the last menses wasnt like the usual super heavy flow, there was still menses lor... anyway, shall just wait n see wad happens... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i actually still have the med for inducing menses which gynae gave to me.. but i didnt take it becos i was having some menses already... so if really negative and nth happens by end of the week... i will take the med lor...

Hi everyone

Happy V day~

Waiting game is killing me... My mens is due on 16th but I started to have cramps n sore boobs last week, thats so early. And the cramps last for everyday even today. =( I have more discharge too. weird!

A Big Hi to All!

High sensitivity OPKs (20 mIU) and HPTs (10 mIU) at $0.50 to $0.60 per strip

Free normal postage > 5 strips, fast delivery guaranteed.

Clearblue Fertility Monitor and 20 sticks @ $220

Clearblue box of 20 sticks @ $46.50 (with free HPTs)

Clearblue digital ovulation 7 sticks @ $45.90 *in stock*

Clearblue digital pregnancy 2 sticks with conception indicator @ $27.90 *in stock*

Special packages incl Pre-seed, Basal Thermometer also available.

Please see my shop at www.bbshop01.blogspot.com for more details or email [email protected]

Thanks piyobaby and Pink_Piglet! I was almost resign to fate of not having my own kid when i had 3 M/C. when i had my gal, i was super paranoid and would rush to KKH 24hours clinic even when i see 1 drop of spotting. i was paranoid up till the day i delivered, tink i oni stopped been paranoid when my gal was 3mths old.

hey ladies i gt de bt thyroid results n doc say is fine. m so happy! nd nt worry![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ooo Great news Idali!!!! Hurray!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so means u can start to ttc now ? whats the plan ?

try ttc la. bt i hold on 1st la.. cos de hormones bt is de doc say egg active so dun wan 2 released out easily. sien...

charlotte....be positive...BFP is coming your way soon...

Pink..thanks for ur wishes...hopefully so but not pinning high hope for tis cycle...doubt we are in time for rabbit so dragon ba...

bluberi...i noe wat u mean..spotting is a taboo for me esp for previous pregnancies...go hysterical the moment i see spotting and yes the worrying go all d way till delivery...

Rabbit: aku in 2WW super emo, saw yr post n I teared LOL!

Jasmine: my af also supposed to due tmr!!!!! Let's see

AWBB, hope ur af dun come for the nxt 9mths ya.

missy, how abt u? any trace of AF reporting? or jz go straight to BT? then u can take ur med to induce ur mens?

no trace of AF. sore boobs on n off. CM not as much as last week but still have some. I will test tmr morning with hpt. later wil go buy frm watsons... must remember to test with morning urine.... if not pregs then yes i will take the med to induce menses liao... must look for it.. duno where i kept it.. hahaha!


So got chance leh!! I saw Watson selling a Predictor pregnancy test kit, claim can test 4 days before period arrives wor.


awwww, super emo hor? haiz.. I just cried last nite. Late last nite while sleeping my gal had to start coughing until she threw up part of her dinner when hubby came home, and he blamed me why I could let my gal cough till so badly while sleeping. #$$%%!! She only started coughing when he stepped into the house so how was I to know?? @#$$%%.. Shortly after he left the room, I burst into tears liao. Silly lor. My gal din cry I cried wor. haiz...

Btw, u going test soon? :D


Mentally and in my dreams, I "arbished" him until blue black liao.

I just tested yesterday la, cos I have 20 pcs of the cheap hpts. Neg leh. Somebody lock me up!!!!!!

wahahahahaahahahaahhaha!!! its like that la... if u have them lying ard... u will test.. see like me test until no more... wahahah!

missycandy, rabbit, stay positive, still got chance as long as no see RED!

Awbb, will pray for u too....

rabbit, 'sayang sayang u'...ai ya guys always like to say silly comments. My HB will also sometimes say why u take care of her till she fall sick or fall down, never take care properly? Kids like to run n jump ard, how to expect them to sit down quitely? I dun talk to him n give him black face then he noes liao...haha....dun take it to heart....u noe guys are like that...insensitive to our feelings

Sian, I tested just nw of cos BFN!!! Bo pian tmr braces consultation so need to knw preggy or not. My 5th cycle of clomid n I decided to rest for 3 mths then take clomid again. If I heng, I will strike naturally next 3 mths!!

Maybe I should visit my friend tcm, she tried 1 yr then see this tcm she strike! Maybe that tcm got the special touch!! Haha! Console myself.

Thanks everyone for the prayers!! Just hope that God answer them *sobz* there can be miracle when u believe!!!!! I shall believe.....

Hi ladies!

Just to share, I myself went through this TTC nightmare last year. We stopped using protection in May 2010 but did not have any news.

By the fourth month, hubs and I were very worried because I striked during our honeymoon for my son. And that was the first cycle we tried after we got married. So we thought that #2 would come easily, when we wanted.

We were met with so much disappointment (and stress from relatives). I even went to gynae for detailed check up with hubby to check if there was anything wrong with us!

And out of desperation, I found this eBook online and bought it without hesitation thought is costs US$50.

I'm very very very glad I bought this eBook because I'm now 7 weeks pregnant. :D

In the eBook, it covers quite a few things:

- Accupressure spots to massage during TTC for both hub and wife

- Herbs/supplements to take (depending on whether your body is 'heaty' or 'liang' - they even have a 'self-diagnostic' list for you)

- Foods to avoid and food to take (again, depending on whether your body is 'heaty' or 'liang)

It's written in simple English and I really followed everything in it. I also bought the supplements as recommended and followed their recommendation on when/how to take it (certain herbs must take before O but cannot take during 2WW).

If you are keen to get a copy, PM me.

When I have time I will type out some of the supplements me and hub took. :)


Af reported ytd, CD2 today .. again another round of ttc.. haiz.. end of rabbit yr liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

MayD, can still try for another cycle to catch the rabbit tail.....last mth to try is in March[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jas: I dun care rabbit or dragon, just healthy n sticky bb can le hehehhehe!! I can feel af reporting soon. Alot of pulling at my sides...

Any symptoms???

Hi ladies, 5 more days n it will be 3mths since my last AF.. Last wk test hpt was BFN.. Dunno want to test again anot before i make appt with John Tee to ask for clomid n medicine to induce AF next mth.

Bulberi, if you are seeing gynae soon, don't bother testing. Your gynae will do a scan to see if preggie or not. If not preggie, also will scan to check if your ovaries are alright before giving Clomid.


Cramps and sore boobs since last week, backache and headache these few days. Appetite more also. Dont dare to test it yet scared disappointed. Plus my mens always late.

If AF going to come, our "hole" (sorry dont know which words should use) should be dry or wet?

Hi all,

I'm also trying for bb2. My 1st is turning 4 this year.

Getting anxious already and regreting why i waited so long..

Hi all,

i m new here...same tyring for 2nd..my 1st turning 5 lor...so many reason try to prevent pass 2 years!

trying for pass 3 months, no news. my 1st come so easily..and ttc for 2nd left 4 months (i am staying oversea, and leaving my hubby soon return sg for good this summer) we will not together again..so stressful!

and now seems give up..cos dun want try anymore. maybe is fate only have 1..haha..

just pray hard..let nature take the course..

hope u girls have good health, good luck, good timing, to ttc 2nd! all the best!

not actively trying for #2... but my #1 is 15 months old and I only jus had one period since i gave birth as I am still bf-ing my baby...

today is CD 33.. still no news.. but i really hav no idea cuz it's my first postnatal period only.. can anyone advise?

i did have some mild cramping on CD 22.. then it disappeared.. really weird, cuz i never used to feel anything unless having period..

Bluberi, i understand how u feel. When i was ttc#1, i ever 4 mths with no AF too. Felt very frustrated when its bfn all the time n no yet AF, everyday waiting n counting. Even if negative also no big deal, as long as u can try again next cycle. But then AF jus wont come wor.... Sian rite?

#2 on the way, i still nt confirm when i seeing gynea leh... My #1 was conceived with clomid wor..

TTC#2, i'm sianz to e max!

Bluberi, just check your schedule and call for appt. Even if no good news, at least can check if everything is alright [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] or ask for clomid.

Game over for tis cycle....was juz discussing wif hb if it's wise to ttc for next 2 cycles or might as well wait till may then try for dragon bb. Tend to hv more stress for yr end bb....

Bluberi....jiayou ar... Dun sianz

How do u mummies define cheap opk n expensiv ones?? By sensitivity? Or price literally? Eg those online ones 80c/test r cheap n those frm pharmacy/gynae r ex? Jus wondering where do u purchase ur kits frm? Can recommend?

I'v nvr used opk b4.

Hi all

I am also trying for #2. my first already 4plus.

I also regretted why I waited so long!

I started TTC in June last year and is still trying....

flower ttc - cheap n expensive to me is defineed by price... hee... but cheaper ones may not be that accurate according to some... if you really keen, can buy the clearblue ones... comes in a box of 7 or 20... if u buy it locally from the shops, the 7 pieces in a box costs like 70+... as opposed to buying from amazon or some US site which will cost probably btwn 45-50+ after shipping... i think la... heh... another way is to buy from those online sellers like tiny shop... erm bbdust and one more... they like to post in our forum.... cn always check out their prices.... heh...

many of us also use the cheap strips... becos you can buy like 50 pcs n stuff... so much cheaper! lol... the thing with testing with OPK is, if u have a regular cycle, u prolly want to start testing from CD10 onwards... to maybe CD20... and u have to test daily at the same time... one u miss the time, as in u exceed 24hrs from the previous day testing, there is that risk that u might have missed the LH(lutienizing hormone - duno hw to spell la.. lol! this hormone is present in a high amout when we ovulate) surge... if u test daily, u may see a faded line on the strip which is normal.. becos prof piggy n lynzi has mentioned before that we still produce that hormone daily... just that when we are about to Ovulate , there will be an excess amount being produce... this will show u a dark line on the test strip... when this happens, it means you might or prolly will ovulate over the next 24-48hrs... thats why they say once u catch it, faster BD and if possible, 2-3days straight... another way would be to jus BD every other day... whichever suits you best... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and u might want to test twice a day when u see the surge... to make sure you dont miss it...

the more expensive clearblue ovulation strip will actually show u a smiley face when it detects that you are going to ovulate and according to those that use it, its quite accurate...

so go with whichever u prefer n suits your budget... hope i helped to answer some of you doubts n queries... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi missycandy

Your explanation on opk is very informative. I am using opk for the last few cycles too. I used the cheaper type bought online. So your suggestion is to test once then twice when the lines get darker?

Btw, anyone here on clomid? My gynae prescribed this to me last year. I decided to try now, coz I very much wanted a bunny baby so time is running out.

If I use clomid, is there any thing I need to pay attention? Or I just continue to monitor my ovulation as usual? Actually, based on online ovulation calendar, my AF very accurate. Always on CD 32-33. So I m worried clomid will affect the cycle, would it?

