(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB

missy, wah! u now upgrade to prof! hahaha vy informative indeed!

Clarrise, i also used OPK bot from BP so far it works for me i used for past 3mths all mths i got +ve but still cannot strike [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


*curtseys* no la... lol! i disciple.. hee... learn frm the profs here ... =P

ive been using clomid for awhile as well.... i find that with clomid, one tends to have a false Ovulation detection in the early days... for this cycle, i actually saw a slightly darker line on CD9/10 and then again on CD16 i think...

according to the profs advise, yes best to test twice in a day the moment u see darkening of the line so u wont miss the surge... the thing with the darkening of the line also means u will ovulate within the next 24-48hrs... so i guess if u have spare strips why not jus test right? i didnt have much strips... and i didnt bring to work... by the time i get home i missed the 24hr timing... so actually this cycle i have no idea when i Ovulated lor... but we just did it like every 3days... sigh...

oh yes, prof did mention, with clomid, it affects the cervical mucus... makes it drier... which may not be friendly for spermies... what i knw is, clomid actually helps to release more eggs from our ovaries (correct me if im wrong) because usually each cycle, we release only 1? clomid helps to release more which increases chance of getting pregs ~

quite a number of mummies here r on clomid... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe the others cn tell u their effects as well...

dear mummies,

may i know any side effect of taking clomid? my last AF is 10 Feb, and i only get appoinment to see gynae on 24Feb, and it may pass the O time..

i dont want to get any dissappointed again, so i give up to use OPK.

Clarrise, we are the same. our kids almost same age there..:)

dont worry, try again. good news will come! lets wait.


My son also turn to 4 yrs old, only more hardworking to BD since last cycle. And I try the tcm, hope able to improve and higher the chances, shall see whether there is any help. I also start with opk testing since this new cycle, it is my cd12. Still no show darker line for 2 days, think around 16~18 will be my o day then, shall monitor and see how.

Would like to strike a baby gal, so I may try to BD earlier than O day too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]~ Let's us Jia you and support to each other..

Evelyn, i seem like give up liao sian liao...i have no chance to try TCM cos not staying in SG now..and only left 4 months to try b4 i back for good..so, i just leave it to god liao..the more want, the more cannot get..

so, the only is pray hard..lets us jia you! my hubby also stress at work..so, only just add Luck, + add hard working, + pray..

Evelyn, normally how many days of ur CD? normally me is between 26-32...depends de...most of the time is 28, 29...i only use O calculator, nt using OPK. lazy and give up to use liao now


Wow thank u for such a detailed explanation. I think many of of here really learnt some very impt facts frm ur post. Thanks!

I think i'll get some frm online shop n start frm there. Today cd2, new cycle means new hope. Good luck to all!

Charlotte...as always the case, will keep hearing abt xxx gave birth, xxx preggy wif #2/3. fret not, soon will be hearing from you!

welcome flowerttc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good luck!!!

charlotte - *hugshugs*

me having some brown spotting... sigh... waiting for red now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hihi ladies!!!

Welcome to all newbies.

i have been very busy and so stressful at work lately. Got no time to log in here. The minute i reached hm i only want to go to sleep...very bad.


Apologies again dear.

Will inform u if im going to order from amazon again.

But i hope u will strike soon n wont need opk liao.

Hugs hugs..yah seems like everyone around us getting preggy or giving birth.

i just avoid them BIG time now so i wont make myself upset for nothing.


Aiyoh...u wait so long ah..go test lah.

Hope your af wont come.

Remember, no see red means still got hope.

#2 on the way,

No offence but err...most of us here been thru more than u so pls..now that u are bfp within a few mths of trying pls dont come here and do some marketing ploy.

Its like rubbing us in the face.

Ok ladies,

i wont be in here till like Sunday nite or next monday.

Will be going for a short trip to kl with dh and my frens.

Its time to unwind and relax for me.

Will try to peep in here when i can.

To those in 2ww, all the best! Continue with your chix essence and red date longan. If get bfp then can stop and only take occasionally ok.

To those whose af is here, new cycle new hope..jiayou!!

To those who just finish af and waiting for O, may u get +ve opk and remember..bd, bd and bd..hehe

I hope to hear some good news from u ladies when im back..tata!

piyobaby, thanks for the comfort....same to u too, hope we all can graduate soon...

missycandy, try to wait till this weekend see how cos u O twice last cycle so yr situation really hard to assess lei....hmm....u remind me of scientist doing reserch for cases like u, haha

lynzi, no worries lah.....maybe just a case of miscommunication.....next time order u let me know again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Some ppl are very insensitive so I just ignore the person who post here or say she strike then what what......I noe sometimes they are just trying to give good advise but strike within a few cycles doesn't mean u are expert liao....so pls dun rub salt inside our wounds!

Mrng ladies!

Finally fri is here!

Lynzi, enjoy ur trip!

Missy, if ur AF abt to come better than u induce right? well no see red means still got hope ya!


No chance for me again... Saw red just now... Super upset, hb is disappointed also. Tink i pinned too much hopes these few months.. I most probably will stop e testing etc.. If god wana give me i will have bah..


My colleague n fren dreamt i preggy, like i say Dreams is opp in reality! Argh!! I hate busybodies!! Dont even try to dream of me again!

Sorry.. Too upset needa vent out.. Good luck everyone out there!! Enjoy e wkend!


Pat pat... cheer up... sometimes when we stop trying, we get it!

I tried 9 months for my gal before succeeding so i'm giving myself a year this time. haha.. After which i will be hitting 34 and will settle for just 1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Have fun on your trip! Me too like a short break but hubby dun have extra time to even go for mini holiday...duh...


Ya lor, I also feel very insensitive leh. She's probably too happy that she striked liao to realise there are many mummies who face disappointment month after month.


Me DPO14 today. Still negative. Feeling a little more crampy and boobs seem to be less painful. Although no signs of red yet, I'm expecting it to arrive these few days. *disappointed*


yah, enjoy your holiday and have chance to relax and bd bo, hope it is during your fertile day.


Just try to use opk for a few days, it always no show line on the cheap opk leh, the info from missy the day before O may become darken and darken, seems like me bo woh.. plain as showing as neg. Hmm.. Will keep on monitor in the next few days..


my cycle is 30~32, I keep on monitor my ewcm too, seems like not going to O on CD15 base on O calendar, as last cycle it is 30days, thus adjusted to CD15. I suspect me normally O later like CD18 or CD20. Just start using cheap opk, need a few cycle to confirm bah..But I shall try BD on the suspected O day lor.. hee..

Hi all,

I'm new to this thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My girl is 16 months old and dh and i have been ttc since november. Till now it's the 3rd cycle and no news yet.. this morning af came at full force and was 3 days late! I tot should strike liao but tested and bfn! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

We delayed the ttc coz i was on the cervical cancer vaccine and gynae advised us to finish the whole course of the jab before ttc. sigh~ now left with 2 more months to try for a bunny.. so stressful.

Btw i'm a sahm. not working.. but dh is recently stressful at work.. My daughter is striked at our 2nd month ttc and it was a breeze.. so we thought for our 2nd one it would be the same.. i'm 25 this yr so friends told me that i shouldn't be tough to ttc! ahh maybe sometimes when u want something, the more we dont get it.

we shall take things easier now and see how it goes.. if 2 more cycles still no news maybe will consider to pay my gynae a visit haha!

baby dust to all! :D:D

PY, u still young a SAHM....wow when I am yr age I like to play n work....shop for things....haha u take it easy man! yr gal still young so are u so chances shd be higher compare to us if u and HB are healthy....not to worry too much like u say the more u wan it the more u won't strike!

I been trying for 8 cycles but no strike n I am 10 years older than u so u think I shd be more gan cheong than u? haha....this cycle I decided to take it easy n just BD when time comes n see how, no supplements at all cos so tired to pop the pills n afterall next mth no need to rush for bunny so can relax a bit.....

Charlotte: hahaha! My girl's name is charlotte too! :p

I wanted to go back to the workforce.. but cant seem to let go.. i would love to hv my own income too! haha.. ya now we shall take it easy ya. :D

I want a bunny coz my hb is a bunny! hahaha! :D

sigh better dont think too much hor.. later make me lagi disappointed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

PY, ya thats my gal name too...haha.....since u so young shd go bk to workforce, I wanted to find a perm job but quite difficult liao as age catching up n the 1st question they interview me is:" are u going/planning to have a 2nd baby?" OMG....how am I to answer that? I am those that straightforward with my answer, dunno how to lie

will try for bunny/dragon if still no results then will leave it as it is.....no point to push n put so much pressure on myself n hubby.

Good luck to all u ladies who are in 2WW

My AF just arrived in full force!!

Same as Charlotte, probably like I may wanna take a break and see how. Agree no point pushing ourselves so hard. Dunno why it's just so difficult to get pregnant the 2nd round hor. Maybe I am just fated to have only 1 kid. But then we still have our kid to love now la. *consoling myself* >_<

Now I see my gal, I hug her harder, kiss her many more times. My gal gave me the "Mummy u seow ar?" look..hee.. :X

Halo All mummies,

Got news fr my fren that my bb dust for her worked (I hope it's really my bb dust to her that works).. So like to come in and sprinkle more bb dusts as I would really like to hear more good news fr these dear pals of mine, esp those whom were there for me...

Really hope these work for you all too and pls keep me posted of any new BFPs!






















JoylnSep, such a long time never see u here...I catch I catch....I chase I chase....hope will works for me too.....thanks a lot[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rabbit, I totally understand what u are going thru.....rest n relax for a while, think we really push n put a lot of pressure on ourselves liao....try to go for a short holiday n try not to think abt it for the March holiday. Today CD5 for me, waiting for my O next weekends then work out from there, after that will rest for a while then continue again, properly go see gynae in March/Apr.......leave it to fate.... seems like getting depressed n unhappy since this TTC starts 8 mths ago....arrggg...(let out steam)

Charlotte: Arent you working now? I tried looking for a perm job.. but based on my working experience, it's quite tough to get the job that i wanted. I'm still consider a fresh grad. sigh been looking ard since dec and still cannot find. most prob will continue as a sahm, hopefully can conceive #2 soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PY, ya I have been a SAHM for a year already but wanted to look for a perm job n put my gal to a CC as she is coming to 4 years old this year. Initially also wan to get pregnant with #2 1st since not working but seems like it does not work out like what I want it to be....this is getting harder than what I plan so think not going to sit down n wait....if a good job comes along will grab n work 1st....sometimes cannot plan n think too much

Oh yah lor... but i went to several interviews and all not successful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sian.. i'm gg to stop looking for one for the time being as i'm gg to get busy with home renovation :D

getting my keys to my new house next monday! Finally.. i can get outta of the house haha no more staying with IL! wooo hooo!! :D:D


Vent vent vent n feel better ok? Dun hold it inside later kenna internal injury, hehe. I get tat alot too frm kay poh relatives who got nothin else better to do than to gossip IN FRONT OF PPLS FACE! So rude n insensitive. I cant believe those ppl r mothers, wat kind of example r they settin for their children...sigh. i very used to it liao since they hav been doin it since b4 i conceive #1. even now i still get very pissed off sometimes but then can only smile smile n walk away. Take deep breath, one ear in one ear out...


Welcome n congrats on gettin ur own place, thats a big step. More freedom n privacy!

hmm, my aunt also come and visit me...leaving me moody and depressed.

Also one of my colleagues resigning..more work to do. sometimes, also think how to conceive if too stressful at work?

so glad to be in this thread, at least knowing that everyone is also working hard towards this goal.

*grabs whatever bb dust is left*

*sayang charlotte & labbit*

enjoy yr trip lynzi ~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i also think of giving up monitoring... wait for my af to report in full force... then il jus see if can BD every other day from CD10 onwards... but for AF to report now, it screws up the cycle... it has become a longer cycle.. meaning i might O much later also... dunno wad to say olredi...

wish one of us will strike soon ba... give some motivation to the others...

if reli cnt get rabbit bb... dragon is also ok... as long as get another bb... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missy...not giving urself stress for the next 2 cycles might work beta than expected...anyhow like wat u said...objective is a healthy bb...

awbb....dun sian...relax meanwhile and jiayou again...=)

sigh... my af also come le... but like not full force... but judging from the last 2 cycles, looks like it will be a 41day cycle... !!!

ill see how things go ba... not sure if i wana monitor n test again or not...

hi ladies

Can i join in? Been trying for #2 since last Sept, but never strike! Am hoping for a bunny bb but looks like gonna to a dragon bb now.

I am very puzzled now. My mense is always late, and it is late for this month again. About 12 days late now. Both hubby & I think that i'm pregnant but it showed negative when i used clearblue pregnant kit last weekend. I have most of the pregnancy signs eg sleepy, tired, bodyache, boob kinda sensitive, peeing more often @ night, always hungry, can't sleep, and feel like vomitting etc.

And most importantly, i can see of breastmilk coming out of nipples when i press them!

So am i pregnant? I thought of testing again but scare of disappointment. Can i ask if i have stopped breastfeeding when my #1 is 7mth, will i still produce milk? He is coming to 15mths now. Please advise. Thanks.


Hv not been feeling gd tt's well seldom see me loh.. Hope it really works for u and strike tis cycle!!!!

Miss Candy, jiayou too!!

Hi Canopyhaze,

Hmm think to know if u r preg, u have to test leh.. If it's not BFP, maybe you want to schedule an appt with yur gynae to check it out.

BM will not stop so fast.. When I stopped bf9 las time, long long later there's still bm coming out if I press.

Hope tis helps.

Thx joy! I will jy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think hb also disappointed.. When i said need to buy pad his face cn see like sian.. Heh.. Anyway, looks like my next o is ard 17 th march... Sigh... Long way to go... Hope the others will get bfp before me!

Good luck all!

hi, girls, today is CD 37 and I tested BFN. sad... although i know if i were preg, i'd also feel sad for #1 less attention cuz he's still a young toddler, but i really wantclose age gap. i'm still full bf-ing him on top of solids..

i wonder what's wrong with my cycle.. or is it expected cuz i only jus got my first period and i am still bf-ing?? the time gap for nite feed is v long tho.. cuz my boy sleeps from 9+pm till 6+am next day then i bf him again..

Hi mummies!!

Been damn busy leh lately... How's everyone??? Good news from anyone?

Lately one of my good fren has delivery her no 2. Her no 1 is 3 week apart from my gal.. Aiyo I so envy leh... When's my turn ah!!can't help asking!!!

Few more days to see opk+. this mth dh v stress n busy.. The most he can come over on one of my peak day Nia..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


hihi,, mayb u wanna tell him it's not easy for u.. We r really not just like our dh, time to bd just take action leh. For us from the time our af come we wish n hope all the way until stupid af report.. Hw to relax!! I say this I really feel so sorry for all of us here..


had received my order.. Thanks, this mth will take ur advise by taking essense n red dates!!! Really hope to can strike soon leh.. Feeling v depressed suddenly.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


really tot that's high chance for u this mth.. pat pat don't b sad let all jiayou again.. I also v sianz mayb becos no chance for rabbit bb Liao. Plus I not really into yr end bb.


babe... Hugz.. Don't b sad hor aiyo.... Sayang sayang~~~ new mth new hope!!!


aiyo... How come as I read on ... All neg news..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Missy I also tot u n rabbit hv high chance leh.. Don't b sad ok!!! Let's chiong again this cycle!!! R u taking CW? I find now my cycle pretty accurate after taking.


so sweet of u to return n shower us w the bb dust .. I also wanna grap some..Thanks..

Mrng ladies!

Piggy, me too waiting for my O but i hope this mth i will O later cos gng back to Msia this fri-sun to attend my bro's wedding based on my last cycle i will be O ard tat few days!

& this mth i tried EYS BFW hope can help me in TTC this mth. I took 3 bottles after my AF clean.

pinkpig - i also tot got chance... then saw brown... tot still got chance.. as long as no red... end up see red... lol... so shld be nt pregs liao.. boo hoo... hmmm how abt u go over to hb ? he has to come here u cnt go there ah?

Hi, can i check with you mummies,

I am also ttc coming 5 months. Not very active these days as v xian, alwasy negative. same like u girls, also planning a bb rabbit girl, but looks like it will be a dragon girl as i am too late.

I decide to change gyne to Dr Benjamin Tham as was recommended that he is a good gyne, any comments on him. i was previosuly from dr lim teck chai but cos he is quite rushed and i dont feel the consults detaileed enough hence decide this change

He advise me to get a ovulation kit and also preseed pubicant to help. where can i order all these. i am nt very sure. also how to use and how this helps expediate my 2nd pregancy?

appreciate your advise.



fern - u cn buy preseed from guardian.. if not those online web shops like bbdust n tinyshop.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] they sell the ovulation strips as well...


can give me the link of those on line shop?

are those cheaper here or guardian.

my boy alredy 3 year old.worried age gap too big.

any mummy same age for no 1?


We have the same gynae. My #1 was delivered by him at KKH and I'm with him now at TMC.

Yeah, I think his instructions to you for TTC are pretty similar to mine. Kekeke! If you are not getting it from those webshop, I got preseed from NTUC Living pharmacy. I couldn't find it at Guardian/Watson.


pink piglet / lynzi....wat will be the benefits of taking chicken essence and red dates...

perhaps feb is just not a good mth to hear good news...mayb march? hee

