(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB

take bbt is when low then O rite?? i forget everything liao... haha...

bluberi... i also trying not to stress myself... wait when agar agar O then bd...

now with #1, sometimes really v tired n lazy to bd...


Hi all....mi is new here =)....juz started ttc for #2 after the fickle minded hb made up his mind for #2. my 1st born turned 2 YO last mth, doubt we can make it for labbit bb....my cycle is very irregular....unlike all the ladies here...not hardworking enuff to track bbt & usage of opk...

pink piglet...not sure if u do rem me...we were in ttc thread back in 2008...=)

bluberi...hihi..think we 'noe' each other too if u can recall...=)

hi ladies, happy new year.

I'm currently on my 4th clomid cycle.

For the past 3 cycles, AF has been very regular.. this month already late for 4 days oredi but AF hasn't arrived...HPT shows negative

have u all had the same experience before?

Charlotte - singulair very exp!!!! 1 sachet is ard $3... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i tried 2 wks.... Didnt find much diff... So stopped... But gp mentioned that must tk long term to see results... Diao...

Welcome to all new ttcers. Lol suddenly see unfamilar nicks hee...

Piyobaby, oh... I remember liao! I long time no go multiply liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kidoman, test hpt again few days later if ur AF nv report. I got one time test hpt BFN, few days later test again was BFP. Sometimes HCG level not high enough so hpt will BFN.

AW_BB, i prob will start to take bbt n maybe test opk fm next cycle on coz current one haywire leh.

Bluberi, ya, this cycle nearing O also have very bad pain on my right tummy, think its like the egg going to burst out those kind of pain not AF cramps. Not all cycle u will feel it.

missycandy, ya singular quite ex, 1 week supply is abt $25 from kidslink. My gal took for more than 6mths liao also no improvement, on n off coughing n whizzing sound in lungs....headache. Doc recommend to try the spraying type medi n monitor for 3 mths, see how lor....spend over $300 for these 2 consultations, wan to die liao

Piyobaby, wats ur facebook address?

Charlotte, i oni guessing its ovulation pain coz its nt e type cramps i normally have before n during my AF. If its O i also no chance liao coz i nv BD wor.

kidomum - last yr, i didnt have my menses from Jan til Aug... lol!!! if i was pregs.. can give birth liao... zzz... i also didnt really bother abt it lor.. so bad lor.. i finally went to see gynae when i wanted to ttc... so been trying from aug til now... sigh... siansation... but then again, i had a frn who didnt have her menses and she still got pregs!!! for her 2 pregnancies!!!... so i guess, best is to go gynae to check it out... see if anything wrong... or u cld really be pregs! hee... good luck!!!


i got opk+ like cd 18 then cd19 morning opk turn fader only start bd at midnight so I guess mayb egg dying Liao.. Wahaha

welcome Sharon !


oh mine!! Who made u so mad!!!


wt to do upset also Bo bian really hv to move on lo.

charlotte, yu reng sang tcm is good for toddlers! my girl was coughing v bad when she was in cc. see pd, took anotibiotics, singular, etc.. but cough comes bac easily. onli when she tried tcm, the cough stopped completely. and now, 3 mths liao.. cough has stay far away fr her ")

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] im not thinking anything.. but yesterday when i had my shower, i saw one small blood dot on the floor... then i tot menses come liao... then i put finger inside to see... nothing lor... paiseh ah TMI... then keep having this wet feeling there... hai... i dun recall having such prior to menses leh... usually menses will jus come when i feel wet... then again... maybe becos my cycle siao liao... so anything is possible... anyway, im jus holding out from testing... waiting to see red... but tempted to take blood hcg... lol... i shall ask polyclinic if i can just do bloods without seeing doctor... if next week mon/tues still no red... then i will ask them n see...


oh dear ur poor gal.. Last mth she N urself also not well right.. Take care leh..


hihi, great to see u here!! My gal turning 2 yrs in 30 mar. So fast time flies. Hope we can strike together this time. I started for ttc 3 mths Liao. Few mths earlier my cycle was also irregular, I took conceive well which alot of mummy here recommend n it really helps corrected my cycle. U may wanna give a try

u don't hv pcos right?? U pm me ur facebk addy too ok.


I also in 2008 ttc b4... Can't remember everyone tot.. Kekeke we could hv chat b4 too. Welcome here!!


wow no menses can still get preggy meh.. So good leh..,

pink piglet, ya u can still rem....so touched...I recover liao but she still feeling on off sick, sigh....poor gal all CNY goodies cannot eat...

missycandy, is it spotting? u may have a good chance as long as u dun see red....just hold on till next week if no sigh of AF then can go test

arlo!! i mIA for a while - busy with CNY and my boy.. For no reason went on milk/food strike.. Sianz..

I use OPK this mth but i couldnt detect any +ve.. And i shld be CD 18-19 today... I dun have EWMC too..

Pink...my hb too fickle minded, only just decide on #2. dragged any longer most prolly do not wan anymore. We just started ttc tis cycle w/o any aids, arga arga & humtum. Not pinning too high hopes for tis cycle, tired & busy over cny which is my O period

Nope dun hv pcos. In fact juz return from gynae over false alarm of cyst. All cleared except for small fibroid. PM you my FB addy! Hv a great weekend!

Pink Piglet, yup... i tink we might chat before in '08 TTC thread.

Piyobaby, ur #1 is born Jan'09? i was in the Jan'09 bb thread for a short while but my bb heartbeat stopped at 9wks. i had a total of 3 M/Cs before i finally had my bb gal last jun.

itchified. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] BFN [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Wait to see if red comes?

My PMS symptoms getting stronger -


nips painful


warmish body temp

bottomless pit appetite

grrrrrr...I wanna bite!!!

Bluberi...yes d lil guy is born in jan 2009 & i do rem you joining for a short period of time "hugz" In fact i suffered a m/c b4 my boi but was blessed wif him 3mths lata =)

missycandy, rabbit, hang on....got chance since u have strong symptopns n AF not reporting.....esp u rabbit all are preggie symptons yo...seems like yr clomid working!

I have AF symtons coming liao...a bit of sore boobs, cramps....sigh....shd arrive on Monday or Tuesday, start to feel so depressed when u see all graduating n BFP but u still here....


u so nice to be so encouraging la..hehe.. But I try not to get my hopes too high else my heart drops to the floor again..hiaz. Worse I scared like last month menses dun report and still BFN...zzzzzz

I itchy backside went test on a cheap hpt and negative la of cos. But then I'm only about DPO 9 today..lol.. See how desperado I am?? -______-"

rabbit, ai yo why u so gan cheong? only DPO9 of course its negative lah, think at least must wait till DPO12 for sensitive hpt. Try to wait at least till yr AF late then test, dun worry, if its yrs sure stay with u, I be praying for u

if really u strike this mth bcos of clomid then I die die also wan to go see my gynae n take after my AF this mth.....if no rabbit baby then got to wait for dragon baby liao.


ya lor, I dream of baby until seow liao..lol!!

So now, I must tie myself up and wait till end next week lor. :p

Rabbit, dragon also can la. So long can strike. Jiayou jiayou.....

Charlotte, dun be depressed!! Me also still havent strike and i am prepared to stay here for mths! hahaha.. hope not years though.. I cant detect any +ve OPK le.. maybe didnt ovulate?

rabbit, ya me too....nowadays go shopping will see quite a lot of babydoll tops till my mum n sis asked me if I am preggie or preparing to be, haha....siao liao.....even took out my maternity clothings to try!

elise, thanks for yr encouragment, I not young liao, going to be 35years coming October so hope to strike this n latest next year so that my gal will have a little sis/bro before she turns 5years old.....

elise, prolly ur hormone goes haywire cos u BF right? nvm jz BD based on your gut feeling lolz

rabbit & missy, hope you 2 will strike ya!

Hi, wana vent abit so tat i can breathe..

Im veri stressed with ppl ard me asking y i stil no news in #2...ask izzit we have probs or not working hard..

I dare not say we have been trying out since oct. Then my fren n colleague dreamt im pregnant (usually opp in reality), make me so upset tat i ask them y dreamt of me, nothing betta to do meh? Or even dream liao dont tell me la (some say dream comes true if keep secret). So r they telling me i got no chance tis month again?

Sianz!!!! Stressed!! Fed-up!!

*sayang afairy*

thanks charlotte for the positive encouragement! take heart ~ your turn will be soon ~ God works in His ways... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

labbit - i knw its ez to say endure not testing... i also have problems trying to endure... but the best is now, i dont have anymore hpts.. lol!!! unless i go buy la... but i shall ren.. i shall test on wednesday... if AF doesnt report... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


All the bestest luck to you!!! :D

And all to the mummies here too!! I really hope we will all strike and be comparing our pregnancies with one another very soon!

Think my PMS or rather my hormones are very jialat this cycle, dunno if it's the clomid that's causing me all these. I get really grouchy and short fused lately. I pity my hubby..lol!! :p

Just heard this song on the tv originally sang by Mariah Carey. I suddenly got emotional and a little teary when I was reading the lyrics as the song went. I just felt the lyrics very strongly and got reminded of my own ttc-ing journey. See la, my hormones wrecked up again. Hope all mummies be strong. Have faith and believe. So long as we dun give up, there is hope. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

"Many nights we've prayed

With no proof anyone could hear

In our hearts a hopeful song

We barely understood

Now we are not afraid

Although we know there's much to fear

We were moving mountains long

Before we knew we could

There can be miracles, when you believe

Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill

Who knows what miracles you can achieve

When you believe, somehow you will

You will when you believe

In this time of fear

When prayers so often prove(s) in vain

Hope seems like the summer birds

Too swiftly flown away

Yet now I'm standing here

My heart's so full I can't explain

Seeking faith and speaking words

I never thought I'd say

There can be miracles, when you believe

Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill

Who knows what miracles you can achieve

When you believe, somehow you will

You will when you believe

They don't (always happen) when you ask


And it's easy to give in to your fears


But when you're blinded by your pain

Can't see your way straight throught the rain

(A small but )still resilient voice

Says (hope is very near)


There can be miracles


When you believe

(Lord, when you believe)

Though hope is frail

(Though hope is frail)

It's hard to kill

(Hard to kill, Ohhh)

Who knows what miracles,you can achieve

When you believe, somehow you will(somehow,somehow, somehow)

somehow you will

You will when you believe

You will when you

You will when you believe

Just believe...in your heart

Just believe

You will when you believe~"

labbit ~ aiyo. so emo.. maybe it is the clomid.. becos i remember my temper quite bad past few mths... like want to bite ppl head like that... lol!!! but this time round i feel like crying on n off.. siao one!!! i also wish u all the best!!! may u strike!!! heeeeeeeeeeee!


so emo hor.. I also can't tahan myself..lol.. My body temp also haywire. I switched on the fan I will feel cold. So I switch off lor. Then shortly I will feel hot....$%#@.

*hugs hugs* May we all huat huat and huat ar!!!!

hahaha i was like that for one cycle also.. hot n cold... siao one... now the only difference is that im having sore boobs lor... but can also be AF symptom... oh well.. i will test on 16th... hopefully will be a great gift to hb & me!! its our anniversary ~ heee

rabbit, missycamdy, hope of u got high hopes cos heard that being emotional also a sign of BFP... I having cramps now so think AF will report soon these 2 days


U got chance as long as no c red..

I test tdy n BFN.. Thot can gif hb a nice Vday gift.. But still disppointed in result.. Nw onli wait for AF n try again nxt cycle. Hw i wish i wont c AF!!!

1st time i wish so badly tat AF dont come.. Last time late 1-2 days panic mode, nw late aso nvr late, will report on time. I hate my AF!

Best best luck to ladies waiting to test for BFP!

Hello ladies! been so busy the past week!! How's everyone??

Rabbit, *hugs* i know how u feel.. sigh.. all i can say is *hugs*. crying it out will help.

Missy, erm, u dun mind me saying hor, i think ur cycle is a bit screwed up.. don't whack me!! i rem u didn't have a 'proper' period the last time right? Like drips and drops.. no major flow? plus u didn't get a +ve OPK despite being on clomid.. *AH don't whack me!!* I m not trying to be discouraging, but perhaps u shd let ur body 'rest', let ur period come properly then try again? or u could be pregnant now!! wahaha..

Charlotte, when are u due? don't think abt it..

Pink Pig, aiyoh i really thought u got chance leh..

I am currently DPO3.. got my +ve OPK last tues and wed.. still managed to BD despite being so tired. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but i dun have high hopes for this cycle cos i m really stressed at work.. sigh.. i m also learning to take it easy.. in fact now that i got 3 days of sustained temp rise, i m not gg to take BBT anymore liao.. just leave it be..

I 'see' a lot of new faces! welcome and let's all strike together!

piggy - yalor. wun whack u la. i also think my cycle screwed up. dun see red also problem. esp if nt pregs. anyway. il jus leave it be la. since my gynae also give up on me. he wun gimme anymore clomid le. zzz. i shall see how things go ba...

good luck! hope u strike soon!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Ladies....

piggywiggy, expect my AF to report today n zhun zhun come this morning in full force RED....although expect liao but still demoralise, feel like giving it up, will try for the last cycle this mth and then rest dun think abt it n enjoy my March holidays! Won't be so gan cheong after March/Apr as dun have to rush for rabbit baby liao....sigh....

Good Luck to all those in 2WW, may u bring us new hope....


Hi mummies..

How's everyone.. I hv been busy lately n will continue to b busy till end of the mth,,, so can't come in as often lo..Hope to see more gd news..


how's ur daughter? Yes I remembered last mth ur gal fall sick 1st n then passed on to u.


hope u hv manage to detect ur opk+ Liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Never mind let's all of us jiayou again!!!


oic great to hv no pcos. Then Bo bian mayb u wanna start using opk.. Nw 2ww? Hope u don't even hv to buy!!


Oh dear... So sorry to hear abt ur previous mc.. Must b a v difficult time for u n ur dh.. Good tt u finally hv ur no 1 now!!!


wah seh u so emo ah.. Poor gal.. Pat pat...Yes clomid may cos some to b more emo.. But think positive.. Could b due to preg ma!! Good luck


looking at the way u describe... U hv high hope leh!!! Yeah!!!!


hope ur af won't come!!!

