(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB

I also had questions from relatives on when I'm having my #2 during CNY visits. Haizz... and 2 of my cousins are pregnant with #2. Haizz again.


calla just tell them u aiming dragon bb cn liao. lol! thats what i told my relatives. =P so they cnt ask much olredi right? ahahha. i jus said i aiming dragon. becos dragon good life. =P

Happy CNY to all mummies here. I'm new to the thread n i'v also been trying for #2 since dec10. My hubby also feels tat its time to hav #2 but the prob is that he is not very hardworking... Sometimes bd only once a wk. When i try to discuss the issue w him, it always end in argument or bad mood. Then how to bd?

Even tho we r quite young, 28 n 30. i was diagnosed w PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrom) before n we had to try for a yr before i had #1. In those days we bd often n he was more supportive, even went to kk w me when we hav prob conceiving after tryin for 6mths. (tat was when i was diagnosed)

Now I cant help but qn if he really wants #2 or tat he doesnt find me as attractiv as b4... i haven tried any O kit yet. Any advise??

Morning Ladies....

pink piglet, praying yr AF dun report hor....keep us updated!

missycandy, yr idea of having a dragon baby is a good excuse to stop them from asking further, so fan...keep asking n got to answer at least 20times to different ppl....KNS

TTC#2, this TTC thing u got to sit down n really discuss with yr HB, this is only what 2 ppl can do together, be supportive of each other cos the journey of TTC is already very stressful n yr HB not not supportive then whats the point when only u are the only one who is gan cheong to have #2 baby?

Pls dun think negative abt yrself, we ladies here are not beauty pagnent too, just have more confident with yrself n yr HB will find u attractive. My HB also always comment I not young anymore but I told him he worse, old n fat, got tummy somemore, haha....we will joke ard n make fun of each other

Halo, mummies.. My AF report yesterday, haiz hope able to wait a few more days to test, but it report early wo.. Aiya..

Thinking to bought the OPK and test my O day for the new cycle..May need some advise from you all since first time using..

flowerttc & evelyn - if u wana save $, buy from those blogshops. becos its cheaper. like ard 60cents to 80cents a strip. and advice from the prof here is when u detect a surge, test twice a day. usually if yr cycle is regular. then start testing from CD10 onwards. if u O lets say on CD16. means u will need at least 8 strips...

for the strips, when u test, u will see a faded/faint line... means havent O yet.. when the line darkens means going to O... if super duper dark, means O... within like 24-48hrs... so the moment u detect, BD for 3 days... or if u want, can always BD alt day from CD10 onwards. lol... u shld also test opk the day after the darken line to see if faint or still dark... to be safe, also BD on that day...

hope what i typed doesnt make u blur. lol! its quite strt forward.. jus test everyday cn liao.. lol!

another gadget the ladies use is the clearblue O test kit... that one will show u a smiley face when u O... of cos with the smiley face, comes a smiley price. =P if im not wrong i think its like somewhere btwn 50-80bucks... cnt recall price offhand.. nvr bought it before.. only saw it at guardian... the others might be able to advise a more accurate price... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

to add on, sometimes the cheap one may not be able to pick up ur O... sometimes la...

charlotte - muahahahaha! i tot abt it when my couz in law said she wana try for dragon bb lor... so i was counting then really lor... wahhaa.. tell them dragon hor.. they cn ask much olredi... lol!!!

pinkpig where r u ~? hope u have great news to share!!!!!!!!! heeeee


After ovulation, I heard our body temp will rise slightly de rite? If dun rise or remains the same, means did not ovulate ar?

missycandy, thks for the info. Thus, may need a few months to really monitor and detect the O day. But mine is not regular, normal is 32 days, but this month come on CD30. Really need to BD alt and work hard..It is really hardworking + luck to be getting pregnant, not easy..

Okie, shall be more hardworking from this new year.. I think rabbit or dragon is good to us as well, we just want to strike ma.. ganbateh..

Ya, any news from others..


shld be next wed or thurs ba. I scared like last time menses dun report again. But if it's becos I tio, I dun mind la..lol!!

U got experience body temp rise after O bo??

rabbit, I heard temp rise after O cld be due to preganant, haha....u got high chance if yr temp remains high.... me also due next tues, I will pray hard AF dun report for the next 10mths for u cos I dun have any chance this cycle liao cos same no symptons like last cycle....sigh....


Most months, my body temp got rise after O leh, then will drop and Af will come liao. This month like nothing leh. Haiz.. think chances slim again this month. I told my ah lau by April this year still no news, we wanna go consult fertility doc liao. -___________-

Hello ladies!!

How's everyone during this long holiday!??!?!?! Win any money?? Hahahhaa!

My relatives also ask me when try #2 n I replied my factory not working n not bcos I dun wan. Shut them all up xp

This O I only BD once when see smiley face. The only diff is that I use pre seed. Not much hope la, let's see. This CNY is good, so busy until no time to think abt it

Hello ladies...

Gong xi gong xi.... ~

How's your CNY? Mine was good...i got my triple 7...hahahaha...

AF havent report yet after the m/c. Could be my cycle has gone haywired. Wished I could go to gynae & ask for metformin!

Halo All mummies,

Happy CNY and hope all will get a BFP soon!!!!

Am in my week 9 now so coming in to spread more baby dust in this new year =) like to thank all who supported me during my ttc period.






Congrats ter and Emily on your BFP!

question - pms will make us very emo or not? i find that i get irritated n angry very easily.. as well as upset n feel like crying... -_-" last time pms i wil get irritated but dont feel like crying like now... zzz

missycandy, yr AF due yet? is it preggie? I think being emotional n feel like crying also a symptons of BFP....got chance liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

its due tmr or 9th... if i go by 28th day or 30th day cycle... im nt too optimistic abt getting a BFP this time round... im not sure when to test also... holding out... im left with 1 cheapo kit n clearblue...

missycandy, yes yes wait till 10th then test, wow...got chance, be praying for u.....

where's pin piglet? she suppose to due today rite? any good news?

Haiz... Af came Liao..$&@#^>£¥*^


ya I also v sianz Liao also liking of taking some break too..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] aiya my af came damn zun, buy 4D also not So zun. 4am I suddenly feel damn wet n know that stupid witch came!!! Whole day damn heavy!! Damn mad too!!! Errhh!!!!


don't b sad hor, I guess the best solution is to ask him whether he wish to hv 2nd one at the first place if not it will b v difficult on ur part.


sianz leh no good news from my side lol.. I think I bd too late n miss my eggy last cycle lo.. This mth will b more careful but I hasitating whether not to take clomid this mtg cos both me n my dh will b super busy this mth he can't promised he can b available to bd nearing my o leh..


catching n collecting ur bb dust... Really need them to move on lah.. Thanks!!!

*sayang pink pig* DOnt use clomid cn stil try lor. Who knws can tio leh? New cycle new hope k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jyjy!

I also feel nt much hope. I think we bd late too.. Sigh.. Anyway, just waiting... Dont want to think so much also.. Sigh...

labbit - now then i saw yr qn abt O n temp rise. lol! paiseh... eh... the last cycle, i did experience temp rise when i O... this cycle i didnt experience anything... hee... i also nvr take my temp... boo...

idali - dr suspects u have thyroid problem? there r 2 kinds. hyper & hypo. u cn google abt it. i have a few frns who have hyper n hypo and still able to conceive.. just that need to monitor n the medication also...

missy : he took 3bt last wk. N de results he say yst was de hormones test is lik my egg very active tats y de eggs nt releasin out easily. n 4 de thyroid test he say is high which shudnt b & he nd 2 take again to confirm. he say normali ladies tak de thyroid test 1st time de results wil b haywire. so he cant confirm base on dat. so tk 2nd time again. n say in a wk if nvr hear frm dem dat means gd news la de results for thyroid is normal. if nt i have to take medication.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i didnt noe thyroid can link to dis! i google yst i understand abit.

hope everything is fine for u!!! but u cn always google for signs n symptoms... im not sure if there is prevention though... sigh...

take care !!!

Morning ladies!!

Happy CNY to all!

Got any good news boh?


Sayang sayang..pat pat

New cycle new hope..dont give up k.

Lets jia you together.

Missy, Rabbit,

All the best for your 2ww!!


Should sit down with your hubby n discuss heart to heart.

Ttc takes 2 hands to clap.


I got frens with thyroid.

High levels of thyroid caused my frens to have recurrent mcs so u must be on medication to bring it down.

Supplement with coq10 with selenium too to help.

I hope yours isnt so serious.

Did your doc tell u the exact figure?

lynzi : no he ask me to tak de thyroid bt again cos normali de 1st time results wud b haywire. so yst i tk again n waitin 4 de results. n de hormones bt he tld me my eggs active so is nt easily cumin out. so i nt sure la... blur rady....nw de results for thyroid i hv to wait by end of dis wk if dey nvr kol den its alrite gd news for me. if nt have to treat wit medications he say! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]i hopin is nth!

Hi mummies!

Jz reached Sin at 4pm jz now then backside itchy go & test got BFN [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so sad waiting for AF to come tmr or to9.

Charlotte, misscandy, piglet n Lynzi

Thanks for ur reply n advise. I sat down w him n we discussed the matter peacefully. He wants #2, he loves kids n we hope to giv our girl a sibling as both my hub n i r closely bonded to our siblings n we hope our girl can enjoy n share sibling love. Our finances r stable so we r readyfor #2. like many of u, we hav also been facing pressure frm family.

He agrees to be more cooperativ n put in more 'effort'... Hahaha. In the begining, we were very hopeful n bd regularly wo fail. I think we began havin problems when he had to take up extra work to rush for CNY n needed to return to army camp for training. As a result he's usually very tired when get home. Even when i remind him to bd, he will rather jus watch tv, surf or slp. I hope he will b less stressful after this busy period n resume our regular bd.

Can i ask u experts all something? If my menses super irregular, eg cycle can b 26 days for 1 mth n 40 days for another mth, wats the best way to predict O?

Sometimes i really feel so depressed when family pressure us to have #2. Cant they see that its not that we dont want? Really 哪壶不开提哪壶,有口说不清. I also dunno how to describe this in english. Today is my day 35 of cycle liao, i think tis is normally d period tat i become very anxious n emotional. to me every mth is a ??? Big question mark.

I dun really understand all d terms n short forms u all use here, is there a guide somewhere?


If u dont mind me asking..how old are u and your hubby? And how old is your no 1?

Good that u had a good talk with your hubby. At least now both of u are on the same page with the same mission.

U can use opk to gauge when u will O. Other than that u can take bbt BUT some ppl find bbt very stressful so its really up to your choice.

The common terms we use here:

AF - auntie flow aka menses

O - ovulate

opk - ovulation predictor kit

bbt - basal body temperature

hpt - home pregnancy test

EPO - evening primrose oil

FA - folic acid

CD - cycle day

DPO - day past ovulation

BFP - big fat positive

BFN - big fat negative

If got others u dont know can ask us..hehe

Good morning!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Is wed already!! Yeah!!

me at CD 25, this mth din take opk regularly and did not really BD as often.

Abit sian oredi.. just see what happens ba..

maybe dragon or snake or horse baby liao..at this rate..hahaha..

missycandy, good planning with more childs, shall be merrier in the family.

To me, will stop at #2, hee.. since my hubby already dun want so many, 2 shall be enough. Me too, feel tired with 3 kids.. keke..

Now dun mind of what zodiac, as long as can strike.. haha..

Evelyn, agree wif u..trying for #2 so tough alr dare not think so far away hahaha!

Btw, i tested yesterday evening DPO13 was BFN. This mrng AF still not here yet past 2 cycles AF report zhun zhun de woh!

hee hee hee... ive always wanted at least 3... so will work towards that ba... hehe

now just need to get #2! grrr...

actually i lost count now is DPO wad le... but i only knw due today or tmr if i go by 28-30day cycle.... sigh...

i have no sore boobs... only a bit more discharge.. emotional.. irritable... cramps on n off... hai.... sounds like PMS also lor... sian chi pua pua pua...

missycandy, I salute u....dun even dare to think abt it cos having #2 is so difficult now let alone #3....sigh....guai guai wait for AF to report next week cos I noe I got no chance this cycle liao....this is what they called woman instinct


dun despair and give up hor. We all jiayou jiayou together!

My body temp finally went up but I suspect it's largely due to guiding my gal to do her homework. My blood pressure also rising high. Boobs and nips also not painful leh until I press or pinch hard..haiz.. Got symptoms I will think it's AF coming.. no symptoms I think no hope..hahahaha..

Really cham.

rabbit, if yr temp shoot up during that period then its blood pressure going up but if continue to remain high these few days then got hope.... I press hard or pinch hard also pain cos flesh mah, haha....I also waiting for AF to report next week...not much hope liao. Will go for a short holiday next mth during the March holidays to destress n dun think abt this TTC thing....its really getting on my nerves.


Ya, good to get away and relax a bit. My fren said the more u think and the more u want something, the more u dun get. k-a-o-z....>_<

Dear lynzi

Wow, thanks for the guide! Now i can understand ur lingo, haha.

I'm 28, hub 31. #1 jus turn 2. It took us more than 1 yr to get #1 n i was on hormone prescription frm dr due to PCOS. We went to seek medical help after not successful for 6 mths n discovered my condition. Had to go back to dr for blood test to check for O every month. We'v been feeling the pressure to conceive #2 cos hub side family, his brothers n cousins all hav 2-4 kids n age gap very close. In laws nag all the time until we also become very kancheong. I think as we watch our girl grow up n bcome more independent, we also start to miss looking after a baby.

I agree w evelyn, dun care wat zodiac, as long as strike can liao!

Today is 7th day of CNY, which is ren ri 人日, so called the day that the heaven god (ti gong) created us man. Hope all of us mummies here can also 做人成功 soon!

last night my temp also go up. feel my body so warm. tupit hb la! i on the air con. then when he came to bed, he switched it off. then switch on the fan to #1 speed only. knsss... usually if i switch on the fan, i'll put at least #2... knss.. i woke up sweating...! irritating! actually ever since the rain n stuff, we havent switched on the air con for awhile.. jus that last night i felt warm.. so switched it on... sigh...


A Big Hi to All!

High sensitivity OPKs (20 mIU) and HPTs (10 mIU) at $0.50 to $0.60 per strip

Free normal postage > 5 strips, fast delivery guaranteed.

Clearblue Fertility Monitor and 20 sticks @ $220

Clearblue box of 20 sticks @ $46.50 (with free HPTs)

Clearblue digital ovulation 7 sticks @ $45.90 *in stock*

Clearblue digital pregnancy 2 sticks with conception indicator @ $27.90 *in stock*

Special packages incl Pre-seed, Basal Thermometer also available.

Please see my shop at www.bbshop01.blogspot.com for more details or email [email protected]

