(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB


She must have got it from her childcare lo.. last fri night her temp was 37.4.. but next day start hving fever liao..

It's my 1st time using raffles medical centre leh. I went to the one at the hospital. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Cos I was supposed to meet my fren for dinner at vivo, I kw my dr'd clinic is not open and was abit lost. so my frenz suggested raffles medical since they hv many outlets, she made a call and the nearest from vivo is at the hospital itself so we went. When i see the way he check , not detail at all. when he check my gal mouth she dont really wanna open and he just anyhow peep..thats all no wonder he dint diagnosed her condition. so mad.

becos i dint kw of her condition, I see her dont wanna to eat so i tried give her some of my "mee shua" with her for lunch.. wt if I strike (tot i think my chance is slim) and ganna hand foot mouth v jialet right.

You are now waiting for O?

Hi Starrz,

Thats for the well wishes, last night she wake up n cry every 2 hrs wah lao i damn tired..

Oh...ur AF report ah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sianz hor...but wt to do ...jia you jia you ok!! My AF due on 1 or 2 dec... but all my PMS symptoms pop liao..i think also gone case le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Starrz: ya ya!! I hope we both strike!!!!! Now getti more excited, 1st time use OPK.

Pink piglet: I always like those neighborhood doc cos more caring. All those big chains one are %]#]}{ except for kinder clinic which I found the docs to be super caring. Hopefully u dun kena, chances are quite low right??

Ya am waiting for O leh. After O I will have to go thru the dreadful 2WW.


I see, may I know usually they will feel worst on which they? my gal ganne 39.6, i was so shocked. she refuse to drink w her milk bottle so now i use spoon to feed her and mix her milk with abit of cold water. I also bought some fresh milk in case she refuse to take her milk. So poor thing leh they so young ganna HFM.

just a check,

for the time that i strike last time, i BD on the day i tested +ve on OPK and also BD on the next day then no BD liao.

For the previous cycle, i BD almost everyday from CD 17 till CD 20 but fail to strike.

SO i think for this time round, i will not BD till i see +ve OPK and next day another BD then stop.. wat u all think, will it be low chance this way?

pink piglet,

ya lor, AF report, i sian to the max. Somemore flow so much.

As long as AF havent report, got chance. Hope u strike!

Jia You.

AWBB, cannot everyday do leh.. What I do is to let my hubby keep his "army" for at least 2 days then we did on the 3rd day(which the OPK show same line as the control line). I got pregnant on my 2nd attempt. I think my 1st attempt might be too late(the test line is darker than the control line). So you better BD today...hehe

Pinkpiglet, normally they will get worse on the 2nd or 3rd day(the day when they are recovering, the peak day). After that, your gal shld be alright. Just make sure to coax her to drink more water( i know is not easy..but try to coax) and also to monitor her temp. Is very normal that they refuse to eat & drink as they afraid that any food or water will cause them to feel painful. You can imagine how painful is it to have mouth full of uclers.


got.. previous cycle i test OPK. OPK turn postitive on CD 18 and CD 19.

I BD daily on CD 16 to CD 19 but CD 20 ( i suspect O) but i didnt BD and didnt test OPK liao.

But i thought the troops can stay in the body for few days so thought even i O on CD 20 still can catch the egg but still fail [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


u mention u did it on the 3rd day which the OPK show same line as the control line then u got BD on the next few days?

Starrz: ya I also read they say can stay for few days. Wah like dat I dunno how to bd Liao.

Catherine: yes today I will BD, n before he leaves for biz trip on wed. Really hope it will be enuff leh. If bd like this every mth I think will go crazy lor


ya lo v true.I think chances of adults to get r still quite high. U see like catherine case, can spread so fast wo..

Oh u waiting for O the most exciting time, i hope to can catch it on the best time.. ya i hate 2ww..

btw how do we best determine our length of DPO? cos i m not charting my BBT. So can i take it that i count from 1 day after seeing opk positive? and count until the day b4 AF report or the day AF report?


my last pregnancy, i strike when i BD once the day after OPK +. the 5-6mths before that BD many days also useless leh...my fertility gynae did told me to try BD a day after i see OPK +, not sure izzit the reason for my pregnancy. Mayb he knows nowadays pple S qualities cannot make it , maybe die in 1 day we never know, so he advised to BD a day later.

So i dont think doesnt mean BD often then will strike. Ya see Auntie come already v sianz, flow heavy lagee sianz..

Ya lo if can strike its the luckiest things liao can forget abt TTC..measure this test this..


Oh dear, guess she is not in her peak yet.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] headache..thanks so much or the tips.

AWBB, in that case, u better let him deposit his army with u before he go for his trip.. Hehe

Starrz, u r right. I BD on the 3rd day when my OPK show positive in the morning.

Pink piglet, dun worry too much n always remember to get her to drink lots of water. I know is very heart pain to see her suffer. When I got it, I was quite worry cos now pregnant. But my doc said everything is doing well for my baby. Tmr I will know the gender of my baby. Hope is a didi, then I can close factory.

Pink piglet: ya now exciting period hehehehe! Dun knw this cycle can make it or not. Hopefully la!! I planned if af don't come on my bday, I will test. If neg then spoiler la, but if +ve wah best bday ever!!!!!!!! Now u got me all excited ! 2 WW faster faster faster be gone!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I count after see opk +ve leh

Catherine: so fast knw gender???? How many mths now???

Pink Piglet,

How old is your ger? I heard from fellow mothers that if age is appropriate can give things like yoghurt and ice-cream... beter than not having milk or water...


oh wow u going for scan tomolo..hope ur wish willcome true..u see a didi tomolo..heehee


IC, so meaning when opk is + is counter from the next day as DPO 1, then count until the day b4 AF report right.

I now waiting for coconut to drop like that leh...stupid 2ww.


She is coming 20 mth soon. She still ok to drink her milk by spoon feeding lo, i brought fresh milk to standby cos i tink milk powder is heaty right. my DH also said some dr recommend ice-cream. but my gal dont really take v cold stuff .

Emilybaby, thank you thank you.. Hopefully will see birdie..hehe

Pinkpiglet, hehe..hopefully lor.

Your gal same as my gal leh..she also dun really like cold stuff. Dun worry too much, they will recover very soon. Did you buy any melonpowder to apply onto her uclers? To help to speed up the healing process..

Catherine: hows yr MS?? Some say if MS bad is gal, dunno got logic or not. Detailed scan right????

Pink piglet: that's how I count la, dunno correct or not hehe"

When yr AF supposed to report ??


no i dint use it on her, dont think she will like it.. and since she still take her milk, still ok. This morning i cook her porridge softer she did took some. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thats how i count too, base on my calculation i think AF should report on 2 Dec. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] still a few more days to go.


tmr is ur detailed scan? confirm can see the gender liao... so exciting!!!


No lar buay chun leh... My last one was ger and I din even have a tiny winy bit of MS lor... ;p

But I hear that mothers who looking glowing in preggy is carry ger while those who look haggard are carrying boi... -___-'' dunno true anot thou... ;p

Pink Piglet,

They recommend cold stuff cos easier for them to swollow as most have painful ulcer either in the mouth/throat.

Pink piglet: AF wun report la k!! * chase piglet AF away shoo shoo! *

Snowger: simi simi, my #1 boy leh n I think I look radiant hahahaha!!


ic...thanks for the advises..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hope so leh... but somehw all the AF signs are popping up..so not pinning much hope liao..

Wow... the thread is moving very fast today! =)

My BBT dropped this morning, DPO 14. Sigh....

BDed alternate days from CD18 onwards and when OPK +ve, we BDed on those day/s, rested 1 day and BD again... have been doing this for the past few cycles but doesn't seem to work.

Noticed that my BBT will only rise some days after I detected a positive OPK. E.g. CD19 +ve, CD20 -ve, BBT will only rise on CD24.

Does that mean should continue BD for a few more days even after +ve?

Starrz: We gotta try again next mth.

PinkPiglet: Good luck! =) Pre-preg symptoms can be quite similar to PMS so you never know! =)

Hope your dear gal is getting better.

Snowger: Yup, DPO = Days past ovulation

AWBB & Snowher: When I was having my girl I also didn't have any MS at all. Everything as per normal. Also, I had very bad outbreak on my face, so not looking radiant =p Guess it's different for each individual


me also hvg same problem. +opk, bd on right days, im even measuring bbt and all the results are in line. just the main event is not happening!

im gg to arrange for gynae appt on the 1st day of AF to see when i can go down.

it's ok. More intensive netball for me for another month. Lose more weight first. yay!

PrinceSSy: How many mths have you been trying? I'm also thinking about going to see a gynae, but havent quite decide when to go. Hubby was thinking of trying for a few more mths before going to check.

emilybaby, i am taking some health products to lose weight, i tried acupuncture before didn't work well cos i didn't control diet well and also cos i'm trying for baby so after i finished 15 times i stopped le. just check my weight again and managed to lose another 0.5kg although have been eating abit more.. i know what u meant by lost control and leave it till 2nd baby cos i was like that before, till i cannot stand it anymore.. i have always been skinny last time and after my boy, put on so much weight. then my hubby always tell me i'm not fat but i just feel fat. so now i more determined to lose weight. it's not easy but most importantly is to have support from loved ones and to change lifestyle and eating habits.. u can try using fertilityfriend to chart your BBT, they will tell you your coverline and also roughly tell you when your ovulation was. u need to plot for few months before you know how your cycle is.

pink_piglet, what kind of supplements can improve sperm? my hubby said after dec, if no strike then we'll go see gynae and do some tests. i think my gynae meant to ask us to try 1 year first cos we are still young la. if older, then maybe ask us how long we trying and maybe want to do some tests. haha.. i think nowadays more and more ppl facing fertility problem but i guess now very stressful.. last time, our parents' generation can have so many kids easily.. pink_piglet, you gained weight cos after conceive also? but if you tall, then different. but if last time you are 55kg then you must be damn skinny also. i think it's common problem for mummies to gain weight lo.. =(

for your dpo, i think u can count after u test your OPK test line become lighter cos means ovulation over.

lolli, my #1 is almost 31 months also, still no sign of #2.. my menses regular and always ovulate.. so really don't know what's the problem. it's either my egg got problem or my hubby got problem. i think can take fish oil when TTC-ing.. it's supposed to help also.

awbb, u in germany or sg now? anyway, i agree we are wei da lo.. went through so much pain yet still want to go through again.. is it fan jian?? hahaha.. if your test line alot darker than previous days, means O is coming, can start BD-ing alt day already!! BD until test line becomes lighter, some ppl do it until test line no more.

snowymum, i also boy and i still look ok leh.. i heard if mums become "uglier" means it's girl leh.. cos the girl takes all the female hormones.. haha.. but don't know true or not.. my mum just told me to grab uncooked rice and see if it's odd or even to see the gender. zhun for mine lo.. i will try it again for #2.. haha.. but chance is still 50-50 la.. haha..

re: higher temp after O and hot flushes and pregnancy signs

i've been plotting for the last 10 months. i have had really high temp at around 37.19 before but usually for a day only. no.. not pregnancy sign. unless yours sustain for at least 3 days then maybe got chance. i also got hot flushes at night but i think it's due to the higher body temp. haiz.. so sian.. i also feel nauseous 4-5 days after O.. but after that i know it's all in my mind.. so now whenever my hubby asked how? i will say i think i'm not pregnant. haha.. the only sign i'm looking at is just sore breasts. cos my #1, it's super obvious i was pregnant days before my menses supposed to due. anyway, let's hope for the best and don't like our mind trick us..!!! relax...

re: HFMD

my boy also kena before but only restricted to the mouth area.. brought him to KKH and the doctor although young, straight away told us it's HFMD.. cos she saw ulcers in his mouth.. and he only got high fever as symptom, nothing else.. and sian, he doesn't want to eat or drink milk for 2 days.. so what we do? gave him cold milo, ice cream (he doesn't really like ice cream).. poor thing.. bo bian cos better than not eating anything.. i think hot stuff makes their ulcers worse.

re: UTI

i used to get UTI very often.. then i drank cranberry juice regularly and sometimes take cranberry.. after that, UTI never come find me for many years now.. *keeping fingers crossed* haha..

Gd morning ladies, another busy day for me!

RE: +ve OPK

Gals, having a +ve OPK DOESN'T mean u are going to ovulated. +ve OPK day is NOT ovulation day!!! Must get it clear ok? +ve OPK tells u that you ARE going to ovulate usually within 48hr or lesser. Pink Piglet's case is a gd example to illustrate. She gets a +ve OPK at CD19 but doesn't ovulate until CD 23, 4 days AFTER a +ve OPK. that's the drawback of OPK. it tells u that u are going to ovulate SOON but it doesn't tell u exactly when. BBT tells u that u have ovulated, ONLY after u ovulated. hence to maximise ur chances, u shd do both..

So far for me, I have ovulated within 48 hrs (or 2 days) aft my +ve OPK. so if i get my +ve OPK on CD12, i usually ovulate at CD14 and DPO1 is CD15. get it?

Also bear in mind u can have multiple (more than one +ve OPK). Until ur temp increases, u technically HAVE not ovulated. like i explained before, ur body gears up for O, but can DON'T release the egg but tries again a few days later. That's why for some ppl, they have multiple patches of EWCM.

However, if u are confident u are doing everything right, i.e. BD-ing until ur temp rise and u still do not strike within 3 mths, u shd see a doc. cos it means u are doing it when u are fertile, meaning the prob is not timing but egg/ sperm prob.

Pink Piglet, ur DPO1 is not the day aft +ve OPK but the day ur temp increase, i.e. CD24 not CD 20. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U shd continue to BD-ing until u see the rise in temp. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I feel that if u continue to test ur OPK, u might actually get another +ve on CD22.


dont be sad, is the BBT really accurate? meaning if temp drop surely no chance le meh?..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Agreed, doesnt mean BD alternate will strike, Last time i tried b4, and i was damn damn sad when AF came, so i decided not to do tt way.


izzit the best time to visit gynae on 1st day of AF? I plan to see next jan if still no good news.

I dint chart BBT for no 2. but i noticed i start feeling fevery a wk after opk +. not sure izzit tt i m falling sick or wt. but AF should b due by 2 Dec..


last time when i see fertility gynae he actually dont think i need help tot he said my dh sperm not too good. but becos the gynae whom refer me to him assume i tried more than yr ( cos i married a yr then plan to TTC). The fertility gynae dint give medi to improve his sperm but i bought supplement from GNC for my DH.

but i have friends whos dh sperm check wasnt good and their gynae gave him supplements. on the next test, his sperms did improved.. so i think its best to get them from gynae.


Pink piglet: af signs n preggy very similar. Don't lose hope yet k!

Lolli: I also bd alternate, I thought normally BD alternate chances are higher. Sigh, getting preggy really not like math, we get the formula right but the result may not be so [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Now I can only pray hard.

Catherine n lolli : oh?? I know my SIL ken a bad MS for both pregnancy n both are gals. My MS also not that bad, I just have very bad back prob till gotta go therapy.

Cheri: I m in sg now, will be moving feb or mar. Yes we are indeed fan jian, now we want wAnt want, then when we have it we always kpkb abt the pain, not enuff slp etc hahahahaha! I tested today n OPK lighter, but still gonna BD before dh leave for biz trip. I go all out Liao!!! Hahahhaa!

What type of Cranberry juice u buy?


When i was trying my no 1. I usually count my DPO 1 as the day after opk+, then count until the day before AF report, which my DPO length is 15 days. Actually my purpose of knowing my length is just to know when my AF is coming, if exceed DPO 15 AF then probably i have strike.

Actually tot i track my CM and test OPK, but doesnt meant i will get to BD, cos my DH works in malaysia. which i will usually meet him on wkends. he will come occassionally on wkdays if he is free only. so if i o on wkdays and he is busy i wont get to BD.. thats make my chances lower.

Thats why i was v stress when i try no 1. I would insist he come over to bd, and ended up making both of us stressful. so for no 2, i dont wanna do the same.

Lucky enough we strike within 6 mths of TTC for no 1 lo.


Oh is normal,if me i would feel abit disappointed too. but its ok lah...healthy bb is the priority. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Like i mentioned earlier, cos my DH working in malaysia, if this round i strike i will b v happy cos for last few mths we dint BD near O, only this mth we get to BD before i O.

Cat, the impt thing is that the baby is healthy! I think all of us here wish to be in ur shoes!

Pink Piglet, u got ask ur hb to take multivits high in selenium and zinc? good for spermies!

AWBB I have read abt this plan called Egg Meet Sperm plan.. perhaps u can try!


For ladies unable to open such webby, here's the gist:

- "Try" every other night starting Day 8

- Buy 10 ovulation predictor kit sticks

- Begin ovulation testing on Day 10

- when test is positive, "try" that night, plus two additional nights in a row

- Skip one night, then do one last "try"

- Take a home pregnancy test 15 days after your ovulation test was positive, if your period has not begun

- If your ovulation test never goes positive, continue "trying" every other night until Day 35, then do a pregnancy test if your period has not begun.

- Statistics coming in from women who write me show that about 40% of post-miscarriage women will get pregnant on the first try if they are faithful to the plan, about double the number of the normal population who are not on the plan. This assumes, of course, that you waited for a normal cycle to begin after your loss, and did not begin trying before having a period after a miscarriage. Many women do not ovulate in that first cycle.

Pink Piglet, if u count the day aft +ve OPK as DPO, u might actually have a shorter luteal phase than expected. say u O 4 days later, that means u have a luteal phase of 11 days. that's a bit short and is not gd if u wanna have a baby. cos ur lining disintegrate before ur embryo can implant. since u take BBT, u can count how many days aft u see ur temp increase. Take the first day of the temp rise as DPO1 and see how many DPO u have. Anything lower than 12 days is dangerous and is called luteal phase defect.



Catherine: yes healthy bb is most impt, I love gals!! Thought of name Liao mah??

Pink piglet: not easy for u gal, so how u manage yr #1 when dh not around?? Yr #1 close to yr dh??

Piggy: thanks for the info!! So nice of u!! Ya I started BD after AF start until now, gonna do it on we'd n sat when dh come back. The only thing is I never BD 2 nights in a row, only do alternate. I think can't do much except my best n just cross my fingers, toes n hair [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No this time round we doing minimum. Last time I tried many things n got myself stress. N I strike my gal after a holiday trip. So this one I don't wanna do so much things..


Don't tink my LP is that short cos when I tried no 1 n sees gynae that time. He got scan n I o around 1-2 days after opk +. that's why. Cos I remembered I when for a scan n he determine tt I had o. Which is wihin 1-2 days I see opk +. so he advise he to bd a day afte I see opk +

piggywiggy: Thanks for the detailed explanation on +OPK. I missed out on the part of the BBT hence may have been doing it too early =p Shall BD until temp rises for the next few months and if it still doesn't work, shall go and see a doctor.

All the while I thought testing with OPK is sufficient. Although I do track BBT, I don't use the information... other than determining when AF will report.

PinkPiglet: My BBT is quite or in fact very accurate in reporting AF. It typically drops DPO14 [If i count from the day when OPK turns -ve after it's +ve]. True enough it came yesterday late afternoon.


does u mean a person my get up to 4 days opk+? for me I never leh. Normally one day + the following fade Liao le. Never heard can get few days +. Confused???

I have another question... was looking at my BBT charts:

Noticed that my temp typically rises at 2 phases, 1st time will be from 36.2+ to 36.4/6 after that then it rises to 36.8.

So which one should I reference? Or to be safe I shd BD all the way until 36.8?

Wah super tiring =pp

Also, do on alternate days or daily? Anyone able to advise?


Catherine, yr checkup was done so early leh! Baby girl is good also mah, as long as baby is healty then OK le

You stil can try again for little little bird (#3) after giv birth yr #2 de wor..hee..hee..

