(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB

A very good morning to all!

Sigh I super sway since yesterday. To start with, my drooling teething boy finds it is ok to use my phone as a teether n in the end my phone is dead. Then he also suddenly wake up in middle of night super awake. Then after I have discomfort down under n thought maybe stomachache?? But No matter how I try cannot, in the end I pee n pee n pee abit of blood. Then I realized jia lat, UTI again!!! Then I drag dh outta bed to bring me go clinic at 6 am hahahahahaha! Sigh!!! What a day!!!

Cheri: I plan not to but who knows leh, sekali pain until I surrender. I just wanna FEEL it hahahhaa!

Pink piglet: wah your experience very scary leh! But u super Wei da Lunz until 10 mths. Not easy. I hope #2 will be easier on u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggywiggy: gal, that's what I Did, n as u said too tired then fell asleep, in the end I kena UTI #%^#}{

Realized most of us have pretty bad experiences with birth but HERE WE ARE, gonna do it all over again!! Wah we are so Wei da!!


AWBB char bor...

UIT!! poor thing.. hope u recover soon gal.

Alamak, Gab 'destroy' your phone ah!!!

Then time to buy new phone.. iphone? HAHA..

AWBB, yours labor very long leh... Think if mine so long, sure to take epi..haha

You ask me how painful har.. actually to me still bearable leh.. like very very bad menses. In fact, I use the pain to help me to push the baby out.

Pink Piglet, your labor and your BF sound very bad leh.. You are really a weida mummy..

Starrz: planned to get in Germany after I move, or else ex leh. I also wan iPhone n now I am eyeing the kinect!!!!!! Hahahahhaa!

Catherine: ya that time my dh also tell me to take then got energy to push. Then the ppl there keep saying if ask epi after office hrs got extra charges, so I stingy mah then faster agree LOL!

Starrz, like i said OPK is not as sensitive as HPT. so there's still chance now.. Here's the reason why. http://www.peeonastick.com/opkhpt.html

Pink Piglet, no i didn't pass out from the pain.. i passed out becos i was sensitive to opiates hence the dose of pethedine knocked me out. pretty rare side effects but its possible to get it.. in btw contracts i really felt like i was slping.. strangely my body just took over and pushed each time i had a contraction, even though wasn't I wasn't 10cm dilated. was abt 7-8cm dilated when i passed out.. The nurse was frantic cos she tot my bp plummeted. said she nv seen anything like that before.. ended up my gynae had to give me the antidote to it.. but i took 2 pushes to get my boy out so my gynae said i am very 'gd' at giving birth!

Lolli, i couldn't latch at all.. my boy kena nipple teat confusion at 5 days.. so i pumped all the way.. i prefer pumping cos i know how much he is drinking. and i dun feel lousy if he cries aft a feed if u know what i mean. I also TBF for 12 mths then had to stop bf-ing in 2 mths cos i had a crazy 2010.. too busy to keep waking up to express! U are currently DPO how many days?

AWBB, oh dear.. then ur case u better get up 30 mins to wash up.. UTI is painful lor.. why must we gals suffer ah? so hard to get preg liao still need to suffer UTI.

Piggywiggy: I also always think y must we gals suffer? We get preggy then we tahan 9 mths, thought it is the end but it's only the beginning. Then we will worry abt our milk supply, once drop we stress. Then my dh will say if dun have , give formula lor *{%{#{}. I remember that time I damn angry cos I supplement with FM if milk not enuff then my dh still gave bb FM even though I got enuff in the fridge. It is like I am trying my best n he thinks everything is ok. Jia lat, think with # 2 I will stress more cos no one to help me Liao

AWBB>> Hope you recover from your UTI soon! I only had it once before, and it was not an experience to remember. Kept drinking water so that not so painful when I peed! Saw your post, are you going to Germany? You moving over there for good?

AWBB & Starrz>> Are both of you from the Nov09 MTB thread? I find your nicks quite familiar...

Piggywiggy>> Me also pump all the way. Stopped latching after 3 weeks. Was a personal choice cos' at least I know exactly how much my boy was taking at each feed. I relied entirely on breast pump so I have 2, 1 in office and 1 at home. Save the hassle of bringing to and fro work.


ya lo let's try to relax as much as we could ok. Anyway 2ww we can't do anything also.

Awbb n cat,

Thanks, ya lo I also feel proud to hv pull through.. Wahaha.. I was ver traumatised then..even scare I will get breast cancer. Kekeke...now very scare it will b the same for no 2 lo.


thanks! hope i still got chance even its low.

u all talking abt bfing.. i think liao also sad.

i oni bf my #1 for abt a month nia coz i keep having blocked ducts and having fever. Lactaction consultant say i will keep on having blocked ducts de.. having depression during the 1st month after birth.


yeah i am from that thread but now didnt login as often liao.

u also from that thread right?

Anastasia: yup from nov thread but not active. I m someone who dun drink much fluid maybe that explains why I ken a uti. Ya, now I scared to pee....painful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Am moving to Germany with dh. No idea when will return. Kinda sad thinking abt it. Everything will be so different. As I m not someone who loves driving, dunno how to get ard then.

AWBB, then how to treat UTI, apply cream or eat med?

then u must guai guai follow doc instruction hor.

Starrz: will ask my friend later whether she got spare. Cham leh. I got one spare but no charger hahahaha

AWBB, aiyo...u never drink enuff water?? UTI very painful leh.. my sister also just recovered from UTI.

Pink piglet, anyhow said leh! BF mummy has lower percentage of getting breast cancer.

AWBB, btw u mentioned tht take epi after office hr got extra charges meh?? I dun take epi cos my mum keep telling me not to take as both my sisters who took the epi got backache lor.

Starrz>> Yes, I'm sort of on that thread lah. "Sort of" because I very very rarely post, nowadays totally dun post there liao..never even visit that thread anymore..

Dun worry, for your #2, am sure your BF journey will be better. Afterall, you are more experienced already mah..just persevere! Can save alot of $ on FM too. I was surprised when I first intro FM to my son, that one tin costs more than $30 and can last around 2 weeks only!

AWBB>> You should drink more water..then your pee will not feel so warm / hot..then you won't feel so much pain when you pee..you got fever or not? Last time I UTI also kena fever at the same time!

My DH went to Germany for 2 mth biz trip. He said it's a nice place. Germans are very work-life balanced..so they knock off at around 4.30pm or 5pm everyday! But they start very early too lah, like 7am plus 8am. During weekends, your family can tour around Germany..treat it as a holiday! Should be a good break, especially if you were FTWM previously! Remember to pack more warm clothing for your whole family! Cos it is cold even during summer..like 7 degrees I think..winter no need to say even colder lah! Oh yah, the shops there close very early, so mostly stay at home..that means more chance to BD! Hee hee...

Catherine: I dun knw why I dun like to drink water. The only time I drink alot if when I was preggy. Ok la, this time my UTI not as bad as few yrs back. Pain until cry.

Rgds to epi, that is what the doc say...or she bluff me!!!! Actually I believe backache is bcos carry bb leh.

Anastasia: gal, if I am working there I may like it, but to stay at home with no one to talk to, then no English channel, language barrier *sob* yes they r work balanced, they dun work OT. Been there couple of times to visit my in laws, it's ok except it is always cold. I am a sunny person, so this suck for me. That's what my dh say also, take it as a vacation then visit different places every few mths. Stayed 1 mth twice over there n I almost hang myself cos very lonely leh.

Hahaha BD...think when I am there I will be 黄脸婆. Housework, cooking, baby hohohohoho!!! So not looking forward to it. But yest dh read online n see that I may need to learn German to be able to get a spouse visa. If so, I will pop champagne cos Got another excuse of not moving hahaha.

AWBB>> Yes, agree, I think backache is due to carry BB. I took epidural but no backache cos I try to maintain right posture most of the time, but my fren never take epidural but got backache.

Oh, so you been to Germany before lah..then should be slightly easier transition. Me and my DH like cold weather, so we like Germany weather. Nice that your in-laws are there too =) I know what you mean..SAHM is not easy at all! I think I will go crazy! Salute all SAHMs! Told my DH if he ever got seconded overseas for long period and I follow him, we must bring our helper along too! I can't imagine taking care of BB all by myself -- faint man!

AWBB, haha.. that is what my mum told me. Then I just believe it lor. As both my sis got backache and I dun have. Another reason that I dun take epi is I'm afraid of the big needle..haha

Anastasia: I think my dh will love u for saying u like Germany weather hahahaha! My ILs in Germany but not staying in same city, n I cannot expect them to help out much. N I am not close to them at all, language barrier. I am always sitting there n eat n smile if needed. Thank god got my bb, so I always can excuse myself. Hehehe!

I am a SAHM, yes it is not easy. I am going crazy but lucky that I got a helper to do the housework so I can focus all on bb.

Starrz: choy!!! We living alone la.

Catherine: ya, I dun like that needle too, quite pain n super uncomfortable!!

Starrz: got good n bad. Good bcos no conflicts n u can do whatever u wan n like. Bad is that u take care of bb alone.

Anastasia, AWBB: Ya I agree that backache may not be due to epi also... so many possibilities for backache...

Pink_Piglet: I also think I shouldn't think too much... but somehow subconsciously I will still think about it =p by the way what's 2WW?

Weekend is here! 1st weekend of peace after soo long. For the past 6 mths, i've been working in a way or another every weekend! So glad to finally have a good break... hopefully no one calls my phone to disturb me =p

Happy Weekend ladies!


I really stressed tt time lo. Cos the 1st time my breast dr drawn out a container (size like those use for urine test) of pus from my infected breast leh. Imagine tt much of pus. And becos there are a few ducts that r infected he twisted the needle up n down right n left poking n sucking the pus out. It's so painful tt I almost wet my pants. It took we 3 wks to clear most of the pus. So every wk I visit him he extract pus from my breast..it's my I became neg n tot I m dying from breast cancer soon.


2ww means 2 weeks waiting, the 2 weeks after ovulation, like wt we r waiting now lo. I don't like. Then we will start to b concious n wondering whether we r preg


i just played 2 hours of solid Netball.. and im still alive, not that exhausted. im 12dpo so i think this mth gone liao.. dun think im preggy coz if i strike already then most prob i cant even run! Right?

yeah we all hate the 2ww its time wasting.

btw, any one here has Adenomyoma or Endometriosis aka blood clots in the uterus wall?


I m in 2ww now I just went for bowling today.. Wahaha..don't care lah I don't wanna pin high hope n restricting my life..


But that's the reason which I put in b4 I preg for my no 1 leh.. I m those who can gain alot just by eating 3 full meal de leh. That's why during 1st ttc I put on from 65kg to 88kg In a yr leh ... so extreme ..Then preg I gain another 18kg. After deliver I lost 16kg that's why nw 90kg. Not healthy leh.

Lolli,so sorry to hear that the promotion had ran out! i just bought my Blackmore's Conceive Well on Wed!! Made u go on a wild goose chase! I did rem that i went to many different pharmacies but couldn't find it.

Re: exercise during 2WW

Eh i dun think i wanna do exercises during my 2WW!! during my chem preg, i went trekking for work. that morning before i left for the trek, i tested and my HPT was still strongly +ve. However, 2 days later i was spotting and lost my preg 3 days aft the trek. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i know i shdn't be reading into this but i feel that it might have contributed to it.. sigh..

Yest my gal suddenly hv high fever. Becos the clinic we usually brought her to was not open so I bought her to the clinic at raffles medical centre. She had temp 39.6, dr check her throat n said it's v red.

Today she vomitted many times so I decided to bring her to her dr and our dr diagnosed tt she is have hand foot mouth. He was surprised tt the dr I seen earlier did not diagnosed her condition cos he said my gal has alot of ulcers in her mouth.

My dr also found that the flu medi prescribe was abit overdosed for my gal age. I felt damn mad with the dr at raffles. I had spend nearly $90 at raffles On top of that taking cab to n fro. In fact before that I already find the dr not professional cos he dint hv a detail check on my gal even when she hv such a high fever. So if ur kids r unwell pls do not go to raffles medical centre. 

Pink piglet: oh nö! How come yr gal ken a HFMD? My niece also got it a few weeks ago. Hope she will feel betteer soon.

Raffles mainly earn their money from companies right? I never go to them except when I worked for a company who signed a contract with them. Find their doc not pro n dun give a heck.

Btw gals, yesterday m today my OPK showed a test line which is alot darker than the previous days. But it is not as dark as the control line, slightly lighter, what it means?? I feel discomfort at my lower right side. Advice???

morning gals..

pink piglet: Hope your gal recover soon.

Sian, my AF report on weekend. Haiyo!

AWBB, faster BD BD BD!!

Pink piglet, three weeks ago my gal also kena. In fact, I also got it. But I dun have any fever at all. Just uclers in my mouth and rashes on my hands. I got it thru my sis's son and my gal got it from me. My gal's HFMD condition is worse than me. Vommitted a few times, fever, 38.3(highest). Worse part is she never eat or drink for two days..

I dun know that Raffles medical so bad leh.. Will take note..

Dun worry too much, just make sure she drink alot of water and she will get well within a week.

AWBB, think either you going to Ovulate within 24hrs liao... The last round when I have this indication, I try to BD and that how I got preg..hehe

Starrz: no sian k, new cycle new hope k!! Next mth everyone holiday mood Liao so sekali u huat ah!!

It means O or not?? Or going to?? I see OPK I confuse leh!! Btw did u buy any educational materials for lil K?? I bought quite abit of Chinese DVDs. Now am looking for English, wanma buy monki see monki doo but didn't seem to sell it here leh. I saw the online preview of it, gab seem to like it.

Catherine: the day before I BD, yesterday I showed dh n he try to wake me up to BD but am too tired n I also think if everyday BD the sperm quality not that power so will do it today hahahahaha!!!!


ya hope huat next month then our future bb same month again !

i think going to O soon, to play safe, remember to BD.

Education materials, no leh. She not interested. I read her books, she end up biting and tear the books. Only let her watch those children songs and she like it v much. Got lots of those children songs coz i subscribe the KaraOK channel.

Beside that, also let her watch those baby tv etc sometimes got education one..

