(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB

Starrz: ya, will MSG her later. She still selling ah...super quiet lor. I hope u strike this mth k!!! If strike next mth should be sep to oct bb right??? Wah good!! Can celebrate gab n future bb bday together LOL!!

Actually test is beter at least u got your answer n no need to think n think n think. Think these few days I can test opk, dunno when I will O leh.

10 yrs!!!!! U very loyal leh!!!! My dh Lao, he is 11 yrs in company n still staying put. Thought normally guys will volunteer for such works one mah???

Baby is the best. No worries at all. That's y now I also dun wanna stress him much on his development, let him be happy doing his stuff or else in future no such chance Liao.


Gd morning ladies! have been super busy.. managed to sneak in here to post.

Pink Piglet, I am so depressed.. I am ovulating now and I can't even try.. sadness.. got my +ve OPK yesterday and lotsa EWCM for the past 2 days too. I hope u strike!! feeling better already?

PrinceSSY, u are welcome. Actually it could be just one ovary with PCOS, so one cycle is regular, one cycle is extremely long. Good luck for this month!! hope u strike too!!

Emilybaby, how's yesterday and today's temps? I saw that ur temp last wk was hovering around 35.9+/- and this wk it has been abt 36.3. If u had higher temps (36++) for yesterday and today, then I have a feeling u ovulated on Sunday. oops..

Re: supplements

After my last chem preg i went crazy on supplements!! I am usually very adversive to taking pills cos i find that the stuff used to preserved the supplements will do more harm then gd. But i so scared i mc again so i bought Blackmore's Conceive Well and Royal Jelly to eat.. Nutz right? I think i m pretty weak cos i get light headed even from getting out of my car!! on top of it i m taking folic acid daily lor.. my last cycle i didn't take anything (not even folic acid) until i got my +ve HPT.

Abt evening primrose oil I did read that it is best taken before you ovulate. After O, try not to take it if u wanna be preg.. no idea why though.

Re: +ve OPK

Hey ladies, u can have multiple +ve OPK and STILL NOT OVULATED! e.g. ur body gears up for ovulation at CD12 and release LH, hence u get a +ve OPK on CD12, but let's say u kena a big arrow at work and become very stress, ur ovary MAY NOT release the egg aft that surge due to stress! Then say u settle ur stuff and ur body is ready to release the egg again and u have another LH surge on CD 15! This time u ovulate 2 days later at CD 17 instead of ur usual CD 14. Get what I mean? The only way to confirm that u have ovulated is BBT. U can actually have more than 1 LH surge in ur cycle (esp those with varying cycle lengths).

Starrz, ur job sounds like mine! a lot of running around and doing a lot of crazy stuff (like going swimming in weird places). I also spotted a lot in my first trimester for my 1st preg.. Gynae just told me i can basically do anything except scuba dive! hehe..


ya she still selling. Ya hor, she didnt advertise here hor..

i loyal? haha no lah.. lazy to find new job lah. V sian leh.. when can i be SAHM!!!??

But bb Gab at least know how to walk liao.. duno when SHE can walk or call mama..haha.


wow y your job need swimming de? haha sound fun job mah..

Starrz SAHM not very fantastic leh. I missed working leh. Sigh! Btw gab is super lazy hor, he dun wanna walk, still prefer to crawl.

Oh ya gals, what symptoms u have when Oing???

>PiinkPiglet, I taken 1 bottle daily before sleep for 3 months only then I stop laio. At first my purpose also not for AF to come “zhun zhun” de, but after taken it 1 mth later than I noticed tat my AF bcame very “zhun” leh. After stop to take it for few mths, then I started to take it again in August cos I going for holidays so I wanted to make my AF came earlier. Wao, end up my AF really came earlier leh! My little girl born on 20 April 2009 :) hee..heee..

>Catherine, I ‘m not too sure, maybe for me , it’s realy can regulate my menses lor! :)

>Piggywiggy, I did’t tak my temp yesterday and today cos forgot+lazy :p Should I continue to take it again till my AF come? Do you knw what is the normal temp will be btw DPO1 to DPO14??

AWBB, I never take the epi as is was too late for me to take(already dilate ard 8cm) and after an hr, my gal is out...hopefully my 2nd baby also the same..


Feel very motivated everytime I read this thread.. U ladies are doing so much yet I am like not working hard enough.... Will work harder this month... I have a girl turning 4 next year. She kept asking me why everyone got didi/mei mei except her?? This month really must try liao

Do u all take evening Prim Rose? I heard its helps with the CM.

Is clearblue ovulation kit better or about the same as other brands of ovulation kit.

emilybaby, if can regulate your menses..then u shld not stop taking it mah...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starzz, ya i used to love my job. Now I kena transfer out liao.. really hate my current jobscope.. last time i get to breathe clean fresh air.. now everyday breathe recycled indoor air :p but hor if i m preg i dun wanna do the stuff i did lah.. I rem people telling me i was stupid when i did drilling in my preg!

Emily, well there is no right temp before O or aft O. it depends on individual body metabolism. For me, i m like u.. before O is 35.9 - 36.0. after O is abt 36.4-36.7. however, my this cycle is a bit haywire so far due to my chem preg. its up to you if u wanna take temp again or not but BBT is able to tell u when ur period is coming when ur temp drops. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I did note that the cycles that I ended up being preg, my post O temps were higher than cycles when I wasn't preg. theory is that u are producing more hormones (from copus luteum and the embryo) hence ur BBT increases.


wah your job sounds interesting.. ya but of coz if preg liao canot do drilling lah...


i no symptons when O leh. use OPK then know got O or not de leh

Wah now i v scared go toilet leh.. scared see something i dun wan to see..

fwah.. so much info to read, so little time.

my AF finally came. YAY. never been happier to see AF. I think it must be due to stress that i missed 2 cycles. And dunno if its coincidence, but i just started taking evening primrose oil about a week ago...maybe this helped to induce AF also?

Now im sort of at ease knowing that i was probably worrying for nothing. At least can start trying again!

The white discharge that I had, I think the culprit was from drinking too much tea. Am gonna stay clear of tea for the time being.

Catherine: don't tell me u admitted to hospital when u are 8 cm hor!!! My friend actually didn't knw she is in labor until the pain in extreme then she rush to hospital. She save a lot of $$ cos no time for drip or epi. Within 10 mims she pop! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw how's the pain like? Can tahan?

Starrz: today I am CD 13 so gonna keep testing. Choy! Dun always think of AF la! Be positive, let's think of baby names :p

Starzz, no more drilling liao.. now completely deskbound and dealing with idiotic people. sigh..

AW_BB, erm, i have a lot of CM.. panties will feel very wet all day.. and my nipples will be painful.. makes it very hard to BD lor.. aft O period then everything back to normal. Hope u get ur +ve OPK soon!

Humz, do u have very irregular period? did u go for a prenatal check?

Piggywiggy: I hope this cycle I will not be late again. Praying very hard that this cycle I can huat ESP now am doing alternate. I hope my O period will not be so heng until clash with dh biz trip.

How come your job need drilling???


I tink my chance low eh... nothing unusual here.. my Menses cycle has been long for pass few cycle...abt 40 days.. only this mth I think short cos i o earlier.

Last time i was like you v ganjiong then will kpo go test b4 AF report and always ganna disappointment.. another ting also waste the test strips so i start to control and not to test early liao..


ya I gain wt after taking 6 mths, i dint conceived when i took EPO. Then later i told my fren i took EPO they said no wonder i gain wt..


will stressed? Dh not around... sianz ah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but nevermind if cycle good its a very good sign. I also hope I can strike leh, so i dont hv to go through TTC pains again.


wow really ah, I dint kw its so good. I m thinking of trying royal jelly this time...i read up and it signs to help balance hormones and aids egg growth.. sounds good eh..

oh our kids are 3 wks old apart only..hor..my gal is v naughty..she starts walking at 9 mths and now can fly liao..wahaha..


Good good can quickly start a new cycle again. For EPO, I did heard cant take after o also cos it regulate menses. I took it last time becos i wanna regulate my mense.


wah you BD alternate days? I very pei fu ni... last time i ever tired and I gets damn stressful.. Hope you can strike with the hard work.

AWBB, no lah. My itinerary is as follows..haha

Tues, 9am - Normal gynae checkup, doc check and found out that I already dilate 3cm. Therefore admitted me.

Wed, 9am - Routine check by team doc(as I do not fixed gynae) and one of the doc found out I already dilate 6cm so send me down to labor ward.

9.30am - I was lying on the labor ward bed, then the doc came & ask if I need any pain relief and as I was not feeling painful. I told the doc I dun need it.

Around 10+am, Me getting very painful liao..so regret never ask for pain relief, So I told my hubby to ask the midwife to give me pain relief. But after the midwife checked and told me I already 8cm..so cannot liao..

Around 11+am, my gal is out...haha

AWBB, i built stuff for my research work. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] all prototypes lor.. now i don't do such things already.. U are BD-ing alternate days now? gd luck!! like that sure strike one.. I dunno how to BD so often man.. so mechanical.. i have no mood for sex at all.. i use preseed so don't need foreplay.. just tell hb to do his job! wahahaha.. so sian hor..

Pink Piglet, u stress or I stress? I said i m depressed!! hehehe... actually i m more worried abt sustaining the pregnancy now.. haizz.. I m on royal jelly now too.. i think my eggs need more nutrition! haha!!

Pink piglet: Bo pian leh, cos I managed to conceive using this method for #1, n this mth dh super cooperative hehe, hope he dun chicken out at the crucial period or else I confirm #{^{#{%.

Catherine: how painful is painful huh??? Ehh yrs short labor, very lucky!!! Mine frm 12 to 8 plus. I should have slowly take my time n eat lunch first. #2 I will not be so gong!!

Piggy: your job sounds very chim. Gal, I also no foreplay liao,, same like urs very boring, do it n then lay back for mins then wash up hahahaha! Preseed ex right????

snowymum, i think really might be due to work stress lo.. but my menses regular and every month ovulated leh. haiz. maybe it's my hb. just need to keep trying.. =(

pink piglet, really no use ar.. haiz.. i bought 1 box thinking if i should continue using it. i used it once or twice only. haha.. i tried for a year but haven't seen my gynae. i saw my gynae half year ago and he said still young, try somemore and next year then see how. anyway, hb n i thinking to see if we still doesn't strike after HK trip.

aw_bb, sad leh. first one so easy then second so hard.. =(

emilybaby, i also think maybe it was my weight problem. i was 52kg when i was preggy, then after i gave birth and bf, my weight went down to 54kg then after i stopped bf, it went up to 63+kg! goodness.. now i lost 5kg i'm still trying to lose weight healthily hopefully when have 2nd one can start at 52kg again. LOL..

for the temp during the 2ww, it should stay above your cover line. did u plot the bbt?

re: EPO

i read not to take EPO after ovulation as it causes contractions? so from your menses start to ovulation, can take but after that cannot take. so guess safer to take omega fish oil?

Cheri: after HK trip then see how bah, remember both of u got to be relax k!! Btw weight will affect chances of getting preggy?

aw_bb, i didn't take my epi until i was 7cm dilated and my water bag break when i was only 2cm. it's was so painful!! but not that i don't want to take epi, the anaesthetist doesn't want to give me cos i had preg induced high bp and i had to take blood test and wait for results first *faint* i remembered telling my hb, i don't want to give birth liao. hahaha... but cos my birth was induced with prostin so the contractions were more frequent and intense. but my sister who is 4 years younger than me, both her pregnancies, natural contractions, she said not very painful and frequent like mine even when 5cm dilated but she still opt for epi cos her pain threshold very low. u planning not to take epi?? hehe. but i'm glad i did cos my cervix was actually swollen and my boy had cord around his neck.

aw_bb, to me i think weight has relations to the chance of conceiving also. cos it will affect your uterus? i have heard before that gynae commented the wife to lose some weight. hehe.. but for me, i just thgt i gained alot of weight so i went to google and see. but guess anything changes in the body will affect fertility ba..

Cheri, so gd u r managed to lost yr weight,how do u do tat?? me totally lost control liao, maybe due to i always hav excuse tat i'll be pregnant soon so no need to "leave it" after giv birth 2nd baby bah...haiz...who knws,till now my dream stil can't come true yet. my dh always ask " where is my previous pretty & slim girlfren liao???" haa..haaa..then i will said all bcos of yr fault loh, cos you wan baby mah,i bcame "fat" after gav birth lor..wat do u mean for "it should stay above your cover line"? i not used to chart BBT.

Catherine, i stop to tak the collagen cos wan to save some $ lor..hee..hee..10 btls cost abt S$60++ (i can't remember correctly)


You are so lucky eh...so fast pop... for me i had contraction around midnight, I admitted abt 3am... in between already pain like hell liao, the midwife advise me to nt b push myself to hard i stuborn dont listen, they said my contraction already v strong, after 12hr yet onli dilate 2.5cm, cos dr suspect my gal is pulling back the cord, so her head not pushing down, i felt depressed becos i already heard so many bb crying from other room pop by other mummies..and kept crying due to the pain. finally i surrender n ask for epidural. gynae told me she will give me another 5 hrs if still cant she would advise for c-sect..

True enough i was damn sway, after another 5hrs onli dilate to a pathatic 3cm nia..then i was given addition epidural and push for c-sect..

its a v traumatised experience.. experiencing both contraction pain n c-sect, i felt that c-sect is peanuts eh...

I really felt that my delivery and confinement time not "shun" lo. cos i had v serious engorgement. my breast is never soften even after pump. i tried all ways i learn from frenz and online ...like rubbing hot bottle on breast put cabbage, massage, all useless, even my confinement lady said she has never encounter owner with my case. My highest record i can pump 320ml b.milk at each pump.. my gal dont latch well becos my breast is always rock stone..so i hv to pump..but i started w a pump tt doesnt suits me n i ended with crack bleeding nipples. I went to TMC for help from Wong Boi Boi,,she ask me to latch my gal, n my gal mouth ended up covered w blood from my bleeding nipple,then they get me to use their pump and with 2 helper massaging my both breast together.. at last my breast finally got abit soften... scarlli on my car ride bk home, engorged again...i was stress everyday with the problem breast. soon i suffer a hard lump in one breast.. i went to see family dr who gave me antibiotic for the lump n cracks. at the end still cant b cured n i was advise to see a breast specialist. hai... then he found pus on my breast..and he suck them out using thick needles n i was tearing in pains, then i was given antiboitic. after a wk, test results showns I had suffered from super bug, which he gave me another antibiotic.. becos there still pus, i had to go though the piercings pain again. for 3 weeks, i had gone through the same procedure, till i almost suffered in depession. my engorgment problem was solves only when 1 finally tried pumping non stop for 2 over hrs.

i manage to bf my gal for almost 10 mths. I am fearful that i will experience the same prob for no. 2. very worried leh.

again i was stuborn,


Oh dear, dont b stress ok.. i m trying not to stress myself leh..it really doesnt benefit for TTC and wellbeing. thats they reason i choose not to make myself do too much for these TTC.

Is Royal Jelly good? I saw some royal jelly that come with pollen in honey. tot pure royal jelly better? confused?

Why are you worried abt sustaining the pregnancy?


Wow really..so hardworking. Hope you can really strike this cycle. and its good that u can get ur DH support. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Its good that u are ovulating and hv regular meanse, but u may wanna convince ur dh to do a test. if they condition r not too bad.. their sperm can be improved easily w some supplements de.

I dont like wt ur gynae say leh.. doesnt mean young can endure the waiting game leh...its v stressful eh... and i have seen many frends who are early 20s and are facing problem conceiving. stressed.

u are not heavy leh..i m worst..i m 90kg nw, when i conceived my no.1 i was 88kg..but i tall so many pple tot i m around 70kg...i m the one who needs to cut down wt leh..wahhaha, so embarressing "sounds like auntie lucy".. my lowest wt b4 my wedding was 55kg..wahahah, my dh must b damn disappointed to see me GROWING..

OMG Piggy

my heart goes out to you. i read your story and i find it really traumatising!

i am just the opposite of you. i have v little bm. i had no flow in the first 5 days of delivery. then i went to massage my breast for 1/2 and hour one night and finally felt the let down. i quickly took my pump and pumped. only 1 miserable drop!! and can u imagine, that 1 drop didnt even get filtered down the pump into the bottle bcoz i got dried up along the way. heeee... the maximum i ever got was close to 100ml accummulated in 1 day. i nv had engorgement. i had to partial bf my baby and each feed he only gets abt 1 oz of bm, the rest formula. sigh...

i dont think u want my problem as well...

Hi ladies,

Can I join? I'm also TTC for #2... #1 is already 3yrs... but have not been successful =(

Cheri: Like you my menses also quite regular and also always ovulate but till now still haven't succeeded...

Can we take Fish Oil even when we are TTC?


Actually i really dint expect things will go that way too, I tot i could hv natural birth..then i never tot i will hv surplus milk flow too. even standby milk powder at home.

On my 2nd day in hospital i managed to pump 20ml which i find it pathetic and kept calling my sil worrying tt its too little. but she told me its good already.. very soon my milk flow kept increasing. i need to pump almost every 2 hrs over 24 hrs, i pump 1 hr sleep 1 hr around the clock, i was really exhasted. in my life i never felt so tired .

There's once i went for check up. i was kinda happy cos i can hv time for myself, so i dint pump for 4hrs, when i go bk home.my breast were rock hard, I pump almost 3 hrs, sit there wanted to cry..when my breast engorge all the lumps will starts to clot and i need to keep massaging while i pump de.. v stressed.

my dh has been asking me to gave up but i refused cos i tot since i hv the milk i should do my best to give. No milk very cham, have too much also v cham...When I was told to take stronger antibiotic for my pus, I was told not to give b.milk for a wk, for few day i collected 6 litres in fridge and use them to bath at one go..wahhaha..after that i v lazy to collect and pour them away.

But i think next preg, i dont think i wanna bf so long v tiring. i only scare i wanna stop also cannot nia.


Sorry for hear abt ur disappointment.. It must b v sad stressful for u.

hv you seek any help from fertility specialist or tried clomid?


hmmm fish oil is for baby's brain development i think. you shd take it after you conceive. if u want, u shd take folic acid or some multi vits. thhink it would be better.


ive been plotting my bbt. seems like after O got distinct higher temperatures, esp this morning i hit a high of 36.8.. does it mean chances higher? No huh? i must be so bored, everyday looking at my chart, wondering if got any chance this time round. that;s so bo liao...

Wonder how come nobody created a home kit to tell u if it is confirm the right time to bd where accuracy and chances of striking is 99.99%. OR some home preg kit which is available for use right after O.

sigh...... i have 3 more days

Haven't seen any fertility specialist yet. Planning to try naturally for a while before seeing my gynae. Actually I conceived last Nov only to realise it was an empty sac so went through D&C to remove it.

Subsequently we tried since April and till now not successful yet.

Like some of you, I also feel that TTC #2 seems to be alot harder than #1!

I'm taking folic daily already but just wondering if I shd continue my fish oil.

Any mummies here taking BFW prior to O?


today not feeling too well, duno is it becoz didnt really sleep well last night.

I am so tired now. Feel so uncomfortable yet still got to struggle to work.



I think when we o our temp will b higher, the temp susposed to continue to b high or raise slightly. Mayb a 0.6 degree higher then ur usual temp. I no longer charting bbt for no 2. Abit lost touch. The above is more of eay preg sign.

Don't kw why these 2 days I feeling v hot as if having fever. It comes on n off check temp last night it's 37.1. I heard some pple will suffer from hot flushes a wk after ovulation which can b early preggi sign leh. For last two night I also feeling high tide n went to pee. Not sure coincidence , imagine too much or having chances. So I kpo go test n was neg. I still hv 8 days more to my AF due date.


U dint sleep well ah.. Or ur dh disturb u Middle of the night.. Kekeke. Ok ok hide n yawn don't let ur boss see hor.

Morning ladies...

Starrz: try to take a quick snooze somewhere? =p

Pink_Piglet: I've been dutifully taking my BBT and also using OPK, normally when and after O, my temp will be > 36.8 as compared to normally 36.2- 36.4. I suspect... due to stress and fatigue that results in not able to succeed =(

Good luck, maybe there good news soon =) May be still too early to test since there are still 8 days to AF?

Gd morning.. wah u all so on at night!

AWBB, try not to get up immed aft BD-ing.. i usually just lie there for 30 mins min.. sometimes too tired i will actually fall aslp until the next morning.. Preseed is ok lah.. 5 applications for $23 i think.. not too bad..

Pink Piglet, wah ur milk ss so gd ah.. I understand how u felt. I didn't have ur gd supply and had to pump out constantly to maintain supply. even after 9.5 mths i still wake up in the middle of the night to pump. Managed to bf my boy for 14 mths and I didn't latch at all. Ya, have a gd pump is impt! my pump was the most impt thing i bought! Nonetheless i had blocks through out that 14 mths too.. it was painful and i had to go to a few hospitals to get it cleared. aft that i didn't dare to lengthen the intervals btw my pumps.

Ur labour sounded bad too.. I had to be induce cos my boy was overdue and was causing me a lot of pain.. Doc burst waterbag at 9.30am and i had the drip to hasten my contractions. I didn't really feel real bad pains until the nurse emptied my bladder at 1130am. Wah lao aft that the baby slided down and it hurt so much that i asked for epi.. by that time i was abt 5cm so nurse gave me pethedine jab. that jab made me lose conscious!! i knew i gave birth but i can't even bring myself to open my eyes.. ironic thing was i signed the epi consent form just before i passed out.. and nurse couldn't gimme epi in the end. sigh.. luckily the ordeal wasn't long.. he came out at 1.15pm..

I m worried abt sustaining my preg cos my first i spotted throughout my first trimester and i just had a chem preg lor.. sian..

PrinceSSY, possible that u might have striked! I had higher BBT post O when I was preg. abt 0.2 deg higher! sounds like u might be preg!! so exciting!

Lolli, Blackmore Conceive Well has fish oil too. it helps with fertility.

lolli & pink piglet,

here v open, canot take a snooze leh. Yawn have to cover mouth. Haha.

Think whole night thinking of work...becoz of work, had to trouble my mil to coax my #1 to zz while i am at the living room working. V stress [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ask u all, if HPT +ve, OPK = +ve also mah?

coz now i using OPK to test.. keep -ve. HPT low supply liao so want to use OPK to test +ve then i use HPT..

I used to take Blackmore Conceive Well last year then I stopped after my D&C and switched to folic. Maybe I shd consider ConceiveWell again.

Starrz: try to find ways to de-stress? I'm not the best person to advise too cos I think I'm leading a very stressful life! haha

Is it true that HPT +ve = OPK = +ve? new to me =)

*sobs* i read all your birth experiences with #1 and i really feel like crying looorrr. No matter how traumatising our birth experiences were, here we are at the starting point again, praying hard for #2. HAHHAHAHAA..

During my labour, i remember cursing and swearing and being SO angry with my husband for getting me pregnant :)P like it was his fault only).. and i also remember thinking why the fish i got myself into such a situation. But now i'd give ANYTHING to be pregnant again. :D

Starrz, yeah OPK can be used as a HPT but usually HPTs are more sensitive than OPKs. this is because the HCG hormone and Luteinising hormone are almost identical, with HCG having an extra tail. so u might actually get a +ve on ur HPT before ur OPK test. for me i had a very strong +ve OPK when i tested at DPO 11. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when i tested with HPT, also came up +ve.

Lolli, go and buy at Unity Pharmacy now.. UP is $46, now selling $36!! a whole $10 cheaper!!

Humz, i m ok going through labour.. but i dun look forward to the bf-ing.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ok shall go and buy later =)

Really admire you gals... haha I'm so scared of pain that I requested for epi the minute I entered the hospital... at that time there wasn't even pain yet =p after 14hrs of labour, finally had to go for emergency caesarean.

BF-ing... I really hate pumping but latching was really convenient! I TBF my gal for 13mths and continued to BF till 20mths.


OIC, just hope ur temp will stay high...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then got chance right.

I dont wanna pin high hope leh, wait the more disappointed i become.


wow, you are so wondering...u bf for 14mths, thats very good leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i really dragged brinign pump to work pumping inside toilet, put milk inside fridge while some naughty colleagues would disturb me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wah ur delivery sounds jialet leh, u pass out due to the pain ah..

Oh dear, spotting throughout preg, is very stressful..my preg was pretty smooth, only vomit occasionally in my 4th mth nia. I can walk jump also no prob i think.


ic, dont be stressed by work ok, after work throw them aside ok.


heehee, ya lo, we are all the same..but i guess after seeing our healthy bb everything are still worthwhile. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah u very good leh..for me latching doesnt work, so i pump all the way, very sian pump still need to wash..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


wow i dint kw can use OKP to test preg too.. good good my HPT running out, in that case i use OPK 1st

Hi Ladies,

Would like to re-join this thread. Joined sometime ago, but wasn't active in posting, so I guess I'm forgotten! =p

I'm also TTC#2. My #1 just turned 12 months old early Nov. And yah, agree with you all that TTC#2 seems more difficult than TTC#1. For me, my AF only resumed in Oct, 2 mths after I stopped BF. So far, I've only had 2 cycles. The CDs are very long - 42 days! Last time before preggie wil #1, my cycles were of varying number of days. Sometimes, 32, 35, 36 or 38..so average about 35. Only once in a while got long cycle of 40 days or more.

Sigh, if my CD continue to be so long, it will be even more difficult to conceive #1...last chances in a year! =( I even TTC#2 during BF, but no luck at all! Envy those mummies who can preggie with #2 even while BF #1!

Anyway, saw many mummies shared their #1 birth story, so I shall share mine too:

6 Nov - Gynae found that I was 1.5cm dilated during routine checkup. Already had quite alot of contractions, but not very painful.

8 Nov, 11pm - Admitted myself to hospital to be induced cos I developed gestational diabetes at wk 36. Gynae din want to wait till BB pops on his own, cos will be too big for natural birth.

9 Nov, 1am - Nurse inserted pill to soften cervix. From then on, had even more contractions..could not sleep the whole night cos painful.

9 Nov, 8am - Gynae came to check on me, said my dilation was 2.5cm (so only additional 1cm after 1 whole night of pain!). Had my breakfast and walked with DH to labour room.

9 Nov, 9am - Nurse cleaned me up, gave enema pill then asked me go to birth room. Dunno why so early go birth room, cos not even ready to push.

9 Nov, 9.30am - Nurse asked me whether I wanted epidural and I said "Yes", cos I guess the whole process will take super long and I dun think I can tahan the pain. So epidural was given - from then on, it was just a waiting game, waiting for cervix to be dilated enough for me to push. In between, got bad side effect from the epidural, vomitting and shivering throughout..drifted in and out of sleep.

9 Nov, 9pm - Nurse said I could start pushing. Pushed for 1 hour and finally BB was out at 10pm!

So overall, my whole labour starting from the point they induced me, was about 21 hours!

As for BF, my BF journey was not smooth either. Not blessed with flowing supply in the early days after birth. For first 3 weeks, BF and supplement with FM. After 3 weeks and lots of hard work in latching, pumping and massaging boobs to stimulate supply, finally can feel let down and can pump enough to measure in a bottle (before that, whatever milk I pumped out could not even reach the lowest measuring line on the bottle!). Thereafter, TBF for 9 months, with 2 episodes of mastitis in between, and 1 month long episode of nipple infection which caused nipples to crack and bleed very easily!

Looking forward to sharing more with the ladies on this thread! Keep the posts coming in! =)


Hi Anastasia =)

Pink_Piglet: I also don't wanna harbour too much hope, I've always been disappointed =( Every time in the morning when I wake up with a low BBT, my mood will swing sooooo low then I don't feel like working. Today is only DPO 11, Come DPO 14 I think my BBT will report low again.

