(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB

Emilybaby, my checkup is at 8am.. Gal is also good lah. Disappointed cos is not the gender that I wan. But of cos healthy is most important. 3rd baby! Dun think will try lor. Very tiring leh



wah ur check is so early...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] is ur dh disappointed with the gender? my dh prefer boy..so if no. 2 still gal think he will b disappointed too.

My DH also prefers boy. he was already so disappointed that #1 is a gal. I think if #2 [when i finally get it...] also gal he will be even more disappointed.

Catherine, if for me, i'll feel disappointed like you too. Like my #1 baby, tat time i always tot is a baby boy before my details scan in 20 weeks, but ended up found out is a baby girl. Most of the people said it will be a baby girl if the mummy look pretty during her pregnancy, but if is a baby boy, the the mummy will look more ugly. But i think it may not accurate one lah cos tat time i was look very ugly leh, so i tot mine is baby boy lor.

Hello, had lunch?

Pink Piglet, if ur temp only increased later, say CD24, then u shd add 13 days (or 14 days) before u get ur period. and not +ve OPK day + 14 days. Do u get what i m trying to say? so if this cycle ur temp increase on CD24, then u shd expect ur period to come at CD38.

Abt ur OPK, what i m trying to say is u can have multiple +ve OPK. u get -ve OPK the day aft, but if u continue testing, i think u might get another +ve OPK at CD22. I based it on u saying u didn't get a temp increase until CD24, meaning u O on CD23. from CD 19-23 is a very long time.. longer than the usual 48hrs. get what i mean?

Re: questions on BBT

Why don't you guys just track it using a professional webby? I use fertilityfriend.com. they tell u when's ur O date not just basing on ur temp readings alone, but together with many of ur other symptoms like cervical mucus, OPKs, cervic positions etc. its free too although i went for the paid service cos u get one to one attention from them, like they will answer ur qns one to one.

Lolli, i can't ans that for u.. sometimes, this kind of cycle, called triphastic, is an indication of pregnancy. but it happens only aft DPO7.

One thing abt BBT is that u might have monitor a few cycles before u get an accurate picture of what's happening. Fertility Friend will tell u went to start ur OPK, when to BD, ur chances of getting preg, analyse ur symptoms in ur luteal phase to tell u u might be how many percent likely to be preg. I nv need to worry abt coverline etc, because they will calculate for u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ic.. but actually i m not tracking my temp..i dont wanna track so many things n not getting preg lo.i used to chart my symptoms using a tables..do finds that its useful but eventually there's many other reason tt had caused us not preg, like egg condition not good/ big, DH sperm not good, stressed etc... thats why now i prefer to work the other way round.. less stress and take some supplements to increases chances...the temp increase is when i start having hot flushes (fevery feeling). i dint take my temp so not sure when it actually done up also.

see pple can just shot gun like so easily...moral of the story, they r stressless and enjoying during BD probably :p kekeke

Pink Piglet, I know what u mean. haha.. perhaps u can take BBT until u are sure u O then stop taking it.. that's what i do lor. at least u know u are BD-ing at the right time..

Seriously we are all getting older, i dun think we shd wait until our eggs deteriorate even more.. but that's just me, the KS Pig. :p

Lolli, a fren just called abt the Blackmore Conceive Well. Selling 2 boxes at $69 at Sun Plaza's Guardian! May be u wanna call up the nearest Guardian branch to enquire?


wahaha !!! Ya lo "Lao kok kok" then hv 2nd one very Cham lo.. That's why I plan if until 35 yrs old still no news I don't wanna try Liao.

I'm on leave tmrw cos daughter's childcare is closed. Shall just pop by the nearest Guardian to check it out =) Thanks piggy =)

PinkPiglet: It's more of a multivit.

I'm so tired! just back from work... Feel that it's due to my lifestyle that I cannot conceive also. Sigh... I've been working 14-16 hrs daily for the past 6 mths!

piggy: I'm using femilia to track my cycle. Let me go check out fertilityfriend =) when I'm a little free-er =p

Gd morning! I think I m gonna fall sick.. I have this huge HUGE cold sore on my FACE! usually its on my lips, but this time it migrated to my face.. damn sian man! the patch is as big as a 10 cents coin! then i burnt my tongue and am having sore throat and runny nose.. ARRGGH!! + this wk is crazy, meeting a lot of high level people!! I think its all the 'bu' stuff i m drinking.. mum and MIL made me too many soups to drink!

Pink Piglet, i think since u are already taking ur temp, there's no harm tracking it on fertilityfriend. track until u know for sure that u ovulated or use it to pinpoint ur O date then stop recording.. u are just helping urself to do it at the right timing and at least eliminates u wondering if u got it at a right time.

Yeah, Conceive Well is a multi-vit + a soft gel of essential oils such as DHA, EPA etc. It's 2 tablets a day, one box has enough for 28 days only.. pretty ex supplement but it has coenzyme Q10, a powerful antioxident to protect our eggs from free radicals.. for me i feel i bf so long must have an impact on my body hence decided to take supplements lor.. also taking royal jelly.

Lolli, have a gd rest. I know what u mean. I have been working 14+ hrs this whole year. Really crazy!! hope u can find the Conceive Well.. very hard to find leh..

Good morn everyone!

In a pretty good mood. finally BD one last time before dh left for china. This month dh is soooo cooperative that makes the whole TTC less stressful. really hope what we do this mth is able for us to see the 2 precious line!!!

Lolli: my goodness u came bk from work so late????

Piggy: so nice of yr mum n MIL to make u so much soup, I also wan!!!! Hehe! What is royal jelly for???

AWBB, its the gross medicinal soups.. those TCM one cos of my miscarriage lor.. yucks.. don't think u will like to drink! i drink liao lao sai then kena all the sore colds..

So nice for ur hb to BD so often with u! feeling the looooovvvve hor! hahahaha.. warm glow inside u. :p

Royal jelly is the superfood for fertility.. both guys and gals can take to balance out their hormonal levels, and give their spermies and eggies better nutrition.




Piggy: Huh?? Drink Liao Lao sai...SERIOUS?? Wah then better cut down le, and rest well gal!

Hahaha yes am feeling the LOVEEEEE ESP when this cycle he even try to wake me up to TTC. gam dong cos normally I am the one doing that n always feel #^%}{ like as if I am desperate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. This cycle he really xin ku, BD alternate from the day I finish my AF until now. Jia lat, am falling in love again mehahahahahahah

Didn't know that royal jelly is for fertility, btw u knw any supplement for man who complain they are tired all the time???

Hi AWBB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I took royal jelly too when ttc... i took abt more that 6 mths to a year.

My ah lao took GNC Mega Man for abt 1 mth before I jackpot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oic..wah u work so many hrs everyday... hmmm...so tiring....


huh, u lao sai after drinking them...better stop then.. hmmm...so when can u start TTC?


i m planning to try royal jelly..i had order online liao waiting for delivery.. just tot even if cant help may my egg good atleast mayb make me prettier or wt..wahaha nonsense..

Heard men can take joyal jelly to improve spermies too... Ya Christy just reminded me my dh used to take GCN Mega Man. But he find it heaty after taking.

Pink Piglet, Royal Jelly can improve sperms?? Btw, why u stop TCC at 35yrs old? Yesterday my sister was telling me to try for 3rd baby boy..I was like, HUH! See how lor.


35 like v old Liao leh..By the time the gap w no 1 would b 5-6 yrs aiyo.. Tiring

For mr tot I hope no 2 can b a boy boy, but I think it will b better if the gender for the siblings r the same. If both r gals, most slightly they will b v closed n share their probs.

Plus I can save alot of money on the clothes.

cat, are u trying for a certain gender?

pinkpiglet, hw much is royal jelly online, hw many capsules? i also tot of trying... but unsure to try evening primose oil or rojal jelly.

whicc more effective?

aw_bb, wow, u are so hardwrking, bed alternate! i hope u strike soon....jiayou...

if u strike tis mth, ur edd will be aug 2011 hor? then u can be first to start a new thread and hopefully, we all can join... hehe

Piglet, that is what I was telling my sis too lor. By the time if I wan to try for 3rd baby, I will be around 35..

Anyway, I also got the same tots as u. If diff gender, I can have boy & girl. But if same gender, anything they can share share mah.

megg, yes, I'm trying for a certain gender, baby boy. But my 2nd baby is baby girl. Disappointed but not sad lah...

Morning!! Or rather Afternoon!!

piggy: Finally found the ConceiveWell 2boxes@$69 offer =) Realised not every Guardian is on sale. The one at CityLink wasn't, but I managed to get it at the Raffles City branch =)

Working hours are terrible.. really wonder if this is affecting our chances too! haha every night come home soooo tired already... also no mood to BD haha

AW_BBGab: Yah.. It's terrible.. Cos our customers are in US so the teleconferences are very late at night, starts at 9pm and it's daily!

Your DH is sooooo sweeet =))) Overflowing with love hehe

So many different supplements... haha can take all at the same time? =p

Lolli> I took Folic Acid for 1 yr and Royal Jelly arounf 6mths to a yr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my hub too multi-vit than switch to GNC Mega Man.

On not to mention I drink my meal-replacement nearly every day during lunch time that one I have been taking for 3 yrs :p

Hi piggy,

Remembered you mentioned that we can use OPK to test pregnancy.. My AF should be due tomorrow.. Just now I kpo and try use OKP to test.. and the test line slowly came out, but v light nia. wt's the indication ah.. if I know i dont test, now i feel so confused..


I am not sure which is more effective, but last time i ever tried EPO, i gain weight so i stop after learning from my fren that it will make pple put on.

I bought the royal jelly from the oversea thread here. i bought two type, one is pure royal jelly (in capsule) another one royal jelly with pollen in honey (in liquid form which they claimed earlier to absord by body). i dont kw which is best so i bought both..

KS lo..here's the website where u can see the products i mentioned.

Link to Pure Royal Jelly: http://www.iherb.com/Y-S-Organic-Bee-Farms-100-Pure-Royal-Jelly-75-Capsules/23670?at=0


Link to Royal Jelly & Pollen in Honey:http://www.iherb.com/Y-S-Organic-Bee-Farms-Royal-Jelly-Pollen-in-Honey-24-oz-680-g/23663?at=0


Hope it helps.


Ya understand, sure to have disappointment de..but look at the positive side , gals may be closer to us. and as we aged and need someone to talk too, our daughters would probably be more caring over our feelings. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya lo I agreed leh, so tiring even tot egg and sperms are good also bo energy...kekeke, i think u see the bed i feel more like hugging it than ur DH..heehee

Pink piglet: but your dh less tired after taking megamen?

Lolli: wah tough job leh, can request to go work late as well??? Ya, super sweet, make me feel so wanted hahahahaha!

Megg: hardworking also must see egg n sperm quality. Sigh, if noy successful I also dun knw what to do le. Sian sian sian!! This is my 3rd cycle with clomid, cross fingers, toes n hair!

Talking abt gender, I also hope will have gal cos they r more caring.

Pink Piglet, yup. I agreed that gals will be more closer to us. I asked my hubby whether he is disappoint that this baby is not boy. He told that what is there to be disappointed. Either is boy or girl lor. Most important is the health of the baby.

AWBB, u mean u dun mind to have gals only??


Not too sure, cos he took for not too long.. he find it heaty and stop..


Good ma, then u dont get bothered over it ok, i think having a healthy bb is already a blessing. agreed with wt ur DH said, there's only 50/50 chance of having boy ma..

Busy again for me.. so i will just ans the impt qn from Pink Piglet.

When i tested at DPO 11, my line on the OPK was as dark as the control. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] is this cycle the one that u had a temp increase at CD24? if yes, i won't expect a line until CD38.

Catherine: I dun mind leh, cos I realized that though women when married will be considered 嫁 and men 娶 but the way men treat their parents these days are as if they are the one嫁出去. Not talking about $$ contributions, but they are not so caring to parents as compared to women. This is just my own view.


I dint test my temp actually cos I don't do bbt.. Only when I start feeling fevery then I start cos I tot I m falling sick.. Temp range around 36.8- 37.1...I don't kw when it started to increase cos never track bbt. Can take it I o cd24? If so I doubt I strike cos I bd on cd19.

No AF.. cm is white n sticky..

Oh ya I check wrongly, I only bd on cd 15. Cd 16 opk +, cd 21, 22 I start feel tenderness in my breast . Cd 24 feel fevery, cd 26 some pain n tightening in abdomen.

Pink Piglet,

Wah think u got chance leh.

Keke will u b the 1st one to grad here?

Jia YOU!!!


I really hope so too. If I strike hor consider my 1st cycle trying near o. Cos last 1-2 cycle never get to bd near o, cos dh is nt around. For me wanna bd near o already nt easy, preg chance also slim lo. So if this time can strike we will b v happy.

But mayb the test line came out slightly due to LH not hcg? Heard LH will stay if preg, I m hoping for tt lo. Just nw I test opk, still got line but lighter than last night. 

Pink Piglet, today is yr DPO15? why you did't test HPT directly instead of OPK leh? me DPO10 today, also thinking to test HPT tis morning cos i always very "kiasu" one, but ended up forgot to test liao :p

Piggy & Starrz,

The test making me confused lo. In total actually i have done 3 test since last night. Below are the test i done so far:

1)Last night

OKP: Light line appear on test line

2)2am today

OKP: Lighter line compare to earlier OKP test

HPT: very light line on test line (lighter than result on OKP

3)7.30am today

OKP: very light line (lighter than last two)

HPT: Neg


pink piglet,

Wow at least u see a light line on the HPT!

Hmm maybe u try to test tmr or few days later.

As long as AF no report, got chance.

Yeah so excited for u liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I only left with 2 HPT which i used up this morning one at 2am, another 7.30am.. the 2am one, HPT test line got v v light line (lighter then okp line)...but 7.30am test, cant see any line le...opk line also became v light.

make me anxious and luan... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now i have no more HPT..unless go & get from phamacy liao..

Pink_Piglet: Any minimum quantity to purchase for the royal jelly and typically how long to wait for the delivery?

There is still work to be done so quite hard to go in later as well...

I'm on MC today, down with diarrhoea =( Don't know what I ate wrongly yesterday.

Good luck to all mummies testing =) hope to hear some graduates soon and spread the baby dust hehe =)


I hope so leh.but the line on HPT is really v light lo..hate this type of feeing..now somehow sure to pin hope if stupid AF show herself anytime, i sure feel v lousy one..


no mim quantity to order leh.. i dint was when they deliver actually..wahaha.. they put fast thread so i assume i dont need to wait too long.. :p

u mc still need to work? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] poorthing....

Pink_piglet, i c. I totally can understand how u feel now. Don't be sad, cheer up pls :) try to wait for one more day then test again lor, sure you will see darker lines de wor! Good Luck to you! For me, i used to use those cheap cheap HPT (abt S$70/pc) to test from DPO11, at least can save some $ on HPT and not so heart pain mah :p

in my past few mths, when i tested -ve on DPO12, then this will mean tat i have totally no chance liao, cos AF realy came n DPO14

emily: think you meant S$0.70/pc? =p else it'll be really expensive! =) I also use those kinds. =)

Pink_Piglet: No, I didn't go to work today but still checking emails from home.

Don't lose hope yet... there may still be a chance. =)


same here i also using those cheap cheap one. last time tried no 1 i used clearblue..so exp..

u meant u tested using okp or hpt on DPO 12? now hoping af dont come and find me..


oic..but dont work from home ok u need rest.

My last test dont kw why so light leh, thats why i bit lost hope not sure izzit becos i urine too many times.

Oh no,sory sory, it shld be S$0.70/pc :p

PinkPiglet, i tested HPT only, never try OPK. Maybe tis only happened on me, hope yr AF DON'T Come DON'T Come...and me too..ha..ha..



OIC... ya lor i also hope it dont dont come..last night i told DH and he's like v happy.. but i told him must wait see if AF come these few days anot lo.

