(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB

Piggy: read your posts and am speechless for the moment. I am not good with words but I can feel the pain ESP when we want a baby.

What I can say is to take good cared of your body now. Cry if u need to, don't bottle up. Talk to us as and when u feel the need to ok?

This gynae is too unprofessional. Seriously I am doubting his knowledge. TTC is bad enough and he make the whole experience worse.

Good that u are seeing a fertility specialist. I pray that he will help u through this TTC journey successfully! Don't give up ok. *hug*


Morning ladies.. It's mid week finally

piggy-- m sorry After reading ur story.. Be strong n take good care of yourself k.. Nvr give up!!

I finally took the courage to see a TCM and was dignosed with PCOS.. Rather upset now taking both Chinese n western med hoping my body will be adj to normal..

M sad that HB not willing to go for sperm test wondering if it's men ego.. Sigh..

Any idea what else I can do to tackle PCOS besides taking med?

Charlotte - what expenses can be cut? coz headache.. asked hb again yest and he's stll lukewarm to the idea..

Gwen - think tis pretty common for ladies to have PCOS.. I also have PCOS, then went to see a gynae before marriage who said tt may have difficulty conceiving, then I ended up crying in her office.. still kanna scolded by her when she said 'I am not saying that you cant get pregnant, I just said that you may/will have difficulty conceiving. Why are you crying?' sigh..

Tt's why aft marriage, we din really take precautions, then lucky got #1..coz of PCOS, tt's why am hoping to be able to try for #2 asap while am still young etc.. but hb's not too willing..gotta get thru this 1st hurdle.. coz even if hb agrees to #2, also dunno when will #2 comes.. so dun wanna waste any more time..1st hurdle's so hard to cross..

I din take anything extra for PCOS, just visit the chinese sinseh for accupuncture and take chinese med.. then ang moh medicine, I din take any.. no supplements etc..

My symptoms are mainly like irregular menses, weight gain bah..

But I think hw I got my #1 was tt aft BD, I actually lifted my legs, think tt's when I got preggie with #1 previously.. dunno if tis the exact reason why I got #1, but I supposed tt shld be it bah, since din do anythg extra..

AWBB, i read that u were preg.. saw u in the dec thread. congratulations.. i wanted to join the dec thread but....

Lynzi, i dunno what to say liao.. that gynae is giving me mixed signals.. at first he said it might be the HCG jab that is giving me the +ve, then when the first bHCG came out he said it is too high to be the jab. this is despite me telling him that I had already tested -ve 11 days aft the jab and only got my +ve 13 days aft the jab lor.

I did see the TCM aft i got my BFP but aft taking his meds, i felt really uncomfortable.. very very nauseated plus the next morning my HPT became very faint. he told me his meds were like progesterone.. i didn't have the time to go back to him to get more meds either so i didn't take it lor.. my work has been really crazy too.. no way i can make it to see TCM so regularly as before.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I am wondering if the new specialist will ask me to do all the tests.. have been reading up and i m so worried that its my body rejecting the embryo.. sigh...

Thanks gals for all ur encouragement. part of me is rationalising it to tell myself that getting preg aft double doses of iodine isotope and 3 courses of antibiotics might not be good for the baby... i m just trying to cheer myself up but it still hurts.. what if i can nv get preg ever again?

Hello mummies!

Thread run fast..

Piggy, gonna be strong. Dont give up hope, everyone here is trying for another one..I have been tryin for few years and still no news yet. I have two mc before and I understand how u feel. If possible, Chg Gynae that u feel comfortable. Don't give yourself too much stress.


I don't think there's much symptoms for pcos except very irregular menses. I was told I have pcos hence chances of conceiving will b lower than those having regular menses. Meaning instead of 12 chances, pcos ppl will have less than 12 chances . The best method for pcos is to reduce weight..

piggywiggy - hugzz.. can feel the pain that you are going thru when reading ur post..

Leaves me feeling lousy and full of anger at the gynae.. think the human touch matters alot and the gynae's simply lacking in EQ..

totally agree with AW_BBGab tt TTC's stressful enough and the ups and downs that one has to go thru, no one can totally understand.. the least tt they can do is to try.. at least try to understand what one is gg thru and be empathetic..

Do get the rest that you deserved, and give urself all the time ur need to grieve, but also set a timeline or deadline for the grieving, in order for u to pick yourself up and get moving again.. Stay strong and put ur trust in the fertility specialist..

Piggy: u will definitely get preggy!!! My #1 I tried for 2 years before I succeed. Thought I am gonna be childless as well but miracle happen! Now when I look at my boy, I think that God make me wait, n it's all worth it as he is indeed special.

Don't give up k? Take a break but don't ever think that u will never get preggy again. We are all here for u gal!!!!

don't give up hope ladies!! I myself have PCOS. Super irregular af that reports maybe 2 x a year nia. Tried 2 yrs for #1 n 6 mths for # 2. u can do it de!!!!!

Forumbb, much_needed_zzz and Donkey, thanks for your kind words.

Forumbb, sorry for ur losses.. i think u can understand how i feel. part of why i feel it so keenly is that i want many many kids.. 5 is my ideal.. i'm not the type that says have then have, don't have then nvm. plus being a scientist, i need to know the reasons.. leaving me in the blind makes me feel very helpless.

Much_needed_zzz, i m not giving up.. i m gg to get myself tested.. if it is me killing the embryo i will take whatever meds throughout the preg to achieve it. if it is the sperm then i might consider ICSI. i m seeing the specialist on 9th may but it seems so faraway. i prob have to wait a cycle before i can try but was hoping to be able to do some tests of CD3 of my period (check ovarian reserve).

Donkey, i hope that's the case and it was really just bad luck for me.. after all in every preg, the rate of MC is abt the same. sigh..

AWBB, the thing is i m so scared i will kena MC again.. i dunno if i can take another blow.

much_needed_zzz, I will be more careful when comes to purchase esp household items, n also dun go to restaurants often, foodcourt most of the time, if not cook myself cos some expenses cannot cut...most importantly dun buy on impulse....it really helps[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Everyone here...jia you in yr next cycle n good luck!


I have a friend who has strong antibodies which resulted in mc twice. Her Gynae suspect she has antibodies issues and told her once she preggy with third one, hv to find him and he will try out a method. she took pills to substain the pregnancy..go for that test to chk if that's ur cause..

I do agree pcos will make u gain weight..tats why within few mths I gain few kgs with same food intake [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Charlotte (rainie)

carry #1 when ttc??

i hv no idea, but i m quite paranoid about it... scared will mc coz my boy is those active kind..

br0wnies (br0wnies)

i think its normal...

coz we bd to get #2... so sometimes v difficult to enjoy... the main aim is to get the spermies to meet the egg...

actually, its the younger days that are tough... for me, i m getting used to my boy at 15 months already... last time, is a hell of time...

donkeymami (donkeymami)

its ok lar... 21 months, now... is quite a good time to ttc... sometimes, age gap too close,i find it very difficult... my mil already say #2 is my own prob already...

piggywiggy (piggywiggy)


Hihi Mummies,

how many of your successfull get 2nd BB?

MY 1st child coming 3yrs old. TTC for 2nd bb...but don't understand why so hard to get..


i can understand your fear of what if it happens again?

That fear will always be in our minds esp after experiencing a no of mcs.

But we must still push on as i think my desire is far greater than my fear n i wont let my fear stop me.

Go do the tests to find out the reason.

If u do find the reason then can concentrate on finding the solution to it.

There can be lots of reasons for mc..among themis antibodies, NK cells, anticoagulant in our blood etc.

I did so many tests and yet i cant find anything wrong so i have to rely on pure luck.

My gynae always remind me, every pregnancy every baby is different so even if the previous ones didnt survive, the next one might.

I know with your job is very trying for u to ttc and handle high risk pregnancy. My word of advice is why dont u see where u can delegate the job n make yourself more free n relax..take time to smell the roses.

Sometimes its not worth slogging so hard at work at the expense of your health n family.

I know u are very strong. Take your time to grieve n pick yourself up again.

The journey is not over..dont give up!

So many of us here cheering for u..jia you!!

DPW, no choice cos my gal is bit wilful n sticky. sometimes will wan u to carry her although she coming to 4yrs old...its the weight that stress me, haha....

Al, most of us here are trying for #2....some of them graduate already some still here trying...

my gil also always want me to carry her.. if got 2nd bb also difficult.

after my 1st child, my body getting weak..i'm worry got problem TTC, cause have trying half year ready still cannot.

Donkeymami- like wat the rest of the mommies say irregular menses..

Aw bb- u only tried 6 mth for #2? what did u eat n do?

Read fr some mommies to reduce weight for pcos but doc say I underweight how to reduce further? Currently I'm on med.. Read fr online that regular exercise is encouraged but I dun even have time to rest! Did u also track ur ovulation everyday after menses?


Huggz...me too, DPIUI-11. and is long story for IUI..

Test today is Negative..i use Clearblue to test, so is quite accurate! and feel so dissappointed

i m intend to sign up yoga class for 2 months b4 i m heading home. so i use clearblue today.since is -ve, just go ahead to sign up yoga start 1 May.


go your scan next cycle. hope you can have good news soon


PCOS- try to do exercise, reduce weight.

i hav PCOS too (Gynae says) but i m not overweight, i have regular menses(26-32 days)...maybe i m not ovulate everymonth..so gynae just determine me for PCOS.

went thru IUI but fail. and at the same time reducing some weight by exercise..maybe only can get preggie when underweight.

PMS damn strong...wa kau, bloated, pain everywhere, as usual standard...

i just hope and pray dont come so fast...i wanna go beach tis weekend..si be ma fan...

can drag til next week mid week is better, cos hubby is away again..else miss the fertile period again..haiz...really not a tough journey!!

Gwen: I think I am considered underweight as I was 45-46kg? What med are u taking? I was take clomid but stop cos lining becoming thin. For that cycle, we went holiday in Aussie , I didn't check my O period cos kind of lose hope as was not on med, We bd one week later after my "supposed" O period. So it seemed that I O late w/o med. Oh most impt, I kinda pray to God, told Him that if it is meant to be It will be.

I did track my O when I am taking clomid, even bought the clear blue O kit and BD on the day I see the smiley but somehow don't work. My dh came to the conclusion that I was stress so thats y can't succeed.

Awbb, sometimes the biological system is very....how u say? miracle...magical???? haha...u strike when u least expected it n when we think we have done all the things we can but unsuccessful....so all these also depends on luck n fate, leave everthing to God hands!

mummies.. my AF did not report this month. It’s already 11 days late. I actually gave up TTC and decided to focus on my career for the next 1 year 1st.

Me and hubby BD but we use withdrawal method, will I be so lucky to strike? Most prob will test end of next week…

Hi all,

Morning! =)

just wanna rant...apologies in advance.. =(

sigh, think maybe wont have #2, coz hb's still not keen.. been asking since last wk.. but he kept pushing with all sorts of excuses.. like cannot go on holiday, #1 v poor thg coz only 17 mths+, cannot give #1 the undivided attention, gynae cost v ex, delivery cost v ex, CL v ex.. even aft I offered to pay for my own CL, on impulse..

this morning, I asked again coz think today's the Ovulation day, so was abit hopeful.. then hb gave the lamest reasons, like childcare ex, no caregiver, if conceive nw, then may give birth during CNY, if I preggie, CL ex then somemore no one to tidy up and clean the place for CNY... ok ok, I get the drift.. fine.. so be it.. am not hoping to have another child with you anymore.. was more upset than angry with him..

coz I've got PCOS, then during the health screening, I saw the egg and was so happy, tis of a gd size and apart fr the egg, what I saw, was a chance of conceiving.. I've read other threads whereby some mummies have been trying for mths, am so worried and dun think I'll ever have the courage for IVF and all.. so wanna try earlier but hb's real insistent that he dun wan a 2nd one now..

think tis abit unfair to me coz if he wants #2 ltr when I am older, he din consider whether my body can take it or not etc.. :`(

much_needed_zzz, having a 2nd BB is between a couple, both muz agree n work towards a common goal. Half a year ago, my HB was also very against having a 2nd child bcos of the financial problems, everything cost $$$.

After seeing that I really work towards the goal, like what I say previously dun spend unwisely, talk over n over again, thats a change in him now....so dun worry, maybe he's not comfortable with the idea now, have a talk with him again n work these out....u r a couple, shd be able to talk anything....dun be upset abt it maybe a few mths down the road, he more anxious than u....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

DPW - sigh.. think he really doesnt want #2 coz he can even give the lamest excuse or tidying up for place for CNY.. der..

think will concentrate on my work for now and just let thgs be.. like what Charlotte mentioned, having a 2nd bb is between a couple.. but m sensing pretty strong a resistance.. so think am affected already.. dun wanna even talk to him on it again.. sigh..


I think you can wait 1 year later... then discuss with your husband lor...u stil young.

when my girl around 1-2 yrs old my husband also reject to get 2nd bb cause of the tiredness and cost alot $$. but when my girl growing to 3 yrs old...can see that she need a sibling to play with her talk to her if not she very lonely... so this time is best time persuade him.

lynzi, need yr advice on something....

I did not see [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yesterday noon when test my O, then late at nite abt 10pm I saw quite a bit of EWCM. Today I saw [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at 10am when tested then no smiling face again at 4pm, does it mean I shd be ovulating after I did not see smiling face? Nowadays I only saw [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] for 1 day, so short....

Charlotte, prolly jz happen u detect ending of the LH surge? u shd b O-ing by tonight or tmr mrng. Have fun BD-ing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Usually we will O within 12-36hrs aft 1st [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

donkeymami, I BD yesterday morning n my HB go wisdom tooth extraction this morning so I dunno he got mood to BD tonite or not....so if u think I BD tonite or tmr, can still make it?

Hi Charlotte,

sorry..wasnt in today.

If u did bd last nite then should be in time to catch your O.

Can bd again tonite just to double confirm.

Sometimes we do have short surge..all the best!!

lynzi, thanks for yr advice but think gone with the wind this cycle again liao cos HB no mood yesternite as his wisdom tooth just extracted n in pain....tonite think will miss the egg liao cos I have a rather short surge....tested no smiling face yesterday noon n no CM already. There was quite a lot yesternite but too bad, only manage to BD on Wed morning....

Good luck in next cycle....to myself

Charlotee, yes! wish all us luck in making dragon babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TGIF & long wkend is here!!!

My AF reported today, so sian, had +ve opk on CD20 and CD21, BD on CD21, but still didnt managed to get BFP, does it mean i have to BD on the day i get the +opk?

ET, u hv to try & error see which works for you i always BD aft i see +ve opk in the past 5cycles i tried 1day after on tat day itself but still nothing happen so far. prolly i hv to adopt BD alternate days approach for my nxt try lolz

Thanks, donkeymami, will try..

I guess i need take some supplements too, guess maybe is my eggs that is no good, hubby been taking supplements, but not me..


royal jelly wont affect O.

It will affect ladies with pcos.


new cycle new hope!

Maybe u are meant to have a baby made in sg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've been having a lot of discharge. Clear n egg white mixed... So much that I'm wearing a pad.. Can feel it flowing sometimes wor... Shld I be alarmed ??? My menses due on 6th....


nope.;-( i dont have proper place to stay in sg. gotta to renovate my house this time vacations. both of us will seperate stay

this month i wont take clomid. let nature take the course..take a break fr clomid..


have u been taking anything liang?

If not then could be a sign of bfp.


ooh..renovate your hse then will finish in time before u leave again?

Stay separate but can still meet for rendezvous rite?


Hi mummies, hope everyone is well n enjoying the long wend... Work schedule had been hectic for me & I am left w no time to catch up the updates n happening here... Saw several topics in discussion but no time to give my share...

I am still ttc but cycle haywire due to work related stress... Wonder why will I ever strike again...

Lynzi - I can't bfp now! Just had X-ray, MRI done... Also a lot of painkillers!!! Omg! As much as I want to be, I hope it's not. If not I have harmed it. Plus my back can't take it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] anyway, may not b preys also heh... Right? Hmmm...

Anyway, il b a silent reader for now because of my back, I have to put aside ttc for at least 6-12 mths... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hope everyone else will bfp when I return... Good luck to all!


missycandy, do take care of yr health....hope u are well soon.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

